FluentFiction - Croatian

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • From Secret Alarms to Laughter: A Bunker Picnic Adventure
    Jan 24 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Secret Alarms to Laughter: A Bunker Picnic Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-24-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U hladnom podzemnom bunkeru, Matija je užurbano pripremao zimski piknik za svoje prijatelje Josipa i Ivanu.En: In the cold underground bunker, Matija was hastily preparing a winter picnic for his friends Josip and Ivana.Hr: Vanjska zima bila je surova, ali Matija je htio unijeti toplinu i smijeh u tmurne dane.En: The winter outside was harsh, but Matija wanted to bring warmth and laughter to the gloomy days.Hr: Bunker je bio pun prašnjavih predmeta iz prošlih špijunskih vremena, sa zidovima poput labirinta od metala i mnoštvo skrivenih pretinaca.En: The bunker was full of dusty items from past espionage times, with walls like a metal labyrinth and many hidden compartments.Hr: "Matija, jesi li siguran da je ovo dobra ideja?En: "Matija, are you sure this is a good idea?"Hr: " upitao je Josip skeptično, promatrajući Matiju kako traži plastične vilice, dok mu je u ruci bio špijunski daljinar.En: asked Josip skeptically, watching Matija search for plastic forks while holding a spy rangefinder.Hr: "Naravno, bit će super!En: "Of course, it'll be great!"Hr: " odgovorila je Ivana nasmiješeno, uživajući u situaciji.En: Ivana replied with a smile, enjoying the situation.Hr: Matiji je bilo jasno da je dan podzemnog piknika trebao biti zabavan, ali stvari su od početka krenule naopako.En: Matija knew that the day of the underground picnic was meant to be fun, but things had gone awry from the start.Hr: Kad je Matija izvukao ono što je mislio da su tanjuri, začuo se glasan piiiiip!En: When Matija pulled out what he thought were plates, a loud beep sounded!Hr: Aktivirao je tajni alarm!En: He had activated a secret alarm!Hr: Prostorijom se odjednom začula sirena, vrata se zatvoriše u tresku, a svi su se pogledali u nevjerici.En: Suddenly, the siren blared through the room, the doors slammed shut, and everyone looked at each other in disbelief.Hr: "Bila je to greška", smijao se Matija, pokušavajući se dosjetiti što dalje.En: "It was a mistake," Matija laughed, trying to figure out what to do next.Hr: "Možda možemo napraviti špijunsku avanturu?En: "Maybe we can make it a spy adventure?"Hr: "Josip je uzdahnuo, ali Ivana ga je tapšala po ramenu.En: Josip sighed, but Ivana patted him on the shoulder.Hr: "Idemo dalje, samo naprijed.En: "Let's move on, onward.Hr: Pretvorit ćemo ovo u igru!En: We'll turn this into a game!"Hr: " uzviknula je veselo.En: she exclaimed cheerfully.Hr: Matija je tada pronašao još nekoliko čudnih naprava koje su sada postale rekviziti za njihove igre.En: Matija then found a few more strange devices that had now become props for their games.Hr: U jednom trenutku Ivana je slučajno pronašla noise-canceling slušalice.En: At one point, Ivana accidentally found noise-canceling headphones.Hr: Iza njih skrivao se cijeli paketić piknik potrepština - termosi s toplom čokoladom, kolačići i sendviči!En: Behind them was a whole package of picnic supplies - thermoses with hot chocolate, cookies, and sandwiches!Hr: Konačno, imali su pravu gozbu.En: Finally, they had a proper feast.Hr: Ali alarm je i dalje urlao.En: But the alarm kept blaring.Hr: Matija se dosjetio i isključio ga koristeći novootkrivenu napravu.En: Matija thought quickly and turned it off using a newly discovered device.Hr: Nastala je tišina, a zatim su svi prasnuli u smijeh.En: Silence fell, and then everyone burst into laughter.Hr: "Da nije bilo svega ovoga," reče Josip, "ne bismo se ovako zabavili!En: "If it weren't for all this," said Josip, "we