A thrilling tale of mystery and suspense set during the French Revolution, where a dashing English aristocrat risks his life to enter France and save innocents from the guillotine. Baroness Orczy's marvelously romantic tale of an English bonvivant, Sir Percy Blakeney, and his secretive plots to secure the escape of beleaguered French aristocrats from the clutches of "Madame la Guillotine".
The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel is a secret society of English aristocrats who are determined to rescue their French counterparts from execution. Their leader is the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel, whose name comes from the drawing of a red flower he uses to sign his messages.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 01: Paris: September, 1792
Chapter 02: Dover: "The Fisherman's Rest"
Chapter 03: The Refugees
Chapter 04: The League Of The Scarlet Pimpernel
Chapter 05: Marguerite
Chapter 06: An Exquisite Of '92
Chapter 07: The Secret Orchard
Chapter 08: The Accredited Agent
Chapter 09: The Outrage
Chapter 10: In The Opera Box
Chapter 11: Lord Grenville's Ball
Chapter 12: The Scrap Of Paper
Chapter 13: Either
Chapter 14: One O'Clock Precisely!
Chapter 15: Doubt
Chapter 16: Richmond
Chapter 17: Farewell
Chapter 18: The Mysterious Device
Chapter 19: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Chapter 20: The Friend
Chapter 21: Suspense
Chapter 22: Calais
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: The Death
Chapter 25: The Eagle And The Fox
Chapter 26: The Jew
Chapter 27: On The Track
Chapter 28: The Pere Blanchard's Hut
Chapter 29: Trapped
Chapter 30: The Schooner
Chapter 31: The Escape
Baroness Orczy
Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála "Emmuska" Orczy de Orczi (1865–1947) was a Hungarian aristocrat, raised in Britain.
Baroness Orczy was a novelist and painter, famed for her Scarlett Pimpernel series about an English aristocrat who donned a disguise to rescue French aristocrats threatened by the guillotine.