Having one steady, high-paying copywriting client is the dream, right?
Well, to be honest, no.
Copywriting is a little bit like investing. Putting your eggs all in one basket leaves you vulnerable to the whims of one company. That’s why diversification is so important.
When you have multiple copywriting clients, it doesn’t matter if work slows down with one or if they go out of business entirely! You’ve got other work.
And going from a 100% full workload to 90% or even 85% workload is much better than 100% to 0%. Think about it: if you’re earning $100,000, and you lose a client that is 15% of your business, you’re still earning $85,000. If you have one client? You’re down to $0.
So, on this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are digging into why the allure of one magical client shouldn’t be all that appealing and how to structure your client roster so you’re setting yourself up for a thriving career—not a rollercoaster ride.
And, yes, this means you never stop pitching. Pitching from a place of abundance—when you have clients and income—is much more fun than panic pitching. (Trust me: panic pitching is bad news.)
Mentioned in the Episode
- Ep. 114: Hate Writing Your Own Portfolio? Use These Tips to Get It Done
- BONUS Laser Coaching: Top Tips for Wildly Effective Pitching
Related Links
- Ep. 204: Dangerous copywriting strategy alert: you can’t rely on SEO for landing clients
- Ep. 61: Juggling Multiple Copywriting Clients
- BONUS: Earning More As a Freelancer than On Staff – Catching Up With Stuart
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