
  • Moving from “Silly” Thoughts into Curiosity for More Change
    Sep 5 2024

    Today I want to talk about silly thoughts, more specifically that there are no silly thoughts or that what we judge as silly thoughts are actually not silly. While this sounds a little bit funny to be using the word silly so many times, I think this is something that comes up quite a lot, particularly for people who have an active cognitive brain, consider themselves to be overachievers, or have a decent understanding of how their brain works. Most thoughts don't make logical sense and are based on past experiences and beliefs. In truth, calling a thought silly puts the brain into resistance, making it harder to make changes. So I want to chat about the importance of curiosity and acceptance when it comes to “silly” thoughts, and suggest practices that will help you shift from judgment to curiosity and enable you to work with your thoughts and create change.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the full show notes page here.
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Wins Course or The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    23 min
  • Bonus Skill #2 for Creating Calmer Change: Allowing
    Aug 29 2024

    In this episode, we’re jumping into the second bonus tool of creating calmer change: allowing. If you haven’t listened to the previous episodes in this series, be sure to do that first! Now, allowing is a foundational skill that can be used to shift your mindset and bring intentionality into your life. When listening, you will learn the concept of allowing and its opposite of resisting and how resisting emotions can hinder personal growth. I’m sharing the importance of accepting and processing emotions, and providing some of my favorite techniques such as EFT tapping and coherent breathing to help with the practice of allowing. By the end of this episode, you’ll be ready to take action on allowing to create an increased capacity for change, connection, and creativity.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the full show notes page here.
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Wins Course or The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    21 min
  • Bonus Skill #1 for Creating Calmer Change: Slowing Down
    Aug 22 2024

    Over the past few episodes of the podcast we've gone through the foundational tools that I use and teach over and over again, and they appear in almost everything that I talk about and everything that I teach – that is awareness, acceptance, and curiosity. So tune into the past three episodes if you haven’t. But as I was recording the episodes, these two other tools kept floating around in my mind as really foundational tools as well. I don't talk about them perhaps not as much, but I think that it's worth putting them here towards the beginning of this podcast because I think they are so key and they're so crucial and you might be able to start using them now, so why not have some episodes on them? These two tools are slowing down and allowing. Today we're going to focus on slowing down and next week we'll focus on allowing, but know that these are two kinds of bonus foundational skills that I use, that my clients use, and that I teach over and over again. On slowing down, I know it can feel cliché, and that being more present is something we’re all “striving for”, but what does this actually mean and look like in practice? Tune in to find out and take action on this tool today.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the full show notes page here.
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Wins Course or The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    23 min
  • 3 Tools for Calmer Change: Curiosity
    Aug 15 2024

    If you’ve missed it, we are in the middle of a three week series that's about working with your brain, specifically the three tools that I use daily and that I teach over and over again in different permutations with my clients, so they are underlying all of the work that I do. These three tools are awareness, acceptance, and curiosity. Last week, we talked about acceptance and the week before we talked about awareness. So before tuning into this episode, be sure to go back and listen to those two first. Today though, I am excited to dive into curiosity. When you move into curiosity, you can start to look at the beliefs you need to adopt to support you in taking the actions that you need to take to create change. This is a crucial (and sometimes difficult) step for calmer change, but I think it’s one that you can get really excited about.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the full show notes page here.
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Wins Course or The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    25 min
  • 3 Tools for Calmer Change: Acceptance
    Aug 8 2024

    Welcome to the newest episode of Calmer Conversations, right now we're in the middle of a three-week mini series on working with your brain and nervous system (so tune into last week’s episode if you haven’t already). Throughout the series, I'm talking about the three specific tools that I use and teach over and over again to create lasting change in my clients lives. Most of the work that we do comes back to these three tools because they manifest in different ways and we use them in different ways as individuals. The three tools are awareness, acceptance, and curiosity. Last week we talked about awareness, and now we’re moving onto acceptance. Acceptance is what happens after you cultivate non-judgmental awareness – what do you do with this information? First, you have to stop resisting the path to change. Let’s talk about how.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the full show notes page here.
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Calmer Brain Club
    • iRest Yoga Nidra with Richard Miller
    • Byron Katie
    • Your Most Productive 90-Days Course

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    23 min
  • 3 Tools for Calmer Change: Awareness
    Aug 1 2024

    Over the next three episodes of Calmer Conversations, I'm going to cover three tools that I think are key in creating more calm in your life or making change in your life. These three tools are something that I use over and over again with my clients and that I use every single day in my own life – awareness, acceptance and curiosity. Today we are focusing on awareness. We're going to start at the beginning, and specifically look at non-judgmental or gentle observer type awareness. I’ll be the first to say that awareness is simple but not always easy, and it can be a powerful tool for transformation. When you become more of a gentle observer, you’ll be able to start to make changes in your life from a more understanding and grounding place.

    Episode Resources:

    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Calmer Brain Club
    • Episode #3 – Rewiring Your Brain: How Thought Habits Shape Your Life

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    25 min
  • Working With Your Nervous System for More Lasting Change
    Jul 25 2024

    Today our topic is your nervous system and why it matters. If you are even tangentially interested in personal growth, which I'm guessing you probably are if you're listening to this podcast, you've likely heard about your nervous system and nervous system regulation. A lot of personal growth focuses on mindset and understanding and working with the thoughts that you have. This is really huge, important life-changing work, it's a big part of what I do, it's what we've talked about in the first two episodes – but here's the thing, I don't actually think that you can make a real lasting change unless you also address your nervous system. Our nervous system is so crucial in driving, how you act, what you think, and how you are day to day. You’ll see that if you don't actually work with it, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle if you're only working with your thoughts while ignoring your nervous system. After today's episode, you’ll have some foundational information on your nervous system and why your nervous system matters to you in your life. You'll also learn about your nervous system defaults and how to start shifting that. I hope this helps!

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the podcast's blog here for a full list of links and resources
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

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    23 min
  • Ditching Shame and Willpower to Create Change That Feels Good
    Jul 18 2024

    So many of my clients have it all together when they come to work with me… at least on paper. They’ve historically been really great in the academic space, they are really accomplished in their jobs, and they’ve accomplished a lot in their lives; however, they don’t feel great while in it and a big part of their success has only happened because they have been really mean to themselves. Are you nodding along? Do you feel like you can only thrive under massive amounts of shame and self-discipline? This used to be me too. So in this episode, we're going to dismantle this myth – that you can only be a better person using force that doesn’t actually feel good. After today's episode, you're going to walk away with an understanding of what's happening behind the scenes in your brain and get an idea of how to start working with your brain and nervous system so that you can create change in a way that actually feels good.

    Episode Resources:

    • Visit the podcast's blog here for a full list of links and resources
    • Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk
    • Let’s work together! Learn more about The Calmer Brain Club

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready for your Most Productive 90-Days? Go from feeling like you're always a little behind and not doing enough to seeing and feeling proud of your daily progress. Learn more at the link below.

    90 Day Course

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min