
  • Is Ash Wednesday Biblical? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 46)
    Feb 21 2025

    Helpful Links:

    What happens to people who never hear the Gospel?: Click Here

    How Jesus fulfilled Passover: Click Here

    Apologetics conference 2025 info: CLICK HERE for the conference website.

    • I will not be speaking at or attending the conference this year, but I have in the past and I recommend it.
    • 50% off the live stream - Promo code: MWLS50
    • 30% off in-person registration - Promo code: MWPS30

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:51 {Is Ash Wednesday Biblical?} Could you share your thoughts on Ash Wednesday and how Christians should understand and approach the day? Is it exclusively a Catholic observance, or is there a way for non-Catholics to participate? Should we participate at all?
    2. 22:01 {Bethlehem vs. Nazareth?} Why is Jesus in Bethlehem when the wise men come in Matthew 2:7-11? Luke 2:22 and 2:39 say they returned to Nazareth after the 40 day purification rites. Did Matthew make up their hometown as Bethlehem?
    3. 29:16 {1,000 Year Reign: On Earth?} Is there biblical evidence that the 1,000 year reign of Christ as described in Revelation is on Earth? I hear a lot about the 1,000 year reign specifically being on Earth, but I fail to see the word “Earth” anywhere.
    4. 34:22 {Ways our Worship Could Improve} What do you think about what the Bible teaches about principles of worship? How can our worship improve in the American Protestant churches?
    5. 41:27 {Does Calvinism Challenge God’s Justice?} I watched your video on Calvinism and it was amazing! But the question I still have is, does Calvinism go against God’s justice? God is just, and that’s a fact. Would that alone disprove Calvinism?
    6. 49:24 {Do God’s Children Deserve God’s Love?} We always say we don't "deserve anything" from God, but how biblical is this? Don't children deserve a degree of love from their parents?
    7. 54:43 {Passover vs. Yom Kippur} Why was Jesus' atoning sacrifice on Passover instead of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement)? I've looked everywhere but can't find an answer.
    8. 58:27 {The Calling of a Pastor} I’m 17 and have a huge desire to go into pastoral ministry. I feel called and equipped for this, but hear a lot of people say God has to speak to you directly to do this. Is my burden for this enough?
    9. 1:06:38 {Andrew’s vs. Peter’s Calling} Matthew 4:18-22 and John 1:35-42 seem to have two very different accounts of how Andrew and Peter were called to follow Christ. Can you please explain this?
    10. 1:11:24 {How to be a “Fisher of Men”} What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? A leader at my seeker church said it meant to use bait to get them in. Not sure if this is what Jesus meant.

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.

    To ask a question in a future session, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beg...

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    1 h et 22 min
  • We can't let them continue to get away with it: 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 45)
    Feb 14 2025

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:15 {Should We Expose Pastors?} Can you provide an overview of why it is biblical and right to expose abusive and harmful pastors and those who are in positions of Christian leadership?
    2. 33:41 {Fallen Angels – Past or Future?} I’ve heard someone say that Satan hasn’t taken a third of the heavenly angels yet, but will do it in the future (Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9). Is that a possibility?
    3. 38:35 {David’s Story: Exempting Accountability?} How should we respond to people who use the story of David and other flawed biblical figures, whom God still used, to justify their own sinful behavior, especially when in positions of power?
    4. 45:48 {Are Body Piercings Sinful?} What does the Bible say about piercings? If a woman who serves in the worship ministry gets a belly piercing, should she no longer be allowed to serve in that ministry?
    5. 50:31 {Indwelling of the Spirit: How it Differs} What about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes us unique compared to Old Covenant believers? I’ve never quite grasped what difference it makes.
    6. 53:22 {Does the Spirit Still Teach & Guide Us?} Jesus tells the apostles that the Holy Spirit will “teach them all things” (John 14:16) and “guide them into all the truth” (John 16:13). What exactly does this entail, and was it only for the apostles?
    7. 1:00:34 {Reuel vs. Jethro: Contradiction?} Is there an explanation for why Moses’ father-in-law appears to have two different names (Exodus 2:18 (Reuel) & Exodus 18:2 (Jethro))?
    8. 1:02:41 {Jonah: Failed Prophecies?} I recently had a Mormon claim it’s OK that Joseph Smith had failed prophecies because Jonah also did. He claimed Deuteronomy 18:22 didn’t apply to either of them. Thoughts?
    9. 1:09:28 {Shad., Mesh., & Abed…Did they Know?} In Daniel 3:16-18, how did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego know that God would deliver them from the fiery furnace?
    10. 1:13:28 {Our Work in Eternity} Are there any hints in Scripture about what kind of work we will do in God's Kingdom in the future?

