Finding Love in the Chaos of Life

Auteur(s): Jacqui Burnett and Tanagh-Jane Breytenbach
  • Résumé

  • The path from spiritual awakening to enlightenment comes in many forms and can be overwhelming at first. Internal peace arrives through Finding Love in the Chaos of Life by working with your Individual Spirit, opening your access to Universal Wisdom as a Spiritual Revolutionary.

    Join hosts Jacqui Burnett and Tanagh-Jane Breytenbach for regular episodes as they unpack how to live a spirit-led life, gifting you the courage to challenge your perspective through the lens of Love.

    Keep up with gripping conversations on self-healing, relationship dynamics and mental and physical illnesses as together we shine love and light on our shadows and all life's chaos.

    Jacqui and Tanagh share how they opened their shame, guilt and blame stories to Love while offering real-time coaching and unscripted Q&A with listeners around their challenging stories.

    © 2024 Finding Love in the Chaos of Life
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  • Life's Purpose - Season Finale
    Jun 5 2024

    Welcome to the highly anticipated season 1 finale of Finding Love in the Chaos of Life. This episode marks the culmination of our #DaretoBeLove Journey, delving into the final topic: LIFES' PURPOSE.

    LIFE'S PURPOSE is the final topic within STEP 4: HOW TO CONNECT WITH ALL OTHERS. This is the final step to healing and letting go.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of connecting to and with our SPIRIT/SELF, the part of us that only knows Love, allowing us to organically connect with Universal Wisdom/God/Source and live a life of present-moment Joy.

    Jacqui and Tanagh open up about their personal journeys, sharing their recent struggles and moments of disconnection from their Spirits. They delve into the process of reconnecting, leading them back to present-moment joy.

    Life's Purpose is to continuously return to LOVE, our born to nature. With practice, it becomes easier to surrender to this space of joy, peace, and Love.

    However, falling off the band waggon is a natural process of life, and it can remind us of the power of this work and the gratitude we feel for being able to experience the highs and lows of life.

    Thank you for joining us on the #DaretoBeLove journey. If you are interested and want to find out more about integrating this journey into your everyday life, book a coaching session with Jacqui or start your process with the Meet Your Spirit workshop at

    We invite you to share your experience of this journey with us, so feel free to reach out and get in contact. We love hearing your success stories of Finding Love in the Chaos of Life!

    Thank you for joining us on this journey towards finding inner peace and joy.

    Wishing you a life of Love, Light and present-moment Joy.
    Jacqui and Tanagh

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    34 min
  • Self-Love Beyond the Ego’s Limitations
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode of Finding Love in the Chaos of Life, Jacqui and Tanagh unpack the 9th topic of the #DaretoBeLove Journey: SELF-LOVE.

    SELF-LOVE, a topic that’s gaining increasing popularity, is not just a vanity project. It is a profound process of accessing full connection with our individual Spirit to connect with the Spiritual essence that resides in all others, allowing us to see and feel that we are united as Universal Spirit.

    SELF-LOVE is the first topic within STEP 4, the final step of the #DaretoBeLove Journey – HOW TO CONNECT WITH ALL OTHERS.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of connecting to and with our SPIRIT, our born-to nature that only knows Love, by creating a connection with our Higher Power to live a life of present-moment Joy.

    When we are connected with Universal Spirit, self-love flows naturally.

    This journey is about discovering and nurturing our individual Spiritual essence, a process that is unique to each of us. That is why self-awareness and self-care are so critical; with these practices firmly in place, we can connect with our individual Spiritual essence. Self-care and self-awareness practices can take many forms, from meditation to journaling, yoga, quality sleep, psychotherapy, coaching, prayer, gratitude, connecting with nature, healthy eating etc. Sometimes, that shows up in declining plans with friends, and sometimes, that shows up as prioritising making plans to see friends. Perhaps for you, that shows up as committing to going on a solo walk through the forest however many times a week, and it may mean taking as many rest days on your couch at home as you need. That's the thing about self-care and self-awareness – it varies intensely depending on your personal needs, which we can only truly access from a space of joy, despite life's chaos, when connected to our individual Spirit.

    These actions and inactions help us fill up our own cup continuously, allowing us to step into the world connected to Love for Self, all others, and all things.

    Here, we work with and observe our SPOKEN WORDS as our way of BEING in the world.

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    32 min
  • Do You Know and Trust Your Intrinsic Value?
    Mar 24 2024

    Jacqui and Tanagh dissect the 8th topic of the #DaretoBeLove Journey: INTRINSIC VALUE.

    INTRINSIC VALUE is the second topic within STEP 3 of the #DaretoBeLove Journey – HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF. This topic is the final element of self, namely, your Soul. Here, we work on stepping out from the fear of our Shadow as we examine our behaviours and habitual reactions.

    What is your intrinsic value, what does intrinsic value mean, and how is intrinsic value related to True Will?

    Jacqui and Tanagh shed light on these questions while sharing their personal stories of finding LOVE in the chaos of their own lives. Intrinsic value boils down to knowing ourselves and having self-awareness and LOVE for where we are in the present moment and how we perceive the situation. Often, our perspective of a situation will differ from that of another, but this should never diminish our intrinsic value. The work is to develop the ability to see that both truths are valid and that each stem from our human limiting beliefs. When we can access unity, kindness, non-judgement, and inclusion, we are opening to LOVE, thereby accessing the courage to honour our intrinsic value and that of another.

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    27 min

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