
  • Ep.96 | Using IFS (Internal Family Systems) to Discover & Heal Our Hidden Parts w/ Tammy Sollenberger, Psychotherapist
    Mar 4 2025

    If you’ve never heard of IFS (Internal Family Systems), don’t let the name scare you off! It’s way cooler and more transformative then it sounds lol.

    We’re excited to share this interview with Tammy because she’s a GENIUS at explaining IFS in a way that not only makes sense, but unlocks different perspectives for healing. Both Shay & I walked away from this episode a little mind-blown, and we’re hoping it has the same effect on you…

    Enjoy! 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ Tammy’s journey of discovering IFS

    ➡️ What is IFS & how does it work?

    ➡️ Demo of walking through parts work

    ➡️ Managers // firefighters // exiles – wtf are they?

    ➡️ The power of curiosity

    ➡️ Discovering the different layers of healing

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> Tammy’s Podcast: https://tammysollenberger.com/podcast/ >> Tammy’s Book: https://tammysollenberger.com/product/the-one-inside-30-days-to-your-authentic-self/ >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Tammy is a licensed clinical mental health counselor, author, and expert in Internal Family Systems, or IFS, therapy—a transformative framework for healing that empowers us to understand and embrace the different parts of ourselves.

    She’s the author of The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self, a guide designed to help readers connect with their true essence through the IFS process. Tammy also hosts The One Inside Podcast, where she dives deep into the IFS framework, sharing stories, tools, and conversations with thought leaders in the field.

    With decades of experience, Tammy specializes in helping people navigate complex challenges like addiction, attachment wounds, and shame cycles, using IFS as a path toward compassion and wholeness. Her passion for making this work accessible and impactful shines through in all she does.

    Website: https://tammysollenberger.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifs.tammy/

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Ep.95 | Get Comfortable with Conflict & Hard Conversations w/ Lauren Bronson Petrous, Leadership Consultant & Coach
    Feb 25 2025

    Having difficult conversations is just part of this human experience, there’s really no way around it. BUT, if we can learn how to make those conversations easier and more productive??? What a gift that would be.

    So that’s what we brought Lauren on the podcast to talk about! This episode is a good one, filled with tips, examples, and real life scenarios all with the goal of helping YOU strengthen your own conflict resolution muscle…

    Enjoy! 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ Lauren’s journey of entrepreneurship

    ➡️ The power of your network & referrals

    ➡️ Approaching conflict resolution in different aspects of life

    ➡️ Living in alignment with our values

    ➡️ The meaning of true authenticity

    ➡️ Exploring how peace is different than comfort

    ➡️ Lauren’s B.R.A.V.E framework: + Bigger than you + Reframe + Acknowledge with Curiosity + Voice your needs + End with Clarity

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Lauren Bronson Petrous is a leadership consultant and coach who owns a change management firm called Boundless & Co. Lauren specializes in helping individuals, mission-driven leaders and global organizations navigate conflict, embrace change, and cultivate purpose-driven cultures that create a lasting impact.

    Her approach is deeply rooted in authenticity—guiding individuals, leaders, and global organizations to align their values (what they say matters) with action (consistent behaviors).

    With over a decade of experience working with Fortune 500 companies, international nonprofits, ministries, and executives, Lauren delivers tailored strategies to her consulting and coaching clients. Drawing from hard-earned lessons of both failure and triumph, she empowers others to step boldly into their full potential—leading with courage, vision, and conviction.

    Website: https://boundlessandco.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boundless_andco/

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 18 min
  • Ep.94 | Inner Child Healing Work: The Good, the Bad & the WTF? with Shay & Mariah
    Feb 18 2025

    Does the “inner child healing” work EVER end? Probably not LOL but we wanted to share this conversation in hopes that you’ll feel less alone on your journey.

    We’re walking it with you - through the muck, and the fun, and all the in-betweens. We hope this episode inspires you to keep coming back to YOU, because that’s the whole point of it all to begin with, right?

    Enjoy the episode! ☺️

    Included in this episode:

    ➡️ Our relationship with anger ➡️ Different ways to release & express emotions ➡️ Stories & examples of what we’re both going through ➡️ Permission to be our TRUE selves ➡️ How the inner work translates into outer success ➡️ Communication, boundary settings, and reparenting ourselves ➡️ Mariah’s experience with a somatic movement course ➡️ Shay’s experience with dancing & hot/cold therapy ➡️ Connecting your mind+body in a way that feels good for YOU ➡️ Using curiously as your lens through it all

    Additional Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> Somatic Movement Course: https://somaticmovementcenter.com/ >> FREE Meditation pack (includes dream day meditation) >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 18 min
  • Ep.93 | Where the Inner Work Meets the Outer Work as an Entrepreneur w/ Ramon Estrada, Founder CEO Coach
    Feb 11 2025

    Can this episode just be our commercial for the podcast? LOL This conversation with Ramon was incredible. His philosophy when it comes to business, and life in general is SO refreshing in this online space.