    My video on the false prophet Brandon Biggs: Click Here

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.
    6. Only one question submitted per subscriber, per stream, please. Submitting the same question into the chat a few times is OK.
    7. Please understand that we don't strictly take the first 10 questions submitted. Our team takes several factors into consideration.
    8. Check the Clip Search on BibleThinker.org in advance to see if your topic of interest has already been covered in a past session.

    My website is searchable and all the video and audio content is free:

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    1 h et 21 min
  • Jesus is YHWH: The Hebrews Series part 5 (Heb 1:6-2:1)
    Feb 11 2025

    Pulling no punches. Leaving no reasonable room for doubt.

    This is part 5 in the Hebrews Series. Catch the whole playlist HERE.

    You can download the notes I used to teach this study HERE.

    Lots more on my website:

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    1 h et 31 min
  • Wrong about the gift of prophecy: 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 44)
    Feb 8 2025

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

    1. 0:26 {Prophecy Always Positive?} Is the gift of prophecy always supposed to yield a positive, uplifting revelation?
    2. 20:38 {Praying Over Things?} What are your thoughts on praying over a house or object? Is that superstition?
    3. 24:23 {Giving Time vs. Money?} Is it ever OK to give time instead of money to church? How do we balance giving vs. saving, especially if giving might cause debt (Mark 12:41-44, Romans 13:1-8)? I also have a family to provide for.
    4. 31:18 {Parable of the Wedding Feast} Can you please explain the parable in Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Wedding Feast)? I don’t understand the meaning.
    5. 40:06 {Should I Be Rebaptized?} I fell out of the faith years ago and recently came back and feel like I should get baptized again. Is there anything for or against this in the Bible?
    6. 47:26 {Is God Selfish?} Do you believe that God is selfish in everything He does? It seems even His "selfless" acts are done for His own sake (Psalm 106:8, dying on the cross for His own glory, etc.). Would that motivation be wrong?
    7. 56:56 {Is Baptismal Regeneration Heresy?} Is believing that baptism is for the remission of sins based on Acts 2: 38 heresy? Is someone who was thusly baptized then not saved?
    8. 1:11:49 {Sinful Vows: Binding?} Are vows made in sin or amidst sinful circumstances still binding in eyes of God (Ecclesiastes 5:5, Joshua 9, Genesis 27, Judges 12)?
    9. 1:16:29 {Isaiah 14: About Satan?} Is Isaiah 14:3-20 about Satan? It says it is to the King of Babylon, but I have heard verses 12-14 used in reference to Satan. Just curious about your thoughts on it!
    10. 1:24:02 {Did David Violate Deut. 24?} How was David able to take Michal back as his wife? Isn’t that a violation of Deuteronomy 24, and does that apply today?

    My first video on Bethel showing the problem of faking prophecy: Click Here

    My second video on Bethel, showing there are major problems beyond what I was aware of in the first video. Bethel continues to have worldwide influence: Click Here

    Who wrote the Gospel of Mark? (lots of evidence): Click Here

    My website is searchable and all the video and audio content is free:

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.
    6. Only one question submitted per subscriber, per stream, please. Submitting the same question into the chat a few times is OK.
    7. Please understand that we don't strictly take the first 10 questions submitted. Our team takes several factors into consideration.
    8. Check the Clip Search on BibleThinker.org in advance to see if your topic of interest has already been covered in a past session.

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    1 h et 32 min
  • Wes Huff and Mike Winger
    Feb 3 2025

    Special thanks to Living Waters ministry for letting us use their studio to record this conversation.

