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FluentFiction - Croatian

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
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  • Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivo je stajao na početku staze, okružen prekrasnom prirodom Plitvičkih jezera.En: Ivo stood at the beginning of the path, surrounded by the beautiful nature of Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Ljeto je bilo u punom jeku, zrak je bio topao, ali ugodan.En: Summer was in full swing, the air was warm but pleasant.Hr: Plitvička jezera su bila prekrasna, s bujnim zelenilom i čistim vodopadima.En: The Plitvice Lakes were magnificent, with lush greenery and clear waterfalls.Hr: Savršeno mjesto za trening kamp.En: A perfect place for a training camp.Hr: Ivo je bio mlad, ali odlučan atletičar.En: Ivo was young but determined athlete.Hr: Njegov cilj bio je osvojiti ovo natjecanje i osigurati mjesto u nacionalnom timu.En: His goal was to win this competition and secure a place on the national team.Hr: Želio je dokazati ocu da može uspjeti u sportu, unatoč očevim željama da se bavi akademikom.En: He wanted to prove to his father that he could succeed in sports, despite his father's wishes for him to pursue academia.Hr: Kako je startni pištolj pucao, Ivo je zapeo punom snagom.En: As the starting gun fired, Ivo took off with full strength.Hr: Njegov glavni protivnik bio je stariji i iskusniji atletičar, Marko.En: His main opponent was an older and more experienced athlete, Marko.Hr: Marko je bio brz, ali Ivo je bio fokusiran.En: Marko was fast, but Ivo was focused.Hr: Ivo je osjećao adrenalin kako struji kroz njegovo tijelo.En: Ivo could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body.Hr: No, na pola puta kroz šumu, Ivo osjeti oštar bol u nozi.En: However, halfway through the forest, Ivo felt a sharp pain in his leg.Hr: Pao je na koljeno, a bol je bila jaka.En: He fell to his knee, and the pain was intense.Hr: Pogledao je put kojim su trčali, znajući da mu je ovo možda jedina prilika.En: He looked at the path they were running, knowing that this might be his only chance.Hr: Srce mu je lupalo.En: His heart was pounding.Hr: Trebao je odlučiti: nastaviti s bolom ili stati.En: He needed to decide: continue with the pain or stop.Hr: Bolje je stati, mislio je, ali srce mu je govorilo drugačije.En: It was better to stop, he thought, but his heart told him otherwise.Hr: Uspravio se, uzimajući kratki dah, i krenuo dalje.En: He stood up, taking a short breath, and pushed on.Hr: Svaki korak bio je borba.En: Every step was a struggle.Hr: Marko mu se približavao, no Ivo je koristio svu snagu koju je imao.En: Marko was closing in, but Ivo used every ounce of strength he had.Hr: Vidio je cilj ispred sebe.En: He saw the finish line ahead.Hr: Publika je uzvikivala njegovo ime.En: The crowd was shouting his name.Hr: U trenutku kada je dotaknuo crtu, bol je postala neizdrživa, ali pobijedio je.En: At the moment he touched the line, the pain became unbearable, but he had won.Hr: Srušio se na tlo, iscrpljen i u boli.En: He collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in pain.Hr: Liječnici su odmah dotrčali.En: Medics immediately rushed to him.Hr: Dok su ga nosili na nosilima, čuo je glas trenera: "Ivo, uspio si!En: As they