
  • Year B - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Jul 6 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Zechariah 9:9-10
    2. Second reading: Romans 8:9 and 11-13
    3. Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30

    Today's readings bring forth messages of peace, life in the Spirit, and comfort in Christ. The first reading from Zechariah presents a vision of a humble and peaceful king who brings salvation, riding on a donkey. This prophecy foreshadows the coming of Jesus, the just savior who proclaims peace to the nations, symbolizing the establishment of God's kingdom through humility and peace.

    In the second reading, Paul contrasts life in the flesh with life in the Spirit. He reminds the believers that they are indwelt by the Spirit of God, which brings life and enables them to put to death the deeds of the body. This passage emphasizes the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in leading believers to true life.

    The Gospel reading reveals Jesus' intimate relationship with the Father and His invitation to all who are weary and burdened to find rest in Him. Jesus' call to take up His easy yoke and light burden highlights His gentle and humble heart, offering solace and comfort to those who follow Him.

    Together, these readings encourage us to embrace the peace and humility of Christ, to live by the Spirit, and to find rest in Jesus. They invite us to lay down our burdens and to trust in the gentle guidance of our Savior, who leads us to true peace and life.

    Today we meditate on finding peace and life in Christ.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - Saturday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
    Jul 5 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Amos 9:11-15
    2. Gospel: Matthew 9:14-17

    Today's readings highlight themes of restoration, renewal, and the appropriate response to the presence of God. The first reading from Amos speaks of the restoration of Israel, promising a time of prosperity and peace when God will rebuild what has been destroyed. This passage offers hope and reassurance of God's enduring commitment to His people, emphasizing that He will bring about a future where they will flourish.

    In the Gospel, Jesus addresses a question about fasting posed by the disciples of John. His response emphasizes the significance of His presence among them, likening it to a wedding celebration where fasting would be inappropriate. Jesus uses the metaphors of patching an old cloak and new wine in old wineskins to illustrate the incompatibility of the old and new covenants. His teaching underscores the need for a new approach in light of His coming, suggesting that the transformative power of His message requires a fresh, open heart and mind.

    Together, these readings invite us to trust in God's promise of restoration and to embrace the new life offered through Jesus. They challenge us to recognize the transformative presence of Christ in our lives and to respond with openness and willingness to be renewed.

    Today we meditate of Saint Maria Goretti's story.

    She was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, a small village in Italy. Maria was the third of seven children in a poor but devout Catholic family. Her father, Luigi Goretti, died of malaria when Maria was nine, which left her mother, Assunta, to provide for the family.

    On July 5, 1902, when Maria was 11 years old, she was attacked by Alessandro Serenelli, a 20-year-old neighbor. Alessandro attempted to rape her, but Maria resisted, stating that what he wanted to do was a mortal sin and would endanger his soul. In a fit of rage, Alessandro stabbed her 14 times.

    Maria was taken to the hospital, where she underwent surgery without anesthesia. Despite her severe injuries, she expressed forgiveness for Alessandro, saying, "I forgive Alessandro Serenelli... and I want him with me in heaven forever." She died the following day, July 6, 1902.

    Saint Maria Goretti is the patron saint of young girls, rape victims, chastity, and forgiveness.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - Friday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
    Jul 4 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Amos 8:4-6, 9-12
    2. Gospel: Matthew 9:9-13

    highlight themes of justice, mercy, and the transformative power of God's call. In the first reading, Amos condemns the exploitation of the poor and the greed of those who manipulate the system for their gain. The prophet warns of a coming judgment where people will experience a spiritual famine, emphasizing the dire consequences of abandoning justice and righteousness.

    In the Gospel, Jesus calls Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew's immediate response and subsequent gathering of fellow tax collectors and sinners at a meal with Jesus highlights the inclusive and transformative nature of Jesus' ministry. Jesus' response to the Pharisees' criticism underscores His mission to bring mercy and healing to those who recognize their need for it. His declaration, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," emphasizes the importance of compassion over ritual compliance.

    Together, these readings challenge us to reflect on our own attitudes towards justice and mercy. They call us to heed God's word and embrace His call, recognizing that true discipleship involves not only following Christ but also extending His mercy to others. The story of Matthew reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God's transformative love, and that we are all called to be instruments of His mercy in the world.

    Today we meditate on justice, mercy & God's call.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - Thursday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
    Jul 3 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Amos 7:10-17
    2. Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8

    Today's readings highlight the themes of prophetic mission and divine authority. In the first reading, Amos faces opposition from Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, who rejects his prophetic message. Despite being a shepherd and dresser of sycamores, Amos was called by God to deliver a challenging message to Israel. His unwavering obedience to God's call, despite the personal cost, exemplifies true prophetic courage and faithfulness.

    The Gospel reading recounts the healing of a paralytic, showcasing Jesus' authority both to forgive sins and to heal. The scribes' skepticism is met with a demonstration of Jesus' divine power, emphasizing that His authority extends beyond physical healing to the spiritual realm. This miracle elicits awe and glorification of God among the crowds.

