FluentFiction - Croatian

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Blooms of Bravery: Ana's Poetic Spring Awakening
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blooms of Bravery: Ana's Poetic Spring Awakening Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad srednje škole u Splitu, isijavajući toplinu koja je milovala sve one koji su se okupili uoči proljetnog kulturnog festivala.En: The sun was shining above the high school in Split, radiating warmth that caressed all those gathered on the eve of the spring cultural festival.Hr: Škola je bila ispunjena žamorom učenika i mirisom cvijeća iz vrta.En: The school was filled with the hum of students and the scent of flowers from the garden.Hr: Ana je sjedila na klupi ispred škole.En: Ana was sitting on a bench in front of the school.Hr: Pogled joj je lutao između rokovnika i cvjetnih ruža koje su se ljuljale na povjetarcu.En: Her gaze wandered between her planner and the blooming roses swaying in the breeze.Hr: Srce joj je ubrzano kucalo.En: Her heart was beating fast.Hr: Trebala je nastupiti sa svojom originalnom poezijom, prvi put pred toliko ljudi.En: She was supposed to perform her original poetry for the first time in front of so many people.Hr: Nedavno joj je jedan profesor rekao da njezine pjesme možda ne dostižu potrebnu razinu kvalitete.En: A professor had recently told her that her poems might not reach the required level of quality.Hr: Te riječi su ostale s njom, poput sjene koja ju je stalno pratila.En: Those words stayed with her, like a shadow constantly trailing her.Hr: "Pogledaj ovu atmosfersku čaroliju, Ana," reče Boris dolazeći s čokoladom iz kantine.En: "Look at this atmospheric magic, Ana," said Boris as he approached with chocolate from the cafeteria.Hr: Sjeo je pored nje, pružajući joj čokoladicu.En: He sat next to her, offering her a chocolate bar.Hr: "Sve oko nas cvjeta.En: "Everything around us is blooming.Hr: Vrijeme je da i ti procvjetaš.En: It's time for you to bloom as well."Hr: "Ana se nasmiješila, ali misao o nastupu je bila poput oblaka iznad njenog glave.En: Ana smiled, but the thought of the performance was like a cloud hovering over her head.Hr: "Bojim se, Borise.En: "I'm scared, Boris.Hr: Što ako se osramotim?En: What if I embarrass myself?"Hr: " rekla je uzdignuvši pogled prema njemu.En: she said, lifting her gaze towards him.Hr: Boris je nekoliko sekundi tiho promatrao vedro nebo, zatim se okrenuo natrag prema njoj.En: Boris watched the clear sky silently for a few seconds, then turned back to her.Hr: "Kada se cvijet bori da procvjeta usred divlje prirode, nije uvijek jednostavno.En: "When a flower struggles to bloom in the wild, it's not always simple.Hr: Ali kad uspije, nagradi svijet svojom ljepotom.En: But when it succeeds, it rewards the world with its beauty.Hr: Tvoj glas je tvoja ljepota, Ana.En: Your voice is your beauty, Ana.Hr: Dijeli ga s nama.En: Share it with us."Hr: "Ana je duboko udahnula.En: Ana took a deep breath.Hr: Borisove riječi su bile hrabre, jednostavne.En: Boris' words were brave, simple.Hr: Riječi koje su joj trebale.En: Words she needed.Hr: Iako je još uvijek osjećala tragove straha, unutarnji glas joj je govorio da možda vrijedi riskirati.En: Although she still felt traces of fear, an inner voice told her that it might be worth the risk.Hr: Nakon nekoliko trenutaka oklijevanja, Ana je donijela odluku.En: After a few moments of hesitation, Ana made a decision.Hr: Ustala je, obrisala prašinu s hlača, i zajedno s Borisom krenula prema pozornici.En: She stood up, dusted off her pants, and, together with Boris, headed towards the stage.Hr: Navečer, kad je započela kulturna manifestacija, Ana se našla iza kormila svojih strahova.En: In the evening, when the cultural event began, Ana found herself at the helm