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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

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  • Perseverance in the Bamboo Grove: A Sibling’s Tale of Courage
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Perseverance in the Bamboo Grove: A Sibling’s Tale of Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Zh: 清晨,青城竹林里,露水闪烁在翠绿色的竹叶上。En: Early in the morning, in the bamboo forest of Qingcheng, dewdrops shimmered on the emerald-green bamboo leaves.Zh: 黎琴和浩宇正走在林间小道上,准备开始一天的训练。En: Liqin and Haoyu were walking along a path in the forest, preparing to start a day of training.Zh: 竹林静谧,只有风拂过竹叶的声音和鸟儿的啁啾声。En: The bamboo grove was peaceful, with only the sounds of the wind rustling the bamboo leaves and birds chirping.Zh: "姐姐,练武虽然重要,但更要注意安全。"浩宇轻声说道,他看着前方的妹妹,眼中满是关心。En: "Sister, while practicing martial arts is important, you must also pay attention to safety," Haoyu softly said, looking at his sister ahead with eyes full of concern.Zh: 黎琴停下脚步,抬头望向高耸入云的竹子,心中充满了决心。En: Liqin stopped and looked up at the towering bamboo, her heart filled with determination.Zh: "哥哥,我必须证明自己。我一定要完成这次训练,得到家人的认可。"En: "Brother, I have to prove myself. I must complete this training and gain the family's approval."Zh: 浩宇点点头,虽然他心中担忧,但他知道黎琴的决心不可动摇。En: Haoyu nodded, though he was worried, he knew Liqin's resolve was unwavering.Zh: 他们开始了训练,黎琴动作敏捷,一招一式都显示出她的努力和毅力。En: They began their training, and Liqin moved with agility, each move reflecting her effort and perseverance.Zh: 然而,就在黎琴练习一个高难度动作时,她突然感到脚踝一阵剧痛。En: However, as Liqin practiced a difficult maneuver, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ankle.Zh: “啊!”黎琴痛苦地叫了一声,倒在地上。En: "Ah!" Liqin cried out in pain and fell to the ground.Zh: 浩宇飞快地跑过去,发现是被一条毒蛇咬伤了。En: Haoyu quickly ran over and discovered that she had been bitten by a venomous snake.Zh: 浩宇的脸色变得苍白,非常紧张。En: Haoyu's face turned pale with tension.Zh: "姐姐,我得马上带你去找医师,不然会有生命危险的。"En: "Sister, I need to get you to a doctor immediately, or your life could be in danger."Zh: 黎琴摇了摇头,咬紧牙关,强忍痛楚说道:En: Liqin shook her head, gritting her teeth to endure the pain.Zh: “不,哥哥。这样我就失败了。我们不是还有采来的药草吗?试试看或许有用。”En: "No, brother. If we do that, I’ll have failed. Don't we have the herbs we collected? Let's try them; they might work."Zh: 浩宇一时间犹豫了。En: Haoyu hesitated.Zh: 他知道这是非常冒险的决定,但他也知道黎琴的坚定。En: He knew it was a very risky decision, but he also knew Liqin's determination.Zh: 于是,浩宇从背包里取出药草,仔细回忆平日的草药知识。En: So, Haoyu took out the herbs from his backpack and carefully recalled his herbal knowledge.Zh: 他细心地用药草制成了简单的解毒膏,小心翼翼地敷在黎琴的伤口上。En: He meticulously made a simple antidote paste and gently applied it to Liqin's wound.Zh: 时间仿佛凝固了,浩宇的心跳得很快。En: Time seemed to stand still, and Haoyu's heart raced.Zh: 几分钟过去了,黎琴的痛楚似乎减轻了一些,脸色也慢慢恢复了些红润。En: After a few minutes, Liqin's pain seemed to lessen, and her complexion slowly regained some color.Zh: "看来有效果。"浩宇松了一口气,轻声说道。En: "It seems to be working," Haoyu said with a sigh of relief.Zh: 黎琴勉强笑了笑。En: Liqin managed a faint smile.Zh: "谢谢你,哥哥。你总是那么保护我。"En: "Thank you, brother. You always protect me."Zh: 浩宇扶起妹妹,二人相扶着走出竹林。En: Haoyu helped his sister up, and they supported each other as they walked out of the bamboo forest.Zh: "姐姐,这次我真的明白了你的勇气和坚持。En: "Sister, this time I truly understand your courage and persistence.Zh: 我们一起回家告诉家人,他们一定会为你骄傲的。"En: Let's go home and tell the family; they will surely be proud of you."Zh: 当他们回到家,黎琴和浩宇不仅带回了完成训练的结果,还带回了彼此更深的理解和信任。En: When they returned home, Liqin and Haoyu not only brought back the results of their training but also a deeper understanding and trust in each other.Zh: 黎琴学会了珍惜哥哥的关怀,而浩宇也学会了信任妹妹的决心。En: Liqin learned to cherish her brother's care, and Haoyu learned to trust his sister's ...