    If you’re feeling like you need to be more “strategic” in order to make your business work for you, listen to this episode first. You’re gonna feel SO MUCH more excited, inspired, and motivated to take action after.

    Enjoy! 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ Ramon’s journey in the online business space

    ➡️ Accepting the paradoxes of life

    ➡️ Honoring the need for both strategy & energetics

    ➡️ Questioning the inner soundtrack

    ➡️ Difference between instinct, intuition, and inspiration

    ➡️ Asking better questions

    ➡️ Realizing that “Who you are” is the journey of a lifetime

    ➡️ Becoming a victim of our dreams

    ➡️ The drama triangle

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> Business is Art Podcast >> Your Creative Power (Free eBook) >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Ramon Estrada is an Executive Coach with professional experience as a business consultant, executive, and six-time entrepreneur. His areas of interest include leadership, entrepreneurial initiative, intrapreneurship, creativity, innovation, and resilience.

    Website: https://www.ramonestradat.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/ramonestradat LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/ramonestradat/

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 17 min
  • Ep.92 | HeartMath for Building Resilience & Reducing Stress (Especially if You Don’t Like Meditating) w/ Michael Sipe, Life Coach & Business Consultant
    Feb 4 2025

    Building up resiliency & reducing stress feels intangible sometimes. HOW do we relax our bodies? HOW do we support our nervous system? HOW do we give our bodies what they need?

    These are the questions Shay & I have been asking for a while, which is why HeartMath has piqued our interest.

    And to break it all down for us, we brought back a podcast guest of ours, Michael Sipe (whose previous episode is one of our most downloaded ones, ever - for good reason!) because he does an incredible job at explaining and exploring the intersection of science & spirituality.

    And that’s kinda where HeartMath falls in.

    HeartMath is a non-profit that’s scientifically researching the effects of heart & brain coherence. And from that research, they’ve been able to develop tools & training to help us elevate our emotional state, while ultimately reducing stress & improving our well-being.

    It’s really cool to see the data backing up what a lot of ancient teachings & spiritual practices have known for a while.

    We promise, this is a rabbit hole worth exploring & we’re excited to share this episode with you! 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ What is HeartMath?

    ➡️ “Heart-centered” isn’t just a phrase, it’s science

    ➡️ The critical impact that the heart has on improving resiliency

    ➡️ Heart & brain coherence

    ➡️ How the HeartMath device works

    ➡️ Developing skills to move through stress in just 5 minutes a day

    ➡️ How easily subtle stress adds up

    ➡️ Demo of walking through a HeartMath practice -Timestamp - 1:04:40

    ➡️ Gamifying the process of coherence

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> LifeCharter Incubator: FREE 6-Hour Training & Community >> Learn more about HearthMath >> Michael’s previous episode #43: Demystifying Intuition >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Michael Sipe is a former Naval aviator and airline pilot turned life and business coach who specializes in helping business professionals elevate their personal performance using spirituality as a context and motivator for sustained improvement. Michael has written 6 books, been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc magazine, hosts his own podcast on the Strategic Advisor Board media platform, and forms business partnerships with promising entrepreneurs. Michael has had 2 Near Death Experiences (NDE), a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE), and a dedicated meditation practice that's been life-changing.

    Website: https://www.sipecoaching.com/ Instagram - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-sipe-consulting

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 25 min
  • Ep.91 | Why is Everyone So Bad at Communicating??? with Shay & Mariah
    Jan 28 2025

    Ever find yourself walking around thinking “Why is everyone so damn bad at communicating???” — because SAME LOL.

    “Good” communication has been a hot topic the past couple of weeks for us, so we wanted to share what we’re noticing, and what we’re learning about ourselves and others.

    Join us in this convo as we dissect the different layers — it’s a good one!

