
  • Turning Passion into Pulse-Pounding Music with Michael Sparks!
    Jan 27 2025

    Michael Sparks isn’t just mak­ing music — he’s mak­ing waves. The Mon­tréal-based DJ and pro­duc­er has built a rep­u­ta­tion for push­ing bound­aries, blend­ing gen­res, and deliv­er­ing high-ener­gy sets that keep crowds mov­ing. From under­ground clubs to major fes­ti­val stages, his rise in the EDM world has been any­thing but ordinary.

    While in Win­nipeg, fresh off his set at one of the city’s biggest EDM events, Michael sat down with us to talk about the grind of build­ing a music career, the cre­ative process behind his sig­na­ture sound, and how he’s nav­i­gat­ed the ever-chang­ing music industry.

    If you love EDM, dream of mak­ing it in the music scene, or just want a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a DJ, this episode is for you. Get ready for an inside look at the pas­sion, the hus­tle, and the mind­set that fuels Michael Sparks.

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​mming.

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #MichaelSparks #EDM­Mu­sic #DJLife #MusicPro­duc­er #Togeth­er­A­gain­Fes­ti­val #Mon­treal­Mu­sic­Scene #Win­nipegEvents #Elec­tron­ic­Dance­Mu­sic #Fes­ti­valVibes #Ris­ingStar #EDM­Com­mu­ni­ty #MusicIn­spi­ra­tion #BehindThe­Beats #Cre­ative­Jour­ney #204RisePodcast

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    30 min
  • Going Viral, Staying Authentic, and Creating TikTok Magic with Aliyah Pudwill | EP 166
    Jan 21 2025

    In Episode 166 of 204Rise, we sit down with Aliyah Pud­will, a local cre­ator who has tak­en Tik­Tok by storm with her viral trends and relat­able con­tent. Known as @aliyahjuliana_ on Tik­Tok and @aliyahtheano on Insta­gram, Aliyah shares the sto­ry behind her rise as a dig­i­tal cre­ator, offer­ing insights into her cre­ative process and what it real­ly takes to con­nect with audi­ences in the ever-chang­ing world of social media.

    Aliyah opens up about the chal­lenges of main­tain­ing authen­tic­i­ty while grow­ing a plat­form, the thrill of going viral, and the lessons she’s learned from build­ing an engaged com­mu­ni­ty. Whether you’re a bud­ding cre­ator or just curi­ous about life behind the scenes of a Tik­Tok star, this episode deliv­ers inspi­ra­tion, laughs, and plen­ty of takeaways.

    Tune in to hear Aliyah’s per­spec­tive on how social media is reshap­ing careers and what she envi­sions for the future of con­tent creation.

    🎙️ Lis­ten now on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Pod­casts, or wher­ev­er you stream your favorites!

    #Tik­Tok­Star #Viral­Con­tent #Social­Me­di­aCre­ator #Con­tent­Cre­ation­Jour­ney #BehindTheScenes #Dig­i­tal­In­flu­encer #Authen­tic­Con­tent #Viral­Trends #Cre­ative­Process #Social­Me­di­aTips #Tik­Tok­Tips #Ris­ingCre­ators #Social­Me­di­aIn­spi­ra­tion #Con­tentStrat­e­gy #204RisePodcast

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    30 min
  • Garrett McEwen: The Vision Behind One of Winnipeg’s Top Media Production Powerhouses
    Jan 14 2025

    What does it take to turn a vision into one of Winnipeg’s most renowned media pro­duc­tion companies? 🎥

    In this episode, we sit down with Gar­rett McEwen, the mas­ter­mind behind Club Cre­ate, to uncov­er the sto­ry of per­se­ver­ance, pas­sion, and pur­pose that led him to the top of the cre­ative indus­try. Gar­rett shares how he built his busi­ness from the ground up, start­ing with small projects and evolv­ing into high-end pho­tog­ra­phy and cin­e­matog­ra­phy for brands, events, and pro­duc­tions across the city. He talks about assem­bling a tal­ent­ed team to nav­i­gat­ing the pres­sures of entre­pre­neur­ship, Garrett’s insights reveal the ded­i­ca­tion required to suc­ceed in such a com­pet­i­tive space.

