
  • Jesus Said, Come Unto Me | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Jan 29 2025

    Three simple words that has the power to change everything in your life - Jesus said, “Come to ME”. We're living in days of great tension and anxiety; and uncertainty is an absolute understatement. So if you're a person that tries to rationalize and want everything to make perfect sense, you're just going to have trouble walking with the Lord because everything will not make perfect sense. Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can give us any kind of peace in times like these when the powers of darkness seek to throw us in some kind of confusion and distress, it’s wonderful to know what Jesus says in Matthew 11:25:30 that God blesses those who do not turn away from HIM. Strangely enough, if you think you can make it through this cycle that we are all in, or this season that we're in, and come out unscathed in some kind of way you are mistaken. The question Jesus is asking: “Are you still with ME?”

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    18 min
  • 2025 State of The Church Address | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Jan 22 2025

    The Lord said, “Every seed sown in 2024 will be harvested in 2025. I will cause you to see My goodness in everything that has happened in the past year. All those things you didn’t understand will make sense to you as my Spirit opens your eyes to see how I was changing you and transforming you to prepare you for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Yes, many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing Love surrounds those who trust in Me. So, Rejoice and continue to obey Your Lord with a pure heart. Feed your soul on Psalm 32 and 103, for it will strengthen you in your effort to know My Son more deeply, to be transformed into His image, and to walk victoriously and peacefully through 2025. My Beloved disciples, take note of four major issues leading to the glorious appearance of My Son - Great Distraction, Great Deception, Great Awakening and Great Return. Know that clear and unmistakable TRUTH will be given to all who seek it. Fear nothing, for you are safe in My hands.” The full transcript of this message is available on www.wholelife.org

    Whole Life Ministries has three weekly services – Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and two evenings held on Monday and Thursdays at 7 p.m.

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    19 min
  • How To Be Wise Men | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Jan 15 2025

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    9 min
  • Whose Life Are You Living | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Jan 8 2025

    The Lord wants us to REALLY understand how we should be living? To what depth are we living as described in Galatians 2:20, “I've been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by Faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.“ Now, most of us live and make decisions based on the physical world from what we see, feel, touch and smell; and yet having very little to do with the spirit realm, where we have profound supernatural oneness with Jesus Christ. As born again disciples, we are in a spiritual union that unites us with Jesus Christ in such a way that His life literally counts for our life, His death counts for our death, and His resurrection counts for our resurrection. All of us need to look at our lives from a spiritual perspective because to the depth that we understand something - we Live It.

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    18 min
  • UnShakeable | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Jan 1 2025

    t's not about God being unshakeable, it's about US being unshakeable as we attempt to keep ourselves steady in the midst of a world filled with confusion and chaos. If you're not a person who does not check out things and don't know the Word of God, you’re in deep trouble. Why? Because evil is coming against good, and we need to find ourselves standing with Him. We need to understand that things are coming our way that are going to shock us, but we do not have to be stunned or shakable. There will always be things that shock us, but we must not let them shake us from the bedrock of our faith and our relationship with the Lord. In these days, we must stand firm and unshaken in the midst of an increasingly godless environment. The question is how will YOU handle unexpected happenings?

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    Watch "Healing Classics," Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

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    18 min
  • Let's Continue To Talk About Jesus | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Dec 25 2024

    The Lord said, “they (the Church) must know who I am for the little bit of time that they will be here. In this time that is in front of them that could be treacherous, they need to know who I Am, they need to know in depth who I Am”. The Word of God reveals Him as the one who resigned the Throne and He resigned the Crown of Heaven for you and me. He exchanged the radiant robe of a Sovereign King for the garment of a servant by choice, not forced by any means, to come down to be like us, yet knew no sin. Yes, we are talking about Jesus who resigned everything for a crown of thorns, and knew what was going to happen to Him. We're talking about the Lord of Glory, totally dependent on the Father and the Holy Spirit, the One who knows your name and the One we are about to meet. The real question is not what we are to make of Jesus, BUT what is Jesus making of us in this enemy occupied world?

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    Watch "Healing Classics," Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy

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    15 min
  • Let's Talk About Jess
    Dec 18 2024

    There's nothing more important, in these last days, than for us to refocus our attention and reflect on our wonderful marvelous Jesus. How can we even begin to comprehend that vast difference between the crown of stars flung into the sky by the Son of God at creation and the crown of thorns that was pressed into His brow? How can we understand it, we can't, but we can marvel at this ONE whose love is beyond definition. He was, He is, and forever will be the glorious triumphant and incomparable Son of God. He Is the most important person who ever lived, we must understand that nothing goes right without HIM, and remember that He is the Christ that lives in you, the Hope of Glory. The real question is not, what are we to make of Jesus? But what is He to make of us, you? In Jesus of Nazareth, are all the elements of a perfect character, is He Everything you need!

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    14 min
  • The Power of a Pure Heart | Dr. Sandra G. Kennedy
    Dec 11 2024

    What does it mean to have a Pure Heart? The Bible says, God Blesses those whose hearts are PURE, for they will see God. Psalm 32: 8, declares, I want to live according to Your Truth Lord, grant me purity of heart so that I may honor You. The Word of God is very clear that Purity is important to God and there is a unique blessing for those whose hearts are pure. We must know that being pure in heart is not automatic, it is a daily living from a pure heart and it is an ongoing process. Remember, God looks at the heart of people far more than anything else. He is searching for those who have pure hearts, fully committed hearts as seen in Proverbs 4:23, where we are admonished to guard our heart above all else because it determines the course of our life. Does God see in me a "Heart Like Jesus?"

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    16 min