
  • January 1, 2025: Jake Meyers Speaking
    Jan 2 2025

    Welcome to 2025! It’s going to be a great year.

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    2 min
  • Tenth Nightly Address: December 31, 2024 **2024 Season Finale**
    Jan 1 2025

    It has been quite a December. This roller coaster we’ve all been on together has shown one thing more than anything: how amazing it is when people are unified together. Doesn’t it feel great to stand in solidarity with one another? The foundations for restoring trust between each other are finally being laid. What an amazing way to end the year.

    In 2025, let’s all forget the past squabbles and divisions. Now is the time we all forgive and forget to move forward together towards something new and something better.

    Resolve to be part of the solution, not the problem. Resolve to be a creator, not a destroyer. Resolve to build people up instead of to tear them down. Resolve to see through another’s eyes. Resolve to make every sick person well to the best of our ability. Resolve to give every child MORE opportunities than we had, not less. Resolve to be better, all of us, together.

    “It starts with me.” I’m going to say it every day. I encourage you to as well. Meeting and speaking to all of you has made 2024 a year to remember, thank you as always for the privilege of your ear. I’m Jake Meyers, President and Treasurer of A Just This, and I wish you the very best this year and all the years to come.

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    2 min
  • Ninth Nightly Address: December 30, 2024
    Dec 31 2024

    I sincerely appreciate all of those who reached out to me with feedback about last night‘s address. It means a lot to me that you’re listening and really thinking about the things that I’m saying, trying to see the points that I’m making, and also being bold in calling out ways that I was insensitive and could’ve made it better. I want to make sure that everyone in this movement understands we’re all caught up in this together. I was remiss in the way that I told the story about delivering a DoorDash order for a single sprite. I made it sound like the customer was the villain in the story, and the person who should be shamed for doing wrong. That was not my intention. So I would like to take a second stab at trying to make the point in a hopefully less insensitive way that might resonate. The villain in the story was the company that thinks it’s OK to charge someone nine dollars for a single bottle of Sprite. The company that thinks it’s OK to just profit off of having no real actual contribution other than hosting a Web server. They’re taking advantage of people and that’s wrong. We all know that it is wrong. Whether you’re a blue voter or a red voter, whether you see the humanitarian side or the financial side, either way it’s wrong. Not wrong to rely on DoorDash in a time of need when you may not be able to do something for yourself, but of DoorDash to think that it’s OK to take advantage of people simply because they can.

    I will keep it short tonight except to say one last thing. I am so inspired by the people who are a part of this movement and how we pick each other up and support each other. If we keep focusing on things that we have in common instead of finding reasons to divide, we can make America the greatest it’s ever been.

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    3 min
  • Eighth Nightly Address: December 29, 2024
    Dec 30 2024

    Today I was out delivering orders for DoorDash and I got a ping for what has to easily be the most absurd order I’ve gotten yet. One single 20oz Sprite bottle from 7-Eleven, delivered 0.2 miles across the street. Now, I got paid $4 as the dasher delivering the order. 7-Eleven got paid at least $2 for that bottle. DoorDash has a profit margin of around 30%, plus small order fees, so they made at least $2-$3 as well. That means this person paid, at least, $8-$9 for ONE BOTTLE OF SPRITE. It could have been $3, still outrageously expensive, thanks to years of punishing inflation, but ⅓ of the cost on DoorDash, simply because they couldn’t be bothered to walk or even drive themselves ONE QUARTER OF A MILE. This isn’t just laziness, this is crippling. How do y’all think the billionaires keep making all this money?! Because we give it all to them for dumb shit like this. The DoorDash shareholders made 100% of the retail cost of the product in PURE PROFIT for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, more than doubling the price of the item. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

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    5 min
  • Seventh Nightly Address: December 28, 2024
    Dec 29 2024

    I encountered an interesting term today. “Sunken Cost” Supporters. The author was referring to people who turn out in support of a candidate, party, or platform that they no longer actually believe in or want simply because they’ve already invested so much in supporting that thing to date. Maybe they would feel embarrassed or dumb to drop out now. Maybe they can’t imagine anyone better. Maybe they’ve just lost hope. Maybe the system has just consumed them and burned them out.

