• Breathwork, Babies, and Braindumps
    Feb 19 2025

    Guest Emma McClurg joins us to discuss her journey to nirvana- through breathwork and big moments like her emergency c-section.

    Emma is a new mom living in Houston, Texas, with her husband, doggy, and baby boy Cam, working remotely as a senior digital producer. She gets raw and real with us on what becoming a mom for the first time is like! And how life compares between motherhood vs. previously being crazy roommates together with Natalie in Los Angeles.

    Link to NewYorkTimes Therapy Breathing Psychedelics: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/09/style/therapy-breathing-psychedelics.html?unlocked_article_code=1

    Breathwork studio in Venice Beach, CA: O-P-E-N https://o-p-e-n.com/

    AI Artwork by Danny Villarreal

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    31 mins