
  • What are you willing to do everyday in 2025? (065)
    Jan 1 2025

    What an incredible year it has been. So many wonderful conversations with truly talented and hard working folks. I can't wait to bring you more in 2025 and to help more where and when I can.

    If you had a chance to listen to any of the episodes this year, thank you. You also know that all of the guests I had on were truly amazing and inspiring. You can find all of them listed below:

    Ep. 40 - Ann Alonso - https://www.instagram.com/arcasian__/
    Ep. 42 - Zach Dayler - https://www.instagram.com/dayler/
    Ep. 44 - Liz Clayton Fuller - https://www.instagram.com/ipaintbirbs/
    Ep. 46 - Dom Laporte - https://www.instagram.com/driftmuralco/
    Ep. 48 - Andrew Szeto - https://www.instagram.com/szetoszeto/
    Ep. 50 - Brenda Dunn - https://www.instagram.com/artinjest
    Ep. 52 - Leah Gibson - https://www.instagram.com/homebody_/
    Ep. 54 - Gareth Davies - https://www.instagram.com/makerhouseco
    Ep. 56 - Rachel Schneider - https://www.instagram.com/babe_rosss_art/
    Ep. 58 - Vince Blando - https://www.instagram.com/cartoontherapy/
    Ep. 60 - Matt Tweedy - https://www.instagram.com/toothandnailbeer/
    Ep. 62 - Carrie Smith - https://crsmobilerehab.com/
    Ep. 64 - Devyn and Derek Moses - https://www.instagram.com/mococustom/

    This podcast is only as good as it can be with the help of every single one of these people. I am eternally grateful for them saying yes.

    Here's to doing more cool shit as we move forward, but never forgetting to have time for a small breath and to admire exactly where you have come from.

    Let me know what's going on: domorecoolshit.com

    Thank you once again as well to the Doug Wallace (https://www.instagram.com/ol_fog_eye/) for creating and performing the music for this podcast.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • Attitude can change everything with Devyn and Derek of MocoMade (064)
    Dec 9 2024

    You want to get some cool shit done you are going to have a more than a few things in your tool belt and one of those things is a great attitude. Having a great attitude is exactly why I was so excited to host Devyn and Derek for this conversation and to share it with you. It won't take you long to listen to this episode before you catch their energy and you understand why they have become as successful as they are. They have mastered the trade of building a thriving and supportive community, not only for themselves but for all kinds of creatives. They have done that, yes with positive and energetic attitudes, but also with consistency. From day one when they decided to start streaming and showing up, showing up for themselves and for others, they have not missed a day. Sure there are not so great days, but they chose this as work. Derek even said that is subconscious one day led him to just blurt out that after "work" he was going to do other things and both Devyn and Derek recognized that this was their path. I have always said and learned from others that when you truly enjoy what you are doing that you just keep doing it, no matter what. That is how you know.

    I hope you enjoy this conversation, I hope you pull what you need from this conversation, and I hope most of all it inspires you to get out there and keep trying things even when you don't know what the outcome will be.

    Thanks as always for listening (or watching.) I really appreciate each and every one of you who are on this journey to put more cool shit in this world.

    Make sure and go check out MocoMade over at: https://www.twitch.tv/mocomade

    Music is created and performed by: Doug Wallace

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 29 min
  • Cognitive defusion and how it can help you accomplish cool shit (063)
    Dec 2 2024

    Cognitive fusion can seriously fuck us up. It can come in the form of anxiety, negative self talk, unregulated emotions, so much more and/or all of this together. So what is it and what can we do about it? Well cognitive fusion, simply put, is when we cannot separate our thoughts from who we are as a person. Cognitive fusion is the entanglement of our brain and our thoughts with who we are as individuals. Thus, COGNITIVE DEFUSION is all about releasing that thought pattern and helping us loosen the ties that these thoughts have on us.

    If you can separate your thoughts from WHO you ARE as a person you can begin to examine these thoughts and poke fun at these thoughts. They can be OTHER. Cognitive defusion is about seeing the thoughts and NOT seeing the world through the thoughts.

    Some of the practices I talk about in this episode are about

    1. accepting the thought
    2. noticing the thought
    3. writing the thought down
    4. making fun of the thought
    5. making fun of your brain.
    6. sharing these thoughts with a trusted friend.

    This is long and tricky work but I hope you take it on because the more you practice it the better you get at it and I guarantee the happier and healthier you will be. If you are all those things then I absolutely am certain that you will make more space and room and time for MORE COOL SHIT!

    Thanks again for listening to another episode, I hope you come back and that we can continue down our path of exploration and figuring out more fun ways to help more people do more cool shit.