    Although this episode goes beyond busi­ness. Gar­rett opens up about the per­son­al chal­lenges that shaped his per­spec­tive and the lessons he’s learned about resilience, adapt­abil­i­ty, and the pow­er of storytelling. 🌟

    Whether you’re an entre­pre­neur, a cre­ative, or some­one search­ing for inspi­ra­tion, this episode is packed with valu­able take­aways about what it means to chase your dreams, face adver­si­ty, and come out stronger.

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​ing/s…

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #Medi­aPro­duc­tion #Cin­e­matog­ra­phy #Busi­ness­Suc­cess #Entre­pre­neur­ship #Film­Mak­ing #Cre­ativeEn­tre­pre­neur #Medi­aIn­dus­try #Win­nipeg­Busi­ness #Video­Pro­duc­tion #Con­tent­Cre­ation #Fil­mIn­dus­try #Pho­tog­ra­phy­Busi­ness #BehindTheScenes #Cre­ative­Lead­er­ship #Brand­Build­ing #Film­Com­mu­ni­ty #Star­tUp­Sto­ry #Cre­ative­Vi­sion #Sto­ry­tellingTh­rough­Film #Pro­duc­tion­Life #Busi­nessJour­ney #Cre­ative­Ex­cel­lence

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    30 min
  • Our Journey Through 2024: The Guests and Stories We’ll Never Forget!
    Jan 7 2025

    This year on 204 Rise, we had the priv­i­lege of cap­tur­ing some of the most inspir­ing sto­ries from our com­mu­ni­ty and beyond. In this spe­cial year-end episode, we’re revis­it­ing the high­lights that defined 2024.

    From cel­e­brat­ing the Win­nipeg Sea Bears’ tri­umphant sea­son 🏀 to step­ping onto the field with the Gold­eyes ⚾, we explored what it means to be part of a win­ning team. We also dug into con­ver­sa­tions that mat­ter — with the Men’s Health Clin­ic, we tack­led top­ics often left unsaid, and Vis­age Cos­met­ics showed us the pow­er of con­fi­dence and creativity.

    And let’s not for­get the road trips that brought us clos­er to the heart of Manitoba’s music scene. 🌊🎶 From the unfor­get­table vibes of Lake­side Live to the elec­tri­fy­ing ener­gy of Sum­mer of Sound, these moments remind­ed us of the pow­er of com­mu­ni­ty, con­nec­tion, and celebration.

    Tune in as we reflect on the sto­ries that shaped this year and the peo­ple who inspired us to keep push­ing for­ward. Whether you’ve been here from the start or just joined the 204 Rise jour­ney, this episode is for you. Let’s close out 2024 with grat­i­tude and look ahead to anoth­er year of ris­ing together. 🙌

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​ing/s…

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #204RisePodcast #Year­In­Re­view #Pod­castHigh­lights #Win­nipegSto­ries #Inspir­ing­Con­ver­sa­tions #Com­mu­ni­tySpot­light #Pod­castJour­ney #Win­nipeg­Pride #Sto­ry­telling­Mat­ters #2024Reflections #GrowthAnd­Grat­i­tude #Pod­castLife

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    30 min
  • Is Traditional Media Dead? The Challenges and Changes with Keisha Paul | EP 163
    Dec 3 2024

    Episode 163 of the 204Rise pod­cast fea­tures Keisha Paul, a dynam­ic speak­er, busi­ness coach, and media pro­fes­sion­al with a unique sto­ry that spans con­ti­nents and indus­tries. Born in Win­nipeg to immi­grant par­ents from Trinidad and Guyana, Keisha’s jour­ney reflects resilience and adapt­abil­i­ty. From work­ing with CBC Radio and The Women’s Tele­vi­sion Net­work to con­sult­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly in the UK and Caribbean, she has built a career help­ing oth­ers unlock their potential.

