
  • It's A Bird...It's A Plane...It's A Brand!!
    Dec 31 2023

    Whelp... This is crazy. What a weekend. Sorry about the delay, but it's Friday Somewhere! :) 

    Today I want to talk to you about some of the things that I found while building a couple of businesses. The first thing is that you have to establish your brand. You have to know what makes you different and that is the one thing that you have to hang your hat on if you're going to succeed. 

    I've had businesses that were brand built and businesses that were basically me selling the same fork as the guy down the road. If we're all selling forks then the only difference is the price and my friend the race to the bottom when it comes to price is not a race you want to win. 

    In this episode we are going to set you up for success. In this episode I'm going to give you three things that you should think about before you start your own business. Next week we get going so make sure that you take a listen and do the exercises that I talk about in this episode. See you on the other side. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • The Mindset You MUST Have For 2024
    Dec 22 2023

    Empty The Cup! 

    It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life for me.... And I'm feeling GOOD! I want that for you! If that's what you want that is.

    Today there is a lot of stress out there that comes with worrying about money and how to just simply exist. I know that it can get crazy when the bank account feels low in between those paychecks so let's work on fixing that. If that' s not you and you have set up a business where you have to grind 24/7 let's fix that too. The burnout world is real, but it doesn't have to be real for you. 

    Here's where the magic happens and this is why I say that you have to spend time alone doing nothing. That is where the magic happens and that is where it happened for me. The secret is in where you look to build your business, your family, and your future. However, let's focus on business because this is an entrepreneurial podcast. 

    1. The Biggest Thing I Learned During This Quiet Time is....

    If it is readily being offered to you as a solution it's probably not the best solution. The best solutions are usually the ones that you have to dig for. The best solutions are the ones that aren't being offered over and over again out in the public. The best solutions are often right in front of your face, but you are trained to be distracted with all of the shiny objects and opportunities. 

    In this podcast we talk about the un-shiny objects that are probably way more in alignment with what you have been looking for than the things that have been offered to you as solutions. See you on the other side. 

    Learn more at troyhorne.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • What Did Jeff Bezos Say???
    Sep 23 2023

    No Regrets...

    This episode starts with a quote from Jeff Bezos. Take a listen and remember that you have to be a little bit crazy if your going to do great things. You have to be a little crazy.

    People are not going to get it in the beginning. Can you imagine how different Jeff Bezos' life would have been had he made the pracitcal decision? Can you imagine if he would have listened to his boss' voice and taken the realistic route? Can you imagine how different our lives would be if he would have listened to his boss back then?

    Yeah... that would have been sad for all of us. 

    Well... how did he do that? He did what we are going to talk about in this episode. He took some time to become really familiar with... Take a listen. 

    See you tomorrow!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • The Lonely Chapter...
    Sep 22 2023

    The Lonely Chapter Is A Real Thing. It Is A Right Of Passage.

    So you chose to take the red pill. This moment that you are going through is a moment that you are supposed to use to study your craft. This is the moment where you chop the logs in the woods before the fight like Muhammad Ali.

    This is the moment where you go all in on your goals. Notice that I said that you go in on YOUR goals. I didn't say your group goals with friends and family I said YOUR goals. This is YOUR journey and YOUR journey alone. So...

    Get focused and get great at what you do. See you tomorrow. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    7 min
  • The Power Of I AM...
    Sep 21 2023

    The Universe Never Sets You Up To FAIL!

    Affirm that I AM (fill in the blanks) I love that I have lived a little and that I can share this story with you. The power of your intention is unmatched. Today I am going to ask you to make a decision to claim your goal and your purpose to the universe. 

    I AM....

    It is your time to step into your greater yet to be. It's time RIGHT NOW! So step out and claim your future today!

    That being said there are some things in your life that you have done and you need to give yourself credit for all of the great things that you have done. They have made you who you are today. They have taught you the lessons that you needed to learn to be the person that you are supposed to be. Today declare your I AM...

    See you tomorrow!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • Do You Have It...
    Sep 20 2023

    It Takes Courage To Be Successfull...

    The one thing that I want you to get from this is that you are going to have to go it alone for a moment or two. What I learned from life is that you are going to have to go after your dream and often times you are going to have to go it alone. 

    A lot of the time the people around you are not going to be the ones to help you get to your new you. It's not that they are bad or that they are hating. It's actually the opposite. They are loving. 

    They are in love with the old you. The old you is comfortable. The old you is familiar. The old you doesn't challenge their own limiting belefs about what is possible. You are going to have to give yourself the courage to go forward. You are going to need to give yourself the courage to step out and find the people, opportunities, and situations that are going to help you flourish. 

    Give yourself the courage to step into your purpose. We need you! 

    See you tomorrow. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • Its Not This... But This...
    Sep 19 2023

    What Are You Willing To Do...

    This really spoke to me today because I didn't want to do a daily podcast. I didn't want to be a social media person. I didn't want to do all of the things that it would take to be someone who helps people on a large scale. 

    However, I also didn't want to see another person struggle in life when I felt like I could help. There is someone out there who is struggling because you aren't willing to step into your purpose. There is someone out there whose life will not get bettter until you share your purpose with the world. 

    Fulffilling your purpose is bigger than you. It really is. IT IS BIGGER THAN YOU! So here's your homework for today. 

    1. Write down one thing that you have not been willing to do and DO IT!

    Don't wait until tomorrow. Don't wait until the end of the week. DO IT TODAY! Your purpose is waiting for you to step into it and so...are...we. 

    See You Tomorrow. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • How To Find Your Purpose - (It's Your Time!)
    Sep 18 2023

    I get it. A lot of the time you feel like you have a purpose, but...

    1. You Don't Know How To Do It.
    2. You Don't Feel Like You Have The Support.
    3. You Don't Feel Like You Have The Time.
    4. You Don't Think You Can Do It.
    5. You Don't....

    Here's the truth. You have all of those things within you. We just have to figure out how to make it happen with what we have and my friend we have a lot. Today is the first day of our daily journey to our purpose. Here's what I'm doing and what I would LOVE to have you join with me in doing. 

    1. Live my purpose and crush old limiting beliefs.

    That's what we're doing. If you want to live your purpose and crush old limiting beliefs then please click like and subscribe and let's do this together. My goal during this podcast is to show you...

    1. How to do it.
    2. Be your support.
    3. Show you how to find the time.
    4. Help you believe that you can do it. 

    See you tomorrow. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min