    Together, these readings remind us of the importance of responding to God's call with courage and faith. They encourage us to trust in Jesus' authority and power to transform our lives, both physically and spiritually. The example of Amos challenges us to remain steadfast in our mission, even in the face of opposition, while the healing of the paralytic reassures us of God's boundless mercy and authority.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle
    Jul 2 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Ephesians 2:19-22
    2. Gospel: John 20:24-29

    The Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle, commemorates the journey from doubt to faith. In the first reading, Paul speaks to the Ephesians about their new identity as members of God's household, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the cornerstone. This passage emphasizes the unity and sacredness of the Christian community, which grows into a holy temple in the Lord.

    The Gospel reading recounts the well-known story of "Doubting Thomas." Thomas' initial skepticism about Jesus' resurrection turns to profound faith when he encounters the risen Christ and is invited to touch His wounds. Thomas' declaration, "My Lord and my God!" is a powerful affirmation of faith. Jesus' response highlights the blessedness of those who believe without seeing.

    Together, these readings invite us to reflect on our own faith journey. They remind us that doubt can be a step towards deeper belief and that faith unites us as a community rooted in Christ. We are encouraged to trust in the presence and power of the risen Lord, even when we cannot see Him, and to recognize the sacredness of our calling as members of His household.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    3 min
  • Year B - Tuesday of the 13th week in ordinary time
    Jul 1 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Amos 3:1-8 and 4:11-12
    2. Gospel: Matthew 8:23-27

    Today's readings underscore the themes of divine judgment and faith. The passage from Amos serves as a stern warning to Israel about the consequences of their sins and disobedience. The prophet highlights God's unique relationship with Israel, which brings both privilege and responsibility. God's judgment is depicted as inevitable due to Israel's failure to return to Him despite numerous warnings and punishments.

    In the Gospel, the disciples' fear during the storm contrasts sharply with Jesus' calmness and authority. Their plea for salvation reflects a moment of crisis in faith. Jesus' rebuke of the winds and the sea, followed by a great calm, demonstrates His divine authority over nature. This miracle reassures the disciples (and us) of His power and invites a deeper trust in His presence and care, even in the midst of life's storms.

    Together, these readings remind us of the importance of heeding God's call to repentance and maintaining faith in His power and presence. They challenge us to trust in God's sovereignty and to seek His guidance and protection in all circumstances.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - Monday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
    Jun 30 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Amos 2:6-10 and 13-16
    2. Gospel: Matthew 8:18-22

    Today's readings convey messages of judgment, commitment, and the cost of discipleship. In the first reading from Amos, God condemns Israel's social injustices and their abandonment of His commandments. The Israelites are chastised for their exploitation of the poor and corruption, despite God's past deliverance and blessings. This passage serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of social injustice and the importance of adhering to God's laws.

    In the Gospel, Jesus emphasizes the demands of discipleship. When a scribe expresses his willingness to follow Jesus, he is reminded of the sacrifices required, as the Son of Man has no permanent home. Another disciple who wishes to bury his father is called to prioritize following Jesus above all else. These responses highlight the radical commitment required to truly follow Christ, suggesting that nothing should take precedence over our dedication to Him.

    Together, these readings call us to reflect on our own commitment to justice and to Christ. They challenge us to examine our priorities and to consider the cost of discipleship, urging us to place our trust and loyalty in God above all else.

    Today we meditate on commitment and justice.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    4 min
  • Year B - 13th Sunday in ordinary time
    Jun 29 2024

    Today's readings:

    1. First reading: Kings 4:8-11 and 14-16a
    2. Second reading: Romans 6:3-4 and 8-11
    3. Gospel: Matthew 10:37-42

    The readings for this Sunday focus on hospitality, sacrifice, and the promise of new life through Christ. In the first reading, the Shunammite woman's generosity toward Elisha leads to the promise of a long-desired child. Her willingness to welcome and provide for God's prophet brings a profound blessing into her life, demonstrating the rewards of hospitality and kindness.

    The second reading from Romans emphasizes the transformative power of baptism. Through baptism, we share in Christ's death and resurrection, symbolizing our rebirth into a new life of grace. This passage encourages us to live our lives dedicated to God, reflecting the newness of life we have received through Christ.

    The Gospel presents Jesus' challenging call to prioritize our commitment to Him above all else, even above familial ties. Jesus speaks of the necessity of taking up our cross and following Him, indicating the sacrifices required in true discipleship. The passage also highlights the rewards of hospitality and kindness toward those who are sent in Jesus' name, reinforcing the theme of generosity and its spiritual significance.

    Together, these readings call us to embrace a life of selfless love and hospitality, to recognize the transformative power of our faith, and to prioritize our commitment to Christ above all else. Through these acts of faith and generosity, we are promised spiritual rewards and the fullness of life in Christ.

    Today's meditation is on generosity and hospitality.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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    5 min