of her fears.Hr: Ruke su joj drhtale dok je uzimala mikrofon na improviziranoj pozornici ispred gimnazije.En: Her hands trembled as she took the microphone on the improvised stage in front of the high school.Hr: Rasvjeta je bila jaka, ali publika je djelovala nejasno iz njezine perspektive.En: The lighting was strong, but the audience seemed blurred from her perspective.Hr: "Boris, duboko udahni," promrmljao je Boris iz prvog reda, podignuvši palac.En: "Ana, take a deep breath," Boris murmured from the front row, giving a thumbs up.Hr: Ana se osmjehnula i duboko udahnula, osjetivši trenutak olakšanja.En: Ana smiled and took a deep breath, feeling a moment of relief.Hr: Počela je recitirati svoje stihove.En: She began to recite her verses.Hr: Glas joj je drhtao, ali ona je nastavila.En: Her voice trembled, but she continued.Hr: Kako su riječi tekle, osjećala se snažijom.En: As the words flowed, she felt stronger.Hr: Publika je slušala, zainteresirana i mirna.En: The audience listened, interested and calm.Hr: Dok je završavala posljednju riječ, proljetni povjetarac s biljem pomilovao je njezina obraza.En: As she finished the last word, the spring breeze with plants caressed her ...
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    18 min
  • Secrets Beneath Dioklecijanova: A Tale of Hidden Reckoning
    Mar 5 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Secrets Beneath Dioklecijanova: A Tale of Hidden Reckoning Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Duboko ispod sjajnog kamenja Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu, skrila se tajna.En: Deep beneath the gleaming stones of Dioklecijanova palača in Split, a secret lay hidden.Hr: Nitko nije očekivao da će ta tajna biti otkrivena dvoje neočekivanih junaka - Ivana, briljantnog, ali uvijek zabrinutog doktoranda povijesti Rima, i Marinu, smjelu novinarku s nepopustljivim ciljem.En: No one expected that the secret would be uncovered by two unexpected heroes - Ivan, a brilliant but always anxious doctoral candidate in Roman history, and Marina, a daring journalist with an unwavering goal.Hr: Bježeći od mračne organizacije čiji biznis i planovi nisu imali granica, Ivan i Marina našli su se u tjesnacu podzemnih tunela.En: Fleeing from a shadowy organization whose business and plans knew no boundaries, Ivan and Marina found themselves in the narrow confines of underground tunnels.Hr: Sveti dužine hodnika, kao da se prostirao do same prošlosti.En: The sacred length of the corridor seemed to stretch into the past itself.Hr: Ovog je proljeća svaki miris bio pomiješao s intrigom, svježi zrak mirisao je avanturom i opasnosti.En: That spring, every scent was mixed with intrigue, with the fresh air smelling of adventure and danger.Hr: Dok su se blagim koracima kretali kamenitim prolazima, slučajno su nabasali na teška, rustična vrata.En: As they moved with soft steps through the stone passages, they stumbled upon a heavy, rustic door.Hr: Pomjerili su ih, škripavi zvuk ispunio je hodnik.En: They pushed it, the creaky sound filling the corridor.Hr: Ispred njih se razotkrila tajanstvena laboratorija.En: Before them, a mysterious laboratory was revealed.Hr: Stvari izložene iz davne prošlosti oživjele su u očima dvoje istraživača.En: Things displayed from ancient times came alive in the eyes of the two explorers.Hr: Kamene prostorije bile su ispunjene prastarim svitcima i alkemijskim opremama, a Mihova refleksija titrala je na hrabroj Marininom licu dok su isijavali drevni rimski baklje.En: The stone rooms were filled with ancient scrolls and alchemical equipment, and Marina's brave face shimmered with Ivan's reflection as ancient Roman torches glowed.Hr: Suhoća prašine gotovo je davila svaki njihov dah, no znatiželja ih je gurala dalje.En: The dryness of the dust almost