Showing results by author "Red Bull" in All Categories
Red Bull Oorcollege
- Written by: Red Bull
- Original Recording
Red Bull Oorcollege is jouw wekelijkse podcast met lessen van artiesten, atleten en experts om alles uit je studententijd te halen. Van daten tijdens lockdown, omgaan met Ome Duo tot ondernemen tijdens je studie. Iedere donderdag gaat Justin Verkijk in gesprek vanuit een andere studentenstad in Nederland.
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Behind the Bars - Red Bull 64 Bars - Australia
- Written by: Red Bull
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Behind the Bars by Red Bull breaks down the lyrics behind Red Bull’s popular music series, Red Bull 64 Bars. Hosted by the series’ Director, Macario De Souza aka Kid Mac, Behind the Bars features a diverse line-up of lyricists who have given the Red Bull 64 Bars format their own spin who take us on a journey to unpack their creative process and share the stories that have inspired the bars.
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Terruzzi Racconta la Formula 1
- Written by: Red Bull
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Story presenta eccezionali storie di Motorsport raccontate dalla voce di Giorgio Terruzzi. Per approfondimenti sulle singole puntate, vai su
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O Momento da Decisão
- Written by: Red Bull
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O skatista Sandro Dias, seis vezes campeão mundial, conta histórias de atletas que decidiram transformar seus sonhos em profissão. Com Leticia Bufoni, Henrique Avancini e YoDa, entre outros. Produção Rádio Novelo. Assista também à série Until 18 - O Momento da Decisão, na Red Bull TV.
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Lade Out Podcast
- Written by: New York Red Bulls
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Welcome to Lade Out presented by Wawa, A New York Red Bulls bi-weekly show hosted by former Red Bulls Players Connor Lade, Bradley Wright-Phillips, and Red Bulls Radio’s Matt Harmon. Join them and an array of guests that include Red Bulls players, athletes and more for an energetic show. Topics and conversations will have both on and off the field elements. You never know who might show up on Lade Out!
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Behind the Bars Japan - Red Bull 64 Bars
- Written by: Red Bull
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類稀な才能を持つ幾多のラッパーたち——そのバースの奥に秘められたストーリーをアットホームに紐解くトークセッション。ホストはライターで自称“HIPHOP馬鹿”こと、荏開津広。 緊迫するパフォーマンスの上では見られないラッパーたちの意外な一面。ひとりの人間としての彼らの過去や現在、そして未来について、YouTubeチャンネル「レッドブルマイク」に登場するラッパーたちを中心にお招きし、深堀りしていきます。
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Corazones, el podcast
- Written by: Red Bull
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En Corazones, un podcast de Red Bull narrado por Marisol García y Claudio Ruiz, celebramos uno de los discos más importantes de la música chilena, editado a comienzo de los 90 cuando Chile se asomaba a un mundo distinto y Los Prisioneros ya no eran un trío. A 30 años de su estreno, en nueve episodios y canción por canción, te compartiremos las claves de su conquista, algunos de sus misterios y el enorme legado de un álbum que hoy es himno y referencia para toda una generación de cantautores pop. Para más información visita
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Carreras Cruzadas: Un año con Jorge Martín
- Written by: Red Bull
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En la segunda temporada de “Carreras Cruzadas: Un año con Jorge Martín” nos meteremos de lleno en la vida de uno de los pilotos más talentosos de MotoGP en una temporada clave. La temporada en la que todo un campeón del mundo vive la experiencia de tener que empezar de cero. La vida de un rookie en la máxima categoría del motociclismo.En este podcast, presentado por Vanessa Guerra y producido por Red Bull España, Jorge Martín nos desvelará en primera persona cómo vive esta experiencia: los retos, los éxitos, los momentos duros… Los cambios que supone convertirse en uno de los ...
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If These Walls Could Talk
- Written by: Red Bull
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If These Walls Could Talk by Red Bull is an audio love letter to the venues, parties, festivals and people both past and present which have shaped Australia's young, yet rich cultural history.This series will transport listeners on a journey through time to shine a light on the people, places and moments that have shaped Australia’s most storied nightlife communities.In season one, we took an in-depth look at Melbourne’s music community through six episodes of City Central. Hosted by 3RRR’s Lauren Taylor and Simon Winkler, they delved into the moments, musicians, spaces and philosophies ...