    We hope you enjoy! ☺️

    Included in this episode:

    ➡️ Getting clear on what you need ➡️ Examples from our own lives & what we’ve learned ➡️ Taking accountability for our own blindspots ➡️ How past patterns impact conversation ➡️ Delivery matters more than we think ➡️ The spectrum of communication ➡️ Questions to ask yourself when you’re in an activated state ➡️ The blurred line between being empathetic & assertive ➡️ Issues that come up when you’re “too” easy going

    Additional Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> FREE Meditation pack (includes dream day meditation) >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 9 min
  • Ep.90 | Breaking Down Somatics; Self Regulation at Your Fingertips w/ Savanna DeLuca, Therapist & Consultant
    Jan 21 2025

    This is the episode we all needed, especially with so many wellness gadgets & hacks filling up our social media feeds.

    This conversation with Savanna was such a good reminder that nature is full of magic & connecting back with our bodies can help us heal. Such seemingly “simple things”, but so easy to forget when we’re on the hustle train most of the time.

    We’re excited to share this episode with you, enjoy! 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ Savanna’s journey into somatics

    ➡️ What does somatics actually mean?

    ➡️ The power of getting out in nature

    ➡️ Different examples of connecting your mind & body

    ➡️ Taking it back to the basics

    ➡️ How somatics help you come back to yourself

    ➡️ And so. much. more!

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> Somatic Summer Camp 2025 >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Savanna DeLuca is the founder and executive director of Wild Heart Therapy + Consulting where she’s created a nurturing space that offers support and guidance to individuals aspiring to lead exceptional lives. Her approach to therapy is unique, combining somatic and nature-based methodologies with her expertise in attachment-focused therapy. Specializing in areas such as adventure therapy, brainspotting, mindfulness, yoga, conscious relationships, and family issues, She is passionate about helping her clients navigate life transitions, build conscious relationships, and overcome personal challenges.

    Website: https://wildhearttc.org/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wildheart.tc/

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 14 min
  • Ep.89 | Deeper Than Your Enneagram Type: The Layers You’re (Probably) Missing w/ Hillarie Kay, Corporate Coach & Speaker
    Jan 14 2025

    WE HAD NO IDEA HOW IN-DEPTH THE ENNEAGRAM GOES. Seriously. We thought we were kinda just gonna go into Enneagram Types and have a little chit chat but this conversation was SO MUCH DEEPER.

    The different layers and tools within the Enneagram system have us HOOKED. So much so that I literally snagged a session with Hillarie right after we recorded this conversation LOL

    Hillarie has a gift of being able to break all of this down in a way that not only makes sense but motivates you to want to take action ASAP. And her grounded approach is super supportive.

    We hope you enjoy 😊

    In this episode, we explore:

    ➡️ What is Enneagram?

    ➡️ Where did it come from?

    ➡️ The issue with random enneagram assessments online

    ➡️ Where your type comes from

    ➡️ Each of the Type’s core motivations & fears

    ➡️ Using Enneagram for insight into your own growth & burnout cycles

    ➡️ The connection & resource points for each Type

    ➡️ How to take action & start implementing this system to help you avoid burnout

    ➡️ Intelligent centers: what your repressed, neutral, and dominant centers are

    ➡️ Instincts & coping mechanisms

    ➡️ Hillarie’s journey of finding & becoming obsessed with the Enneagram

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    >> Book a Session with Hillarie: https://calendly.com/hillariekay/unlock-your-type-session >> Free Energy Inventory Chapter in Hillarie’s book, The Burnout Recovery System: https://hillariekay.com/energyinventory/ >> Burnout Assessment: https://enneametrics.com/burnout/ >> SNAG THE DESIGN YOUR DREAM DAY WORKSHOP >> Buy us a coffee/support the podcast >> Get 20% off your next contract with The Contract Shop

    About the Guest:

    Hillarie Kay is coach, trainer, speaker, and author of The Burnout Recovery System. She works with high-achieving entrepreneurs and teams- helping them prevent burnout, and increase engagement and performance through heart-centered strategy. She made significant contributions in the coaching and consulting space serving clients ranging from tech start-ups to Fortune 100 industry giants. She is a wife, mom of two boys, stepmom to three boys, and a lover of all things ’60s and ’70s. Outside of work you’ll find her at her kids’ games, concerts, or thrifting for vintage treasures.

    Website: www.hillariekay.com Instagram - www.instagram.com/hillariekay LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/hillariekay

    Learn more about Curiously Guided:

    Curiously Guided: the podcast for intentional business owners & curious minds. Where the outer work meets the inner work, so we can create a life, business, and career that feels deeply fulfilling & wildly aligned.

    ✨ Website: Curiouslyguided.com ✨ Instagram: Instagram.com/curiouslyguided

    Connect with The hosts’ Shay + Mariah:

    👉 Shay: saleswithshay.com | @saleswithshay

    👉 Mariah: mariahmagazine.com | @mariahmagazineco

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 24 min