
  • Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/triumph-at-plitvice-lakes-a-young-athletes-determination Story Transcript:Hr: Ivo je stajao na početku staze, okružen prekrasnom prirodom Plitvičkih jezera.En: Ivo stood at the beginning of the path, surrounded by the beautiful nature of Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Ljeto je bilo u punom jeku, zrak je bio topao, ali ugodan.En: Summer was in full swing, the air was warm but pleasant.Hr: Plitvička jezera su bila prekrasna, s bujnim zelenilom i čistim vodopadima.En: The Plitvice Lakes were magnificent, with lush greenery and clear waterfalls.Hr: Savršeno mjesto za trening kamp.En: A perfect place for a training camp.Hr: Ivo je bio mlad, ali odlučan atletičar.En: Ivo was young but determined athlete.Hr: Njegov cilj bio je osvojiti ovo natjecanje i osigurati mjesto u nacionalnom timu.En: His goal was to win this competition and secure a place on the national team.Hr: Želio je dokazati ocu da može uspjeti u sportu, unatoč očevim željama da se bavi akademikom.En: He wanted to prove to his father that he could succeed in sports, despite his father's wishes for him to pursue academia.Hr: Kako je startni pištolj pucao, Ivo je zapeo punom snagom.En: As the starting gun fired, Ivo took off with full strength.Hr: Njegov glavni protivnik bio je stariji i iskusniji atletičar, Marko.En: His main opponent was an older and more experienced athlete, Marko.Hr: Marko je bio brz, ali Ivo je bio fokusiran.En: Marko was fast, but Ivo was focused.Hr: Ivo je osjećao adrenalin kako struji kroz njegovo tijelo.En: Ivo could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body.Hr: No, na pola puta kroz šumu, Ivo osjeti oštar bol u nozi.En: However, halfway through the forest, Ivo felt a sharp pain in his leg.Hr: Pao je na koljeno, a bol je bila jaka.En: He fell to his knee, and the pain was intense.Hr: Pogledao je put kojim su trčali, znajući da mu je ovo možda jedina prilika.En: He looked at the path they were running, knowing that this might be his only chance.Hr: Srce mu je lupalo.En: His heart was pounding.Hr: Trebao je odlučiti: nastaviti s bolom ili stati.En: He needed to decide: continue with the pain or stop.Hr: Bolje je stati, mislio je, ali srce mu je govorilo drugačije.En: It was better to stop, he thought, but his heart told him otherwise.Hr: Uspravio se, uzimajući kratki dah, i krenuo dalje.En: He stood up, taking a short breath, and pushed on.Hr: Svaki korak bio je borba.En: Every step was a struggle.Hr: Marko mu se približavao, no Ivo je koristio svu snagu koju je imao.En: Marko was closing in, but Ivo used every ounce of strength he had.Hr: Vidio je cilj ispred sebe.En: He saw the finish line ahead.Hr: Publika je uzvikivala njegovo ime.En: The crowd was shouting his name.Hr: U trenutku kada je dotaknuo crtu, bol je postala neizdrživa, ali pobijedio je.En: At the moment he touched the line, the pain became unbearable, but he had won.Hr: Srušio se na tlo, iscrpljen i u boli.En: He collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in pain.Hr: Liječnici su odmah dotrčali.En: Medics immediately rushed to him.Hr: Dok su ga nosili na nosilima, čuo je glas trenera: "Ivo, uspio si!En: As they carried him on a stretcher, he heard the coach's voice: "Ivo, you did it!Hr: Osvojio si mjesto u timu!En: You've secured a spot on the team!"Hr: "Ivo nije mogao vjerovati.En: Ivo couldn't believe it.Hr: Bol je bila nesnosna, ali sreća u srcu neprocjenjiva.En: The pain was excruciating, but the joy in his heart was priceless.Hr: Nakon nekoliko dana u bolnici, otac ga je posjetio.En: After a few days in the hospital, his father visited him.Hr: "Ivo, ponosan sam na tebe," rekao je otac, promatrajući sina s poštovanjem.En: "Ivo, I'm proud of you," his father said, watching his son with respect.Hr: "Vidim da sport nije samo tvoja strast, nego i tvoja snaga.En: "I see that sports are not just your passion, but also your strength."Hr: "Ivo je shvatio nešto važno.En: Ivo realized something important.Hr: Njegovo tijelo imalo je granice, ali njegov duh bio je nepokolebljiv.En: His body had limits, but his spirit was indomitable.Hr: Znao je da će se oporaviti i ponovo trčati.En: He knew he would recover and run again.Hr: I ovoga puta, s podrškom svoje obitelji.En: And this time, with his family's support.Hr: Kraj obale jezera, Ivo je sjedio, gledajući u daljinu.En: By the lake's shore, Ivo sat, looking into the distance.Hr: Osjetio je mir.En: He felt peace.Hr: Priroda Plitvičkih jezera podsjećala ga je na ljepotu borbe i pobjede.En: The nature of Plitvice Lakes reminded him of the beauty of struggle and victory.Hr: Napravio je prvi korak prema svom snu, a to je bilo tek početak.En: He had taken the first step towards his dream, and this was just the beginning. Vocabulary Words:path: stazasurrounded: okruženlush: bujnidetermined: odlučancompetition: natjecanjepursue: ...
