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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Catalonia, Valencia, or the Balearic Islands? Maybe you want to speak Catalan with your grandparents from Girona?

    Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the Catalan speaking country. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Catalan listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Milloreu la vostra comprensió auditiva amb les nostres històries en català avui!
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  • Sant Joan Sparks: A Night of Celebration, Caution, and Friendship
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Sant Joan Sparks: A Night of Celebration, Caution, and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ca: El sol es ponia a la Costa Brava, tenyint el cel amb colors taronja i rosa.En: The sun was setting over the Costa Brava, tinting the sky with colors of orange and pink.Ca: Oriol, Montse i Jordi caminaven per la platja, sentint la calor de la sorra sota els peus.En: Oriol, Montse, and Jordi were walking along the beach, feeling the warmth of the sand under their feet.Ca: Era la vigília de Sant Joan, i tot estava a punt per a una nit de festa.En: It was the eve of Sant Joan, and everything was ready for a night of celebration.Ca: “Quina nit més bonica,” va dir Jordi, amb un somriure pacífic.En: “What a beautiful night,” said Jordi with a peaceful smile.Ca: Montse, amb els ulls brillants, va respondre: “Aquesta nit ha de ser inoblidable! Anem a encendre focs artificials!”En: Montse, her eyes shining, replied, “Tonight has to be unforgettable! Let’s set off fireworks!”Ca: Oriol fruncí el front. La idea de Montse el preocupava.En: Oriol frowned. Montse’s idea worried him.Ca: “Pot ser perillós,” va dir ell, mirant la bossa plena de petards que Montse portava.En: “It can be dangerous,” he said, looking at the bag full of firecrackers that Montse was carrying.Ca: “Tranquil, Oriol,” va dir ella, agafant un petard. “Només una mica de diversió!”En: “Relax, Oriol,” she said, taking out a firecracker. “Just a bit of fun!”Ca: Jordi, veient la tensió entre els seus amics, intentà mediar.En: Jordi, seeing the tension between his friends, tried to mediate.Ca: “Podem gaudir de la festa amb cura. Trobarem un lloc segur per als focs artificials,” va suggerir.En: “We can enjoy the party carefully. We’ll find a safe place for the fireworks,” he suggested.Ca: Van caminar fins a la vora de la platja, on hi havia menys gent. Però la preocupació d'Oriol no desapareixia.En: They walked to the edge of the beach, where there were fewer people. But Oriol’s concern did not disappear.Ca: Mentre Montse preparava el primer petard, Oriol no podia relaxar-se.En: While Montse prepared the first firecracker, Oriol could not relax.Ca: “Vigila, Montse. Hem de ser curosos,” va dir ell, amb la veu tensa.En: “Be careful, Montse. We have to be cautious,” he said, his voice tense.Ca: Montse encengué el petard amb un somriure d’emoció.En: Montse lit the firecracker with an excited smile.Ca: Tot semblava anar bé al principi, però de sobte, el petard va caure de les seves mans i va explotar prop d’una foguera, creant una situació perillosa.En: Everything seemed to go well at first, but suddenly, the firecracker slipped from her hands and exploded near a bonfire, creating a dangerous situation.Ca: La gent va començar a cridar, i Montse va quedar paralitzada pel pànic.En: People began to scream, and Montse was paralyzed with panic.Ca: Jordi va actuar ràpidament.En: Jordi acted quickly.Ca: “Tots enrere! Oriol, ajuda’m!” Ells dos van extingir el foc amb sorra, intentant calmar la situació.En: “Everyone back! Oriol, help me!” The two of them extinguished the fire with sand, trying to calm the situation.Ca: Quan tot va estar sota control, Montse es va asseure a la sorra, amb els ulls plens de llàgrimes.En: When everything was under control, Montse sat on the sand, her eyes filled with tears.Ca: “Ho sento tant, amics. Va ser una mala idea.”En: “I’m so sorry, friends. It was a bad idea.”Ca: Jordi li posà una mà a l'espatlla.En: Jordi placed a hand on her shoulder.Ca: “Estem bé, Montse. El més important és que ningú ha pres mal.”En: “We’re okay, Montse. The most important thing is that no one got hurt.”Ca: Oriol féu una respiració profunda i assentí.En: Oriol took a deep breath and nodded.Ca: “Només volia que tots estiguéssim segurs. Però també he d’aprendre a gaudir més del moment.”En: “I just wanted everyone to be safe. But I also need to learn to enjoy the moment more.”Ca: Montse va agafar la mà d’Oriol.En: Montse took Oriol’s hand.Ca: “I jo he d’aprendre a ser més cautelosa.”En: “And I need to learn to be more cautious.”Ca: Van decidir acabar la nit mirant els focs artificials oficials des de la distància, junts i en un lloc segur.En: They decided to end the night by watching the official fireworks from a distance, together and in a safe place.Ca: Les llums il·luminaven el cel nocturn, i els tres amics, units per la seva experiència, van somriure.En: The lights illuminated the night sky, and the three friends, united by their experience, smiled.Ca: Havien apres una lliçó important aquella nit de Sant Joan.En: They had learned an important lesson that night of Sant Joan.Ca: I, així, entre riures i una nova comprensió mútua, Oriol, Montse i ...
