
  • Doing Hard Things with Client Kathleen Folan
    Mar 6 2025

    "I knew Weight Watchers wasn't enough. I needed my faith to be a part of my weight loss journey to make it stick."

    This is part of Kathleen's story. Can you relate? She had to think long and hard about whether she could give up drinking socially if it wasn't on a Sunday.

    Have you had any of these thoughts? If you think about it, you most likely have already done hard things in your life, and you can do it again.

    This episode intricately weaves through themes of faith, virtue, and personal empowerment, illustrating how will and reason supersede emotion.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

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    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Last Call for Lent! Join the Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience Today

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    48 min
  • Food is NOT My Best Friend Anymore with Teresa Villano
    Feb 27 2025

    When you need comfort and love, do you turn to food? Do you find yourself worshipping food - almost unconsciously?

    It reminds me of the Bible verse, "their god is their stomach" which appears in Philippians 3:19.

    If you find yourself thinking about food all day long - from breakfast to lunch to dinner with snacks in between, then you are not alone. This week's guest is my client Teresa Villano, who joined the Delay and Pray® program a year ago and has been an active member since then.

    She has been a Nurse Practitioner for 26 years and shares her experience with dieting and weight struggles. She has come a long way, once telling me:

    Obesity kept me from seeing my potential sainthood and the true purpose of my life - serving the Lord, not my appetite. I have changed that now.

    Hear how spiritual fasting helped her ditch 30 pounds, regain her faith, and make Jesus the best friend that she has always longed for.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

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    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Doors are open! Join the Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience Today

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    46 min
  • Reducing Impulsive Eating with Ronda Baines
    Feb 20 2025

    Do you find yourself intentional in other areas of your life, but impulsive when it comes to food?

    This is what my client Ronda Baines talks about in our interview this week. She brings up an all-too-familiar struggle with impulsive eating and overcoming challenges related to fasting.

    Ronda shares her lifelong journey with weight management, revealing the deep-seated issues surrounding food and dieting that began in her childhood.

    Through the Delay and Pray® program, Ronda discovered the transformative power of thought work, intentionality, and the importance of vulnerability and honesty in coaching.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    33 min
  • What We Can Be, We Must Be!
    Feb 13 2025

    If you are on the road to sainthood, then we can take our cues from the great saints and make our decisions as they made theirs.

    We were created to be virtuous, which means making the right choices not only for our souls, but for the good of others as well. These decisions are tough sometimes, but worth it.

    What We Can Be, We Must Be!

    I encourage you to stay committed to your goals, lean into hardships, and harness the power of community and prayer to achieve a healthier, holier life. This episode is a motivational call to action to be all that you were created to be.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

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    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    26 min
  • The 3 M's of Delay and Pray®
    Feb 6 2025

    Delay and Pray® has changed my life in so many ways for the better.

    It is a method of spiritual fasting that helps you regain your spiritual edge and grow in virtue while becoming fit in both body and soul.

    It isn’t a diet because it is centered on Christ and detachment from food and alcohol as comfort. God should be our comforter.

    Today I discuss all of this in the context of the 3 M’s of Delay and Pray® that are so important to remember in driving incredible results in both body and soul and why overeating and overdrinking hinder your ability to both physically and spiritually fast.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    36 min
  • Following the Star
    Jan 30 2025

    As January draws to a close, let's remember the importance of reflecting on and writing down our goals, making sure they align with our ultimate journey toward heaven.

    Drawing inspiration from the story of the three wise men and their spiritual journey, Beth encourages you to follow the star, prioritize your relationship with Jesus, and embrace transformation through spiritual fasting, prayer, and love.

    This episode provides a reflective framework to guide us throughout the year, offering practical steps to integrate faith-driven practices into our lives and encouraging us to let the divine transform us in our daily lives.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

    Resources mentioned:

    Little Drummer Boy on YouTube

    Mystical City of God on Amazon

    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    20 min
  • Writing for Children with Sister Allison Regina Gliot
    Jan 23 2025

    We can learn so much from children, even those who are neurodivergent. If you (or your child or your grandchild) are sensitive to sound or feel anxious and overwhelmed in our noisy world, then you'll want to tune in to today's episode.

    Sister Allison Regina Gliot, FSP is a Daughter of St. Paul, author and editor and is here to talk about her latest picture book, Eli's Quiet Friend, published by Pauline Books & Media.

    What makes Eli's Quiet Friend particularly special is its emphasis on contemplative prayer as a way for children to experience God's love and presence.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

    Resources mentioned:

    Get Eli's Quiet Friend

    Bonus Resources that Sister mentioned

    Connect with Sister Allison on Instagram

    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




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    21 min
  • Ditch Dry January! 5 Reasons to Delay and Pray® Instead
    Jan 16 2025

    There's a lot of talk about Dry January happening - taking a break from alcohol during this month. I think it is a fabulous idea to consider our drinking levels and lean into moderation if possible, but there is something better than a dry January!

    I'm here to suggest that you add to that practice a spiritual purpose! There are life-changing effects for both body and soul with Spiritual Fasting.

    Today, I am sharing the 5 most AMAZING benefits of delaying alcohol with a spiritual purpose.

    After listening to these benefits, you'll never want to just have a dry January again, or just do Intermittent Fasting again - why would you? Your very soul and the souls of others are involved.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 39 - Friday Night Drinking

    Episode 41 - Sleeping and Overdrinking

    Delay and Pray® Links:

    Get on the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min