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Simon Schwarz on Tour
- Written by: Red Bull Media House
- Original Recording
Für eine mehrteilige Podcast-Serie der Deutschen Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. geht Publikumsliebling Simon Schwarz auf Entdeckungsreise ins Reiseland Deutschland und besucht dort Persönlichkeiten, die über ihre Region Interessantes zu berichten wissen. *Simon Schwarz on Tour* ist ein TRAVEL-Podcast mit Augenzwinkern, der Reiselust macht.
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Deutschrap 25
- Written by: Red Bull
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1992 war die Geburtsstunde von Deutschrap. Was damals im tiefsten Untergrund begann, ist heute die größte Jugendbewegung des Landes. Von unschuldigen Jams in den Jugendzentren bis hin zum Durchbruch in den Mainstream; von politischem Aktivismus über harten Straßenrap bis hin zum Cloudrap und Afrotrap der Internet-Ära. Moderatorin Visa Vie und Journalist Jan Wehn blicken zurück auf die Evolution des Genres. Jeden Tag erinnern sie sich an einen Song, der seine Zeit und die Szene geprägt hat. Warum war der Song so gut? Warum war er so wichtig?
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Rozhovory z Česka
- Written by: Red Bull
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Oficiální český Red Bull podcast pro všechny neúnavné životní dobrodruhy. Na tomto kanále najdeš pořady a nově i tematické minisérie, do kterých zveme mladé talenty, umělce, sportovce i odborníky. Více na
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Pod Position com Cacá Bueno
- Written by: Red Bull
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Cacá Bueno, pentacampeão da Stock Car, e Cássio Cortes, jornalista automobilístico, recebem convidados a cada episódio para um bate-papo sobre os bastidores da Fórmula 1.
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Red Bull Basement Podcast Greece
- Written by: Red Bull
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Έχεις μια πρωτοποριακή ιδέα τεχνολογίας; Πίτσαρε την ιδέα σου με ένα βίντεο 60 δευτερολέπτων ανεβάζοντάς το στο Ίσως είσαι εσύ αυτός που θα φτάσει στον Παγκόσμιο Τελικό & θα κάνει την ιδέα του πραγματικότητα. Χρειάζεσαι έμπνευση ; Tα Red Bull Basement Podcasts είναι εδώ για σένα .Σε αυτό το Podcast 2 άνθρωποι με καινοτόμες ιδέες ...
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Resenha de Verão
- Written by: Red Bull
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Uma dupla de atletas de diferentes modalidades conversa a cada episódio com a apresentadora Glenda Kozlowski sobre suas carreiras, planos pra 2022 e, claro, verão. Do mountain bike ao skate, do breaking ao vôlei de praia. Entre nessa resenha!
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Západy Kariéry
- Written by: Red Bull
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Podcastová série s českými sportovci. Aleš Valenta si povídá s bývalými vrchlovými sportovci o jejich kariérách – a to jak minulých, tak především těch aktuálních. U jeho mikrofonu se vystřídají legendy českého sportu, několikanásobní světoví šampioni i olympijští vítězové. Jakým směrem se vydali, když zhasla světla kamer a dozněly oslavné chorály fanoušků? A jak s odstupem hodnotí svoji sportovní cestu? Rozhovory se natáčely v létě 2020 při západech slunce v českých a moravských krajích, odkud sportovci pochází. Epizody vychází ...
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Organics. The Lifetime Magazine
- Written by: Red Bull
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„Organics. The Lifetime Magazine“ stellt Talente und die dazugehörigen Menschen in den Vordergrund, die uns von ihren „Lifetime Moments“ erzählen. Das können große, singuläre Momente sein, die unser Leben verändern. Oder unscheinbare, ganz alltägliche, die unser Leben ein Stück schöner machen.
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Save Your Game
- Written by: Red Bull
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Hosted by renowned esports and gaming host Frankie Ward, each episode offers insights into the storied careers and riveting minds of a different gaming icon, as told through their favourite games. Which game will our gaming icons save?For all episodes and more from Red Bull Gaming head to
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Beyond the Ordinary
- Written by: Red Bull
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From Red Bull, meet the people pushing the boundaries of sport, adventure, gaming, culture and more. With interviews, discussions and immersive long reads, this is Beyond the Ordinary. Listen to all episodes and discover more about Beyond the Ordinary at
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