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    16 min
  • Splashing into Love: A Serendipitous Moment at Plitvice Lakes
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Splashing into Love: A Serendipitous Moment at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/splashing-into-love-a-serendipitous-moment-at-plitvice-lakes Story Transcript:Hr: Plitvička jezera, ljeto.En: Plitvice Lakes, summer.Hr: Sunce sjaji kroz guste krošnje drveća.En: The sun shines through the thick tree canopies.Hr: Luka i Ana hodaju stazom uz jezero, držeći se za ruke.En: Luka and Ana walk along the path by the lake, holding hands.Hr: Vodopadi šire zavjesu od svjetlucave vode, a jezera su nevjerojatno tirkizna.En: Waterfalls create a curtain of shimmering water, and the lakes are an incredible turquoise.Hr: Luka je nervozan.En: Luka is nervous.Hr: Želi učiniti ovaj trenutak posebnim.En: He wants to make this moment special.Hr: Planira priznati Ani svoju duboku ljubav.En: He plans to confess his deep love to Ana.Hr: No, već je nekoliko puta posrnuo dok su hodali.En: However, he has stumbled several times while walking.Hr: "Ana," počinje Luka dok prilazi mostiću, "želim ti nešto reći."En: "Ana," Luka begins as they approach a bridge, "I want to tell you something."Hr: Ana ga gleda očima punih isčekivanja.En: Ana looks at him with eyes full of anticipation.Hr: Zastaje i naslanja se na ogradu mostića, promatrajući kako voda teče ispod njih.En: She pauses and leans on the bridge railing, watching the water flow beneath them.Hr: Luka uzima dubok dah.En: Luka takes a deep breath.Hr: "Ti si najdivnija osoba koju poznajem. Kad god sam s tobom, osjećam se kompletnim..."En: "You are the most wonderful person I know. Whenever I'm with you, I feel complete..."Hr: Ali u tom trenutku, Luka, pokušavajući se približiti Ani, gubi ravnotežu.En: But at that moment, as Luka tries to get closer to Ana, he loses his balance.Hr: Vjetar prolazi kroz krošnje i prebacuje ga na drugu stranu.En: A gust of wind rustles through the treetops and pushes him to the other side.Hr: Pada u jezero s praskom.En: He falls into the lake with a splash.Hr: Ana je šokirana, ali onda počinje nekontrolirano se smijati.En: Ana is shocked, but then she starts to laugh uncontrollably.Hr: Smijanje je tako zarazno da se i Luka, plutajući u vodi, počinje smijati.En: Her laughter is so infectious that Luka, floating in the water, begins to laugh as well.Hr: Kroz smijeh, Luka vikne: "Pa, ovo nije kako sam to planirao!"En: Through his laughter, Luka shouts, "Well, this isn’t how I planned it!"Hr: Pruža ruku prema Ani, koja mu pomaže da izađe iz vode.En: He reaches out to Ana, who helps him out of the water.Hr: Dok se Luka trudi doći do daha, Ana mu poljubnim zadrškom govori: "Znaš, Luka, upravo si dokazao koliko si poseban.En: As Luka struggles to catch his breath, Ana, still smiling, tells him, "You know, Luka, you’ve just proven how special you are.Hr: Život s tobom nikad neće biti dosadan.En: Life with you will never be boring.Hr: Htjela sam ti reći da si ti onaj s kojim želim sve dijeliti, čak i ove smiješne trenutke."En: I wanted to tell you that you are the one I want to share everything with, even these funny moments."Hr: Luka, još mokar i zbunjen, osjeća kako ga preplavljuje sreća.En: Luka, still wet and confused, feels happiness overwhelming him.Hr: "Zaista?" pita, ne vjerujući u sreću.En: "Really?" he asks, unbelieving his luck.Hr: "Da," odgovara Ana, još uvijek s osmijehom na licu.En: "Yes," Ana replies, her smile still on her face.Hr: "Život je pun nepredvidivih trenutaka, ali ti si pokazao da možeš preživjeti s osmijehom."En: "Life is full of unpredictable moments, but you’ve shown that you can survive them with a smile."Hr: Luka tada shvati da ne mora biti savršen kako bi bio voljen.En: