
  • Ch 9 - Armed For The Battle And Ready To Fight
    Aug 12 2022
    Armed For The Battle and Ready To Fight - Chapter 9

    There are times when we don't always feel worthy to be in the master's service. Some believers feel like left-overs, a broken piece, garbage and trash, because of the experiences, tragedies the heartbreaks and the hardships that they have suffered.

    But we find that God does not view us in the same manner as we may behold ourselves. God takes a vessel and uses it for his glory. He also takes whatever you have left in your life, and he will use that for his service. He picks up the pieces and puts them to use. Just as Jesus, we see picked up the left-overs after feeding the multitude. He told his disciples to go out and gather up all that is left over, that nothing be lost. God does not want waste or for any of us to be lost. He carefully and skillfully sends his workers in to pick up those individuals who have nothing left inside themselves but fragments.

    Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Music by: Debbie Boone
    Song - The Wounded Soldier Instrumental
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    26 min
  • Ch 8 - Injured… But Now Shall I Die?
    Apr 12 2022
    Injured… But Now Shall I Die?

    Your enemies you can be sure will always shout out against you .

    Can you imagine if we who walk under a better covenant were to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit what type of manifestations we would see operating in our lives? The yielding would cause us to become an instrument to be used by God. Our bondages and challenges would fall by the wayside and we would be loosed to do the will of God.

    So many times the devil says now it’s your
    time to die… but God says live.

    Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Atmosphere of Worship
    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • Ch 7 - The Charge Don’t Wreck Your Ship
    Apr 11 2022
    The Charge - Don’t Wreck Your Ship

    I Timothy 1:5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: (which means a sincere faith).

    St. Paul says: Keep this charge for some have put away concerning faith and have made Shipwreck: becoming a blasphemer, casting away their faith. They shipwrecked, they crashed, and smashed or was ruined.

    Records show there were several instances in the word that proves one can make a wreckage of their life and faith in God.

    “But shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
    And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus;
    Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.”

    There are teachers out here today…

    Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Atmosphere of Worship
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    15 min
  • Ch 6 - Facing And Conquering The Challenge
    Apr 11 2022
    Facing and conquering the challenge

    God has us in training, "The more sweat on the training ground, the less blood on the battlefield." God has us in some of these hard positions. It will straighten us and make us right. God corrects his sons through chastening. Sometimes it appears to be grievous, but the word of God says that afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness.

    Psalms 66:12 We went through the fire and through water but you brought us out into a wealthy place.

    For in Jesus the victory stands tall in the midst of us.
    God wants to give us spiritual riches, hidden deep within; which are obtained only through the fire (trials). A life barren of trials has a tendency to be satisfied with too little.

    We find then the process of taking precious metal from ores and refining them to a pure state. This requires melting in intense heat to remove the impurities; to get to the real precious metals.

    Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Speak Lord
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    21 min
  • Ch 5 - Make Sure The Battle You Are Fighting Is Your Own Battle
    Apr 11 2022
    Make sure the battle you are fighting is your own battle
    “Hold off the dogs.”

    Mind your own business!
    There is trouble when one goes against the warning to meddle not in God’s work.

    The Hebrew meaning of meddle - To thrust oneself into the middle.

    Proverbs 20:19 says, "That every fool will be meddling."
    Proverbs 26:17 "He that passes by and meddles with strife belonging not to himself, is like one that takes a dog by the ears. You can expect to get bit.
    Holding a dogs ears is going to make him mad.
    When you try to let go he's going to attack.
    You can thank yourself for the wound and the hurt feelings, no one else. You can just stand there indefinitely and continue to hold the dog off. You will definitely have your hands full, you won't be able to do anything else.

    God spoke to me one day and said, "Hold off the dog."
    Too many of God’s people are stuck and operating in the wrong place. Often this causes the Judgement of the Lord
    to intervene. Stay in your own place and calling.
    Stop Meddling!

    Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - God I Look To You
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    21 min
  • Ch 4 - Trouble In The War Zone
    Apr 8 2022
    Trouble In The War Zone

    Many people are sitting in war zones in their lives. Are they praying or not? Are they in deep trouble? How many are the things which are the subject of prayer!
    It has to do with everything which concerns us, with everybody with whom we have to do, and has to do with all times. But especially does prayer have to do with trouble.

    “This poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.” The blessedness, the help, the comfort of prayer in the day of trouble! And how marvelous the promises of God to us in the time of trouble!

    “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high because he hath known
    My name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor Him.”

    Praying in the War Zone is critically important.
    God answers prayers!

    Book by: Barbara Nutt Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Atmosphere of Worship
    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Ch 3 - Coming Up To Your Potential
    Mar 19 2022
    Coming Up To Your Potential

    We need to ask God for a flame of holiness to burn through our lives a flame instead of a flicker. In this place God told Moses to take off his shoes, for this is HOLY GROUND. He was about to manifest himself to Moses. You see often when the scriptures show God manifesting himself into situations, it requires holiness first.

    “Holiness without which, no man shall see the Lord.”

    A soldier purified, cleansed and equipped for war….

    Ready or not here we come! With the Lord by our sides we become an unstoppable army.
    With a warrior spirit deep within our bellies, where the Holy Spirit can flow and guide our very
    thought processes and our being.
    God walking in us and with us simultaneously.

    Ready for whatever the enemy has prepared before us.
    Ready with our loins girt about with the Spirit of Truth.
    Holy and acceptable before our master.
    Able to stand before the Lord and say use me Lord, for I am ready to fight in this war.
    For I believe that, “No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper.”

    No demon in hell has the ability to overthrow God's army.

    Nahum 1:6 Who can stand before His indignation?
    And who can abide in the fierceness of His anger?
    His fury is poured out like fire, and rocks are thrown
    down by Him.

    Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the
    day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.

    Nahum 1:8 But with an overrunning flood He will
    make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness
    shall pursue His enemies.

    God knows his enemies…

    It is a tried soldier’s job to know his enemies. This is a day of deceiving spirits,
    “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God. I John 4:1.

    Coming up to your potential

    There is a new subtlety in the way Satan comes in on what we feel is forbidden ground.

    He comes in on our own radio wave. Satan comes in on the one in, which we get used to using.
    He hinders our reception from hearing God.
    We must be on the alert and change our strategy.
    As the Holy Spirit changes we must be riding on the same wind of the spirit.
    Watching and praying, lest Satan should get an advantage over us; for we are not ignorant concerning
    Satan’s devices. It’s time to come up higher!

    Book by: Barbara Nutt Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Time With Holy Spirit
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    33 min
  • Ch 2 - Spiritual Boot Camp - The Making Of A Soldier
    Mar 6 2022
    Spiritual Boot Camp - The Making Of A Soldier

    We find Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane about to be crucified. What is the purpose of the garden?
    We find Gethsemane means “the oil press”… A place of pressing, a place of bruising.
    This bruising is an injury without skin breakage, to crush.
    God wants from us pure oil... which comes forth in the crushing.

    The children of Israel were commanded to bring forth pure oil into the tabernacle of God, or into his presence.
    This is a place of process. You see many of us are in the process of the processor our Heavenly Father, and though it doesn’t sound like a pleasant place to be.
    It is the right place to be.

    Book by: Barbara Nutt Duffey Hammonds
    Prodigal Daughter Book Series

    Podcast Music by: Dappytkeys
    Song - Promises Of Rest And Peace
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    13 min