When I first met Don, Don had been dealing with diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, acid reflux, fatigue, and insomnia for over 40 years!
The depth and intensity of his symptoms cannot be exaggerated. Before our first conversation together, Don wrote to me that his stomach pain and explosive diarrhea was sometimes so bad that he'd pass out in the bathroom, only to wake up on the floor sweating and weak, then sleep on the floor near the bathroom just out of fatigue.
His goal in working together through our Better Belly Blueprint program was to be able to travel. As a recent retiree and grandfather, Don's ONLY goal was to be able to finally participate in vacations and travel with his family, and new grandchildren, like he hadn't been able to do throughout his 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's.
On today's episode, you're in for a treat. As a graduate of the Better Belly Blueprint program, Don has agreed to come onto the podcast share his rags-to-riches version of healing his body through the Better Belly Blueprint - even when nothing had worked and dozens of the best GI doctors in the country had failed to help him.
Whether or not your symptoms are EXACTLY the same type or intensity of Don's, I hope you find encouragement and hope from today's episode. Because if Don can heal after 40 years of medications, pain, and being told by GI doctors that there was nothing he could do - then you can, too!
FIND HEALING, JUST LIKE DON!Option #1) 👉 Join the Better Belly Blueprint today!
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