Luka then realizes he doesn't have to be perfect to be loved.Hr: Njegove nesigurnosti nestaju, zamijenjene osjećajem sigurnosti i povjerenja u sebe.En: His insecurities disappear, replaced with a sense of security and confidence in himself.Hr: Nastavljaju šetnju kroz park, smijuljeći se i stiskajući ruke.En: They continue their walk through the park, chuckling and holding hands.Hr: Ana i Luka sada znaju da ljubav znači prihvaćanje jedno drugog, s humorom i milošću.En: Ana and Luka now know that love means accepting each other with humor and grace.Hr: Sunce zalazi iznad Plitvičkih jezera, stvarajući zlatni sjaj na površini vode.En: The sun sets over Plitvice Lakes, casting a golden glow on the water's surface.Hr: Dok hodaju stazom, znaju da su zajedno sposobni prevladati sve prepreke koje život donosi.En: As they walk along the path, they know together they can overcome any obstacle life throws their way.Hr: I tako, jednostavan pad u jezero postaje temelj snažne i sretne veze, pun sjećanja i smijeha.En: And so, a simple fall into the lake becomes the foundation of a strong and happy relationship, filled with memories and laughter.Hr: Kraj.En: The end. Vocabulary Words:canopies: krošnjepath: stazawaterfalls: ...
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    16 min
  • Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-by-the-waterfall-a-tale-of-nature-and-new-beginnings Story Transcript:Hr: Marko je hodao stazama Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.En: Marko was walking along the trails of Plitvička Jezera National Park.Hr: Bio je ljetni dan, sunce je sjajilo, a zrak je bio svjež.En: It was a summer day, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh.Hr: Marko je bio fotograf, tražio je savršenu fotografiju.En: Marko was a photographer, seeking the perfect shot.Hr: Gužva turista ometala ga je, pa se odlučio udaljiti od glavne staze.En: The crowd of tourists was distracting him, so he decided to move away from the main trail.Hr: Petra je bila znanstvenica, istraživala je ekosustav parka za svoju doktorsku disertaciju.En: Petra was a scientist researching the park's ecosystem for her doctoral dissertation.Hr: Nosila je laboratorijski kaput i veliko računalo.En: She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a large computer.Hr: Odjednom, njena oprema se pokvarila.En: Suddenly, her equipment malfunctioned.Hr: Pokušala je to popraviti sama, ali nije uspjela.En: She tried to fix it herself but did not succeed.Hr: Marko je hodao šumom i došao do malog, skrivenog vodopada.En: Marko wandered through the forest and came upon a small, hidden waterfall.Hr: Tamo je vidio Petru kako pokušava popraviti svoju opremu.En: There he saw Petra trying to repair her equipment.Hr: Prišao joj je.En: He approached her.Hr: "Mogu li pomoći?" upitao je Marko.En: "Can I help?" Marko asked.Hr: Petra ga je pogledala s osmijehom, ali i sa zabrinutošću.En: Petra looked at him with a smile but also with concern.Hr: "Da, molim te. Ova oprema mi je važna za istraživanje, ali sada ne radi."En: "Yes, please. This equipment is crucial for my research, but now it’s not working."Hr: Marko je kleknuo pored nje i zajedno su počeli gledati što nije u redu.En: Marko knelt beside her, and together they began to figure out what was wrong.