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    17 min
  • Love in La Garrotxa: An Unexpected Proposal and a New Beginning
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Love in La Garrotxa: An Unexpected Proposal and a New Beginning Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ca: Els primers rajos de sol de l'estiu banyaven la Garrotxa, creant un paisatge idíl·lic i ple de vida.En: The first rays of summer sunshine bathed La Garrotxa, creating an idyllic and vibrant landscape.Ca: Els ocells cantaven alegrement mentre Oriol i Laia seient junts al saló acollidor d'un petit hotel.En: Birds sang merrily while Oriol and Laia sat together in the cozy living room of a small hotel.Ca: La decoració era càlida i rústica, i les grans finestres oferien vistes increïbles als turons verds i les volcans adormits.En: The decor was warm and rustic, and the large windows offered incredible views of the green hills and dormant volcanoes.Ca: Oriol, amb un somriure subtil, mirava Laia mentre corregia els exàmens de literatura.En: Oriol, with a subtle smile, watched Laia as she corrected the literature exams.Ca: Laia, concentrada en la seva feina, no es donava compte de les intencions del seu estimat.En: Laia, focused on her work, was unaware of her beloved's intentions.Ca: Oriol havia portat un petit vell llibre de poesia, pensant que seria el moment perfecte per parlar-li del seu amor.En: Oriol had brought a small old book of poetry, thinking it would be the perfect moment to talk to her about his love.Ca: Mentrestant, Laia, amb el cap ple de versos i dates límit, no sospitava de res.En: Meanwhile, Laia, with her mind full of verses and deadlines, suspected nothing.Ca: El desig d'Oriol de crear un ambient romàntic es veia contrariat per la pressió dels exàmens finals.En: Oriol's desire to create a romantic atmosphere was thwarted by the pressure of final exams.Ca: Mentre ell somiava amb un futur junts, ella es preocupava per complir amb les seves responsabilitats acadèmiques.En: While he dreamed of a future together, she worried about fulfilling her academic responsibilities.Ca: Oriol finalment es va aixecar, decidit a trobar el moment.En: Finally, Oriol stood up, determined to find the right moment.Ca: Però les seves mans tremolaven mentre llegia un poema de Salvador Espriu.En: But his hands trembled as he read a poem by Salvador Espriu.Ca: "Laia," va dir ell amb veu suau, "què et sembla aquest poema?En: "Laia," he said softly, "what do you think of this poem?"Ca: "Laia, sense aixecar la mirada del seu paper, murmurà: "És molt bonic, Oriol.En: Laia, without lifting her gaze from her paper, murmured, "It's very beautiful, Oriol."Ca: " Ell va respirar profundament, esperant una reacció més contundent.En: He took a deep breath, hoping for a stronger reaction.Ca: De sobte, una alarma va sonar.En: Suddenly, an alarm went off.Ca: Va ser un recordatori per Laia, la qual cosa va fer que es descentrés momentàniament.En: It was a reminder for Laia, which momentarily distracted her.Ca: Oriol va aprofitar aquell moment per agafar una petita caixa amagada sota els documents.En: Oriol seized that moment to grab a small box hidden under the documents.Ca: Però, amb els nervis, la caixa es va escapar de les seves mans i va caure a terra, obrint-se davant dels seus ulls.En: But, with nerves, the box slipped from his hands and fell to the ground, opening in front of their eyes.Ca: Un anell de compromís lluïa sota la llum del sol.En: An engagement ring gleamed under the sunlight.Ca: Laia va quedar bocabadada.En: Laia was left speechless.Ca: "Oriol, què és això?En: "Oriol, what is this?"Ca: " va preguntar, sense saber com reaccionar.En: she asked, not knowing how to react.Ca: Oriol, amb la cara plena de vergonya i nervis, va respirar profundament.En: Oriol, with a face full of embarrassment and nerves, took a deep breath.Ca: "Laia," va dir amb una veu dolça i tremolosa, "t'estimo des de fa molt temps, i vull passar la resta de la meva vida amb tu.En: "Laia," he said with a sweet and trembling voice, "I have loved you for a long time, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.Ca: Vols casar-te amb mi?En: Will you marry me?"Ca: "Els ulls de Laia es van omplir de llàgrimes.En: Laia's eyes filled with tears.Ca: Durant uns segons, les paraules van quedar atrapades a la seva gola.En: For a few seconds, words got caught in her throat.Ca: Finalment, ella va somriure.En: Finally, she smiled.Ca: "Sí, Oriol, vull casar-me amb tu.En: "Yes, Oriol, I want to marry you."Ca: "Van passar uns instants en silenci, mirant-se als ulls amb un amor profund i renovat.En: They spent a few moments in silence, looking into each other's eyes with a deep and renewed love.Ca: Oriol sentia una barreja d'alegria i alleujament, mentre Laia se’n adonava que estava preparada per començar una nova etapa de la seva vida, on la seva carrera i el seu amor podien coexistir.En: Oriol felt a mix of joy and relief, while Laia realized she was ready to start a new chapter ...
