
  • Exploding Hummers and Why People Can't be Happy for You....
    Jul 14 2022

    Blessed Beauties, well it's been quite the week, psychic experiences, exploding hummers, rehearsals and Boris Johnson's resignation! Episode 23 is a mixed bag but maybe there is a Take Away in here for you-no not the type covered in Soy Sauce or fried but the type of spiritual connective Take Away that you might resonate with. 

     Stay Blessed as always and give us a rate or review if your mamma brought you up right;-)

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    20 min
  • Protect that space! Episode 22
    Jul 4 2022

    I fell off the podding wagon-pagon?! I didn't mean for it to happen but I've been so busy chasing the work and money that there has been no headspace left for creativity. But I'm back and herein lies the lesson- you must, no have to, against all odds, protect whatever it is that you love to do. I've realised that yes we are all chasing money and security but ultimately money is giving you the choices to do what you actually want to do with your time. How many of us have a passion or creative idea that never sees the light of day because we're just too damn tired/broke/busy *delete as appropriate to do what we love. This week I talk about what I am going to do to ensure that I keep that space and protect it fiercely.

    Please enjoy, listen, rate or review and I'll still be loving you long time!

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    33 min
  • A change is gonna come..... Episode 21
    May 23 2022

    Who likes Change? Anyone? And yet it's the one thing perhaps the only thing we can guarantee in life. Recently life has felt full of major life changes-new job, new adventures for teens, house moves etc and when your points of reference change life can feel pretty scary. But what this last few years perhaps and especially months has taught me, is that you can't stop it, so you might as well go with it. Every year the trees teach us what it is to let go and begin again, afresh and renew.  And despite us wanting to avoid change at all costs after all us humans are creatures of habit and familiarity, I can guarantee that change will always bring with it, growth.

    Thanks for lsitening and please give me a review, like, share or subscribe.

    Stay Blessed x

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    14 min
  • Meet Skye-Mum to 6 and a breast cancer survivor- Positive Vibes Only
    May 16 2022

    Meet Skye-beautiful mum to 6 kids who span all the ages from toddler to teen and a kid at Uni. She has her own business and is a powerhouse of positivity, so how did this mum cope when she received the devastating news that she had got breast cancer? In a candid interview, Skye talks about how she coped with the news to keeping herself mentally strong as well as her plans to ride a motorbike and visit Fuji! This has to be a part one, because she's got things on the vison board that need to be achieved and I want to hear all about them. Enjoy and as always. support the pod by liking, subscribing, rating or reviewing.

    Stay blessed x

    Follow her @skyeandhersix

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    37 min
  • Say Yes! Then think about it...
    Apr 25 2022

    Did I tell you about the time I failed on a Quiz Show? Or even walked around the Houses of Parliament wearing a board saying 'Are you getting enough?' No? Well it's true. And when I agreed to these things I never over thought them-I just agreed with it on a whim and then thought about it afterwards. What a glorious way to live! So many times in life we over think, over analyse, and end up going in one big vicious circle like a dog chasing it's own tail. Only to find that after all of the opinion seeking and analysing, we don't actually do whatever it was we were stressing about in the first place. This has been me plenty of times let me tell you! And yet I also have these fantastic nuggets where for whatever reason, maybe because I had my brave pants on that day, I just decided to say 'Yes' and then think about it afterwards and thank goodness I did. Because I have never ever regretted it. 

    If you listen and you're feeling brave this week, give me a shout out on your Instagram story-go on I dare you. If you're not feeling so brave this week, a rate or review or even a subscribe or download will do it. Stay Blessed x

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    23 min
  • Meet Brummy Beauty Helen Cochrane-Reiki Master and all round beaut! Episode 18
    Apr 11 2022

    What is Reiki? How the blazers can anyone  There can be worse things to do on a Thursday morning than lying on a couch having your energy sorted out and your  chakras realigned! This week I have been talking with Helen Cochrane founder of Alvechurch Reiki. 

    Helen gave up her career after falling into Reiki one weekend. She has never looked back. Just experiencing her talking about the power of the energy around us and how it can be utilised  shows her passion and dedication to her craft.

    Helen also talked about how her experiences of Reiki and meditation are healing her anxiety. I had the most fantastic treatment and also came away having made a new friend. I feel there will be more conversations on energy, old souls and sorting out your chakras in the near future! Have you ever experienced Reiki? Is it something you would be willing to try?

    Please support the pod by sharing us on your Instagram stories and rating and reviewing or clicking to follow us.

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    43 min
  • Let that toxicity go! Episode 17
    Apr 4 2022

    Some things will break your heart but fix your vision. Episode 17 is all about moving on-even when you don't want to. Socrates said 'Use all of your energy on building the new, not fighting the old' and he was right! But this of course is easier said than done.  Sometimes though you have to walk away whether that is a toxic work environment, a friendship or a relationship. You may feel a bit bruised but ultimately, a toxic environment is more likely to change you, than you change it.  This episode is brought to you with an abundance of love and hope for an amazing future-I've seen it and it looks bright!

    Please support the pod by following our instagram page @everythingiveeverdone or rating, reviewing or following us on Apple or Spotify.

    Spread the love by joining Patreon on the links below or by sharing with your loved ones.

    Let us know your thoughts-all feedback greatly appreciated.

    Stay Blessed x

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    15 min
  • Sally Sound off! Your silence is betrayal. Episode 16
    Mar 18 2022

    I knew it was coming! It's a Sally sound off-9 .25 mins of pure opinion from me...but it needed to happen. Opinions welcome @eveythingiveeverdone on Instagram.

    Rate, review, like, share, follow, you know the drill.

    We're on Spotify, Apple. Deezer, 

    'Washing ones hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless is to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.'

    All views expressed are my own.

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    9 min