    My website: https://BibleThinker.org

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    43 min
  • Is JD Vance right? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 43)
    Jan 31 2025

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:20 {JD Vance’s Christian Concept} Is JD Vance’s “Christian concept” of love truly Christian?
    2. 28:00 {Resisting Temptation in the Workplace} What advice would you give to somebody who feels vulnerable to worldliness in the workplace? Not only do I spend most of my time there, but all of my coworkers knew me pre-salvation. It’s a struggle.
    3. 33:06 {Should Children be Taught about Hell?} What should children who would go to Heaven if they die be taught about Hell, if anything? It may make them afraid that they would go there.
    4. 36:06 {The Unsaved: Prayer Priorities?} Is it appropriate to pray for the physical healing of an unsaved person? Isn’t it more reasonable to pray that they would come to faith in Christ? What is the "prayer priority" in this situation?
    5. 38:51 {Specific Moment of Salvation?} Do you have to have a specific date of salvation, or can salvation be a gradual thing/realization? This has been a debate within our current Bible study.
    6. 43:17 {God’s Omnipresence} Within God’s omnipresence, is that confined to spatial and spiritual dimensions? Or does that include Him being present across all of time, as well? As in He’s currently in all times all at once?
    7. 49:06 {Disqualifications for Serving?} What disqualifies someone from non-pastoral ministry? Are the rules for pastors the same for sound techs, ushers, etc.?
    8. 56:02 {Brands/Products: Letting in Spirits?} Are there specific brands or products that Christians shouldn‘t use? I’ve seen videos showing things like makeup products Christians shouldn't use because they let in spirits. Should I throw these away?
    9. 1:01:12 {Jacob’s Wrestling: Father or Son?} Do you believe Jacob wrestled with God the Father or God the Son (Hosea 12:4 and Genesis 32)?
    10. 1:06:44 {Tribulation Saints: Position in Heaven?} In the pre-tribulation view of the rapture, if the raptured Church is the Bride of Christ, then what position/purpose in Heaven do the tribulation saints hold?

    11. 1:10:36 (Bonus) Prayer Request from Jacob: Can you and your listeners please pray for my sister Darby's pregnancy? The other day we found out she was having twins, but at the same time she was told she's most likely going to miscarry. The babies are measuring smaller than they should, with no heartbeats detected. Please join us in asking God to miraculously breathe life into her babies again.

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question in a future stream you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    Helpful Links:

    • Examples of Christophanies in the Old Testament: Click Here
    • How Matthew uses the term "prophecy" and why people mistakenly think that the New Testament misuses Old Testament prophecy: Click Here
    • How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament (my favorite series ever): Click Here
    • Explaining why Jesus was not a failed prophet and why they should not have expected Him to come back in the 1st century: Click Here
    • Here is The Hebrews Series playlis...
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    1 h et 17 min
  • Why am I concerned about the Upside-Down Kingdom Bible? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 42)
    Jan 17 2025

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

    1. 0:03 {The Upside-Down Kingdom Bible} What are your thoughts on the newly released Zondervan NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible, edited by Dr. Preston Sprinkle?
    2. 1:18:50 {Helping Children Grasp the Gospel} As a pastor to the youth for so long, what would you recommend parents do with their children to help them have a personal relationship with God?
    3. 1:21:00 {Moses/Genesis: When/How?} When/how did Moses acquire the contents and narrative of Genesis?
    4. 1:22:27 {Is Marriage an Oath?} James 5:12 says not to make oaths, but isn’t getting married making an oath?
    5. 1:26:35 {Overcoming the Grip of Sin} What’s the balance between the Holy Spirit changing us, and us trying to do good works and love God? I just feel so stuck in my sin. I don’t know how to get out of this habit. I’m scared my repentance isn’t real.
    6. 1:31:29 {Sin in the Millennium?} Will there be sin in the Millennium? Will that affect our glorified bodies and our lives in the Millennium?
    7. 1:34:37 {Corporal Punishment: More Harm than Good?} I’m a new parent doing research. I’ve heard that the Bible supports corporal punishment, but also that scientific studies say corporal punishment has negative outcomes. How do you reconcile these two things?
    8. 1:38:10 {Disciples: Not Recognizing Jesus?} There are some Scriptures where the disciples don’t recognize the resurrected Jesus. Is this because they are prevented by Jesus, or did He actually look different?
    9. 1:41:29 {Water & Blood: 1 John 4} What is the significance of the water and the blood in 1 John 4:6, 8?
    10. 1:45:03 {Relationships with Family in Eternity} What do you think our relationship will be like with family members in Heaven? Will we know each other? Will we still sort of be related? I know there won't be marriage.