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena shvatili su problem i uspjeli popraviti opremu.En: After some time, they identified the problem and managed to fix the equipment.Hr: Petra je bila sretna.En: Petra was happy.Hr: "Hvala ti puno! Ti si mi spasio dan."En: "Thank you so much! You saved my day."Hr: Marko je nasmiješio.En: Marko smiled.Hr: "Drago mi je što sam mogao pomoći. Ovaj vodopad je tako lijep, hoćeš li biti na mojoj fotografiji? To bi bilo savršeno za moj projekt."En: "I’m glad I could help. This waterfall is so beautiful; would you mind being in my photograph? It would be perfect for my project."Hr: Petra je pristala.En: Petra agreed.Hr: Stala je pored vodopada, a Marko je uzeo nekoliko fotografija.En: She stood next to the waterfall, and Marko took several pictures.Hr: Svaka fotografija bila je savršena.En: Each one was perfect.Hr: Nakon toga, sjeli su na kamen i razgovarali.En: After that, they sat on a rock and talked.Hr: Marko je pričao o svojoj strasti za fotografijama.En: Marko spoke about his passion for photography.Hr: Petra je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema prirodi.En: Petra spoke about her love for nature.Hr: Imali su mnogo zajedničkih tema.En: They had many common interests.Hr: "Hoćemo li se opet vidjeti?" pitao je Marko.En: "Shall we meet again?" asked Marko.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je Petra s osmijehom.En: "Of course," Petra said with a smile.Hr: Izmijenili su brojeve telefona i obećali da će se uskoro opet vidjeti.En: They exchanged phone numbers and promised to see each other soon.Hr: Marko je shvatio da ljepota prirode nije samo u izgledu, već i u znanosti i istraživanju.En: Marko realized that the beauty of nature is not just in its appearance but also in science and research.Hr: Petra je shvatila da je važno dijeliti svoje strasti i istraživanja s drugima.En: Petra understood that it’s important to share one’s passions and discoveries with others.Hr: Kako su sunčeve zrake polako nestajale, Marko je gledao svoj aparat.En: As the sun’s rays slowly faded, Marko looked at his camera.Hr: Fotografija je bila savršena; Petra je stajala ispred vodopada, simbol zajedništva prirode i znanosti.En: The photograph was perfect; Petra stood in front of the waterfall, a symbol of the unity of nature and science.Hr: Bio je to početak njihovog novog prijateljstva, možda i nečeg više.En: It was the beginning of their new friendship, perhaps something more.Hr: Marko i Petra su se oprostili, ali su znali da će se ubrzo vidjeti.En: Marko and Petra said goodbye but knew they would see each other soon.Hr: Plitvička jezera su postala mjesto gdje su otkrili više od prirodne ljepote.En: Plitvička Jezera had become a place where they discovered more than natural beauty.Hr: Otkrili su prijateljstvo i zajedničke ciljeve.En: They discovered friendship and shared goals.Hr: I tako su hodali u različitim smjerovima, ali s istom misijom u ...
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    17 min
  • Finding Her Voice: Ivana's Journey at Diocletian's Palace
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Her Voice: Ivana's Journey at Diocletian's Palace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-her-voice-ivanas-journey-at-diocletians-palace Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana i Petar su stajali ispred Dioklecijanove palače, sunce je žarilo nad Splitom.En: Ivana and Petar were standing in front of Diocletian's Palace, with the sun blazing over Split.Hr: Turisti su se skupili oko njih, spremni za vođenje.En: Tourists had gathered around them, ready for the tour.Hr: Ivana je osjećala laganu nervozu.En: Ivana felt slightly nervous.Hr: Voljela je povijest, znala je sve detalje o palači, ali Petar je uvijek bio onaj koji je privlačio pažnju.En: She loved history and knew all the details about the palace, but Petar was always the one who captured people's attention.Hr: Petar je započeo priču, gestikulirajući rukama i smijući se.En: Petar started the story, gesticulating and laughing.Hr: "Dobrodošli u Dioklecijanovu palaču! Ova palača je stara više od 1700 godina!"En: "Welcome to Diocletian's Palace! This palace is over 1,700 years old!"Hr: Turisti su bili očarani, zureći u Petara i palaču s oduševljenjem.En: The tourists were