Showing results by narrator "Dilorom Karimova" in Children's Audiobooks
Ayriliq quvonchi [The Joy of Separation]
- Hikoya [The Story]
- Written by: Normurod Norkobilov
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 33 mins
- Unabridged
Norboy chol do‘nglikka chiqib, Muso o‘g‘lining kelar yo‘liga ko‘z tikib tishsiz milklari orasiga solgan qotgan non uvoqlarini shilib o‘ltirishni yaxshi ko‘radiyu, katta o‘g‘li Bozorvoy bilan qizi otasining bu qilig‘idan uyalishadi. Bizni qishloqqa sharmanda qilayapsiz, deb otasini tergashgani tergashgan. Pismiq kuyovi esa qaynotaning nafaqa puli "begona" bo‘lib ketayotganidan alamzada. Faqat shaharlik bo‘lib ketgan kichik o‘g‘li Muso cholni astoydil yaxshi ko‘radi.
Ayriliq quvonchi [The Joy of Separation]
- Hikoya [The Story]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 33 mins
- Release date: 2020-01-22
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Yetim qolgan gullar [Orphaned Flowers]
- Hikoya [The Story]
- Written by: Normurad Norkobilov
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 18 mins
- Unabridged
Qaynoq garmsel shaharni o‘z hukmiga olgan. Hammayoq chang-to‘zon, ivirsiq. Hamma yoq sap-sariq, yakkam-dukkam yashillikni kul bosgan. Korxona mo‘rilaridan qora-ko‘kish tutun burqsib, osmon xira tortgan.... Shunday fayzsiz sharoitga ko‘nikib, bu yerdagi odamlar o‘zlarini hech qiynamay tashvishsiz yashab kelishardi. Qizchasi bilan qishloqdan ko‘chib kelgan yoshgina ayol bu tartibni buzadi.
Yetim qolgan gullar [Orphaned Flowers]
- Hikoya [The Story]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 18 mins
- Release date: 2020-01-22
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Uchar sandiq (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 24 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli ertak. Ertak sehrli sandiq haqida bo'lib, uning egasining bishidan o'tkazgan ajoyib va g'aroyib sarguzashtlari haqida hiqoya qiladi.
Uchar sandiq (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 24 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-18
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Yamoq ignasi [The Darning-Needle]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 14 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan buyumlar haqida ertak. Qalin yamoq ignasining o'zini kashta tikadigan ingichka igna, deb hisoblashi va bundan mag'rurlanishi haqida hikoya qiluvchi ertak.
Yamoq ignasi [The Darning-Needle]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 14 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-18
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Yotmaydigan qalayi soldatcha [The Steadfast Tin Soldier]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 19 mins
- Unabridged
5 yoshdan 10 yoshgancha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan o'yinchoqlar haqidagi ertak. Ertak kichkinagina o'yinchoq soldatchaning kartonli saroyda yashovchi ajoyib raqqosaga nisbatar bo'lgan muhabbati hamda tamakidondagi yovuz ruh tufayli boshidan o'tgan sarguzashtlari haqida hikoya qiladi.
Yotmaydigan qalayi soldatcha [The Steadfast Tin Soldier]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 19 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-18
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Qirolning yangi libosi [The Emperor's New Clothes]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 15 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 14 yoshgancha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan oddiy odamlarning topqirligi va uddaburonligi haqidagi ertak.Ushbu ertak qirol hamda saroy ahlini hiyla bilan yengib, sharmanda qilgan ikki nafar topqir va uddaburon tikuvchi haqida hikoya qiladi.
Qirolning yangi libosi [The Emperor's New Clothes]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 15 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-06
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Qor odam [The Snowman]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 20 mins
- Abridged
8 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan tabiat haqidagi sehrli ertak. Ushbu ertak iliqlik, qulaylik va quvonch baxt etuvchi haqiqiy issiq olovni his qilish uchun pechkaga tushishni orzu qilgan qor odam haqida hikoya qiladi.
Qor odam [The Snowman]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 20 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-06
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Jirkanch o'rdak bolasi [The Ugly Duckling]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 37 mins
- Unabridged
5 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan hayvonlar haqidagi ertak. Ertak jabr-zulm va atrofdagilarning unga nisbatar bo'lgan sovuq munosabatini boshidan o'tkazgan va og'ir qiyinchiliklarga bardosh berib, oxiri ajoyib oqqushga aylangan tashlandiq o'rdak bolasi haida hikoya qiladi.