    Keisha’s expe­ri­ence liv­ing and work­ing in dif­fer­ent cul­tures taught her the pow­er of per­spec­tive and the impor­tance of authen­tic­i­ty. Through her coach­ing prac­tice, she empow­ers entre­pre­neurs, espe­cial­ly those from diverse back­grounds, to nav­i­gate chal­lenges, build con­fi­dence, and achieve suc­cess while stay­ing true to themselves.

    In this episode, Keisha opens up about her per­son­al expe­ri­ences, the evo­lu­tion of media, and how she uses her voice to inspire change. Whether you’re curi­ous about the sim­i­lar­i­ties between tra­di­tion­al and new media, her insights on over­com­ing bar­ri­ers in the busi­ness world, or her per­spec­tive on stay­ing authen­tic, this con­ver­sa­tion is both insight­ful and uplifting.

    🎙️ Lis­ten now on your favorite pod­cast plat­form to hear Keisha’s jour­ney of growth, impact, and empowerment!

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗
    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise
    ‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…
    ‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…

    📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻
    ‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​ing/s…

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧
    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

    #Keisha­Paul #Authen­ti­cLead­er­ship #Immi­grantSuc­cess #Medi­aIn­dus­try #Wom­enIn­Media #Entre­pre­neur­shipJour­ney #Cul­tural­Diver­si­ty #Resilient­Mind­set #204RisePodcast #Pod­cast­Com­mu­ni­ty #Busi­ness­Coach­ing #Inspir­ingSto­ries #Diver­sityAnd­In­clu­sion #Career­Growth #Empow­er­men­tJour­ney #Authen­tic­i­ty­Mat­ters #Wom­en­WhoLead #Pod­castLife #Dream­Big­WorkHard