carried him on a stretcher, he heard the coach's voice: "Ivo, you did it!Hr: Osvojio si mjesto u timu!En: You've secured a spot on the team!"Hr: "Ivo nije mogao vjerovati.En: Ivo couldn't believe it.Hr: Bol je bila nesnosna, ali sreća u srcu neprocjenjiva.En: The pain was excruciating, but the joy in his heart was priceless.Hr: Nakon nekoliko dana u bolnici, otac ga je posjetio.En: After a few days in the hospital, his father visited him.Hr: "Ivo, ponosan sam na tebe," rekao je otac, promatrajući sina s poštovanjem.En: "Ivo, I'm proud of you," his father said, watching his son with respect.Hr: "Vidim da sport nije samo tvoja strast, nego i tvoja snaga.En: "I see that sports are not just your passion, but also your strength."Hr: "Ivo je shvatio nešto važno.En: Ivo realized something important.Hr: Njegovo tijelo imalo je granice, ali njegov duh bio je nepokolebljiv.En: His body had limits, but his spirit was indomitable.Hr: Znao je da će se oporaviti i ponovo trčati.En: He knew he would recover and run again.Hr: I ovoga puta, s podrškom svoje obitelji.En: And this time, with his family's support.Hr: Kraj obale jezera, Ivo je sjedio, gledajući u daljinu.En: By the lake's shore, Ivo sat, looking into the distance.Hr: Osjetio je mir.En: He felt peace.Hr: Priroda Plitvičkih jezera podsjećala ga je na ljepotu borbe i pobjede.En: The nature of Plitvice Lakes reminded him of the beauty of struggle and victory.Hr: Napravio je prvi korak prema svom snu, a to je bilo tek početak.En: He had taken the first step towards his dream, and this was just the beginning. Vocabulary Words:path: stazasurrounded: okruženlush: bujnidetermined: odlučancompetition: natjecanjepursue: ...
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    16 min
  • Splashing into Love: A Serendipitous Moment at Plitvice Lakes
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Splashing into Love: A Serendipitous Moment at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Plitvička jezera, ljeto.En: Plitvice Lakes, summer.Hr: Sunce sjaji kroz guste krošnje drveća.En: The sun shines through the thick tree canopies.Hr: Luka i Ana hodaju stazom uz jezero, držeći se za ruke.En: Luka and Ana walk along the path by the lake, holding hands.Hr: Vodopadi šire zavjesu od svjetlucave vode, a jezera su nevjerojatno tirkizna.En: Waterfalls create a curtain of shimmering water, and the lakes are an incredible turquoise.Hr: Luka je nervozan.En: Luka is nervous.Hr: Želi učiniti ovaj trenutak posebnim.En: He wants to make this moment special.Hr: Planira priznati Ani svoju duboku ljubav.En: He plans to confess his deep love to Ana.Hr: No, već je nekoliko puta posrnuo dok su hodali.En: However, he has stumbled several times while walking.Hr: "Ana," počinje Luka dok prilazi mostiću, "želim ti nešto reći."En: "Ana," Luka begins as they approach a bridge, "I want to tell you something."Hr: Ana ga gleda očima punih isčekivanja.En: Ana looks at him with eyes full of anticipation.Hr: Zastaje i naslanja se na ogradu mostića, promatrajući kako voda teče ispod njih.En: She pauses and leans on the bridge railing, watching the water flow beneath them.Hr: Luka uzima dubok dah.En: Luka takes a deep breath.Hr: "Ti si najdivnija osoba koju poznajem. Kad god sam s tobom, osjećam se kompletnim..."En: "You are the most wonderful person