wouldn't have had this much fun!"Hr: " Svjetlo je bilo prigušeno, ali uz pomoć špijunskih svjetiljki i energije, zabava je dosegla novu razinu.En: The light was dim, but with the help of spy flashlights and energy, the party reached a new level.Hr: Matija je shvatio da greške mogu biti izvor zabave i kreativnosti.En: Matija realized that mistakes can be a source of fun and creativity.Hr: Na kraju, bunker je bio ispunjen smijehom i prijateljskim razgovorima.En: In the end, the bunker was filled with laughter and friendly conversations.Hr: Piknik je, iako drugačiji od planiranog, bio uspjeh.En: The picnic, although different from what was planned, was a success.Hr: Ponekad, stvari ne idu po planu.En: Sometimes, things don't go as planned.Hr: Ali Matija je naučio da u svakoj situaciji može pronaći sreću, čak i kad stvari ne izgledaju obećavajuće.En: But Matija learned that in every situation, happiness can be found, even when things don't look promising.Hr: A Josip i Ivana?En: And Josip and Ivana?Hr: Oni su sa sobom ponijeli jedno dragocjeno sjećanje.En: They carried with them a precious memory. Vocabulary Words:underground: podzemnombunker: bunkeruhastily: užurbanoharsh: surovagloomy: tmurneespionage: špijunskihlabyrinth: ...
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    15 min
  • Braving the Cold: A Promise Kept in the Field Hospital
    Jan 23 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Braving the Cold: A Promise Kept in the Field Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-23-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Hladan zrak ispunjavao je prostor poljske bolnice dok su Ivana i Marko užurbano radili.En: The cold air filled the field hospital as Ivana and Marko worked hastily.Hr: Marko je stajao pokraj improviziranog stola, pregledavajući popis medicinske opreme.En: Marko stood by the makeshift table, reviewing the list of medical equipment.Hr: Zima je bila surova, snijeg je lagano prekrivao ostatke šume.En: Winter was harsh, and snow lightly covered the remnants of the forest.Hr: Unatoč hladnoći, u šatoru je bilo toplo zahvaljujući maloj peći koja je tiho pucketala.En: Despite the cold, it was warm inside the tent, thanks to a small stove quietly crackling.Hr: Marko je duboko udahnuo.En: Marko took a deep breath.Hr: Njegovo prisustvo u ovoj misiji bila je ispunjenje obećanja koje je dao bratu.En: His presence on this mission was the fulfillment of a promise he had made to his brother.Hr: Odrasli su idući na zimske planinarenje, gdje bi razgovarali o tome kako će jednoga dana pomagati ljudima.En: They had grown up going on winter hikes, where they would talk about how they would one day help people.Hr: Markov brat je preminuo prošle godine, ali njegova snaga i motivacija sada su živjeli kroz Markov rad.En: Marko's brother passed away last year, but his strength and motivation now lived through Marko's work.Hr: Ivana je prolazila između bolesničkih kreveta, nježno razgovarajući s pacijentima.En: Ivana moved between the patients' beds, gently speaking with them.Hr: Uzvikivali su njeno ime s osmijehom, zahvalni na pažnji koju im je posvećivala.En: They called out her name with a smile, grateful for the attention she gave them.Hr: U velikom gradu gdje je radila, bilo je teško pružiti toliko osobne pažnje.En: In the big city where she worked, it was hard to provide so much personal attention.Hr: Ovdje je svaki zagrljaj, svaka riječ utjehe imala posebnu težinu.En: Here, every hug, every word of comfort carried special weight.Hr: Pomagala je ljudima da se osjećaju važnima.En: She helped people feel important.Hr: Ograničeni resursi činili su njihov rad izazovnim.En: Limited resources made their work challenging.Hr: Materijala je ponekad bilo premalo, a zima neumoljiva.En: Supplies were sometimes scarce, and the winter