
  • यादें
    Oct 29 2024
    कुछ पन्ने ही तो पलटे, कुछ वक़्त ही तो बीता, कुछ मुक़ाम हीतो बदले। बदले चाहे कितनी ही चीज़ें, हालात या बातें—एक शब्द ने सभी को समेट रखा है—यादें।...
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    1 min
  • हमारे ज़िन्दगी के पन्ने
    Oct 28 2024
    हम अपने आप से कई तरह से बातें करते हैं। कभी अपने को सराहते हैं, तो कभी ताना देते हैं। हम तरह-तरह के सोच की दीवार खड़ी करते हैं –अपने होने और अपने को नकारने के बीच। ज़्यादातर अपने को सराहने की प्रवृत्ति, दीवार के उस पार, अपने से परे कर देते हैं और अपने को नकारने की प्रवृत्ति को हम क़रीब, दीवार के अंदर ले लेते हैं। सोच की ईंट गलती चली जाती है। हमारी सोच अपने लिए कैसी है, ये मायने रखती है।...
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    3 min
  • HEAL: Help Elevate Another Life!
    Feb 20 2024

    HEAL: Help Elevate Another Life!

    I looked at her face and realized she didn't look good. There was sadness lurking in the eyes, a bit of coldness, a lot sometimes, and then she smiled... Oh my God! I couldn't believe she's the same woman I had been staring at. She looked radiant and beautiful! What a transformation!

    We are all born to smile often, laugh more and cry and pour our heart out when we feel hurt or are in pain, what we aren't born to do is offload our anger and frustration onto others, especially our children.

    No one should bear the brunt and consequences of our hurt.

    We are born to sort ourselves out. We are born to figure ourselves out. We are born to carry out our heart's intentions. Our hearts are made to heal ourselves and others.

    Do you know what's the full form of HEAL?

    Help Elevate Another Life!

    So, helping is all we can do. We can only extend our hands and hearts, but the step towards one's own heart is to be taken by the person themselves.

    All of you, who are in the field of healing, please remember to help and support until required, after that just let go. Clinging isn't your work; liberation is.

    And those who seek help, please remember, you are the one with magic, no one has or can grant you your Magic. Hence seek help with an intent and courage to unearth and discover yourself.

    Accept who you are right now and then begin your adventure to become how you'd like to be. Don't cling to those who seem to have it all in your eyes; nothing is ever as it appears. Everyone has their own self to deal with and heal. No one is exempt from this process.

    I hope you smile, even laugh with yourself and your near and dear ones often. Be there for them, hold the space in silence.

    There are no quick fixes in life, ever.

    So, live each moment as it comes to you and may you smile and laugh often. Adios, until we meet again.

    I would like to know your views on my podcasts; please do write in the comments section what you feel. I’ll be waiting for your views. Bye for now.

    ©Seemma C 🦋

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    3 min
  • Little Things and Us
    Dec 3 2023

    Little Things and Us

    Once we feel at one with ourselves, the work within, or our journey just doesn’t end there.

    What about our relevance in this world? Finding one’s relevance in this world also bothers. If we don’t feel relevant to the world around us, we begin to question the purpose of our existence on this planet.

    Eventually we realize that success, huge goals, climbing ladders to some higher place is a myth. It doesn’t make you happy for long, the continuous climb can burn you out, erode your essence that you found after much struggle.

    Working does allow us the dignity of having our basic needs met and that’s important; it can also be an outlet to the many talents that we have. However, sometimes, we tend to stop being grateful to ourselves and to the work that we do. Ever wondered why? Let’s say that love for who we are and what we do plays some role here....

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    5 min
  • Finding Yourself...
    Dec 3 2023

    Finding Yourself…

    There’s always a war waging within all of us. I doubt if this battleground ever existed when we were kids.

    There was space only for magic and stories, for music and dance, for love and hugs—for spontaneity and living in the moment. That space got gradually taken over by the complications of so called growing up, and along with that came emotions and expectations.

    The source of the battle within, is outside of us, while growing up we gradually begin absorbing and making it all our own. The mind is crowded with it all and the heart’s space ends up surrounded by barbed wires, forming an arena for battles of conflicts, wars of insecurity, and what perishes in this field is love— love for self and hence for others. However, we are completely unaware of this and blame it all on the circumstances created due to our social, professional or personal interactions.

    Whatever transpires outside is a reflection of the wars within which we at first are too involved to register, too involved in fighting to be right and trying to win those battles outside, not knowing that we are wounding ourselves in our hearts....

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    4 min
  • It's all about the 'Self'
    Jul 19 2023

    Self-Esteem…Self-Respect…Self-love. All of these, I feel, are important and inter-related. However, these seemed like hollow terms to me some years ago. I wouldn’t know what these were…to me life was about other people and their approvals, affections and acceptance. Little realizing the fact that being appreciated and liked by myself, was the basis of having a semblance of happiness in this world.

    What we are or think we are is what we pass on to our loved ones and others.

    Have we ever thought what are we being? What are we distributing in this world?

    And I am not talking about money or material. I am talking about generations directly or indirectly influencing the lives of the next gen.

    We keep nagging or hollering at our children and adults around us to do this and that. Are we doing the right thing by nagging, shouting and threatening them to function according to our rules and regulations? Are we really engendering responsibility? Are we inspiring them to work on themselves? Or, are we transferring our fears, cynicism, hopelessness and disillusions on to them, telling them that the world isn’t a safe place to be?

    A zest for life which we are born with, which is provided by nature to all of us—isn’t that being killed or muted permanently?

    What are we inspiring by our actions and words? What are we emanating and disseminating?

    So, what kind of adults are we being? ...

    ...I hope and wish that we all find our spaces in our hearts so that we do not trample upon others in the name of love and care....

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    5 min
  • Time and I had never been on great terms!
    Jun 22 2023

    We are often reminded of how time is passing us by, how we are losing out on time, how we are wasting time if we aren’t making the most of the time that we have now.

    Here’s what I thought about ‘time’— Time and I, never, never have been on great terms!

    All my life, I have worked, slogged, with no one to see or appreciate it, and I would make it seem like it really didn’t matter.

    I, of course, would always appear chirpy and happy, be it doing something well or making mistakes with such ease as if I’d been especially trained to make mistakes, commit faux pas, blabber, tumble, bumble, and so on. I would always be on the run to catch up with time, and the dude was always faster than me; how I disliked him! Had he had the guts, he should at least have had a talk with me instead of invisibly hovering over my head since my childhood! ....

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    4 min
  • My Search is On...
    Jun 11 2023

    My Search is On...

    So, whenever I question the reason for my existence, I read through what I’ve written and I’m okay ambling on my path, being ordinary, feeling free and very non-significant, but not insignificant. The difference between the two being like I might be like a butterfly, or a bee, or a dragonfly, all seemingly non-significant, yet extremely vital to this system of life on earth. There’s no such thing as being insignificant—even a speck of dust has some role to play here, on this planet that we call home. Every one of us are contributors and important. It’s important to realize that one is here out of one’s own choice...

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    4 min