Showing results by author "eOne" in All Categories
Pyjamashjältarna - Kattpojken och den stora tårträddningen
- Written by: eOne, Hanna Graf, Ida Johansson
- Narrated by: Daniel Sjöberg
- Length: 6 mins
- Unabridged
Imorgon är det Jens födelsedag! Han har planerat ett ödlekalas med tårta och ballonger. Men plötsligt är tårtan borta. Det verkar som att någon har stulit den! Jens förvandlar sig till Gecko och tar med sig sina Pyjamashjälte-kompisar Ugglis och Kattpojken för att hitta tjuven. Kommer de lyckas rädda kalaset?
Pyjamashjältarna - Kattpojken och den stora tårträddningen
- Narrated by: Daniel Sjöberg
- Series: Pyjamashjältarna
- Length: 6 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-21
- Language: Swedish
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Pyjamashjältarna - Pyjamaspower!
- Written by: eOne, Ida Johansson, Hanna Graf
- Narrated by: Daniel Sjöberg
- Length: 31 mins
- Unabridged
Pyjamashjältarna Kattpojken, Ugglis och Gecko får inte en lugn stund. Stadens fiender verkar konstant vara i tjuvartagen! Knappt har vännerna löst ett mysterium förrän nästa kommer flygande. Romeo stjäl bilar, Natt-ninjan bygger höga busstorn och Måntjejen smider ondskefulla planer. Om de ska lyckas få lite lugn och ro måste hjältarna samarbeta. Vilken tur då att de har hela natten på sig!
Pyjamashjältarna - Pyjamaspower!
- Narrated by: Daniel Sjöberg
- Series: Pyjamashjältarna
- Length: 31 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-20
- Language: Swedish
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Pyjamasheltene - Kattedreng og den store fødselsdagskageredning
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 7 mins
- Unabridged
Tag med Pyjamasheltene på eventyr, når de tager ud i natten for at bekæmpe byens skurke. Jens har snart fødselsdag, og han glæder sig til sin fest med øgletema, men Nat-ninja stjæler både pynten og kagen! Vil det lykkes for Pyjamasheltene at få det hele tilbage i tide?
Pyjamasheltene - Kattedreng og den store fødselsdagskageredning
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 7 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-09
- Language: Danish
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
PJ Masks - Úlfakrakkarnir
- Written by: eOne, Kjartan Már Ómarsson
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 10 mins
- Unabridged
Connor er mjög spenntur vegna þess að hann ætlar að mála veggmynd með vinum sínum í skólanum. En þegar þau koma á staðinn sjá þau að einhver hefur sóðað út vegginn. Hver ætli hafa gert þessi einkennilegu loppumerki? Eru þau gerð af dýri? Af hverju eru myndasögubækur bókasafnsins líka skítugar? PJ Masks fara út í nóttina til að bjarga deginum til þess að komast að því hver stendur á bakvið þetta allt!
PJ Masks - Úlfakrakkarnir
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 10 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-09
- Language: Icelandic
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
PJ Masks - 3 mínútna sögur fyrir svefninn
- Written by: eOne, Kjartan Már Ómarsson
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 28 mins
- Unabridged
Amaya, Connor og Greg eru að reyna að gera heimsins stærstu eggjaköku... en skyndilega eru öll eggin horfin! Þau geta heldur ekki fundið leikfangabílinn hans Greg, hljóðfæri skólans né skólarútuna... hver stendur á bakvið þetta allt saman? Og eins og þetta sé ekki nóg, stelur einn af skúrkunum röddum hetjanna! En PJ Masks gefast aldrei upp! Catboy, Gekko og Owlette munu sigra Romeo, Luna og Night Ninja með aðstoð kattarbílsins, gekkóbílsins og ugluflaugarinnar. Spenntu á þig beltið og vertu viðbúinn fyrir þriggja mínútna sögur sem henta vel rétt fyrir svefninn.
PJ Masks - 3 mínútna sögur fyrir svefninn
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 28 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-09
- Language: Icelandic
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Price: $1.69 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.69 or 1 Credit
PJ Masks - Vertu hetja!
