
  • 019 - The Wages of Sin is Death
    May 22 2023

    Sin causes distance between ourselves and a Holy God. Because of that, God showed mercy upon us and sent His only begotten son who is our mediator, our saviour and our only hope against sin.

    Sin only leads to death. There is no hope in sin. Sin will eventually lead you to death and then hell; we don't want that for you, rather, we want you to be redeemed through Christ Jesus alone.

    Actions have consequences and what you "get away with" now will be repaid to you eternally; please repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ alone today!

    God bless you.

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    1 h et 27 min
  • 018 - Why Being Biblically Literate will Help with Deception
    May 5 2023

    "Do not be Deceived..." We read in Revelation 12:9:

    "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

    We are warned throughout Scripture about being deceived. How do we counter deception? We study the word of God, we pray, we fast, we stay grounded. False teachers like Joel Osteen, Mike Todd, Tim Ross, T.D Jakes, Andy Stanlley, Tim Mackie and so on cannot captivate nor seduce saints who understand the true essence of the Gospel. They cannot manipulate nor beguile believers who read their Bibles consistently or who are truly saved. This is why they prey on those who seem to be complacent with their faith; ultimately it is to their eternal peril and we do not wish that upon them!

    Please stay grounded in the faith by reading the Bible regularly, by praying to God and staying humble as you walk with Christ our Lord.

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    1 h et 37 min
  • 017 - Spiritual Warfare - Liquid Death and Unclean Spirits
    Apr 19 2023

    Welcome listener.

    In today's episode we explore new levels of depravity when we look at a product called ‘Liquid Death.’ This brazen and openly demonic company practice witchcraft in the open as they explicitly or implicitly declare war against God Almighty.

    About 7 months ago Christian YouTuber Ruslan KD from the Bless God channel openly endorsed Liquid Death. Ruslan suggested that it was okay to consume products offered to idols as born-again believers are protected by the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 8 is a chapter about foods offered to idols and how a Christian should operate.

    Recently Ruslan sat down with Isaiah Salvidar where Salvidar dismissed the open witchcraft Liquid Death performs on its products. Salvidar then backtracked and openly apologized due to the backlash he received from dismissing the real implications associated with Liquid Death’s detestable abomination.

    What this recent faux pas has shown us is the levels of spiritual illiteracy within Christianity. Ruslan promoting a drink that has literally been cursed by witches because of Holy Spirit protection is irresponsible.

    There may be those lost who need salvation and their potential walk with Christ could be knocked off-course should they consume these horrible products, keeping them in bondage and away from the Lord.

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    1 h et 43 min
  • 016 - The Importance of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
    Apr 5 2023

    Greetings listener. As we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and King Jesus Christ we focus on the significance of innocent blood throughout scripture.

    On many occasions God showed us that the Gospel is the only way to be saved. From Cain and Abel, the Passover, Abraham and Issac or innocent animals being sacrificed so Adam and Eve could receive clothes to cover their shame the process and outcome is the same; innocent blood covers unrighteousness.

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    59 min
  • 015 - Spirit & Truth
    Mar 22 2023

    "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24

    No matter what we think or how we feel on any subject, God has His ways and His ways never change. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, yet so many who profess Christ as their Lord King live in apostasy.

    This episode explores recent teachings from Mike Todd and Tim Mackie respectively, and why caving to public pressure or diluting the God's clear teachings will bring destruction.

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    1 h et 21 min
  • 014 - Faith Not Feelings
    Mar 8 2023

    In the wake of the smash hit film Jesus Revolution and the general preference of people looking "spiritual experiences" or emotive relationships we God, we examine the validity of such practices against Scripture. 

    God is looking for faith from His followers, but is this message truly accepted by those seeking Him?  (Hebrews 11:6)

    Also, we analyse Jonathan Roumie's open admission of communicating with the dead in the wake of his role in the Jesus Revolution. We condemn all practices of necromancy,  and other detestable acts because God condemns them in Deuteronomy 18 and in other parts of the Bible.

    *Note: I suggested during the episode that the Scripture in which God condemns talking to the dead was Deu 22:5. The correct Scripture is Deu 18.

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    59 min
  • 013 - Exposing the Lies of the New Age with Revive All Ministries
    Feb 22 2023

    Revive All Ministries is a wonderful ministry led by a former New Age practitioner. For many years Mikka was deceived by the deception of witchcraft, becoming one's own god and other lies of the enemy. 

    Today's show is about exposing the lies behind seemingly innocent practices such as yoga, tarot cards, enneagrams, Harry Potter and other mainstream forms of witchcraft and wizardry.

    Former famous New Agers such as Doreen Virtue and Steven Bancarz (Spirit Science) have since repented and have come to the Lord Jesus Christ; these are famous examples of countless others.

    We read in John 14:6 that Jesus is the only way to God and in Deuteronomy 18:9-14 we read  that such practices are not only rebellious against God, but are detestable before Him. The sad thing is, many people who call themselves Christians perform these demonic rituals without truly knowing what they are exposing themselves to. 

    If you do perform any of these acts listed or any other New Age practice we plea with you to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ immediately for deliverance and forgiveness.

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    1 h et 41 min
  • 012 - Sin, Sam Smith and Salvation
    Feb 8 2023

    In light of the 2023 Grammy Awards artist Sam Smith made headlines for the overt Satanic ritual performed. This open, blatant and extremely disrespectful act against God seems to epitomise where we are as a society. Satan has beguiled the minds of millions and Hollywood is the epicentre of debauchery, decadence and disgrace.

    Yet, despite this open attack on a Holy God, God is still willing to forgive all those who repent! God is rich in mercy and is willing and able to forgive all sins, because no sin we commit is greater than God's love.

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    52 min