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    17 min
  • A Daughter’s Journey Through Ancient Ruins and Memories
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: A Daughter’s Journey Through Ancient Ruins and Memories Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ca: Núria es trobava davant les ruïnes antigues d'Empúries, amb el cor ple de nostàlgia i tristesa.En: Núria stood before the ancient ruins of Empúries, her heart full of nostalgia and sadness.Ca: L’estiu acabava d’arribar i el sol banyava les pedres antigues amb una llum daurada.En: Summer had just arrived, and the sun bathed the old stones in a golden light.Ca: Els sons de les onades del mar proper eren com una melodia suau al fons.En: The sounds of the nearby sea waves were like a soft melody in the background.Ca: El seu pare estimava aquestes excursions i, avui, ella buscava una connexió amb ell, intentant trobar una pau que semblava esquiva.En: Her father used to love these excursions, and today, she sought a connection with him, trying to find a peace that seemed elusive.Ca: Núria, una dona jove de finals dels seus vint, estava lluitant amb la recent pèrdua del seu pare.En: Núria, a young woman in her late twenties, was struggling with the recent loss of her father.Ca: Cada pas sobre el terreny rocós la portava més a prop dels records que compartien junts.En: Each step on the rocky ground brought her closer to the memories they shared together.Ca: També la feia sentir la pèrdua amb més força.En: It also made her feel the loss more intensely.Ca: Les pedres irregulars disparaven records de les caminades amb el seu pare, qui li explicava històries dels antics habitants d’aquest lloc.En: The uneven stones triggered memories of walks with her father, who would tell her stories of the ancient inhabitants of this place.Ca: Decidí aventurar-se més enllà, fins allò que semblava ser el cor de les ruïnes.En: She decided to venture further, towards what seemed to be the heart of the ruins.Ca: Cada pas era un repte, però la determinació per trobar alguna cosa que li recordés el seu pare fou més forta que les dificultats.En: Every step was a challenge, but her determination to find something that reminded her of her father was stronger than the difficulties.Ca: Finalment, arribà a una petita entrada amagada darrere unes plantes espesses.En: Finally, she arrived at a small entrance hidden behind thick plants.Ca: Amb una força renovada, Núria es va obrir camí fins a l'interior.En: With renewed strength, Núria made her way inside.Ca: Un petit espai es descobria davant els seus ulls.En: A small space opened up before her eyes.Ca: Les parets eren plenes de gravats i hi havia objectes antics per tot arreu.En: The walls were covered with engravings and there were ancient objects scattered everywhere.Ca: Allà, en la penombra, sentia una estranya sensació de familiaritat.En: There, in the dim light, she felt a strange sense of familiarity.Ca: Gairebé podia sentir la presència del seu pare.En: She could almost feel her father's presence.Ca: Al fons de la cambra hi havia un cofre petit, mig enterrat sota la pols.En: At the back of the chamber was a small chest, half-buried under the dust.Ca: Amb cura, l'obri i trobà una petita trinket, un objecte que el seu pare havia descrit una vegada després d’una de les seves visites.En: Carefully, she opened it and found a small trinket, an object her father had described once after one of his visits.Ca: Era una petita figura de ceràmica, detallada i aferrissada.En: It was a small ceramic figurine, detailed and spirited.Ca: La seva visió va omplir el cor de Núria amb una calidesa inesperada.En: Its sight filled Núria's heart with an unexpected warmth.Ca: Llavors, amb el trinket a la mà, sentí que per fi podia deixar marxar la tristesa.En: Then, with the trinket in hand, she felt she could finally let go of the sadness.Ca: Les llàgrimes van baixar, però aquesta vegada amb un sentiment de gratitud i amor.En: The tears fell, but this time with a sense of gratitude and love.Ca: Sabia que el seu pare sempre seria part d’ella, a través dels records i les experiències.En: She knew that her father would always be a part of her, through memories and experiences.Ca: No calia aferrar-se al dolor.En: There was no need to hold onto the pain.Ca: Núria respirà profundament, sentint-se lliure per primera vegada en mesos.En: Núria took a deep breath, feeling free for the first time in months.Ca: Emprengué el camí de retorn, sentint una pau renovada i una connexió profunda amb el seu passat i el seu pare.En: She began the journey back, feeling a renewed peace and a deep connection to her past and her father.Ca: Ara, estava preparada per avançar amb la vida, portant els records a prop del cor, però amb el cap alt i la mirada endavant.En: Now, she was ready to move forward with her life, keeping the memories close to her heart, but with her head held high and her gaze forward. Vocabulary Words:the ruins: les...
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    16 min

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