Well, hello there. Welcome to Episode #1 of Zombie World.
Zombie World is exactly what it says: a podcast about every damned thing about zombies and zombie culture. We cover the latest in movies and TV shows, sure … but also books, comics, video games, audiobooks, old movies and new movies, and a huge amount of things that zombie-lovers have to have: T-shirts and hoodies and costumes and makeup and lawn sculptures and posters and board games and toilet seats – yeah,, toilet seats – and on and on.
This week, in Episode 101, we covered the following in our newsy-news up-front “Quick Bites” section:
The Last of Us has been nominated for 25 Emmy Awards:
There is an excellent 4K version in BluRay and DVD available at reduced prices on Amazon. Check zombiegiftguide.com for details.
Zombieverse, a reality show set in the zombie apocalypse, premieres in August on Netflix
It seems