Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Rediscovering Childhood: Unveiling the Time Capsule of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-01-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 大雪纷飞,寒风凛冽。En: Snowflakes fluttered down as the biting wind howled.Zh: 莲和辉站在一个废弃的仓库前。En: Lian and Hui stood in front of an abandoned warehouse.Zh: 这里是他们小时候常来的地方,被时间和风雪抹去了活力,只剩下破烂的铁梁和碎裂的窗户。En: This was a place they often visited when they were children, but time and snow had erased its vitality, leaving behind only rusty steel beams and shattered windows.Zh: “你真的想进去吗?En: "Do you really want to go inside?"Zh: ”辉看着莲,眼里藏着担忧。En: Hui looked at Lian, concern hidden in his eyes.Zh: “我想找到过去的时光胶囊,”莲坚定地说,“我相信里面有我们需要答案。En: "I want to find the time capsule from the past," Lian said resolutely, "I believe there are answers we need inside."Zh: ”辉低下头。En: Hui lowered his head.Zh: 他对过去感到愧疚,不愿打开旧事。En: He felt guilty about the past and was reluctant to reopen old wounds.Zh: 但莲已经迈开脚步,走进仓库。En: But Lian had already stepped forward, walking into the warehouse.Zh: 仓库里一片寂静,只有风从破窗中呼呼吹过。En: Inside, the warehouse was silent, with only the wind howling through the broken windows.Zh: 莲打着手电筒,仔细观察每一个角落。En: Lian flicked on a flashlight, carefully inspecting every corner.Zh: 地上铺满了雪和冰,稍不小心就会滑倒。En: The ground was covered with snow and ice, slippery enough to cause a fall without caution.Zh: “当心!En: "Be careful!"Zh: ”辉赶紧扶住莲。En: Hui rushed to support Lian.Zh: “没事,我还能坚持,”莲微微一笑,继续走向那个曾经埋下胶囊的地方。En: "I'm fine, I can manage," Lian smiled slightly, continuing toward the place where they once buried the capsule.Zh: 终于,他们来到一个角落。En: Finally, they reached a corner.Zh: 莲蹲下身,用手中的工具轻轻挖开冻土。En: Lian squatted down, using a tool to gently dig into the frozen soil.Zh: 就在这时,她一不小心割伤了手。En: At that moment, she accidentally cut her hand.Zh: 鲜血瞬间染红了雪。En: Blood instantly stained the snow red.Zh: 辉心头一紧,赶紧过来查看。En: Hui felt a pang in his heart and hurried over to check.Zh: 他迅速从背包里拿出急救包,替莲包扎伤口。En: He quickly took out a first aid kit from his backpack and bandaged Lian's wound.Zh: 莲看着他,仿佛看到小时候那个爱闯祸但总是可靠的朋友。En: Lian looked at him, seemingly seeing the trouble-making but always reliable friend from their childhood.Zh: “对不起,”辉轻声说,“当年我做了许多错事。En: "I'm sorry," Hui said softly, "I made a lot of mistakes back then."Zh: ”“我早就原谅你了,”莲动情地说,“我们都已经长大,不再是那个幼稚的小孩。En: "I forgave you a long time ago," Lian said emotionally, "We've both grown up; we're not those immature kids anymore."Zh: ”两人一起挖出时光胶囊。En: Together, they unearthed the time capsule.Zh: 里面是一些陈旧的玩具、零碎的照片,还有他们当年的愿望信。En: Inside were some old toys, scattered photos, and the wish letters they wrote back then.Zh: 辉忍不住笑了,眼角却有泪。En: Hui couldn't help but laugh, though tears gathered at the corners of his eyes.Zh: “谢谢你,莲,”辉终于开怀,“谢谢你一直没有放弃我们之间的友谊。En: "Thank you, Lian," Hui finally said sincerely, "Thank you for never giving up on our friendship."Zh: ”莲也笑了,手揽过辉的肩膀。En: Lian also laughed, wrapping an arm around Hui's shoulders.Zh: “新年要来了,我们会有一个新的开始。En: "The New Year is coming, and we'll have a fresh start."Zh: ”雪花依旧飘落,覆盖着这座安静的仓库,似乎在见证着一段新的旅程。En: Snow continued to fall, covering the quiet warehouse, as if bearing witness to the beginning of a new journey.Zh: 过去的阴影逐渐消散,留在心底的,是温暖和友爱。En: The shadows of the past gradually faded, leaving only warmth and friendship in their hearts. Vocabulary Words:fluttered: 纷飞biting: 凛冽abandoned: 废弃vitality: 活力rusty: 破烂concern: 担忧resolutely: 坚定地howling: 呼呼吹过flicked: 打着slippery: 滑倒pangs: 心头一紧squatted: 蹲下frozen soil: 冻土stained: 染红reliable: 可靠immature: 幼稚unearthed: 挖出scattered: 零碎sincerely: 开怀fresh start: 新的开始witness: 见证gradually: 逐渐shadows: 阴影warmth: 温暖friendship: 友爱capsule: 胶囊guilty: ...
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