
  • Imagine No Racism? The United Methodists of UNY AC Offer An Invitation
    Sep 28 2023

    The Social Holiness team of the UNY AC UMC is involved with the denominational effort to dismantle racism in our culture and our church. We offer this podcast as a way to bring awareness to the justice matters of racism in our midst, and sense of hope that all God's people are able to see one another in light of God's grace. Specifically, the UNY AC assembled a task force to work with the Conference Commission of Religion and Race (CCORR) and the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCOR) to bring awareness to the racism that harms us all. This task force was requested to educate us on personal and systemic racism, make us aware of our bias assumptions, invite us into grace-filled relationships to dismantle racism, and hold us accountable for the acts of racism. The population of the United Methodist community of UNY AC is approximately 97% white folks of European ancestry.

    We will hear from Dr. Boggin, UMC Archives and History, Rev Dr Arroyo, GCOR, Bishop Moore-Koi-Koi, Western PA AC UMC, and Rev Evelyn Woodring and Georgia Whitney, both on the task force at UNY UMC.

    This faith-centered conversation is filled with information that a might be familiar to some, yet brand new to many. We hope you will listen with the grace and light of eager love to bind the wounds that need healing as we all reach to, Imagine No Racism.

    A Few Resources:
    Imagine No Racism, UNY AC UMC
    Resources in addition: https://www.unyumc.org/images/uploads/Comprehensive_Anti-Racism_Resources.pdf
    Books and videos: https://www.unyumc.org/images/uploads/CCORR_Resource_List.pdf
    What is it to be privileged? https://www.r2hub.org/wait-thats-privilege
    General Commission on Religion and Race: gcorr.org

    Contact Georgia Whitney for questions to be answered, or time and place to experience the Imagine No Racism curriculum: 585-410-4370
    (please not before 9:00am, or after 9:00pm)

    The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.

    Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.

    We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.

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    40 min
  • A Bridge Not a Wall: Standing Next to Native American Spirituality, in Christ
    Apr 21 2023

    n The spiritual truths we share are part of the universal human experience. In this Common Table UMC Podcast, Rev. Dr. Robin Blair speaks with Ansley Jemison, Cultural Liason of Ganondagan Historic Site in Victor, NY.
    Ganondagan State Historic Site located in Victor, NY is a National Historic Landmark, the only New York State Historic Site dedicated to a Native American theme (1987), and the only Seneca town developed and interpreted in the United States. Spanning 569 acres, Ganondagan (ga·NON·da·gan) is the original site of a 17th century Seneca town, that existed there peacefully more than 350 years ago. The culture, art, agriculture, and government of the Seneca people influenced our modern understanding of equality, democratic government, women’s rights, ecology and natural foods. www.ganondagan.org

    Mr. Jemison is a member of the Seneca Nation and shares with us some of the historic realities of the Iroquis people (Haudenosaunee) and some of his own personal journey. Please listen with your heart to imagine the weight of his laments.

    Listen for how God speaks to you with this bit of information geared toward the truth of Jesus words:" Love one another as I have loved you" (Jn 13:34), and see where your heart calls you to journey with our neighbors.

    Giving Our Hearts Away, Native American Survival
    by Thom White Wolf Fassett

    Native American Ministries and the UMC


    Sullivan Campaign

    Native American Boarding

    Original People Podcast, Ansley Jemison, Host


    Giving Our Hearts Away, Native American Survival
    by Thom White Wolf Fassett

    Native American Ministries and the UMC


    Sullivan Campaign

    Native American Boarding

    Original People Podcast, Ansley Jemison, Host

    The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.

    Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.

    We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min
  • Common Table Podcast UMC: Domestic Violence Awareness, Support, and Prevention
    Oct 12 2022

    October is Domestic Violence Prevention Awareness month in the USA.

    Brittany McCray is the Adult Advocate for Safe harbors of the Finger Lakes (SHFL), a domestic violence counseling not for profit center in several central NYS counties. The SHFL centers exist to help people whose violent victimization has harmed, wounded, and perhaps overwhelmed their lives; because what once was a loving relationship to them has become something fearful and violent, confusing and heart-breaking. New York state has a coalition of organizations to help victims:
    New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    Of course, every month is domestic violence prevention month, because this awful thing that happens inside of intimate relationships harms its victims and extends its harm and confusion to friends and families. Domestic Violence (DV) is not only one partner taking a swipe in anger at another - but it is also spiritual abuse, gaslighting, emotional abuse, controlling the money and inducing fear generally in the household. Domestic Violence touches 1 in 3 women. Again, Domestic Violence touches 1 in 3 women, in our country.