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    30 min
  • Dream Trucks, Building Big and Thinking Bigger! Mitch Mathews aka Adrenaline Mitch | 162
    Nov 26 2024
    Episode 162 fea­tures Mitch Math­ews, aka Adren­a­line Mitch on Yotube. As a Selkirk native whose pas­sion for cus­tom trucks, like his big gold Dodge Cum­mins, mind­set mas­tery, exer­cise, and big dreams shines through. Mitch opens up about man­i­fest­ing his dream truck, the chal­lenges of cus­tomiza­tion rules, and how refram­ing his mind­set helped him achieve suc­cess. From reflect­ing on achiev­ing major goals to expe­ri­enc­ing the vibrant Mia­mi lifestyle, Mitch’s jour­ney is packed with inspi­ra­tion for any­one chas­ing their own ambi­tions. Don’t miss this high-ener­gy episode! 00:00:00 Vision for the Ulti­mate Truck Trans­for­ma­tion00:03:33 Choos­ing the Per­fect Dream Truck00:07:00 Impor­tance of Reflect­ing on Achieve­ments 00:10:17 Pur­su­ing a Life Beyond Aver­age 00:13:39 Hit­ting the First Mile­stone: 1,000 Views at 300 Sub­scribers 00:17:11 Build­ing and Mod­i­fy­ing Trucks for Off-Road­ing 00:20:27 Build­ing an Audi­ence on YouTube 00:23:52 Start­ing a YouTube Jour­ney: From T‑Shirts to Viral Con­tent00:27:19 Vehi­cle Reg­u­la­tions and Region­al Dif­fer­ences 00:30:36 Inside Adren­a­line Off-Road: Truck Acces­sories Busi­ness Overview 00:33:49 Busi­ness Suc­cess Through Con­tin­u­ous Test­ing 00:37:19 Turn­ing Chal­lenges into Pos­i­tive Out­comes 00:40:27 Over­com­ing Vic­tim Men­tal­i­ty and Emo­tion­al Aware­ness00:43:44 The Pow­er of Ener­gy and Beliefs 00:48:00 Prov­ing Your Beliefs with Results 00:51:20 Emo­tion­al Con­trol Through Con­tent Strat­e­gy00:54:21 Bal­anc­ing Enter­tain­ment and Pos­i­tiv­i­ty: Chal­lenges in Con­tent Cre­ation00:57:45 Inspir­ing the Next Gen­er­a­tion to Fol­low Their Dreams01:01:09 Embrac­ing Life’s Chal­lenges01:04:41 Expe­ri­enc­ing the Mia­mi Effect 🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗 ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise‣ https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/204r…‣ https://​www​.tik​tok​.com/​@​2​04ris…📻 Lis­ten to us on the Radio Every Tues­day at 11:30am CT! 📻‣ https://​umfm​.com/​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​ing/s…📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email… 📧‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com #Adren­a­line­Mitch #Cus­tomTruck­Life #Man­i­festY­our­Dreams #SelkirkPride #Truck­Cul­ture #Mind­set­Mat­ters #Dream­Chasers #MiamiVibes #Win­nipeg­Pod­casts #204RisePodcast
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    30 min
  • Classical Beginnings to EDM Festival Stages: Inside DJ Blossom’s Rise EP 161
    Nov 19 2024
    On this week’s episode of 204 Rise, DJ Blos­som joins us to share her incred­i­ble jour­ney from her ear­ly days in clas­si­cal music to becom­ing a head­lin­ing EDM artist. She opens up about the chal­lenges of bal­anc­ing art, fame, and self-doubt, along with the cre­ative inspi­ra­tion behind her sig­na­ture pink hair and its impact on her brand. We get into the real­i­ties of nav­i­gat­ing social media as an artist, over­com­ing indus­try stereo­types, and what it tru­ly takes to stand out in the com­pet­i­tive world of music. Tune in as DJ Blos­som dis­cuss­es the unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences of per­form­ing at events like EDC, embrac­ing Win­nipeg win­ters, and the grit required to stay moti­vat­ed in a chal­leng­ing career. Whether you’re pas­sion­ate about music or inter­est­ed in the behind-the-scenes life of an artist, this episode has some­thing for you! Chap­ters: 00:00:00 Jour­ney to Win­nipeg: A Musi­cian’s Tale 00:01:50 Jour­ney to Sum­mer of Sound 00:03:53 Tran­si­tion from Orches­tra to EDM 00:05:55 Evo­lu­tion of Music from Myspace Era to EDM 00:08:02 The Life of an Inde­pen­dent Artist: Bal­anc­ing Music, Design, and More 00:09:57 Find­ing My DJ Name: The Blos­som Story 00:11:39 The Sig­na­ture Pink Hair and Its Mar­ket­ing Impact 00:13:23 Sign­ing with Helix and Join­ing the Drum and Bass World 00:15:27 Over­com­ing Stereo­types and Prov­ing Yourself 00:18:28 Nav­i­gat­ing Social Media for Career Growth 00:19:33 The Ever­last­ing Bur­den of Grow­ing Your Audience 00:21:36 Inside the Viral Par­ty Scene 00:23:34 Adjust­ing to City Life and Pub­lic Transportation 00:25:20 Embrac­ing Win­ter and Growth 00:27:18 Over­com­ing Self-Doubt and Stay­ing Moti­vat­ed in a Chal­leng­ing Career 00:29:25 Over­com­ing Self-Doubt as an Artist 00:31:40 Per­form­ing at EDC: A Dream Come True 00:33:40 Per­form­ing at EDC: A Cul­tur­al Expe­ri­ence in Mex­i­co City 00:35:54 Jet Lag and Tour­ing Challenges 00:37:56 Dis­cussing the Risks of Space Travel 00:39:59 Out­ro and Clos­ing Remarks #204Rise #DJBlos­som #EDM­Mu­sic #Wom­enInEDM #EDM­Life #Elec­tron­ic­Mu­sic­Scene #MusicPod­cast #Cre­ative­Jour­ney #Musi­cLife #EDM­Com­mu­ni­ty #Fes­ti­valVibes #MusicIn­dus­tryIn­sights #DJsOfIn­sta­gram #BehindTheDecks #InspiringArtists #Elec­tron­ic­Dance­Mu­sic #Ris­ingStars #Musi­cian­Life #EDC2024 #ArtistSpot­light #Win­nipeg­Mu­sic #PinkHairI­con
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    30 min
  • VAVO's Viral Success Across The World - Living The Rockstar Lifestyle & Performing at Stagecoach! | EP 160
    Nov 12 2024

