
  • Episode 24: Behavior & Belief Change w/ Shelly Belk
    Feb 24 2023

    Behavior and belief change are a fundamental parts of coaching others or yourself be it in the gym, in your career, or in day to day life. Yet it's often glossed over and is a soft skill many coaches never learn about. Anyone else experience the hard ass authoritarian coach that said their way or the high way? Yeah they should've listened to our guest Shelly. Luckily you can and hopefully bring some of those coaching aspects to your own coaching and training.

    Introducing Shelly Belk 0:00
    What does this coaching look like? 1:12
    What is behavior/belief change? 7:50
    Models of Change 17:13
    Micro Wins 24:18
    Eliciting Change in Others 29:50
    Eliciting Change in Yourself 38:07
    Final Thoughts 48:38

    Where to find us

    Shelly Belk

    James Harris
    @James.BrentwoodBarbell @BrentwoodBarbellClub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Episode 23: Strength and Kindness with Dr. Dave Hagerty
    Feb 1 2023

    In this episode your hosts bring on Dr. Dave Hagerty to explore various avenues of mentality from kindness to persistence. Many of the subjects talked about in this episode of course apply to the gym, but are also useful in your day to day life interacting with coworkers, maintaining meaningful relationships, or  building a business.

    Time Stamps:
    0:42 Informal intro
    7:58 Who is this mystery speaker?
    9:17 Strength and Kindness origins
    15:56 Perspectives and experiences
    25:25 Acknowledge your wins
    41:45 Investment into goals
    47:52 Persistance
    Where to find us:

    Dave Hagerty

    James Harris
    @James.BrentwoodBarbell @BrentwoodBarbellClub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 14 min
  • Episode 22: Injury Round Table w/ Dr. Nate Wong
    Jan 11 2023

    Starting off the 2023 year, your hosts bring on Dr. Nate Wong to discuss more about injury management and present strategies for how to manage and overcome injury.

    0:44 Introducing Dr. Nate Wong
    4:21 Rehab vs. Training
    11:40 What is "functional" training?
    24:45 Rehab should be hard conditioning
    35:17 Common injuries among gen pop
    56:12 The role of specificity with aches and pains
    1:14:18 Disagreeing with the Recommendations of an MD or DO
    1:27:30 Why do people seek out rehab clinicians? When should one be seen?

    Where to find us:

    Nate Wong

    James Harris
    @James.BrentwoodBarbell @BrentwoodBarbellClub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 40 min
  • Episode 21: Sifting Through the Evidence
    Dec 2 2022

    Throughout social media, you may hear many different opinions about physical health and performance. And with social media we don't often get to hear all the nuances and grey areas of the statements people make. What we want to do is explain how to use aspects of both research and anecdote and how they can provide different values to different populations. 

    Time Stamps
    2:05 Research vs. Anecdote
    9:16 Extreme Beliefs
    16:50 Application to Populations
    25:45 Research Application & Experimentation
    30:24 The Human Component
    33:39 Who to Listen to

    Where to find us

    James Harris
    @james.brentwoodbarbell @brentwoodbarbellclub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Episode 20: Equipped Powerlifting w/ John Flagg & Kevin Cann
    Nov 1 2022

    In episode 20 of the BAR we dive into the darkside of powerlifting... equipped lifting. Despite the many internet memes you may have seen, equipped lifting has a great history in the sport of powerlifting and has many things it can teach you. So learn a bit about it, and see if its something you find worthwhile.

    Time Stamps
    0:00 Introducing John Flagg & Kevin Cann
    3:30 First Experiences with Equipment
    14:58 Powerlifting History
    22:03 What is Equipment?
    29:30 Execution in Equipment
    35:45 How Often Should You Train in Gear?
    48:55 How Equipped Lifts Builds the Raw Lifts
    1:03:48 Coaching Philosophy 
    1:14:20 Resources for Buying Equipment
    Gear by David Kirschen

    Where to find us:

    John Flagg

    Kevin Cann
    @kwcann @precision_powerlifting_systems

    James Harris
    @james.brentwoodbarbell @brentwoodbarbellclub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 24 min
  • Episode 19: Current Training & Programming Exploration
    Sep 20 2022

    We are back! After a busy end to summer, your hosts are back. And to start out we wanted to talk about our current training and coaching trends. 
    One of the things to remember when it comes to eliciting performance in strength sports is experimentation and the use of different training styles, thought processes, and program organization. 
    So join us in our exploration of training. And apologies for the background noise, new mic did not workout so well. 

    1:16 James' Training
    3:04 5-6 Session Microcycles on a 3-4 Day Training Weeks
    11:13 Allowing Athlete Exercise Choice
    19:05 Wyatt's Training "Sit on a Muscle"
    30:01 Training vs Building a Movement (New Bench Rule & Olympic Lifting)
    42:27 Tempo Work
    49:23 The Future Meets/Business/School

    Where to find us:

    James Harris
    @james.brentwoodbarbell @brentwoodbarbellclub

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Episode 18: The Business Side of Rehab w/ Dr. Derek Miles and Dr. Judy Gelber
    Jul 19 2022

    Whether you are an athlete or a clinician, you probably know that the rehab industry isn't so simple. In this episode we will discuss the pros and cons private pay and insurance based models for both patients and clinicians, as well as online vs in-person models for rehab. 
    Hopefully after listening, if you are a patient in the future, you have a better idea of where to go to get the best care for your situation. And if you're a clinician or future clinician, hopefully this serves as a guide in your future endeavors as a rehab clinician. 

    0:59 Introductions 
    2:04 Private Pay (Cash Based) vs. Insurance Based
    6:51 Private Pay vs Insurance Populations
    19:27 Quality of Care
    27:54 Increasing Accessibility
    31:25 Direct Access Laws
    36:56 Schooling
    38:44 Online vs In-Person Rehab
    48:23 Marketing
    55:02 Dealing with Misinformation

    Where you can find us:

    Derek Miles DPT

    Judy Gelber DPT

    James Harris 

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 8 min
  • Episode 17: Hybrid Training w/ Dr. Nathan Henderson & Dr. Jason Garrett
    Jul 5 2022

    For decades we have heard the narrative that cardio kills your your hypertrophy and strength gains. We brought on Dr. Jason Garrett and Dr. Nathan Henderson to discuss both the science and their own personal experiences training both powerlifting and distance running simultaneously. 

    0:00 Introducing Dr. Henderson & Dr. Garret
    0:58 Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise
    14:15 Interference Effects
    23:11 Training Organization
    42:45 Fun and Carry Over to Life
    50:18 Running Specific Exercises
    53:52 Overtraining & Recovery
    1:03:58 Mental Toughness

    Where to find us

    Jason Garrett

    Nathan Henderson

    James Harris

    Wyatt Christiansen

    Recorded June 28, 2022

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 10 min