    This is a matter of faith and justice, healing and education. We must act with love and say Domestic Violence is rejected in the name of grace and love.
    Christians, we reject the harming of one another in the name of Christ.

    We call upon all communities of faith to pray how to get involved to keep women and children from harm and provide healing; we also pray that abusive men have a path to learning how to respect and love the people with whom they are partnered.

    Listen as Rev. Dr. Robin Blair of the Social Holiness Team in the UNY AC UMC, and Brittany McCray from SHFL talk about DV prevention and offer hope to those suffering this spiritual, emotional, physical and psychic abuse at the hands of domestic partners.

    The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.

    Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.

    We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Common Table Podcast UMC: Understanding Differences, Learning Shared Values
    Oct 12 2022

    Common Table Podcast UMC (CPT) is honored to welcome Ralph Singh, Founder, Wisdom Thinkers Network. He is an educator, speaker, author, and practitioner in the Sikh religious tradition. Ralph is devoted to finding and naming our shared values in a diverse culture and a pluralistic religious landscape. Many voices, many ideas, many religions, and many ways of loving one another through a faith language.

    Listen in as Ralph and the Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host of CTP, discuss these shared values, and how the Sikh's were attacked just after 9/11, outside of Syracuse, NY. Listen in and hear how mercy was the first thing that came from the hearts of the congregation as the temple burned, and how Ralph spoke forgiveness at the sentencing trial of the arsonists.

    As a matter of justice, the Social Holiness Team of UNY AC UMC offers that as Christians our call from Christ is: "to love one another as I have loved you", Jn 13:34. No exceptions! So to set aside people who wear turbans and practice their beloved faith differently that do Christians, is not a loving thing for a Christian to do. Listen to CTP for ideas on how to see shared values that build bridges, not differences that build walls between us.

    For more on Sikhism: https://www.sikhnet.com/pages/who-are-sikhs-what-is-sikhism
    For more on Ralph Singh and his organization: https://www.wisdomthinkers.org

    The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.

    Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.

    We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • Common Table Podcast: Peace with Justice in Israel Palestine, with Rev Alex Awad
    May 10 2022

    Peace With Justice in Palestine/Israel, with Rev Alex Awad

    Common Table Podcast gives voice to those whose voices are quieted by culture and privilege. When one is given the dignity of voice, of being heard as invited to the table of grace, leadership in faith is developed in the telling of the stories that awakens and inspires Christ’s purpose in our lives.

    The Holy Spirit gives flight to the human spirit that needs a space to be heard. It is our hope that hearing the stories of the marginalized and wounded the church will be continually moved to compassion, inspired by the Holy Spirit to reach out and be a part of the healing and unity for God’s purpose. Listening to these stories is a call to prayer and love.
    "Love one another as I have loved you." John 13:34

    Please contact our UNY-UM Conference TaskForce on Peace w/ Justice in Palestine/Israel, Linda Bergh 315-492-8507 or Karen Peterson 607-739-3141 with your interest in participating in their work, as disciples of Jesus, affirming the dignity and sacredness of all people, standing against oppression and injustice, and working for peace with justice in Palestine and Israel. Scholarships are available for those wishing to visit Palestine/ Israel to learn what will contribute to peace with justice in the Holy Land.”

    Task Force on Peace w/ Justice in Palestine/Israel book suggestions:

    (In addition to Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour and Alex's family story):

    The General’s Son (Journey of an Israeli in Palestine) by Miko Peled.

    2016 -Just World Books/Just World Publishing LLC

    Faith in the Face of Empire (The Bible Through PalestinianEyes) by Mitri Raheb.

    2014 - Orbis Books, Box 302, Maryknoll, NY 10545-0302

    Fatal Embrace (Christians, Jews, and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land) by

    Mark Braverman. 2010, Synergy Books, P.O. Box 30071, Austin, Tx 78755

    A Palestinian Theology of Liberation (The Bible, Justice, & the Palestine-Israel Conflict) by Naim Stifan Ateek. 2017 - Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY 10545

    and for a thorough and accurate historical account by an Israeli Jewish academic:

    The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe. 2006 w/ reprints- 2017 -

    Oneworld Publications, 10 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3SR, England

    The Creation Justice Team, part of UNY AC UMC General Board of Global Ministry, is now supporting the Common Table Podcast UMC. Creation Justice, Creation Care, climate change disruptions to the health of the Earth, and how to prayerfully respect and love the creation we were born on, will be our focus.

    Formally sponsored by the Social Holiness team of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we hope that you continue to enjoy the podcasts produced with the theme of justice and compassion.

    We aim to lift awareness and offer education to matters of justice in the human community in the name of Christ. Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, host.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min