
  • Rock Bottom with Amanda Piasta EP 5
    Dec 17 2021
    Amanda Piasta, founder and creator of Mind Hacks, a program that helps you heal hidden emotional blocks that stop you from loving your body, joins me today and we talk about hitting ROCK BOTTOM.   Amanda’s shares how when she thought she was at her rock bottom, there was still more falling to do. From struggling with her sexual identity to walking away from a great paying job, Amanda shares from her soul about the road back and how when she started to pay attention, she realized she was trying to be what other people thought she be. Finding her true self by discovering the subconscious mind and how it was key to not only her own “ah ha” moments, but it is now her passion in helping others discover the same!   Finding true self-acceptance and love within your mind, body and soul is Amanda’s mission.  Go check her out at https://amandapiasta.com  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    41 min
  • Ass Kicker, Hope Giver with Dawn Taylor EP 4
    Dec 3 2021
    Today’s guest is Dawn Taylor, Founder of The Taylor Way. She is an author, speaker, trauma, life and business coach, and runs a healing home. She is also affectionately referred to as the “Ass Kickers, Hope Giver”. In this episode we take a dive into some of the challenges, trauma’s and uncertainties that have shown up in Dawn’s life and how she has never taken NO for an answer. From battling depression at a young age, sexually abused at age 14, to having a brain anuerisym (at age 17), this woman has felt the sting of life. After years of trying to find healing and wholeness within the medical system, she started “hacking” her own healing! She has since taken that process to help others become rockstars of their own healing and life. You will be amazed and inspired with how this Ass Kicker has seen her dream come true of opening a Healing Home with no money, no house and no idea other than a vision…to have to leave it all almost one year later, and how she has managed that transition! You can find out more about Dawn and how to work with her at www.thetaylorway.ca or on socials @thetaylorwaynow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    42 min
  • When Life Has Its Own Plans With Dani Wearden EP 3
    Nov 5 2021
    Joining the podcast is Dani Wearden, a mom, a creative, a writer and a business owner/entrepreneur. She recently began offering copywriting and social media management services.   She loves the outdoors and is a spiritual soul. That’s a big part of why we connected. I feel like Dani is an old soul who looks younger than her 30 years.  She shares that she feels like she’s lived two lifetimes. Growing up on a working farm she was the cowgirl 4H’er. She got a teaching degree, and that was her path. Her life as wife, mom, teacher didn’t work out as planned.   When she stopped school to be a mom, and her marriage ended, she began her plan B. She bought a business and jumped in. The first year was a huge challenge, and Danie explains how she made it work. Then the pandemic hit.   She says she “fell into” her current life. She applied to write for a magazine because business was down during the pandemic. Hear how getting that job led her to new opportunities that opened the door to where she is today.   How did you give yourself the grace to make big life changes?   Like many of us in the midst of big transitions, it was about surviving and doing the best she could for her son. It was often day to day. Hear the question she asked herself to gain confidence and look to the future.   She looked for the next opportunity. She did not see herself staying stuck.   She explains that she stays in the moment and puts her all into what she’s doing while also paying attention to the signals when it’s time to make a change. This is such a helpful frame of mind!   Resilience comes from a mindset of understanding that you always have options.   Hear Dani explain how she knew it was time to make a change. The universe helped bring the right connections and opportunities just when she needed it. Not only did she get the income she needed, she also realized that she could use her new-found skills (some that she’d discounted earlier) in a business that would provide for her.   Dani’s advice: Detach from requiring a specific outcome. Take small steps forward and be open to opportunities. Allow room for the magic to happen.   Connect with Dani:   Personal Instagram  Podcast – Caffeine and High Hopes   Business Instagram  Website  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    35 min
  • Lessons of Feminine/Masculine Energy Part 2 with Special Guest Kelsey O’tion Eigler EP 2
    Nov 5 2021
