
  • Keep Fighting
    Jun 8 2022
    Have you ever been attacked? Who attacked you? Are you sure? Not every fight is a grudge match. Not every battle is a war. Not every attack is from your enemy! Listen in to learn what's really going on during difficult experiences. Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "God gave Jacob a blessing, but he had to wrestle him for it. " Keep Fighting | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    31 min
  • 7 Voices
    Jun 4 2022
    There are many voices in the wind. They all seem well-intentioned, full of wisdom, and truthful. Be careful. There's a good chance that six out of seven are actually trying to stop you from accomplishing your purpose! Listen and learn which voice is truly trying to help you. Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "Don't listen to the facts: Speak the truth that God sent Jesus to provide for you!" 7 Voices | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    28 min
  • Positioned To Receive
    Jun 1 2022
    Do you want more out of this life that God sacrificed so much to give you? Guess what? God wants more for you too! One question you need to ask yourself is, "Am I in position to receive all the blessings that God is sending me?" Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "Jesus didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it!" Positioned To Receive | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    21 min
  • Speak Your Destiny
    May 30 2022
    Are you walking in your destiny? Do you even know that you have a God-given destiny? Are you aware that by listening to the Holy Spirit, you can choose to successfully speak a better destiny over yourself? Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "Jesus could have called 12 legions of angels to rescue him from the cross, but He chose to fulfill the prophecy that God sent Him to fulfill!" Speak Your Destiny | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    24 min
  • I Am 100
    May 27 2022
    A popular saying in Western Christian culture is, "Church should be a hospital for the lost - not a museum for the saints." Be careful! Don't pattern your life after this incorrect belief. Instead, pattern yourself after what Jesus believed and taught and did. Listen in and learn how. Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "Sheep are basically stupid animals. Thank God for sending a gentle Shepherd!" I Am 100 | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    24 min
  • In The Fields of The Wood
    May 25 2022
    Would you rather look for a thing in the place that you heard it was located, or would you rather find it in the place that it is actually located? What if the thing that you were searching for was the manifested presence of God? How far off the beaten path would you be willing to go in order to live the life that Christ died to give you? Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ ➞Instagram: https://bit.ly/3P6K7po ➞Want to receive the "Christ Life Now Monthly Newsletter?" Just e-mail Randall and request! randall.sims@outlook.com "Ja'ar ain't very far!" In The Fields of The Wood | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    18 min
  • Face Like A Flint
    May 24 2022
    Remember how Jesus did most of what He was sent to do? How He was fairly-well committed to being the perfect sacrifice for our sins? How He became a mediocre Savior? Yeah - Me neither! 'Cuz it didn't happen! Jesus gave His best for us. How about you, though? Are you a compromiser? Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ ➞Instagram: https://bit.ly/3P6K7po ➞Want to receive the "Christ Life Now Monthly Newsletter?" Just e-mail Randall and request! randall.sims@outlook.com "God doesn't do anything half way." Face Like A Flint | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    27 min
  • Better Is Coming
    May 23 2022
    Ever feel stagnant, stuck, or as if there's no way for you to get more from your relationship with the Lord, Jesus? Good news! There is always space available to move forward in your Christian walk. God is ready to take you to the next mountain top! Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims​​ "From the time time that God gave the law at Mount Sinai to Mount Calvary to Mount Zion to the Mount of Olives, He takes us from Glory to Glory! " Better Is Coming | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims
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    25 min