    Visit me at: domorecoolshit.com and let me know what you are up to.

    Music created and performed by: Doug Wallace

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Live in cool shit with Carrie Smith (062)
    Nov 11 2024

    In this episode I have an amazing conversation with Carrie Smith who is an absolute ball of energy and positivity. You are sure to leave listening this episode ready to run a marathon.

    We cover everything from starting small, building as you go, being patient, saying yes to all kinds of opportunities, to filling your cup with all the good things, all the way to being a life long learner and so much more.

    Carrie is the epitome of someone who has lived a life full of cool shit. If you listen to her story and understand WHY she made the choices she made along the way and how important those CHOICES were for her, you will be well on your way to understanding the choices you are making.

    What is one thing you are willing to try today that you might not have wanted to try yesterday.


    All music created and performed by: Doug Wallace

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min
  • Thinking in solutions instead of problems (061)
    Oct 28 2024

    How much time do you spend wading in your problem pool? Answer, too much. For many people this is the case but those that have learned and are actively working on this skill - solution based thinking can be so incredibly freeing.

    In this episode I challenge you to start working on your skill to become a solution based thinker. One great tool is to start using a solution journal. Go wild, think of all the possible solutions out there. I also challenge you to start tracking your time and how you use it. Is there a point where you can confidently say you spend 2 times or 3 times or any number more amount of time thinking of solutions than you do problems, if that is the case then you are headed in the right direction and trust me, you will start seeing results. Momentum!

    And always remember:
    "Keep your face to the sun and the shadows will always fall behind you."

    Music designed and performed by: Doug Wallace


    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • When stubbornness and confidence become one with Matt Tweedy (060)
    Oct 14 2024

    How do you know when you have found THE "right" thing for you? Well in Matt's case he just did. No sleeping, no other thoughts, only one path forward with nothing to get in your way. This episode is packed with all kinds of amazing motivation and inspiration for you to get out there and do the thing you want to do at any age. Let's get it straight Matt's story took some time and a few detours but that's what makes this chapter such a good one. Matt is doing the thing he loves and never has let anything get in his way. That is how you know, when absolutely no problem or risk or anything is too big. In fact when Matt and I broached the subject of risk he mentioned that his passion and his desire to execute his vision was so strong that to him there was no risk even seen, there was only success. This is the kind of mindset that has served so many people that want to do cool shit well.

    On his journey he also found the confidence to find himself a mentor or two along the way. If you have been following along for a while you will know that I'm always preaching that you need to find your crew, your people and mentors absolutely should be in that mix.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and find the motivation to get out there and do all the cool shit you want to do.

    What is one thing that keeps you up at night? That you can't stop thinking about? Take steps toward that. You will thank yourself.


    All music created by: Doug Wallace

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 19 min
  • Play more, work smarter (059)
    Sep 30 2024

    Play is an essential way in which to get some of your best work done. Go out for a walk, throw a frisbee, go to a theatre show instead of doing the dishes one night, you will thank yourself. You will feel that energy.

    The idea of playing at something new is even more interesting, the idea that we are challenging ourselves and learning is crucial. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, talks about the flow state and that is when we are truly engaged in a process and one of the ways to find yourself in that state of flow is to engage in play. To have fun.

    If you are listening to this episode right now I am certain there is a vast number of you who are already experiencing some form of burn out and you don't even know it. You need to turn to someone, ask them about your level of burnout and how you can introduce a bit of play into your life.

    Go find your sense of excitement and challenge again, in any manner that may look like to you.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • How to identify a DOUBT DOOR and how to kick it down with Vince from cartoontherapy (058)
    Sep 16 2024

    Doubt can be a huge block for many creatives. Vince introduces us to the idea of a doubt door, how to identify when the door is present and what to do about kicking it open. Vince has been quickly building a great balance between play and work and is finding that MANY people are finding his approach to be a HUGE breath of fresh air. Vince is an animator and social worker creating a world of fun and learning in such a unique and open and honest manner.

    One of the main ways to combat a doubt door getting in your way is to truly think about and live an authentic life. Truly knowing yourself, what excites you, what bothers you, all of that stuff and much more can lead to your ability to try more things. The more things you try and the less doubt you have you will absolutely enjoy the journey you are on.

    Do yourself a favour and get over and watch Vince and the wild and the serious and the fun that is over on http://twitch.tv/cartoontherapy

    As always thanks for the listen and/or the watch. If you would like to connect on any of the cool shit you are doing or anything else please reach out over at: http://domorecoolshit.com

    Music created and performed by: Doug Wallace.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 16 min