Jirkanch o'rdak bolasi [The Ugly Duckling]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 37 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-06
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Noxot ustidagi malika (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 4 mins
- Unabridged
6 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan odamlar haqida ertak. Malikaning haqiqiy yoki soxtaligini aniqlashtirishga yordam beruvchi usul haqida hiqoya qiluvchi ertak.
Noxot ustidagi malika (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 4 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-06
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Dyuymchaxon (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 36 mins
- Unabridged
5 yoshdan 10 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli ertak. Gul ichida tug'ilib, ko'p sarguzashtlarni boshidan kechirgan va nihoyat baxtiga erishgan qizcha haqidagi ertak.
Dyuymchaxon (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 36 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-06
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Dastorgul (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 15 mins
- Abridged
6 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan tabiat haqida ertak. Sayroqi qush bilan qisqa muddat bir qafasda yashagan va ozodlikni qumsagan oddiy dala dastor guli haqidagi qayg'uli ertak. Please note: This audiobook is in Uzbek.
Dastorgul (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 15 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-01
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Archa (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 34 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 12 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan tabiat haqida sehrli ertak. Ushbu ertak odamlarning o'rmonda o'suvchi archaning arralanib, so'ngra uylarga oborilib yasalitishi haqida bilishligi, biroq bayramdan keyin bu archalarning taqtiri nima kechishini hech kim bilmasligi haqida hiqoya qiladi. Please note: This audiobook is in Uzbek.
Archa (Uzbek Edition)
- Ertak
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 34 mins
- Release date: 2019-01-31
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Bulbul [The Nightingale]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 36 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 14 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli ertak. Kichkinagina ko'rimsizgina qushcha- bulbulning qudratli imperatorni o'limdan qutqarib qolganligi haqidagi ertak. Please note: This audiobook is in Uzbek.
Bulbul [The Nightingale]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 36 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-01
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Chaqmoqtosh [The Tinderbox]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Written by: Gans-Hristian Andersen
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 27 mins
- Unabridged
7 yoshdan 14 yoshgancha bo'lgan bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli ertak. jodugarni hiyla bilan yengib, chaqmoqtoshni qo'lga kiritgan hamda shu chaqmoqtosh tufayli qirolning qizi- sohibjamol malikaga uylana olgan quvnoq va jasur askar haqidagi ertak. Please note: This audiobook is in Uzbek.
Chaqmoqtosh [The Tinderbox]
- Ertak [A Fairy Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 27 mins
- Release date: 2019-02-01
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Kenja Botir
- o'zbek xalq ertagi [Kenja Botir: The Fate of the Uzbek People]
- Written by: Uzbek Folk Tales
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 14 mins
- Unabridged
3 yoshdan 10 yoshgancha bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli ertak. "Kenja botir"- uch aka-ukaning sarguzashtlari, yerosti sirli dunyosidagi behisob boyliklar va go'zal malika haqidagi ertak. Please note: This audiobook is in the Uzbek language.
Kenja Botir
- o'zbek xalq ertagi [Kenja Botir: The Fate of the Uzbek People]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 14 mins
- Release date: 2018-11-08
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Yalmog'iz Kampir [Old-Fashioned Old Woman]
- o'zbek xalq ertagi [Uzbek Folk Tale]
- Written by: Uzbek folk tales
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 9 mins
- Unabridged
3 yoshdan 10 yoshgancha bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan sehrli o'zbek xalq ertagi. Yalmog'iz Kampir - yosh yigitning yovuz va xavfli Yalmog'iz Kampir bilan olishuvi va g'olib bo'lishi.
Yalmog'iz Kampir [Old-Fashioned Old Woman]
- o'zbek xalq ertagi [Uzbek Folk Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 9 mins
- Release date: 2018-11-01
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Hasan va Zuhra [Hasan and Zuhra]
- O'zbek xalq ertagi [Uzbek Folk Tale]
- Written by: Uzbek folk tales
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 22 mins
- Abridged
3 yoshdan 10 yoshgacha bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan ibratli o'zbek xalq ertagi. Hasan va Zuhra - ayyorlik, yolg'on va hiylaning fosh etilishi hamda yaxshilikning yomonlik g'alaba qozonishi haqidagi ertak.
Hasan va Zuhra [Hasan and Zuhra]
- O'zbek xalq ertagi [Uzbek Folk Tale]
- Narrated by: Dilorom Karimova
- Length: 22 mins
- Release date: 2018-11-01
- Language: Russian
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Price: $1.79 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.79 or 1 Credit