    This is something that should resonate with all of us. No matter to which end of the political spectrum you may align, our government is full of these “Sunken Cost” politicians and causes. We just almost had the second consecutive election between the two oldest people to ever run for the office, and two of the most divisive. If Democrats could have faced the reality of Biden being too old and frail to fulfill his duties, perhaps he could have retired with dignity and democrats could have had a better turn out this election. If Republicans could face the reality that Trump is also too old and out of touch, perhaps they could have elected someone who would actually help make eggs and energy cheaper and make everyone happy and the economy better and healthier in the process. Who knows? We’ve sunk so much into their same tired antics, both sides, and the complimenting antics of the many other establishment and career politicians in our government today, that we almost can’t imagine any other way. We have been tricked into thinking that these people have valuable experience that we need.

    Why do we consider experience valuable? My high school swim coach had a great philosophy on this. Because practice makes perfect. Right? Wrong. PERFECT practice makes perfect. He was so right. Drilling a sports skill the wrong way doesn’t get results. You can lift weights all day; you will never have Luigi abs if you aren’t doing it right and following a wholistic approach to better health. So why do we keep reelecting people who didn’t get the job done the first time they had the chance? Or the second time? Or the third time? What makes anyone think that the people who largely created these problems, or at minimum continuously failed to address them, will be the ones to ultimately solve them in the end? They won’t be. It will take NEW FACES, who maybe don’t have “experience” in the form of decades of lack of substantial achievement in government and a fancy ivy league law degree, but who instead have LIVED EXPERIENCE and know that there must be a better way and that if we work together in unity, we can find it and do it.

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    4 min
  • Sixth Nightly Address: December 26-27, 2024
    Dec 28 2024

    Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a safe holiday full of joy and excitement. With great pride in our team, I can announce that we have fully automated new user onboarding and are working on role-based assignments for participating in areas of interest. We’re making it really easy for you to find your interests and jump in! Be watching for more information about that. More importantly, tell your friends! Post! Share! Invite others to join! Help the community grow. The link is easy to remember, it’s discord.ajustthis.org and works for existing and new users of Discord.

    PLEASE make sure to join the Signal group if you haven’t already. If you’re hearing this and you do not have or use Signal or Discord, stand by while we work on getting our website live where you can subscribe to email updates and find all our social links to stay in touch! We need everyone’s help to promote all these mechanisms of reaching more people and connecting to rally behind the greater cause.

    We will soon be launching more detailed and effective recruitment efforts as well as starting to put together policy drafting teams, grassroots volunteer networks, activism support services, and more. Stay tuned for these exciting developments.

    Last, take some time today to think about the example you set for others in the way you go about your day. Are you someone who tries to build walls or bridges? Are you someone who tries to see the good and the bad, or just one of the two? Do you stand for something that represents the best of humanity or the worst of it? Are you living your life in a way that your grandchildren will be proud of?

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    3 min
  • Fifth Nightly Address: December 24, 2024 **Christmas Special**
    Dec 25 2024

    I want to take a couple minutes to talk about exactly what we’re really doing here. This particular movement is for political action. We are not taking political action in the name of one party or the other, or in the name of any left versus right issue, or any other type of horizontal nonsense that is used to divide us by those who maintain their clutch on power. This movement is about up versus down, us versus them. This movement is about vertical movement, and raising each other up. We will have lots of differences of opinions and experiences and perspectives, and this forum is open to all of them. It is not important why we arrive at the same consensus, only that we arrive at the same consensus. If we stand together, they can no longer divide us.

    On a separate note, we will begin fundraising after the holiday. I’m very excited to say that this is launching, as well as a merchandise store and lots of other exciting things. Raising this money will be key to achieving our goals and solving the problems with our healthcare industry, and our government, once and for all.

    There are a lot of marches being planned for January now, all across the country. If you haven’t already, try to find one in the city near you. Talk to 286 or some of the other groups that we’re connecting with or look in the city forums and find other people to connect with. If you know anyone who is organizing something that isn’t associated with this movement, but is aligned with its cause and values, please send them our way. Either to the moderators or directly to me. We want to work together with everyone in solidarity and united cause.

    Always remember and ask yourself what are we fighting for? Keep the focus where it needs to be and we will win.

    Have a safe and Merry Christmas whether you celebrate it or not. 🎄✨ In observance of all the winter solstice holidays, there will be no nightly address tomorrow.


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    5 min
  • Fourth Nightly Address: December 23, 2024
    Dec 24 2024

    What an epic day we had charging into the upcoming break for the holiday. We are over 800 strong and growing steadily! This is such an incredible thing to be a part of! I have so much catching up to do on so many things over the next few days. I am so grateful and inspired by the commitment, dedication, and energy from everyone here.

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    3 min