• Résumé

  • 204 Rise aims to document the rising talent hidden within the streets of Winnipeg. We want to reveal the talents of the city, whether that be through music, art, or business, in an entertaining, knowledge-based experience! Check us on youtube and instagram to see exclusive video content of some of the great guests we feature!
    Copyright 2025 204 Rise
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  • Turning Passion into Pulse-Pounding Music with Michael Sparks!
    Jan 27 2025

    Michael Sparks isn’t just mak­ing music — he’s mak­ing waves. The Mon­tréal-based DJ and pro­duc­er has built a rep­u­ta­tion for push­ing bound­aries, blend­ing gen­res, and deliv­er­ing high-ener­gy sets that keep crowds mov­ing. From under­ground clubs to major fes­ti­val stages, his rise in the EDM world has been any­thing but ordinary.

    While in Win­nipeg, fresh off his set at one of the city’s biggest EDM events, Michael sat down with us to talk about the grind of build­ing a music career, the cre­ative process behind his sig­na­ture sound, and how he’s nav­i­gat­ed the ever-chang­ing music industry.

    If you love EDM, dream of mak­ing it in the music scene, or just want a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a DJ, this episode is for you. Get ready for an inside look at the pas­sion, the hus­tle, and the mind­set that fuels Michael Sparks.

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​mming.

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #MichaelSparks #EDM­Mu­sic #DJLife #MusicPro­duc­er #Togeth­er­A­gain­Fes­ti­val #Mon­treal­Mu­sic­Scene #Win­nipegEvents #Elec­tron­ic­Dance­Mu­sic #Fes­ti­valVibes #Ris­ingStar #EDM­Com­mu­ni­ty #MusicIn­spi­ra­tion #BehindThe­Beats #Cre­ative­Jour­ney #204RisePodcast

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    30 min
  • Going Viral, Staying Authentic, and Creating TikTok Magic with Aliyah Pudwill | EP 166
    Jan 21 2025

    In Episode 166 of 204Rise, we sit down with Aliyah Pud­will, a local cre­ator who has tak­en Tik­Tok by storm with her viral trends and relat­able con­tent. Known as @aliyahjuliana_ on Tik­Tok and @aliyahtheano on Insta­gram, Aliyah shares the sto­ry behind her rise as a dig­i­tal cre­ator, offer­ing insights into her cre­ative process and what it real­ly takes to con­nect with audi­ences in the ever-chang­ing world of social media.

    Aliyah opens up about the chal­lenges of main­tain­ing authen­tic­i­ty while grow­ing a plat­form, the thrill of going viral, and the lessons she’s learned from build­ing an engaged com­mu­ni­ty. Whether you’re a bud­ding cre­ator or just curi­ous about life behind the scenes of a Tik­Tok star, this episode deliv­ers inspi­ra­tion, laughs, and plen­ty of takeaways.

    Tune in to hear Aliyah’s per­spec­tive on how social media is reshap­ing careers and what she envi­sions for the future of con­tent creation.

    🎙️ Lis­ten now on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Pod­casts, or wher­ev­er you stream your favorites!

    #Tik­Tok­Star #Viral­Con­tent #Social­Me­di­aCre­ator #Con­tent­Cre­ation­Jour­ney #BehindTheScenes #Dig­i­tal­In­flu­encer #Authen­tic­Con­tent #Viral­Trends #Cre­ative­Process #Social­Me­di­aTips #Tik­Tok­Tips #Ris­ingCre­ators #Social­Me­di­aIn­spi­ra­tion #Con­tentStrat­e­gy #204RisePodcast

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    30 min
  • Garrett McEwen: The Vision Behind One of Winnipeg’s Top Media Production Powerhouses
    Jan 14 2025

    What does it take to turn a vision into one of Winnipeg’s most renowned media pro­duc­tion companies? 🎥

    In this episode, we sit down with Gar­rett McEwen, the mas­ter­mind behind Club Cre­ate, to uncov­er the sto­ry of per­se­ver­ance, pas­sion, and pur­pose that led him to the top of the cre­ative indus­try. Gar­rett shares how he built his busi­ness from the ground up, start­ing with small projects and evolv­ing into high-end pho­tog­ra­phy and cin­e­matog­ra­phy for brands, events, and pro­duc­tions across the city. He talks about assem­bling a tal­ent­ed team to nav­i­gat­ing the pres­sures of entre­pre­neur­ship, Garrett’s insights reveal the ded­i­ca­tion required to suc­ceed in such a com­pet­i­tive space.

    Although this episode goes beyond busi­ness. Gar­rett opens up about the per­son­al chal­lenges that shaped his per­spec­tive and the lessons he’s learned about resilience, adapt­abil­i­ty, and the pow­er of storytelling. 🌟

    Whether you’re an entre­pre­neur, a cre­ative, or some­one search­ing for inspi­ra­tion, this episode is packed with valu­able take­aways about what it means to chase your dreams, face adver­si­ty, and come out stronger.

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​ing/s…

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #Medi­aPro­duc­tion #Cin­e­matog­ra­phy #Busi­ness­Suc­cess #Entre­pre­neur­ship #Film­Mak­ing #Cre­ativeEn­tre­pre­neur #Medi­aIn­dus­try #Win­nipeg­Busi­ness #Video­Pro­duc­tion #Con­tent­Cre­ation #Fil­mIn­dus­try #Pho­tog­ra­phy­Busi­ness #BehindTheScenes #Cre­ative­Lead­er­ship #Brand­Build­ing #Film­Com­mu­ni­ty #Star­tUp­Sto­ry #Cre­ative­Vi­sion #Sto­ry­tellingTh­rough­Film #Pro­duc­tion­Life #Busi­nessJour­ney #Cre­ative­Ex­cel­lence

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    30 min

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