I know. Whenever I'm with you, I feel complete..."Hr: Ali u tom trenutku, Luka, pokušavajući se približiti Ani, gubi ravnotežu.En: But at that moment, as Luka tries to get closer to Ana, he loses his balance.Hr: Vjetar prolazi kroz krošnje i prebacuje ga na drugu stranu.En: A gust of wind rustles through the treetops and pushes him to the other side.Hr: Pada u jezero s praskom.En: He falls into the lake with a splash.Hr: Ana je šokirana, ali onda počinje nekontrolirano se smijati.En: Ana is shocked, but then she starts to laugh uncontrollably.Hr: Smijanje je tako zarazno da se i Luka, plutajući u vodi, počinje smijati.En: Her laughter is so infectious that Luka, floating in the water, begins to laugh as well.Hr: Kroz smijeh, Luka vikne: "Pa, ovo nije kako sam to planirao!"En: Through his laughter, Luka shouts, "Well, this isn’t how I planned it!"Hr: Pruža ruku prema Ani, koja mu pomaže da izađe iz vode.En: He reaches out to Ana, who helps him out of the water.Hr: Dok se Luka trudi doći do daha, Ana mu poljubnim zadrškom govori: "Znaš, Luka, upravo si dokazao koliko si poseban.En: As Luka struggles to catch his breath, Ana, still smiling, tells him, "You know, Luka, you’ve just proven how special you are.Hr: Život s tobom nikad neće biti dosadan.En: Life with you will never be boring.Hr: Htjela sam ti reći da si ti onaj s kojim želim sve dijeliti, čak i ove smiješne trenutke."En: I wanted to tell you that you are the one I want to share everything with, even these funny moments."Hr: Luka, još mokar i zbunjen, osjeća kako ga preplavljuje sreća.En: Luka, still wet and confused, feels happiness overwhelming him.Hr: "Zaista?" pita, ne vjerujući u sreću.En: "Really?" he asks, unbelieving his luck.Hr: "Da," odgovara Ana, još uvijek s osmijehom na licu.En: "Yes," Ana replies, her smile still on her face.Hr: "Život je pun nepredvidivih trenutaka, ali ti si pokazao da možeš preživjeti s osmijehom."En: "Life is full of unpredictable moments, but you’ve shown that you can survive them with a smile."Hr: Luka tada shvati da ne mora biti savršen kako bi bio voljen.En: Luka then realizes he doesn't have to be perfect to be loved.Hr: Njegove nesigurnosti nestaju, zamijenjene osjećajem sigurnosti i povjerenja u sebe.En: His insecurities disappear, replaced with a sense of security and confidence in himself.Hr: Nastavljaju šetnju kroz park, smijuljeći se i stiskajući ruke.En: They continue their walk through the park, chuckling and holding hands.Hr: Ana i Luka sada znaju da ljubav znači prihvaćanje jedno drugog, s humorom i milošću.En: Ana and Luka now know that love means accepting each other with humor and grace.Hr: Sunce zalazi iznad Plitvičkih jezera, stvarajući zlatni sjaj na površini vode.En: The sun sets over Plitvice Lakes, casting a golden glow on the water's surface.Hr: Dok hodaju stazom, znaju da su zajedno sposobni prevladati sve prepreke koje život donosi.En: As they walk along the path, they know together they can overcome any obstacle life throws their way.Hr: I tako, jednostavan pad u jezero postaje temelj snažne i sretne veze, pun sjećanja i smijeha.En: And so, a simple fall into the lake becomes the foundation of a strong and happy relationship, filled with memories and laughter.Hr: Kraj.En: The end. Vocabulary Words:canopies: krošnjepath: stazawaterfalls: ...