- Written by: eOne, Kjartan Már Ómarsson
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 22 mins
- Unabridged
Það er kominn tími til þess að vera hetja! PJ Masks elska að fara út í nóttina til að bjarga deginum. Í gegnum mörg ævintýri hafa þau lært mikilvægar lexíur um hvernig hetjur þau geta verið: vinna saman sem heild, læra af mistökum sínum og svo margt fleira. Komdu með og lærðu allt um það hvernig þú getur orðið hetja!
PJ Masks - Vertu hetja!
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 22 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-09
- Language: Icelandic
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Price: $1.69 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.69 or 1 Credit
Pyjamasheltene redder dagen!
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 34 mins
- Unabridged
Tag med Pyjamasheltene ud på fire spændende eventyr! Skurkene har udtænkt nye, skumle planer, og heltene må i aktion. Hvor er Pyjamasheltenes superfartøjer blevet af? Hvem vinder kampen om baserne? Egner Ugline sig til at have et kæledyr? Og hvad er der egentlig i Romeos store ondskabsboks? Det finder du snart ud af!
Pyjamasheltene redder dagen!
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 34 mins
- Release date: 2021-12-09
- Language: Danish
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Price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
Pyjamasheltene - Mød Ulveungerne!
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 12 mins
- Unabridged
Pyjamasheltene får travlt, da tre nye skurke dukker op. Ulveungerne er kommet til byen, og de ødelægger og snupper alt, de kommer i nærheden af! Kan Kattedreng, Ugline og Gekko klare sagen og redde dagen?
Pyjamasheltene - Mød Ulveungerne!
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 12 mins
- Release date: 2021-11-10
- Language: Danish
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Tre minutter i godnat - Pyjamasheltene
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 30 mins
- Unabridged
Er du klar til at tage ud i natten for at redde dagen? Så tag med Kattedreng, Ugline og Gekko og hjælp dem med at besejre Romeo, Nat-ninja og Månepigen. Denne bog indeholder hele tolv seje historier om Pyjamasheltene. Perfekt som godnathistorie eller bare til en lille hyggestund.
Tre minutter i godnat - Pyjamasheltene
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 30 mins
- Release date: 2021-11-10
- Language: Danish
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Price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
PJ Masks - PJ Vélmennið
- Written by: eOne, Kjartan Már Ómarsson
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 9 mins
- Unabridged
Dag einn heyra PJ Masks Romeo vinna að því sem hann kallar bestu uppfinningu sína fram að þessu og þau vilja fá að vita hvað það er. Svo hitta þau PJ vélmennið! Hvernig getur svona lítið og sætt vélmenni verið verk illmennis? Hverjar eru fyriráætlanir Romeo? Þegar Catboy, Gekko og Owlette uppgötva risastóra fjarstýringu, grunar þau ekki að þetta er allt risastór gildra. Vertu með ofurhetjunum að leysa mál PJ vélmennisins.
PJ Masks - PJ Vélmennið
- Narrated by: Árni Beinteinn Árnason
- Length: 9 mins
- Release date: 2021-11-09
- Language: Icelandic
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Pyjamasheltene - Vær en helt!
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 25 mins
- Unabridged
Lær, hvordan du bliver en rigtig helt, og tag med Pyjamasheltene på spændende missioner! Kan de mon stoppe Romeo, inden han stjæler deres superkræfter med sit alt-i-et-superbælte? Og hvem er det, der spreder affald i hele byen?
Pyjamasheltene - Vær en helt!
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 25 mins
- Release date: 2021-11-10
- Language: Danish
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Price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $8.43 or 1 Credit
Pyjamasheltene - Mød Pyjamasrobot!
- Written by: eOne, Tine S. Norbøll
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 9 mins
- Unabridged
Tag med Kattedreng, Gekko og Ugline på superhelteeventyr! Kør ud i natten i Kattefræseren, Gekkomobilen eller Uglesvæveren og vær med til at forhindre Romeo, Månepige, Nat Ninja, Ulveungerne og alle de andre skurke i at overtage legepladsen og byen. Så på med din pyjamas - det er tid til at være helt! Pyjamashelte er på sagen, Pyjamashelte redder dagen!
Pyjamasheltene - Mød Pyjamasrobot!