fascinated, staring at Petar and the palace with enthusiasm.Hr: Ivana je stajala po strani, ljubazno se smiješeći, ali osjećala se neprimjetno.En: Ivana stood off to the side, smiling politely but feeling unnoticed.Hr: Dok su hodali kroz palaču, Petar je zaustavio grupu ispred stare cisterne.En: As they walked through the palace, Petar stopped the group in front of an old cistern.Hr: "Ovuda je prolazila Dioklecijanova vojska!" rekao je dramatično.En: "Diocletian's army passed through here!" he said dramatically.Hr: Turisti su ga slušali u tišini.En: The tourists listened in silence.Hr: Ivana je poznavala ovu cisternu bolje od bilo koga; ovdje je provela sate proučavajući detalje.En: Ivana knew this cistern better than anyone; she had spent hours studying its details.Hr: Ali je šutjela.En: But she remained silent.Hr: Petrova priča bila je uzbudljiva, ali Ivana je znala da može doprinijeti.En: Petar's story was exciting, but Ivana knew she could contribute.Hr: Na kraju su stigli do podruma palače, gdje su lukovi i mramorne ploče sijali u zlatnoj svjetlosti.En: In the end, they reached the palace basement, where the arches and marble slabs shone in the golden light.Hr: Petar je pogledao prema Ivani, prepoznavši njen izraz.En: Petar looked at Ivana, recognizing her expression.Hr: "Ivana," rekao je, "želiš li podijeliti neku zanimljivost?"En: "Ivana," he said, "would you like to share something interesting?"Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako joj srce brže kuca.En: Ivana felt her heart beat faster.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je polako.En: "Of course," she said slowly.Hr: "Ovdje, u podrumu, nalazi se najstarija sačuvana cisterna za vodu.En: "Here in the basement, you'll find the oldest preserved water cistern.Hr: Dioklecijan je izgradio ovu cisternu kako bi osigurao dovoljnu količinu vode za stanovnike palače."En: Diocletian built this cistern to ensure an adequate water supply for the palace residents."Hr: Turisti su se približili, zainteresirano slušajući.En: The tourists drew closer, listening intently.Hr: Ivana je nastavila, osjećajući kako joj raste samopouzdanje.En: Ivana continued, feeling her confidence grow.Hr: "Osim toga, ovdje su pronađeni brojni mozaici i alati iz rimskog doba.En: "Additionally, numerous mosaics and tools from the Roman era have been found here.Hr: To nam govori koliko je palača bila napredna za svoje vrijeme."En: This tells us just how advanced the palace was for its time."Hr: Turisti su bili zadivljeni.En: The tourists were impressed.Hr: Netko je čak postavio pitanje, a Ivana je pažljivo odgovorila.En: Someone even asked a question, which Ivana answered carefully.Hr: Dok je govorila, Petar je stajao pored nje, s osmijehom odobrenja.En: As she spoke, Petar stood beside her, smiling with approval.Hr: Ivana je prvi put osjetila da je stvarno prepoznata, ne samo kao vodič, već kao stručnjak.En: For the first time, Ivana felt truly recognized, not just as a guide, but as an expert.Hr: Tour je završio sa velikim aplauzom.En: The tour ended with a big round of applause.Hr: Turisti su se zahvalili obojici vodiča, ali mnogi su posebno hvalili Ivanino znanje.En: The tourists thanked both guides, but many specifically praised Ivana's knowledge.Hr: Petar je prišao Ivani i rekao, "Bila si fantastična! Stvarno imaš znanje i strast."En: Petar approached Ivana and said, "You were fantastic! You really have the knowledge and passion."Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako joj srce ispunjava ponos.En: Ivana felt her heart fill with pride.Hr: "Hvala, Petre," rekla je skromno.En: "Thank you, Petar," she said modestly.Hr: "Zajedno smo sjajan tim."En: "We make a great team."Hr: Tog dana, sunce je zalazilo nad Splitom, bacajujući zlatne zrake preko starih zidina Dioklecijanove ...