unrelenting.Hr: Marko je osjetio teret odgovornosti.En: Marko felt the burden of responsibility.Hr: No, umjesto da se povuče, odlučio je dijeliti odgovornosti.En: But instead of withdrawing, he decided to share the responsibilities.Hr: "Ante, možeš li preuzeti organizaciju zaliha?En: "Ante, can you take over the organization of supplies?"Hr: " upitao je jednog od volontera.En: he asked one of the volunteers.Hr: Ante je kimnuo, spreman pomoći.En: Ante nodded, ready to help.Hr: Jedne večeri, dok su sjedili uz peć, iznenada je došao glasnik.En: One evening, as they sat by the stove, a messenger suddenly arrived.Hr: "Nesreća se dogodila u obližnjoj cesti.En: "An accident happened on a nearby road.Hr: Dolazi mnogo novih pacijenata," rekao je.En: Many new patients are coming," he said.Hr: Ivana i Marko razmijenili su pogled pun tjeskobe, ali i odlučnosti.En: Ivana and Marko exchanged a look full of anxiety but also determination.Hr: Poljska bolnica naglo se ispunila ranjenim ljudima.En: The field hospital quickly filled with wounded people.Hr: Radili su brzo i koordinirano.En: They worked swiftly and in coordination.Hr: Ivana je smirivala pacijente, pružajući umirujuće riječi svakome.En: Ivana calmed the patients, offering soothing words to each one.Hr: Marko je pazio da svaka osoba bude zbrinuta, vjerujući ekipi oko sebe.En: Marko ensured that every person was cared for, trusting the team around him.Hr: Nakon nekoliko sati neprekidnog rada, bolnica se opet smirila.En: After several hours of continuous work, the hospital calmed down again.Hr: Novi pacijenti bili su zbrinuti, a atmosfera u bolnici bila je ispunjena tišinom i umorom.En: The new patients had been cared for, and the atmosphere in the hospital was filled with silence and fatigue.Hr: No unatoč iscrpljenosti, Ivana i Marko su se osjećali ispunjeno.En: Yet despite the exhaustion, Ivana and Marko felt fulfilled.Hr: "Uspjeli smo," rekao je Marko, dok su sjedili na klupi izvan šatora, gledajući snijeg kako škripi pod nogama rijetkih prolaznika.En: "We did it," said Marko, as they sat on a bench outside the tent, watching the snow crunch under the feet of the rare passersby.Hr: Ivana ga je potapšala po ramenu.En: Ivana patted him on the shoulder.Hr: "Ti si pravi vođa, Marko," nasmijala se.En: "You are a true leader, Marko," she laughed.Hr: Te večeri dok su gledali plamen kako pleše u peći, oboje su znali da su pronašli nov začin svoje svrhe.En: That evening, as they watched the flames dance...
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    16 min
  • Canvas of Ice: Art and Science Unite at Plitvička Jezera
    Jan 22 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Canvas of Ice: Art and Science Unite at Plitvička Jezera Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stigla u Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera jednog hladnog zimskog jutra.En: Ivana arrived at Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera on a cold winter morning.Hr: Snijeg je blistao pod blagim suncem, a vodopadi su bili prekriveni slojevima leda, stvarajući prizor kao iz bajke.En: The snow gleamed under the gentle sun, and the waterfalls were covered in layers of ice, creating a fairytale-like scene.Hr: Kao putujuća fotografkinja, Ivana je tražila savršenu fotografiju koja bi uljepšala njezinu nadolazeću izložbu.En: As a traveling photographer, Ivana was searching for the perfect photo to enhance her upcoming exhibition.Hr: No, Ivani nije bilo lako.En: However, it wasn't easy for Ivana.Hr: Osjećala se usamljeno bez Mateja, svog prijatelja koji nije mogao putovati s njom.En: She felt lonely without Matej, her friend who couldn't travel with her.Hr: Karlo je također bio u parku taj dan.En: Karlo was also in the park that day.Hr: Kao znanstvenik za okoliš, zabrinut je zbog učinaka klimatskih