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    16 min
  • Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Marko je hodao stazama Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.En: Marko was walking along the trails of Plitvička Jezera National Park.Hr: Bio je ljetni dan, sunce je sjajilo, a zrak je bio svjež.En: It was a summer day, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh.Hr: Marko je bio fotograf, tražio je savršenu fotografiju.En: Marko was a photographer, seeking the perfect shot.Hr: Gužva turista ometala ga je, pa se odlučio udaljiti od glavne staze.En: The crowd of tourists was distracting him, so he decided to move away from the main trail.Hr: Petra je bila znanstvenica, istraživala je ekosustav parka za svoju doktorsku disertaciju.En: Petra was a scientist researching the park's ecosystem for her doctoral dissertation.Hr: Nosila je laboratorijski kaput i veliko računalo.En: She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a large computer.Hr: Odjednom, njena oprema se pokvarila.En: Suddenly, her equipment malfunctioned.Hr: Pokušala je to popraviti sama, ali nije uspjela.En: She tried to fix it herself but did not succeed.Hr: Marko je hodao šumom i došao do malog, skrivenog vodopada.En: Marko wandered through the forest and came upon a small, hidden waterfall.Hr: Tamo je vidio Petru kako pokušava popraviti svoju opremu.En: There he saw Petra trying to repair her equipment.Hr: Prišao joj je.En: He approached her.Hr: "Mogu li pomoći?" upitao je Marko.En: "Can I help?" Marko asked.Hr: Petra ga je pogledala s osmijehom, ali i sa zabrinutošću.En: Petra looked at him with a smile but also with concern.Hr: "Da, molim te. Ova oprema mi je važna za istraživanje, ali sada ne radi."En: "Yes, please. This equipment is crucial for my research, but now it’s not working."Hr: Marko je kleknuo pored nje i zajedno su počeli gledati što nije u redu.En: Marko knelt beside her, and together they began to figure out what was wrong.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena shvatili su problem i uspjeli popraviti opremu.En: After some time, they identified the problem and managed to fix the equipment.Hr: Petra je bila sretna.En: Petra was happy.Hr: "Hvala ti puno! Ti si mi spasio dan."En: "Thank you so much! You saved my day."Hr: Marko je nasmiješio.En: Marko smiled.Hr: "Drago mi je što sam mogao pomoći. Ovaj vodopad je tako lijep, hoćeš li biti na mojoj fotografiji? To bi bilo savršeno za moj projekt."En: "I’m glad I could help. This waterfall is so beautiful; would you mind being in my photograph? It would be perfect for my project."Hr: Petra je pristala.En: Petra agreed.Hr: Stala je pored vodopada, a Marko je uzeo nekoliko fotografija.En: She stood next to the waterfall, and Marko took several pictures.Hr: Svaka fotografija bila je savršena.En: Each one was perfect.Hr: Nakon toga, sjeli su na kamen i razgovarali.En: After that, they sat on a rock and talked.Hr: Marko je pričao o svojoj strasti za fotografijama.En: Marko spoke about his passion for photography.Hr: Petra je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema prirodi.En: Petra spoke about her love for nature.Hr: Imali su mnogo zajedničkih tema.En: They had many common interests.Hr: "Hoćemo li se opet vidjeti?" pitao je Marko.En: "Shall we meet again?" asked Marko.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je Petra s osmijehom.En: "Of course," Petra said with a smile.Hr: Izmijenili su brojeve telefona i obećali da će se uskoro opet vidjeti.En: They exchanged phone numbers and promised to see each other soon.Hr: Marko je shvatio da ljepota prirode nije samo u izgledu, već i u znanosti i istraživanju.En: Marko realized that the beauty of nature is not just in its appearance but also in science and research.Hr: Petra je shvatila da je važno dijeliti svoje strasti i istraživanja s drugima.En: Petra understood that it’s important to share one’s passions and discoveries with others.Hr: Kako su sunčeve zrake polako nestajale, Marko je gledao svoj aparat.En: As the sun’s rays slowly faded, Marko looked at his camera.Hr: Fotografija je bila savršena; Petra je stajala ispred vodopada, simbol zajedništva prirode i znanosti.En: The photograph was perfect; Petra stood in front of the waterfall, a symbol of the unity of nature and science.Hr: Bio je to početak njihovog novog prijateljstva, možda i nečeg više.En: It was the beginning of their new friendship, perhaps something more.Hr: Marko i Petra su se oprostili, ali su znali da će se ubrzo vidjeti.En: Marko and Petra said goodbye but knew they would see each other soon.Hr: Plitvička jezera su postala mjesto gdje su otkrili više od prirodne ljepote.En: Plitvička Jezera had become a place where they discovered more than natural beauty.Hr: Otkrili su prijateljstvo i zajedničke ciljeve.En: They discovered friendship and shared goals.Hr: I tako su hodali u različitim smjerovima, ali s istom misijom u ...
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    17 min

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