- Narrated by: Mathias Klenske
- Length: 9 mins
- Release date: 2021-10-26
- Language: Danish
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Price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $1.43 or 1 Credit
- Written by: Rewatchability / Entertainment One (eOne)
- Original Recording
Rewatchability is a comedic pop-culture nostalgia podcast hosted by J.M. McNab, Rob LaRonde, and Blain Watters. It is produced independently in Toronto, ON.The show began in the summer of 2011. In 2012 it was profiled by The A.V. Club and in 2015 our podcast appeared on CBC Radio’s Podcast Playlist. The aim of the show is to re-watch movies and television shows from when we were younger, and review them in an interesting and hopefully humourous way. Hopefully.Rewatchability contains coarse language and immature subject matter; our main goal is to be funny, so please don’t take anything too...
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Lockdown Love
- Written by: Jen Kirsch / Entertainment One (eOne)
- Original Recording
Looking for love in lockdown? Join dating expert and columnist Jen Kirsch as she searches for a socially (but hopefully not emotionally) distant Mr. Right! She talks with experts and exposes her own pandemic love life to help you figure out the Do's and Don'ts of the strange world of dating in quarantine. Expect funny stories, surprising insights, and just a dash of drama. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nobody Cares (Except for Me)
- Written by: Entertainment One (eOne)
- Original Recording
Nobody Cares is a podcast hosted by writer and person Anne T. Donahue (who totally cares, by the way). Each week, Anne is joined by a guest who shares something they're passionate about despite no one else feeling the same, and the two go down the rabbit hole of why, how, whom, and many other specifics. No topic is too small, too big, or too trivial, and by the end of their half-hour chat, it's safe to assume that regardless of how you felt going into it, you'll suddenly find yourself caring too. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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- Written by: Illusionoid/ Entertainment One (eOne)
- Original Recording
A bi-weekly improvised comedy podcast in the style of old-time radio shows like Inner Sanctum or X Minus One, Illusionoid is performed by Paul Bates (CTV's Dan For Mayor, Second City), Lee Smart (Comedy Network's 5th Quadrant, Second City) and Nug Nahrgang (Dark Rising: Summer Strikes Back, SyFy's Scare Tactics).In the distant future, humanity has its last stand against the tyrant computer ILLUSIONOID. A lone survivor sends messages backwards through time in hopes that he can provide a warning of the danger to come. Will you heed his warnings? Open your ears and hone your senses, for without ...
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Mommies Are Amazing
- Peppa Pig
- Written by: Scholastic, EOne
- Length: Not yet known
- Unabridged
Peppa and George love Mummy Pig, and so do their friends! Join Peppa as she and her friends show their mummies how much they mean to them. This adorable and charming book is perfect for sharing with parents, caregivers, or whomever you call "Mom"!
Mommies Are Amazing
- Peppa Pig
- Length: Not yet known
- Release date: 2025-04-01
- Language: English
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Price: $6.13 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $6.13 or 1 Credit
I Can Be Anything! (Peppa Pig)
- Written by: Annie Auerbach, EOne
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Length: 9 mins
- Unabridged
From firefighter to ballerina, from chef to astronaut--Peppa Pig can do it all! In this audiobook, Peppa is dressed for a different career on every page. When she grows up, Peppa can be anything!
I Can Be Anything! (Peppa Pig)
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Length: 9 mins
- Release date: 2023-12-05
- Language: English
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Price: $7.06 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $7.06 or 1 Credit
Peppa's Chinese New Year (Peppa Pig)
- Written by: EOne
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Length: 17 mins
- Unabridged
When Madame Gazelle tells the children it's time to celebrate Chinese New Year, they couldn't be more excited. Peppa and her friends hang lanterns, eat fortune cookies, and put on a dragon dance!
Peppa's Chinese New Year (Peppa Pig)
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Series: Peppa Pig
- Length: 17 mins
- Release date: 2024-01-02
- Language: English
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Price: $7.06 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $7.06 or 1 Credit
Peppa Loves Doctors and Nurses
- Peppa Pig
- Written by: Lauren Holowaty, EOne
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Length: 16 mins
- Unabridged
Doctor Brown Bear and Nurse Fox visit Peppa's playgroup. They show the children how to be healthy, eat well, and wash their hands!
Peppa Loves Doctors and Nurses
- Peppa Pig
- Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
- Series: Peppa Pig
- Length: 16 mins
- Release date: 2023-12-05
- Language: English
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Price: $7.06 or 1 Credit
Sale price: $7.06 or 1 Credit