• Seasonal picks for successional colour and boosting biodiversity with Arthur Parkinson - Episode 214
    Mar 6 2025

    Lighter, longer days signal the start of a joyous season for gardeners, and March is the perfect month to plan for the highlights of your spring and summer garden.

    Arthur Parkinson returns to ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ this week to share the plants that brought him the most joy last year, the trials he’ll be undertaking in his own compact garden at home, and his personal pick of long-flowering varieties for successional colour and pollinator appeal, no matter the size of your plot.

    In this episode, discover:

    • How to care for Arthur’s favourite China rose ‘Mutabilis’ so that it flowers for longer in your garden
    • Standout geums for a spectacle that lasts from May right through to October
    • The narcissi varieties that Arthur looks forward to trialling this year
    • Standout dahlia varieties for summer pots, from last year’s favourite ‘Tartan’ to classics like ‘Blue Bayou’

    Products mentioned:

    Liriope muscari


    Rosa x odorata 'Mutabilis'


    Rosa × odorata 'Bengal Crimson' (China)


    Geum 'Totally Tangerine'


    Narcissus 'Cragford' (Forcing)


    Dahlia 'Tartan'


    Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda'


    Dahlia 'Blue Bayou'


    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    22 mins
  • Our role in supporting wild and solitary bees as gardeners with Richard Rickitt - Episode 213
    Feb 27 2025

    Bees are one of the most essential species in our ecosystem, and all of our gardens play a vital role in providing food and shelter for them to thrive.

    Beekeeper, gardener and writer Richard Rickitt’s passion for these particular pollinators is utterly infectious. In this episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, Richard shares what inspired him to start keeping bees at an early age, his fascination with the many species of wild bees in the UK, and the small but important changes we as gardeners can make to help protect their dwindling populations.

    In this episode, discover:

    • The best bee-friendly flowers and shrubs to provide early pollen and nectar
    • How to create habitat for wild bees in your borders and lawn
    • Ways to make your own fantastic, affordable bee hotel
    • The dangers of chemicals for pollinators in modern agriculture

    Products mentioned:

    Eryngium bourgatii ‘Picos Blue’


    Galanthus nivalis (Common Snowdrop)


    Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non scripta)


    Salix gracilistyla ‘Mount Aso’


    Order Beekeeping for Gardeners:


    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    38 mins
  • The best of the best narcissi for early spring colour and scent - Episode 212
    Feb 20 2025

    Narcissi are such rewarding plants to grow, tolerant of almost any site and situation. At Perch Hill in particular, it’s shaping up to be a stellar spring for the humble daffodil and its more diminutive narcissus relatives.

    Whether it’s perenniality, perfume or punchy colours that you’re after in your own garden, in this week’s ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ Sarah shares her personal edit of the longest-flowering and most fragrant narcissi varieties to grow.

    In this episode, discover:

    • Why planting narcissi in your garden can be a viable alternative to tulips as the climate continues to change
    • Top varieties for long, light flowering patterns (flowering a little over a long period of time), fabulous fragrance, and superb perenniality
    • How best to plant your narcissi so that they stand out in a successional bulb lasagne

    Products mentioned:

    Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus ('Old Pheasant's Eye'): https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-pheasants-eye

    Narcissus 'Avalanche': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-avalanche

    Narcissus 'Cragford' (Forcing): https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-cragford-for-forcing

    Narcissus 'Starlight Sensation': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-starlight-sensation

    Narcissus 'Moonlight Sensation': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-moonlight-sensation

    Narcissus bulbocodium 'White Petticoat': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-bulbocodium-white-petticoat

    Narcissus 'Pipit': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-pipit

    Narcissus 'Minnow': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-minnow

    Narcissus 'Actaea': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/narcissus-actaea

    Dutch Iris Mix: https://www.sarahraven.com/products/dutch-iris-mix

    Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation': https://www.sarahraven.com/products/allium-hollandicum-purple-sensation

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    21 mins
  • Talking biodynamics and biodiversity in growing cut flowers with Alfie Nickerson - Episode 211
    Feb 13 2025

    Alfie Nickerson is a biodynamic flower farmer making his mark in British horticulture, and his 3,500-strong dahlia field, buzzing with wildlife, is testament to that.

    After working for 6 years as a jobbing gardener in London, and then volunteering at Fern Verrow – the biodynamic farm of previous guest Jane Scotter – Alfie describes his journey in creating the biodiverse haven that is Burnt Fen Flowers, as well as sharing his favourite annuals and dahlias, on this week’s episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’.