    On Episode 160 of 204 Rise, we catch up with VAVO, the inter­na­tion­al duo who have rede­fined the elec­tron­ic music scene. Com­prised of Cana­di­an-born Jesse Fis­ch­er and Lon­don native Alden Mar­tin, VAVO has tak­en the world by storm with their unique blend of EDM and coun­try music, coin­ing the term YEEDM. In this episode, they reflect on their jour­ney from two dif­fer­ent coun­tries to the glob­al stage, includ­ing per­for­mances at mas­sive events like the 2024 ACM Awards, EDC Las Vegas, Stage­coach Fes­ti­val, Australia’s CMC Rocks and now right here in Win­nipeg for Sum­mer of Sound 2024!

    VAVO opens up about the ori­gin of their name, the thrill of going viral with their Mor­gan Wallen remix, and what it’s like to live the rock­star lifestyle, hav­ing a res­i­den­cy in Las Vegas. They also dis­cuss the chal­lenges of col­lab­o­rat­ing across con­ti­nents and how they’ve turned those obsta­cles into strengths, prov­ing that dis­tance is no bar­ri­er to success.

    00:00:00 Cre­ative Col­lab­o­ra­tion: From Online to Viral Hit
    00:01:26 The Ori­gin Sto­ry of VVO: Nam­ing and Mean­ing
    00:02:49 Form­ing a Musi­cal Duo: The Begin­nings of Col­lab­o­ra­tion
    00:04:11 Career Jour­ney from Bar­tender to DJ
    00:05:37 Cre­ative Process in Music Pro­duc­tion
    00:06:54 Music as a Life­long Pas­sion
    00:08:17 Viral Suc­cess: The Sto­ry of the Mor­gan Wallen Remix
    00:09:39 Reflect­ing on Viral Suc­cess
    00:10:58 Nav­i­gat­ing Highs and Lows in the Music Indus­try
    00:12:25 Play­ing Stage­coach with Dip­lo and Oth­er Elec­tron­ic Artists
    00:13:43 Tak­ing the Leap: Leav­ing Jobs for Full-Time Music Careers
    00:15:04 Decid­ing Setlists for Dif­fer­ent Shows
    00:16:34 Pre-Show Nerves and Rou­tines
    00:18:29 Fan Inter­ac­tions and Mem­o­rable Sto­ries
    00:19:50 Cre­ative Process vs. Busi­ness Needs in Music Pro­duc­tion
    00:21:21 Nav­i­gat­ing Chang­ing Algo­rithms
    00:22:43 Wrap­ping Up & Next Week’s Preview

    #VAVO #YEEDM #ACMAwards #EDCLasVe­gas #Stage­coach­Fes­ti­val #WynnLasVe­gas #Mor­gan­Wal­len­Remix #Sum­merOf­Sound #Elec­tron­ic­Mu­sic #Rock­star­Lifestyle #Music­Duo #Glob­al­Col­lab­o­ra­tion #204RisePodcast #Viral­Mo­ments #MusicIn­dus­try #MusicJour­ney

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min