    Today is a special episode because my friend Kelsey O’tion is here with me! A short bit of her bio: She is a Co-Founder, Visionary and Marketing Director of the Empowered Healers Academy. She’s also a big hearted, outspoken, polarizing wall-flower, rarely spotted out past 9 pm.  Being the co-creator of a trauma healing modality may seem like an odd pursuit, considering her foul language and neck tattoo - but going against the grain is what she’s known for.  To me she is an inspiration and a dear friend.   Before we jump in a reminder: when we talk about feminine and masculine it’s not about gender. It’s about energy and how we show up.   O’tion shares how we are taught to plan, to put processes and structure in place to be successful in business. That’s a masculine approach, and it’s definitely part of business. In addition, there’s the intuitive, feminine allowing. That’s what she credits for the success of the academy.   Hear how ignoring the intuitive side cost her. This is something most of us can relate to. Find out how O’tion and her business partner moved past the “rational” to the “irrational awareness” for their success.   O’tion’s gems of wisdom:   Don’t run ads to new offers, test before you reinvest  Get clear about who you serve (and who you don’t)   Everything really is happening for you  Look for the unknown to find the missing part of yourself  Baby steps are okay – enjoying the process is as important as growth    Female energy defined: living in the flow and the awareness of the energy that is present. There’s an ease in the work, and things begin to flow for you.   I love how she framed the masculine and feminine duality. You know the saying “behind every powerful man is a powerful woman”? What if we (as women) could be both of those things? The blending of both the masculine energy of drive and ambition and the feminine energy of flow and ease?   Boom! That’s what I’ve been trying to define for a while now and she just nailed it.  You must hear how things progress when you allow someone else to help, to step in and shine. When we give up control, or the need to control, it opens up the opportunity for things to transform and grow.   It’s difference between being and doing.   There are times when I want things to happen and my go-to is to lean into the structures and processes. Doing doing doing. Resting was not an option. Then I was diagnosed with cancer and had a forced time of rest. 9 whole months!   Is there such a thing as toxic femininity?   What do you think? The people-pleasing, over-giving parts of us might qualify. It could be the balance between actively doing while paying attention to feelings and emotions.   Connect with O’tion:   Learn SIT for healers and practitioners only  The Reknowing Series   Magic of Herbal Medicine Empowered Healers Academy  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    44 min
  • Lessons of Feminine/Masculine Energy Part 1 EP: 1
    Oct 29 2021
    Feminine versus masculine energy. We all know it’s a thing, but what does it really mean? How does it show up? Today I’m sharing my personal journey. There is a piece of this that’s also tied to my cancer diagnosis and treatment a few years ago. For 30 years, from age 20 to 50 or so, I was very energetic. I was literally on the move all the time. I learned to set a goal, fill in the steps required to achieve it and made it my reality. I was ambitious, busy, and confident. To give you context, I share some of my early life experiences so you can understand how early trauma impacted me. That’s not what this episode is about, but it’s part of who I am and impacts how I show up, and how I see myself. Enter cancer. It made me sit still. For the first time (maybe ever) I had no choice except to rest. What’s this got to do with feminine and masculine energy? It took cancer (and all the stuff that came with it) for me to understand that I was not feeling my feelings. I was avoiding them, resisting my emotions and I had judgement about that.  People often told me I was strong and powerful. I was proud of it, and it felt good to embrace that version of myself. What forced quiet time did for me. I have spent the past few years leaning into what it meant to be feminine. After the treatment and during recovery, I started to hear and discover myself in a new way. Less noise meant I could hear more internally. Quiet and stillness is part of my life, and part of my struggle. I’m still all about action. Digging into projects, helping clients, making money are all still part of me. The yin and yang of feminine and masculine are both with me. I’m learning to lean into my unknowing. Where do you go when you start to feel uneasy? I kept going back to the physical activity that I used to enjoy like triathlons. But it’s different now. I’m feeling my feelings. The activity doesn’t block that anymore. The quiet is now part of my life, coexisting with ambition and activity. For me, it’s leaning into the unknown. You can’t have all structure without flow and freedom.   Having impact in life and business means understanding how all of this works for you. It’s important to know when to lean in and when to allow space for the quiet. It’s that balance that I’m still working to understand and it’s what I help my clients to honor as well. When we can do that, life and business flows. It’s not about pushing or struggling. It’s about allowing.   What does this look like for you? Join me on Instagram and let me know how you experience the energy in your life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    26 min