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    17 min
  • Statehood Day Heroes: An Unlikely Duo Saves a Life
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statehood Day Heroes: An Unlikely Duo Saves a Life Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/statehood-day-heroes-an-unlikely-duo-saves-a-life Story Transcript:Hr: Ban Jelačićev trg bio je pun ljudi.En: Ban Jelačić Square was full of people.Hr: Bilo je ljeto, Dan državnosti.En: It was summer, Statehood Day.Hr: Šarene zastave vijorile su se na svakom koraku.En: Colorful flags were waving everywhere.Hr: Karlo, učitelj povijesti, hodao je trgovačkim centrom.En: Karlo, a history teacher, was walking through the shopping center.Hr: Bio je zabrinut za svoje bolesne roditelje, ali danas je odlučio provesti dan u gradu.En: He was worried about his sick parents, but today he decided to spend the day in the city.Hr: Stajao je ispred kipa bana Jelačića i gledao oko sebe.En: He stood in front of the statue of Ban Jelačić and looked around.Hr: Iznenada, djevojka u gomili se srušila.En: Suddenly, a girl in the crowd collapsed.Hr: Ljudi su stali oko nje, u panici.En: People stopped around her, panicking.Hr: Karlo je odmah prišao.En: Karlo immediately approached.Hr: Pognuo se i pokušao je probuditi.En: He bent down and tried to wake her.Hr: Nije znala kako će reagirati.En: He didn't know how she would react.Hr: Ana, studentica medicine, bila je nedaleko.En: Ana, a medical student, was nearby.Hr: Vidjevši situaciju, prišla je brzo.En: Seeing the situation, she quickly approached.Hr: "Dajte da pomognem," rekla je odlučno.En: "Let me help," she said decisively.Hr: Karlo je povukao korak unazad.En: Karlo stepped back.Hr: "Možeš li je probuditi?En: "Can you wake her up?"Hr: " upitao je sumnjivo.En: he asked skeptically.Hr: Ana je kleknula pokraj djevojke i počela pregled.En: Ana knelt beside the girl and began an examination.Hr: "Provjerit ću puls," rekla je mirno.En: "I’ll check her pulse," she said calmly.Hr: Osjetila je slab puls.En: She felt a weak pulse.Hr: "Treba nam voda i hlada," dodala je.En: "We need water and shade," she added.Hr: Karlo je odjurio do najbližeg kioska po bocu vode.En: Karlo dashed to the nearest kiosk for a bottle of water.Hr: U trenu se vratio.En: He returned instantly.Hr: Ana je pažljivo podigla djevojčinu glavu i polako joj kapala vodu na usne.En: Ana carefully lifted the girl's head and slowly dripped water onto her lips.Hr: Djevojka se polako osvijestila.En: The girl gradually regained consciousness.Hr: "Uspjela si!En: "You did it!"Hr: " uzviknuo je Karlo radosno.En: Karlo exclaimed joyfully.Hr: Ana je zadržala spokojan izraz lica.En: Ana maintained a calm expression.Hr: "Hvala, ali moramo pričekati hitnu pomoć," rekla je odlučno.En: "Thank you, but we need to wait for the ambulance," she said firmly.Hr: Karlo je pogledao na sat.En: Karlo looked at his watch.Hr: Znao je da će zakasniti kući.En: He knew he would be late getting home.Hr: Ali odlučio je ostati.En: But he decided to stay.Hr: Kroz nekoliko minuta, došla je hitna pomoć.En: Within a few minutes, the ambulance arrived.Hr: Djevojka je bila u sigurnim rukama.En: The girl was in safe hands.Hr: Karlo je duboko udahnuo.En: Karlo took a deep breath.Hr: Shvatio je koliko je važno biti tu za druge.En: He realized how important it is to be there for others.Hr: Ana je promatrala kako ambulanta odlazi.En: Ana watched as the ambulance departed.Hr: Osjetila je ponos i sigurnost u svoje vještine.En: She felt pride and confidence in her skills.Hr: Znala je da je odabrala pravi put.En: She knew she had chosen the right path.Hr: "Brava si," rekao je Karlo.En: "You're brave," Karlo said.Hr: "Ponosan sam na tebe.En: "I’m proud of you."Hr: "Ana je kimnula.En: Ana nodded.Hr: "Hvala.En: "Thank you.Hr: I ti si učinio pravu stvar.En: You did the right thing too."Hr: " Karlo je osmjehnuo, znajući da iako je zakasnio kući, učinio je nešto značajno.En: Karlo smiled, knowing that although he was late getting home, he had done something significant.Hr: Na trgu se nastavila proslava, ali za Karla i Anu, taj dan postao je poseban.En: The celebration on the square continued, but for Karlo and Ana, that day had become special.Hr: Oboje su naučili vrijednu lekciju i osjećali se povezano sa svijetom oko sebe.En: Both learned a valuable lesson and felt connected to the world around them.Hr: Vrijeme je prolazilo, ali njihovo iskustvo ostalo je vječno u srcima.En: Time passed, but their experience remained forever in their hearts.Hr: Kročeći prema kući, Karlo je znao da će odsad pomagati drugima kad god može.En: As he walked home, Karlo knew he would now help others whenever he could.Hr: Ana je osjećala da je spremna za sve izazove koje joj donosi medicina.En: Ana felt ready for all the challenges that medicine would bring her. Vocabulary Words:square: trgworried: zabrinutstatue: kipcollapsed: srušilacrowd: gomilapanicking: paniciapproached: prišaobent down: pognuoreact: reagiratipulse: pulscalmly: mirnoshade: hladadashed: odjuriokiosk: ...
