
  • reacting to posts - STWM
    Feb 28 2025

    a little bit about food, a little bit about clothes, a little bit about my night, and a little bit about reacting to instagram posts/quotes

    OH WAITT!! i understand the second post now. I get it! sucks tho. hate it when that happens :(

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    16 mins
  • back to the bottom
    Feb 21 2025

    oh boyyy, back down the spiral

    here we go

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    11 mins
  • mafia, werewolf? whatever you call it
    Feb 14 2025

    i havent played a murder mystery game in so long and its just as fun as i remembered it!!!

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    17 mins
  • my next work meeting
    Feb 7 2025

    okay, its happening tomorrow (yesterday for you if you're listening to this the day of release), what do i say?

    the problem:

    1) i remember meeting the CFO and she would dance around the word legal all the time. "we need to make sure this is legal" or "we should do something like this but just make sure its not illegal"

    2) company value/mission: accountability and responsibility. none of this should be the company value. even if it is, theres never been an emphasis that its a 2 way value. when they talk about it, its an expectation they want you to uphold for them. I havent seen any accountability on their end. when they make mistake, when they drive team/departments to mass quit, when people feel so broken and emotionally distraught because of their job, they've put blame instead of accountability. STOP acting like the victim. you're the executive team, you're the founders of the company, you're the ones in power so start taking some accountability and help grow and better your company. theress no healthy work culture. actually, theres no work culture at all.

    3) they make everyone put in their hours on this thing called harvest. they claim its to bill clients, but it doesnt make sense why the entire company is using it when only a few people are working directly with clients. my job doesnt require working with client, their are no billable hours, yet the expectation is the same. no transparency it feels like, they want to know what you're doing, no trust. one time i had an emergency at the bank so i blocked out 2 hours in my morning so i can rush to the bank. The CFO, i guess she was stalking everyones calender saw it and said i should just take half the day off. and it would be unpaid time off because i don't have enough accured time off. its ridiculous that theres no flexibility because the fact i and so many people i know realistically work over time about 50-60 hours a week just to keep up with their expectation of us. and if i have to be away for an hour an a half (almost 2 hrs at least) to take care of an emergency and im asked to fill out Unpaid PTO, it takes away from my compensation, from my salary when i'm already being severely underpaid and doing more than 40hrs a week. it just feels sneaky. and the fact we're only given 10 PTO and after i join, thats when the HR person told me after i signed the contract that they take christmas week off. There's no work that week, everyone is expected to take it off, and its not complimentary, you either have to use your PTO or just use your unpaid time off for that. Feels manipulative. at that point if im FORCEd to take time off, it feels like i technically only have 6 PTO days which is illegal. way to work around the system criminals.

    4) if you ever find yourself in the place of defending your workplace, your manager or executive team or simple making excuses for them, then its not the right place. You shouldn't have to be convincing yourself. When I worked at company P, no one was defending or making excuses for our director/VP/manager/c-suite because their was nothing to defend. they were great!

    5) a lot of times i went to my manager and said this isnt working, we need change, it doesnt feel like he's really listening. After our conversations like these, their never is real change, its always just been a slap of a bandage and they'll call it a day.

    6) Theres no respect for our time or effort. Our management/executive team will throw out last minute projects, last minute meetings. expect you to be there, to take on this new project while maintaining your current ones and deliver them all asap. there are times we spend so much time on something because they threw it on us last minute only for them to say nevermind, we're not doing it and move on when we've just killed so much of our soul to get everything done. its been communicated yet nothings changed. management will continue to do whatever they want.

    SO much moree, but how do i actually express any of this in a professional manner?

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    20 mins
  • ordering food - STWM
    Jan 31 2025

    hungry hungry hungry.

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    16 mins
  • ughh im a creep
    Jan 24 2025

    ugh im so done with me.

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    13 mins
  • comfortable thoughts
    Jan 17 2025

    so what are thoughts you have that keep you comfort?

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    10 mins
  • linkedin
    Jan 10 2025

    yep, you could be a instagram person, a tiktok or even a youtube person but what about linkedin?

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    12 mins