choked every breath, but curiosity pushed them further.Hr: „Moramo probati ovo dešifrirati“, tiho je rekao Ivan, njegov glas pomiješan uzbuđenjem i strahom.En: “We must try to decipher this,” Ivan said quietly, his voice mingled with excitement and fear.Hr: Marina je osjećala divljenje prema Ivanovoj odlučnosti, ali i tihu nervozu.En: Marina felt admiration for Ivan's determination but also a quiet nervousness.Hr: Ako uspiju, istina bi svjetlila poput svjetionika, razotkrivajući crni veo koji je organizacija pažljivo pletala.En: If they succeeded, the truth would shine like a lighthouse, uncovering the dark veil that the organization carefully wove.Hr: Slekli su pogled dok su papirnatim sovicama pregledavali tekstove starijih od milenijuma.En: They exchanged glances as they pored over texts older than a millennium with paper-thin owls.Hr: Marina je ostavljala tragove novinarskog umijeća - dokazi koje su ljubomorno skupljali, postajali su nepobitni svjedoci njihovog otkrića.En: Marina left traces of her journalistic expertise - the evidence they jealously collected became undeniable witnesses to their discovery.Hr: Međutim, koraci agenti približavali su se.En: However, the footsteps of agents were approaching.Hr: Progonitelji su znali da im vrijeme curi, a prostrani labirint hodnika stvorio je intenzitet igre lova na mačke i miševe.En: The pursuers knew that time was running out, and the vast labyrinth of corridors created the intensity of a cat-and-mouse game.Hr: Usred tmurne i mrkle tjeskobe, Ivan je pronašao mehanizam koji su dugo vremena skrivali rimski majstori.En: In the midst of gloomy darkness, Ivan found a mechanism long hidden by Roman craftsmen.Hr: „Aktiviraj ga“, uzviknula je Marina.En: “Activate it,” Marina shouted.Hr: Njihove oči sijevale su suosjećanjem i hrabrošću.En: Their eyes sparked with compassion and bravery.Hr: Uz pritisak mehanizma, prostorna vrata su se zakračila iza njih, zauvijek zatvorivši put agentima.En: With the press of the mechanism, the spatial doors locked behind them, forever closing the path to the agents.Hr: Ostali su sami, ali slobodni.En: They were alone but free.Hr: Njihov bijeg nije bio uzaludan.En: Their escape was not in vain.Hr: Sa svitkom i dokazima u rukama, dobrota izlijepljena po lica Ivana i Marine je osvanula novim jutrom.En: With the scroll and evidence in hand, the goodness plastered across Ivan's and Marina's faces dawned with a ...
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    17 min
  • Unspoken Bonds: A Café Tale of Friendship and Forgiveness
    Mar 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unspoken Bonds: A Café Tale of Friendship and Forgiveness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-04-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U toplom kutku, daleko od hladnoće na ulicama Zagreba, troje prijatelja sjedi za drvenim stolom u kafiću "Mali kutak".En: In a warm corner, far from the cold on the streets of Zagreb, three friends sit at a wooden table in the café "Mali kutak".Hr: Miris svježe kuhane kave ispunjava zrak, a vesela buka ljudi i škripa šalica pružaju ugodnu kulisu.En: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and the cheerful chatter of people and the clinking of cups provide a pleasant backdrop.Hr: Ivana skriva osmijeh iza svojeg kapučina, Ana promatra prolaznike kroz velike prozore, a Marko se igra kamerom na stolu.En: Ivana hides a smile behind her cappuccino, Ana observes passersby through large windows, and Marko plays with a camera on the table.Hr: Bio je to njihov uobičajeni sastanak.En: It was their usual meeting.Hr: Svake subote popodne, u ovom kafiću, nalazili bi vrijeme za smijeh i razgovor.En: Every Saturday afternoon, in this café, they found time for laughter and conversation.Hr: No, danas je drugačije.En: But today is different.Hr: Tanki sloj napetosti visi u zraku poput snijega koji se sprema pasti.En: A thin layer of tension hangs in the air like snow about to fall.Hr: Ana duboko uzdahne i odloži svoju šalicu.En: Ana takes a deep breath and sets her cup down.Hr: "Marko, prošli put... onaj komentar...", započne, tražeći pravu riječ.En: "Marko, last time... that comment...", she begins, searching for the right word.Hr: Marko skrene pogled s kamere.En: Marko diverts his gaze from the camera.Hr: "Znam, Ana. Nisam to mislio kako je zvučalo."En: "I know, Ana. I didn't mean it the way it sounded."Hr: Ivan u tom trenutku osjeti kako napetost raste.En: Ivan at that moment can feel the tension rising.Hr: On samo želi mir, daleko od stresa ureda i crteža.En: He just wants peace, away from the stress of the office and the sketches.Hr: Promatra svoje prijatelje, osjeća obvezu da pomogne i riješi ovu tihu buru.En: He observes his friends, feeling an obligation to help and resolve this silent storm.Hr: "Ana, Marko", započne Ivan oprezno.En: "Ana, Marko," Ivan begins cautiously.Hr: "Mislim da bismo trebali razgovarati o tome. Obojica ste mi važni."En: "I think we should talk about it. You're both important to me."Hr: Ana se nasmiješi s tugom u očima.En: Ana smiles with sadness in her eyes.Hr: "Želim da znaš, Marko, bilo mi je teško.En: "I want you to know, Marko, it was hard for me.Hr: Osjećala sam se kao da me ne cijeniš."En: I felt like you didn't appreciate me."Hr: Marko uzdahne.En: Marko sighs.Hr: "Nisam to htio, Ana.En: "I didn't mean to, Ana.Hr: Ponekad se osjećam kao da se moram praviti da je sve u redu, i zato kažem stvari koje ne mislim."En: Sometimes I feel like I have to pretend everything is okay, and that's why I say things I don't mean."Hr: Kroz razgovor, Ivan shvaća koliko je važno ne bježati od problema.En: Through the conversation, Ivan realizes how important it is not to run away from problems.Hr: "Možda bismo trebali biti otvoreniji jedni prema drugima", predlaže Ivan, dok svojim riječima pokušava složiti razrušeni most.En: "Maybe we should be more open with each other," Ivan suggests, as he tries to put the broken bridge back together with his words.Hr: Marko i Ana se polako smiješe dok ispijaju posljednje gutljaje kave.En: Marko and Ana slowly smile as they drink the last sips of coffee.Hr: "Znam da voliš fotografiju, Marko", kaže Ana.En: "I know you love photography, Marko," says Ana.Hr: "I mislim da si stvarno dobar u tome."En: "And I think you're really good at it."Hr: "Ja samo želim da znaš da si sjajna učiteljica, Ana", doda Marko, skidajući masku ležernosti.En: "I just want you to know you're a great teacher, Ana," adds Marko, dropping the mask of nonchalance.Hr: S torbom u rukama, Ivan osjeća kako se njegovi prijatelji ponovno povezuju.En: With a bag in his hands, Ivan feels his friends reconnecting.Hr: Naučio je nešto važno danas.En: He's learned something important today.Hr: Kad sljedeći put sjednu za ovaj stol, bit će sigurniji i iskreniji.En: The next time they sit at this table, they will be more confident and sincere.Hr: Kafić "Mali kutak" i dalje je toplina usred hladne zime.En: The café "Mali kutak" remains a haven of warmth in the cold winter.Hr: Tri prijatelja ustaju, spremni gledati prema novim susretima, novim razgovorima i novim smijehovima, dok ih mirisi i zvukovi kafića ispraćaju u svijet izvan.En: The three friends stand up, ready to look forward to new encounters, new conversations, and new laughter, as the café's aromas and sounds escort them into the world outside.Hr: Kroz jednostavne prizore prijateljstva, uče da iskrenost i komunikacija njihov odnos mogu učiniti snažnijim od bilo ...
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    16 min

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