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    16 min
  • Courage in the Golden Fields: Ivana's Quest to Save the Farm
    Jun 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Courage in the Golden Fields: Ivana's Quest to Save the Farm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/courage-in-the-golden-fields-ivanas-quest-to-save-the-farm Story Transcript:Hr: Ljetna vrućina pritisnula je farmu u Slavoniji.En: The summer heat weighed down on the farm in Slavonia.Hr: Zlatna polja pšenice lepršala su na vjetru, a stare drvene štale i kuće stajale su uz zelena brda i guste šume.En: Golden wheat fields fluttered in the wind, and old wooden barns and houses stood beside green hills and dense forests.Hr: Ivana je prošetala između štala i osjetila miris svježe trave.En: Ivana walked between the barns, smelling the fresh grass.Hr: Na licu je imala ozbiljan izraz.En: She wore a serious expression on her face.Hr: Posljednjih tjedana, stoka je nestajala bez traga.En: In recent weeks, livestock had been disappearing without a trace.Hr: Ivana je odlučila da mora otkriti što se događa.En: Ivana decided she had to find out what was happening.Hr: "Nemaš ti pojma što radiš," rekao je Petar, njezin stariji brat, dok je popravljao ogradu.En: "You have no idea what you're doing," said Petar, her older brother, as he repaired the fence.Hr: "Bolje da se vratiš kući.En: "You'd better go back home."Hr: "Ivana je stisla šake.En: Ivana clenched her fists.Hr: "Ja ću riješiti ovo, Petre.En: "I'll solve this, Petar.Hr: Vidjet ćeš.En: Just watch."Hr: "Te noći, Ivana je uzela lampu i čekala kraj polja.En: That night, Ivana took a lamp and waited by the field.Hr: Slušala je zvukove noći - cvrčke, vjetar kroz lišće.En: She listened to the sounds of the night – crickets, the wind through the leaves.Hr: Odjednom, čula je šuštanje iz šume.En: Suddenly, she heard rustling from the forest.Hr: Srce joj je zalupalo, ali nije odustala.En: Her heart pounded, but she didn't give up.Hr: Pratila je zvuk, korak po korak, prema drveću.En: She followed the sound, step by step, toward the trees.Hr: Srela je neke susjede na putu.En: She met some neighbors on the way.Hr: "Imamo isti problem," rekao je stari Ivan.En: "We have the same problem," said old Ivan.Hr: "Možda je ovo djelo kradljivaca.En: "Maybe it's the work of thieves."Hr: "Ivana je zahvalila i nastavila potragu.En: Ivana thanked him and continued her search.Hr: Duboko u šumi, pronašla je skrivenu stazu.En: Deep in the forest, she found a hidden path.Hr: Pratila je stazu do stare, napuštene štale.En: She followed it to an old, abandoned barn.Hr: Srce joj je treperilo od uzbuđenja i straha.En: Her heart fluttered with excitement and fear.Hr: Unutra, vidjela je nekoliko životinja vezanih u kutu.En: Inside, she saw several animals tied in a corner.Hr: Iznad njih stajala je sjena čovjeka.En: Above them stood the shadow of a man.Hr: "Tko je tamo?En: "Who's there?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana drhtavim glasom.En: Ivana asked in a trembling voice.Hr: "Ti si uporna mala djevojka," rekao je glas iz sjene.En: "You're a persistent little girl," said the voice from the shadows.Hr: Bio je to bivši radnik s farme, nezadovoljan što je izgubio posao.En: It was a former farm worker, disgruntled about losing his job.Hr: "Odmah oslobodi životinje!En: "Release the animals immediately!"Hr: " naredila je Ivana s više hrabrosti nego što je osjećala.En: Ivana ordered with more courage than she felt.Hr: Čovjek je okrenuo oči.En: The man rolled his eyes.Hr: "Netko će te trebati spasiti," rekao je s podsmijehom.En: "Someone will need to rescue you," he said mockingly.Hr: Ali Ivanu nije zastrašio.En: But Ivana wasn't intimidated.Hr: Započela je vikati, dozivajući pomoć.En: She began to shout, calling for help.Hr: Petar i susjedi čuli su njen glas i brzo stigli.En: Petar and the neighbors heard her voice and came quickly.Hr: Uključili su svjetla i naoružali se alatima s farme.En: They turned on lights and armed themselves with farm tools.Hr: Čovjek je pobjegao, a Petar je pomogao Ivani osloboditi životinje.En: The man fled, and Petar helped Ivana free the animals.Hr: "Dobro si postupila, sestro," rekao je s poštovanjem.En: "You did well, sister," he said with respect.Hr: Kad su se vratili na farmu, Ivana je stajala uz Petra, osjećajući toplinu obitelji.En: When they returned to the farm, Ivana stood beside Petar, feeling the warmth of family.Hr: Svi su joj čestitali.En: Everyone congratulated her.Hr: Njihova je odnos postao jači, a Ivana je osjećala ponos.En: Their bond had grown stronger, and Ivana felt proud.Hr: Farma je ponovno bila mirna i harmonična.En: The farm was peaceful and harmonious again.Hr: Ivana je sada znala da može sve, čak i kad se čini nemogućim.En: Ivana now knew she could do anything, even when it seemed impossible.Hr: Petar joj je dao podršku koju je trebala.En: Petar gave her the support she needed.Hr: Ljetni dani su nastavili teći, zlatna polja pšenice su šuštala, ali sada s osmijehom na Ivaninom licu.En: The summer days continued to pass, ...