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    15 min
  • Confessions Beneath the Rain: A Love Story at the Great Wall
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Confessions Beneath the Rain: A Love Story at the Great Wall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Zh: 在一个晴朗的夏日,长城的古老砖石在阳光下闪烁着微光。En: On a clear summer day, the ancient bricks of the Great Wall shimmered faintly under the sunlight.Zh: 李明和张伟步行在这段长城上,身后是连绵起伏的绿色山丘。En: Li Ming and Zhang Wei were walking along this stretch of the Wall, with undulating green hills rolling behind them.Zh: 李明一边走,一边偷偷看着张伟。En: As they walked, Li Ming would sneak glances at Zhang Wei.Zh: 张伟总是充满着活力,对周围的一切都充满好奇。En: Zhang Wei was always full of energy and curious about everything around him.Zh: 今天,李明决定跟张伟一起野餐。En: Today, Li Ming decided to go for a picnic with Zhang Wei.Zh: 这不是普通的野餐,因为李明计划在这里向张伟表白。En: This was no ordinary picnic because Li Ming planned to confess his feelings to Zhang Wei here.Zh: 他事先准备了美味的食物和一条漂亮的毯子。En: He had prepared delicious food and a beautiful blanket in advance.Zh: 他们找到了一块平坦的地方,铺开毯子,开始享受美味的午餐。En: They found a flat spot, spread out the blanket, and began to enjoy a tasty lunch.Zh: 李明坐在张伟对面,心里不断打鼓,担心张伟知道他的心思后会怎么反应。En: Li Ming sat opposite Zhang Wei, his heart beating anxiously, worrying about how Zhang Wei would react once he discovered his intentions.Zh: 张伟一边吃着,一边兴奋地指着远处的一座古塔:“你看,那座塔真漂亮!”En: While eating, Zhang Wei excitedly pointed at an ancient tower in the distance: “Look, that tower is beautiful!”Zh: 张伟全然没有注意到李明的紧张神情。En: Zhang Wei hadn’t noticed Li Ming’s nervous expression at all.Zh: 李明深吸一口气,想着“我必须在今天告诉他我的心意。”En: Li Ming took a deep breath, thinking, “I must tell him my feelings today.”Zh: 突然,一阵阴云遮住了阳光,天色暗了下来。En: Suddenly, a cloud covered the sun, and the sky darkened.Zh: 两人仰头望去,似乎马上要下雨了。En: They looked up, and it seemed like it was about to rain.Zh: 张伟懊恼地说:“我们得赶紧找地方避雨了!”En: Zhang Wei said regretfully, “We need to find shelter from the rain quickly!”Zh: 就在这时,李明抓住机会,紧张地说:“张伟,我有件事想跟你说。”En: At that moment, Li Ming seized the opportunity and nervously said, “Zhang Wei, there’s something I want to tell you.”Zh: 张伟转过头来看着李明,脸上充满了疑惑。En: Zhang Wei turned his head to look at Li Ming, his face full of confusion.Zh: “什么事?”张伟问道,雨点开始落下。En: “What is it?” Zhang Wei asked as raindrops began to fall.Zh: 他们匆忙收拾东西,找了一个靠墙的避雨处。En: They hurriedly packed their things and found a place by the wall to shelter from the rain.Zh: 雨越下越大,滴答滴答地打在地上。En: The rain fell harder and harder, dripping down onto the ground.Zh: 张伟的头发湿了,李明的心也跟着跳得更快了。En: Zhang Wei’s hair was getting wet, and Li Ming’s heart was pounding even faster.Zh: 李明终于鼓起勇气,大声说道:“张伟,我喜欢你!”En: Li Ming finally mustered the courage and loudly said, “Zhang Wei, I like you!”Zh: 张伟呆住了,眼睛瞪得大大的。En: Zhang Wei was stunned, his eyes wide open.Zh: 李明的心突然沉到了谷底。En: Li Ming’s heart suddenly sank to rock bottom.Zh: 他本以为雨声会盖住他的告白,但显然张伟听到了。En: He had hoped the rain would drown out his confession, but it was clear that Zhang Wei had heard him.Zh: 张伟慢慢露出了笑容,说:“你知道吗?我也喜欢你。”En: Zhang Wei slowly started to smile and said, “You know what? I like you too.”Zh: 李明不敢相信自己的耳朵。En: Li Ming couldn’t believe his ears.Zh: “真的?”李明问道,脸上绽放出笑容。En: “Really?” he asked, a smile spreading across his face.Zh: 张伟靠近了一步,轻轻地把李明拉进怀里,两人在雨中的长城下分享了他们的第一次亲吻。En: Zhang Wei took a step closer, gently pulling Li Ming into his arms, and the two shared their first kiss beneath the rainy Great Wall.Zh: 雨渐渐停了,天空中露出了一道美丽的彩虹。En: As the rain gradually stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.Zh: 李明感觉自己像是变了一个人,他的脸上带着幸福的光彩,而张伟也有了新的理解和感情。En: Li Ming felt as if he had ...
