
  • 2RN1MD with Dr. Kieran Moore
    May 6 2021

    Dr. Kieran Moore is the Medical Officer of Health for the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Region. Praised by many for his success in controlling the spread of COVID, Dr. Moore joins 2RN1MD to share how his view of healthcare through the lens of equity, inclusion and community partnerships saved many vulnerable lives during the pandemic. 

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    35 min
  • 2RN1MD with Erica Ehm
    May 2 2021

    Canada's iconic Erica Ehm kicks off the Inaugural episode of 2RN1MD Podcast as the guest host. Erica sits down to help the audience get to know the hosts of the show as she walks through interviews with Nurse Jen Waite, Doctor Joy Hataley,  and Nurse Deb Lefebvre to discover what made them want to share health stories and tales from the frontlines of medicine and more. Grab a coffee and settle in for and an episode that'll make you want to join the team for each and every edition of 2RN1MD Podcast. 

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    45 min