    In this episode, discover:

    • Alfie’s early gardening experiences in London, and what drew him to the Norfolk countryside
    • The incredible work behind Burnt Fen’s biodynamic flower crop
    • How they prioritise biodiversity in their practices, and what that biodiversity gives back to the land
    • Alfie’s absolute favourite varieties of annuals and dahlias for cutting

    Visit Burnt Fen Flowers: https://burntfenflowers.com/

    Products mentioned:

    Ammi majus
    Helichrysum bracteatum 'White' (Sunflower)
    Zinnia elegans 'Giant Purple Prince'
    Papaver somniferum 'Black Swan'
    Dahlia 'Jowey Winnie'

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    23 mins
  • A return to Perch Hill - tales of a head gardener and talented florist with Bea Andrews - Episode 210
    Feb 6 2025

    Bea Andrews is no stranger to Perch Hill - she was head gardener for many years, and is now back in a new guise as our visiting florist, aka Botanika Flora.

    It's a joy to welcome Bea back for this nostalgic episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ with Sarah as she shares her fascinating background and route into horticulture in her native Hungary, the story of how she came to Perch Hill, and the inspiration she draws from the garden and the Sussex countryside in her stunning floral designs.

    In this episode, discover:

    • The early inspirations behind Bea’s journey into gardening, horticulture and floristry
    • Fond memories of Perch Hill, her impeccable eye for colour, and humorous anecdotes from her time as head gardener
    • What Bea looks for in seasonal cutting, and how she combines these flowers and foliage in her unique arrangements

    Products mentioned:

    Bea’s Summer Dahlia Collection: https://www.sarahraven.com/products/beas-summer-dahlia-collection

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Botanika Floral: https://www.botanikafloral.co.uk

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    25 mins
  • From entrepreneurialism to The Eden Project, a life’s work with Sir Tim Smit - Episode 209
    Jan 30 2025

    The Eden Project and The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall are two of the most important horticultural projects of recent times, both helmed by the brilliant mind of Sir Tim Smit – Sarah’s guest on the podcast this week.

    Tim’s work on pioneering projects like Eden is guided by three pillars that also resonate for Sarah – education, entrepreneurialism, and the environment. In this episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, we gain a rare insight into how Tim brings these values to life in projects that help reconnect people with the land and explore the potential of their own relationships with the natural environment.

    In this episode, learn more about:

    • Tim’s entrepreneurial streak, and how his Dutch and English heritage has informed his remarkable journey with nature and the environment
    • How innovative thinking on sustainability and the environment underpins Tim’s current and future projects, including the new Eden Project in Morecambe Bay
    • The huge importance both Tim and Sarah place on improving education for the future of our natural world and the next generation of environmental entrepreneurs

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Eden Project Morecambe: https://www.edenproject.com/new-edens/eden-project-morecambe-uk

    The Lost Gardens of Heligan: https://www.heligan.com/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    26 mins
  • Our vital role as gardeners in supporting birds, with the RSPB’s Emma Marsh - Episode 208
    Jan 23 2025

    If you're looking to support wild birds in your garden, the RSPB’s upcoming Big Garden Birdwatch is an essential event for us all.

    Adam Nicolson and Emma Marsh, Executive Director of the RSPB, join Sarah in this week’s bird-focused episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ to discuss how to get involved in this weekend’s annual bird count, how it came to be, and the many ways that gardeners can actively support and encourage more wild birds in our gardens and green spaces.

    In this episode, discover:

    • The role that gardens and gardeners play in restoring a bustling wild bird population.
    • What we all can do to provide natural sustenance, shelter and safety for birds with our choice of planting.
    • How the Big Garden Birdwatch came to be, and how you can get involved this coming weekend.

    Verbena bonariensis
    Lupinus ‘Masterpiece’ (Westcountry series)
    English Yew (Taxus baccata)
    Rosa ‘Rambling Rector’

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Join the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatch

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    41 mins
  • The life-changing magic of growing dahlias with Savannah Miller - Episode 207
    Jan 16 2025

    Savannah Miller’s newfound passion for growing cut flowers, in particular dahlias, feeds fantastically into her contemporary bridal designs.

    In this episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, Sarah and Savannah discuss her successful career in fashion, an unexpected foray into bridal design, and her newfound joy in growing cut flowers and vegetables. Plus, discover Savannah’s top picks for the easiest and best performing flowers in her Gloucestershire garden.

    In this episode, discover:

    • How Savannah began her fashion journey, and the motive behind her unexpected move into the bridal world
    • The standout dahlia varieties that have captured a newfound passion for growing ornamental flowers
    • More about the creative intersection of gardening and bridal fashion in Savannah’s latest collection

    Products mentioned:

    Savannah’s Wedding Dahlia Collection
    Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'
    Digitalis purpurea 'Sutton's Apricot'

    Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravenperchhill/

    Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
    Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/
    Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest

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    19 mins