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    16 min
  • Unearthed: The Hidden Secrets of Xi’an's Ancient City
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unearthed: The Hidden Secrets of Xi’an's Ancient City Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Zh: 夏天的阳光洒满了西安古城的废墟。En: The summer sunlight bathed the ruins of the ancient city of Xi’an.Zh: 这里尘土飞扬,阳光照在半掩的石雕上,仿佛在述说着过去的故事。En: Dust swirled in the air, and the sun shone on half-buried stone carvings, as if telling stories of the past.Zh: 新怡站在废墟的一角,细心地观察每一块石头。En: At one corner of the ruins stood Xin Yi, carefully observing each stone.Zh: 她是一名年轻的考古学家,热爱研究古代文明。En: She was a young archaeologist, passionate about studying ancient civilizations.Zh: 今天,她希望能在这里找到一件传说中的宝物,证明自己的能力。En: Today, she hoped to find a legendary artifact here, to prove her capabilities.Zh: 简是一位本地的历史学家,他对这一片废墟了如指掌。他站在新怡的身旁,仔细讲解这里的历史和遗迹。En: Jian, a local historian who knew these ruins inside out, stood beside Xin Yi, explaining the history and relics in detail.Zh: 虽然他们第一次见面,但很快因为对历史和考古的共同兴趣而熟络起来。En: Although it was their first meeting, they quickly became acquainted due to their shared interest in history and archaeology.Zh: “这里的每一块石头都很重要,” 简说道,“我们不能贸然挖掘。”En: “Every stone here is significant,” Jian said. “We cannot excavate recklessly.”Zh: 新怡虽然有些急切,但也理解简的担忧。En: Although somewhat impatient, Xin Yi understood Jian’s concerns.Zh: “可是,我们必须找到更多证据,来支持我们的研究。”En: “But we must find more evidence to support our research.”Zh: 他们在废墟中走了很久,讨论着每一个可能的发现。En: They walked through the ruins for a long time, discussing every potential finding.Zh: 突然,在一堆石块下,新怡发现了一块奇怪的石板。En: Suddenly, Xin Yi discovered a peculiar stone slab under a pile of rocks.Zh: 石板上刻有古老的文字,似乎是某个失落王朝的遗物。En: The slab was inscribed with ancient characters, seemingly an artifact from a lost dynasty.Zh: “这可能是重大发现!” 新怡激动地说。En: “This could be a major discovery!” Xin Yi exclaimed excitedly.Zh: 简蹲下来仔细看了看石板,脸上露出复杂的表情。En: Jian crouched down to examine the slab closely, his expression complex.Zh: “它非常脆弱,我们必须小心处理。”En: “It's very fragile. We need to handle it carefully.”Zh: 新怡沉默片刻,最终点了点头。En: After a moment of silence, Xin Yi finally nodded.Zh: “你说得对,我们不能冒险。”En: “You're right. We can't take risks.”Zh: 他们决定合作勘探,精细挖掘,耐心研究。En: They decided to collaborate, meticulously excavate, and patiently study the slab.Zh: 经过几个小时的努力,他们终于将石板完整地挖掘出来。En: After several hours of effort, they finally unearthed it intact.Zh: 它上面的文字证实了一个长久以来存在于传说中的王朝。En: The inscriptions confirmed the existence of a dynasty long believed to be mere legend.Zh: 新怡和简相视一笑,彼此间更多了一份信任和理解。En: Xin Yi and Jian exchanged smiles, feeling a deeper trust and understanding between them.Zh: 他们决定共同撰写一篇论文,将这一发现分享给全世界。En: They decided to co-author a paper to share this discovery with the world.Zh: 这不仅是他们职业上的胜利,更是两人友谊的见证。En: This was not only a professional victory but also a testament to their budding friendship.Zh: 在这个夏天的废墟中,新怡学会了保护与发现并重的重要性,而简也敞开心扉,更愿意与他人分享知识。En: In the ruins under the summer sun, Xin Yi learned the importance of balancing preservation with discovery, while Jian opened up and was more willing to share his knowledge with others.Zh: 一切都显得如此美好,仿佛古城的每一块石头都在微笑。En: Everything seemed so wonderful, as if every stone in the ancient city was smiling. Vocabulary Words:sunlight: 阳光ruins: 废墟dust: 尘土swirl: 飞扬carvings: 石雕artifact: 宝物dynasty: 王朝archaeologist: 考古学家enthusiastic: 热爱civilizations: 文明prove: 证明capabilities: 能力historian: 历史学家legendary: 传说中的acquainted: 熟络recklessly: 贸然concerns: 担忧evidence: 证据peculiar: 奇怪的inscribed: 刻有fragile: 脆弱的meticulously: 精细intact: 完整地confirm: 证实existence: 存在trust: 信任understanding: 理解co-author: ...
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    14 min

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