    11. (Bonus Q!) 1:46:45 Who's your favorite LOTR character? I bet it's Treebeard.

    My video defending the death penalty: Click Here

    What was the "sin of Sodom"? Also, why Jude make this clear: Click Here

    My FULL Women in Ministry playlist: Click Here

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question you'll need to follow these instructions:

    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    My video exposing the false prophet Brandon Biggs: Click Here

    My website is searchable and all the video and audio content is free:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 50 min
  • How much should pastors be paid? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 41)
    Jan 10 2025

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

    1. 0:43 {The Pastor’s Salary: How MUCH?} How much should pastors be paid for their work in the ministry?
    2. 37:30 {Interpretations for Private Tongues?} When the gift of speaking in tongues is in operation, do the same requirements and standards exist for private/smaller ministry gatherings as they do the corporate gatherings of a church service? For example, if someone in the background is praying in tongues while you are praying for someone at a hospital, does that still demand an interpretation?
    3. 49:38 {Images of God: Ever Biblical?} Author J.I. Packer states that the 2nd commandment forbids using images of God for worship (such as paintings or statues/icons of God) and that images cannot capture His power & only serve as a crutch when worshiping Him. Thoughts?
    4. 58:19 {Was Jesus Tempted with Unbelief?} As a former atheist, the verse in Hebrews 4:15 comforts and confuses me; how could the Son of Man be tempted with unbelief in Himself?
    5. 1:03:03 {Immediate or Messianic Prophecy?} It looks like Isaiah 7:14 is fulfilled in Isaiah 8:4. The prophecy seems to describe something immediate and not messianic. What do we do with Matthew seemingly saying it is a messianic prophecy?
    6. 1:07:45 {How to “Obey the Gospel”} How do we answer those who think “obeying the Gospel” means physical obedience (works)? They cite verses like 1 Peter 1:22, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, Romans 10:16, and Matthew 7: 21.
    7. 1:16:07 {Did The Apostles Misunderstand?} I’m struggling with the apostles believing that Jesus’ return was happening within their lifetime. How can we trust everything else they said to be inspired by God if they got this wrong?
    8. 1:22:22 {Not Enough Prayer in Church?} Why do we pray so little collectively during Sunday services? Singing makes up 40%, while praying roughly 1-2%. This does not seem to line up biblically or historically (Acts 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1-8).
    9. 1:28:55 {Gospel Contradictions?} Is there an irreconcilable contradiction in the Gospels as to whether Jesus instructed The Twelve to take a staff (Matt 10: 10, Mark 6:8)? How should this affect our view on inerrancy?
    10. 1:32:52 {Resolving to Follow Christ Amid Doubts} Can you be saved by choosing the Christian life at any moment and hoping it’s real, or do you have to be convinced? What conditions do you need from God or yourself? Do you have to be feeling a certain way?

    1:44:00 Bonus! Guitar Time, courtesy of Seth Yoder’s request.

    • How Matthew uses the term "prophecy" and why people mistakenly think that it the New Testament misuses Old Testament prophecy: Click Here
    • How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament (my favorite series ever): Click Here
    • Explaining why Jesus was not a failed prophet and why they should not have expected Him to come back in the 1st century: Click Here
    • Here is The Hebrews Series playlist (verse by verse through the book): Click Here
    • My video exposing the false prophet Brandon Biggs: Click Here

    My website is searchable and all the video and audio content is free: https://BibleThinker.org

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question in a future session, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning...

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 45 min