
  • Sabine Hauert (Swarm robotics and artificial evolution)
    Mar 1 2025

    In this episode I interview Professor Sabine Hauert about the super interesting work she does on the control of swarm robots, how considering nanoparticles as swarms can be used to treat cancer, and how morphogenesis can generate structure from random interactions.

    You can follow us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/coffee_and_control_podcast/),BlueSky (https://bsky.app/profile/coffee-and-control.bsky.social) and X(https://x.com/coffee_ctrl_pod)for updates on episodes!

    You can also connect with or follow me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucy-hodgins-733a30175/


    Sabine: https://hauertlab.com/

    Podcasts/ TEDx talks




    Robot Talk: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0JWPnKQmwTQdM1K7247jkq

    Complexity: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6nfcUpB3wesHqXP5XzSPAl

    Engenius: https://open.spotify.com/episode/34jert4EQGBVrQBfS4OfxW


    Invertebrate inspiration review paper: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-3190/acc223/meta

    Centipede control inspiration: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0171421

    David Garzon-Ramos: https://dgarzonramos.com/

    Puzzle/ Problem/mess paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.22478

    Dario Floriano: https://people.epfl.ch/dario.floreano?lang=en

    Manuela Veloso: https://engineering.cmu.edu/directory/bios/veloso-manuela.html


    PhD thesis: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/entities/publication/dbb9fe40-930c-4e54-a5c0-10b62ebb6d1c
    Robot swarm video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_qRuHkD5lc

    Onboard evolution of swarm behaviours: https://advanced.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/aisy.201900031

    Supervisory control papers: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/files/229980063/Paper_SWARM2019.pdf

    MAP-elites algorithm: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-77538-8_49


    James Sharpe: https://www.embl.org/people/person/james-sharpe/

    Original paper: https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/scirobotics.aau9178

    Controllability of morphogenesis: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/publications/toward-controllable-morphogenesis-in-large-robot-swarms

    Controllability in control theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controllability

    Steve Brunton controllability Gramian video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNHx62HbKNA

    Alan Turing reaction diffusion paper: https://www.dna.caltech.edu/courses/cs191/paperscs191/turing.pdf


    Sangita Bhatia: https://ki.mit.edu/people/faculty/sangeeta-bhatia

    Nanoswarm papers: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4295824/

    John Ives: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/people/person/Jonathan-Ives-fa38de81-8d34-4978-a99d-1f55efe2e0f4/

    Matimba Swana: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/matimba-c-swana


    AIhub.org: https://aihub.org/

    Robohub.org: https://robohub.org/

    Drones for 3D printing buildings: https://robohub.org/five-ways-drones-will-change-the-way-buildings-are-designed/

    AI environmental impact: https://aihub.org/2025/02/06/explained-generative-ais-environmental-impact/

    AI for drug development: https://aihub.org/2025/01/09/will-ai-revolutionize-drug-development-researchers-explain-why-it-depends-on-how-its-used/

    Extra questions

    Radhika Nagpal: https://www.radhikanagpal.org/

    Dot robots: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.13809

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    55 min
  • William Holderbaum (Geometric control and electroactive matter)
    Feb 2 2025
    In this episode, I talk to Professor William Holderbaum about some of the many fascinating areas of research he’s involved in, including Boolean control, geometric control, and control of electroactive polymer gels—plus a lot more! Follow us for updates on new episodes: Instagram BlueSky X (Twitter) PhD research PhD Thesis (in French)Boolean Control Using State-Space ApproachNeural Networks for Boolean ControlPID Control of Boolean SystemsPredictive ControlSliding Mode Control FES work Coffee and Control Episode with Chris FreemanProfessor Ken HuntFES for Paraplegic StandingAdaptive PIDSliding Mode Control FES muscle fatigue papers Chapter 5 of this ThesisPubMed Paper 1PubMed Paper 2IEEE Explore PaperFatigue reduction with soft robotics Geometric control Resources for Understanding Geometric ControlLecture SlidesYouTube Video6D Lie GroupsApplication to SpacecraftTime-Parameterized Motion Planning Control of RTG cranes Optimal Control and MPCFuzzy Logic Control Electroactive polymer gels Paper 1Paper 2Springer Chapter Model-Based Control of Soft RobotsArm with Self-Control Feedback Loop
    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Zehor Belkhatir (Fractional order modelling and cancer control)
    Jan 8 2025

    In this episode I talk to Dr Zehor Belkhatir about her fascinating work using fractional order systems to model the brain, as well as how control can be used for chemotherapy treatment.