promjena na prirodne ljepote parka.En: As an environmental scientist, he was concerned about the effects of climate change on the park's natural beauty.Hr: Bio je skeptičan prema turistima i njihovom utjecaju.En: He was skeptical of tourists and their impact.Hr: Ivana i Karlo sreli su se kod jednog od ledom okovanih slapova.En: Ivana and Karlo met by one of the ice-covered waterfalls.Hr: "Zašto slikate?En: "Why are you taking pictures?"Hr: " upitao je Karlo s dozom sumnje.En: asked Karlo with a hint of suspicion.Hr: Ivana se nasmijala i objasnila: "Da uhvatim ljepotu prirode i podijelim je s drugima.En: Ivana laughed and explained: "To capture the beauty of nature and share it with others.Hr: Poštujem ovaj prekrasni krajolik.En: I respect this beautiful landscape."Hr: "Karlo je zatreptao, misleći koliko je neobično susresti nekoga tko razumije njegovu strast prema očuvanju okoliša.En: Karlo blinked, thinking how unusual it was to meet someone who understood his passion for environmental conservation.Hr: Ivana mu je pokazala neke od svojih fotografija gdje je priroda bila u središtu pozornosti.En: Ivana showed him some of her photographs where nature was at the forefront.Hr: Tijekom svog boravka, Karlo i Ivana su se sve više zbližavali.En: During her stay, Karlo and Ivana grew closer.Hr: Ivana je trebala savjet kako uhvatiti najbolji kut, a Karlo joj je predložio sigurnije mjesto na stazi, ali jednako slikovito.En: Ivana needed advice on how to capture the best angle, and Karlo suggested a safer yet equally picturesque spot on the trail.Hr: Jednog posebno hladnog jutra dok su hodali do tog mjesta, Karlo je shvatio da Ivana doista cijeni prirodu.En: On one particularly cold morning as they walked to that spot, Karlo realized that Ivana truly appreciated nature.Hr: Njegovo povjerenje raslo je.En: His trust in her grew.Hr: Kada je Ivana napokon pronašla svoj savršeni kadar, Karlo joj je pomogao stabilizirati kameru jer je vjetar bio jak.En: When Ivana finally found her perfect shot, Karlo helped stabilize the camera as the wind was strong.Hr: Tada su zajedno uhvatili nevjerojatnu fotografiju.En: Together, they captured an incredible photograph.Hr: Ivana je bila presretna.En: Ivana was overjoyed.Hr: "Hvala ti, Karlo", rekla je nježno.En: "Thank you, Karlo," she said gently.Hr: "Mislim da smo tim.En: "I think we're a team."Hr: "Naposljetku su se dogovorili da će zajedno raditi na kampanji koja povezuje umjetnost i znanost za zaštitu prirodnih lokaliteta.En: In the end, they agreed to work together on a campaign that links art and science to protect natural sites.Hr: Ivana je naučila kako suradnja može njezin rad učiniti jačim, dok je Karlo vidio da umjetnost može prenijeti poruku očuvanja.En: Ivana learned how collaboration could strengthen her work, while Karlo saw that art could convey the message of conservation.Hr: Zima je polako prolazila, a Ivana i Karlo šetali su parkovnim stazama razmišljajući o budućnosti.En: Winter was slowly passing, and Ivana and Karlo walked the park trails, thinking about the future.Hr: Teški snježni kristali prekrivali su staze, ali njihova srca bila su topla i ispunjena nadom.En: Heavy snow crystals covered the paths, but their hearts were warm and filled with hope.Hr: Njihova priča, započeta među ledovima Plitvica, bila je samo početak zajedničkog putovanja.En: Their story, begun among the ice of Plitvice, was just the beginning of a journey together. Vocabulary Words:gleamed: blistaolayers: slojevifairytale: bajkeexhibition: izložbalonely: usamljenoenvironmental: okolišskeptical: skeptičanhint: dozasuspicion: sumnjecapture: uhvatiticonservation: očuvanjeforefront: središte pozornostiangle: kutpicturesque: ...
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    15 min

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