    You can follow us on Instagram, BlueSky, and X for updates on episodes!


    1. Thesis: Dr. Zehor Belkhatir's thesis explores key aspects of fractional systems in biomedical applications.
    2. Fractional order estimation: ScienceDirect article.
    3. Cardiovascular system ECC paper: IEEE Explore paper.
    4. Hybrid dynamical systems: Springer chapter.
    5. Kevin Aquino: Google Scholar profile.
    6. Fractional differential equations textbook: Mathematics in Science and Engineering.
    7. Fractional calculus in biomedical engineering book: Begell House publication.
    8. Fractional Robust Control Design book: Springer book.
    9. Fractional order Matlab toolbox: MathWorks resource.
    10. Fractional Youla-Kucera parameterisation: (Details forthcoming).
    11. Allen Tannenbaum: Profile.
    12. Jeff Shamma: Profile.
    13. Larry Norton: MSKCC Profile.
    14. Cancer modelling (and MPC) paper: Google Scholar citation.
    15. Impulse response cancer control: Google Scholar citation.
    16. Optimal mass transport paper: bioRxiv abstract.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Matthew Turner (Anti-windup and aircraft control)
    Dec 1 2024
    In this episode we interview Professor Matthew Turner, professor in the Cyber Physical Systems group at the university of Southampton, about his fascinating work on aircraft control, anti-windup, Lur’e systems, and his recent research into applying techniques from control theory to the analysis of neural networks. Contact me at: lgh1g19@soton.ac.uk We have an Instagram now! References: PhD ThesisNational Research Council of Canada Aerospace Research CentreNonlinear High Gain FeedbackLMIs in ControlAW for Model-Reference Adaptive ControlAW for ILCAnti-Windup ReviewTwo-Stage Anti-WindupAnti-Windup in Anticipation of Saturation (Zongli Lin)Matt TurnerChris RichardsAizerman ConjectureIan PostlethwaiteJorge SofronyMurray KerrOliver BriegerCircle and Popov CriterionKhalil Nonlinear Control BookZames and Sakkary Gap Metric PaperGeorge ZamesZames-Falb Multipliers Summary ArticleO’ShearZames-Falb Multipliers: Don’t PanicEarly Neural Network Work (with Guido Hermann)Additional NN ResearchRoss DrummondReLU Network Analysis Using Lur’e SystemsAntonis PapachristodolouExploiting Sparsity in Neural NetworksRobust Control PaperMalcolm SmithGlenn Vinnicombe Other cool neural network/ control papers Synthesis of MPC Algorithms that Robustly Approximate Neural NetworksShrinking Down Neural Networks Using Inspiration from ControlDesigning Neural Networks that are More Robust
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • Chris Freeman (Iterative learning control and stroke rehabilitation)
    Nov 1 2024
    In this first episode, I talk to Chris Freeman, professor of applied control at the University of Southampton and expert on all things related to iterative learning control and its application in rehabilitation. Contact Chris at ctf1@soton.ac.ukContact me at lgh1g19@soton.ac.uk References: 1984 ILC paperEarly stroke rehabilitation workRC for tremor suppressionILC and RC design paperMultiple model adaptive control for FESRobust control of Hammerstein systemsElectrode array control (1)Electrode array control (2)FES control review paperThoracic pressure control paper People Chris worked with throughout his PhD: Paul LewinEric RogersJari HatonenDavid OwensJames Ratcliffe Rehabilitation robotics folks: Jane BurridgeIgo KrebsNeville HoganJonathan Rossiter (Cool video) Tremor suppression: Kevin MooreTrish Sampson Multiple model ILC: Mark FrenchDominic BuchstallerOli BrendAbeer Al-Gburi Electrode arrays: Thierry KellerFATRONIK-Tecnalia research centreRussel TorahKai Yangm.c. Schraefel Biomedical contexts of ILC: Mike ThompsonRujie Sun EDI: Reena PauDorota Sikorska Other projects: Haiming LiuRafael Mestre
    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Coffee and Control trailer
    Oct 25 2024

    Trailer for my new control-related podcast! Epsiodes will be released on the 1st of each month.

    You can check out inControl here: https://www.incontrolpodcast.com/

    inControl episodes tend to be realeased during the middle of the month, so you could subscribe to both!

    (Please bear with me regarding the strange background noises and general awkwardness - I'm still learning how podcast making works!)

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    2 min