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    17 min
  • A Summer's Peril: Friendship and Survival in Maksimir Park
    Jun 29 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Summer's Peril: Friendship and Survival in Maksimir Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-summers-peril-friendship-and-survival-in-maksimir-park Story Transcript:Hr: Matej je volio šetati Maksimirom.En: Matej loved walking through Maksimir.Hr: Taj park u Zagrebu je bio njegova oaza mira.En: This park in Zagreb was his oasis of peace.Hr: Ljeto je.En: It's summer.Hr: Maksimir je pun zelenila.En: Maksimir is full of greenery.Hr: Drveće je visoko, a cvijeće miriše divno.En: The trees are tall, and the flowers smell wonderful.Hr: Ivana, njegova sestra, i Luka, njegov najbolji prijatelj, su s njim.En: Ivana, his sister, and Luka, his best friend, are with him.Hr: Danas je Dan državnosti.En: Today is Statehood Day.Hr: Odluka je pala — provesti dan u prirodi.En: The decision has been made—they will spend the day in nature.Hr: "Sviđa mi se ovo mjesto," kaže Ivana dok gledaju jezero.En: "I like this place," Ivana says while they look at the lake.Hr: Luka razmotri kartu.En: Luka examines the map.Hr: "Idemo do onog vidikovca, odande je pogled najbolji," predlaže.En: "Let's go to that viewpoint, the view from there is the best," he suggests.Hr: Dok hodaju, Matej zastane.En: As they walk, Matej stops.Hr: "Pogledaj ovaj lijepi cvijet!En: "Look at this beautiful flower!"Hr: " uzvikne.En: he exclaims.Hr: Dok se naginje prema cvijetu, osjeti ubod na svom vratu.En: As he leans toward the flower, he feels a sting on his neck.Hr: Bio je to kukac.En: It was a bug.Hr: U početku ništa.En: At first, nothing.Hr: Ali jednostavno svrbež postaje ozbiljan.En: But the simple itch becomes serious.Hr: Matej osjeća kako mu se koža crveni i diže vrat.En: Matej feels his skin turning red and his neck swelling.Hr: "Ivana, ne osjećam se dobro," kaže Matej nervozno.En: "Ivana, I don't feel well," Matej says nervously.Hr: Ivana, studentica medicine, odmah prepozna simptome.En: Ivana, a medical student, immediately recognizes the symptoms.Hr: "Matej, jesi li alergičan na ubode?En: "Matej, are you allergic to stings?"Hr: " upita ga brzo.En: she asks quickly.Hr: Matej teško diše.En: Matej struggles to breathe.Hr: Luka odmah paničari.En: Luka immediately panics.Hr: "Moramo nešto učiniti!En: "We need to do something!"Hr: " viče.En: he shouts.Hr: Ivana ostane mirna.En: Ivana remains calm.Hr: "Luka, smirimo se.En: "Luka, let's stay calm.Hr: Imam injekciju epinefrina.En: I have an epinephrine injection.Hr: Sad ću to dati Mateju.En: I'll give it to Matej now."Hr: "Njezine ruke ne drhte.En: Her hands do not tremble.Hr: Brzo vadi injekciju iz torbe.En: She quickly takes the injection out of her bag.Hr: Matej se bori za dah.En: Matej fights for breath.Hr: Ivana ulazi u akciju i daje mu injekciju.En: Ivana springs into action and gives him the injection.Hr: Luka drži Mateja za ruku i pokušava ne paničariti.En: Luka holds Matej's hand and tries not to panic.Hr: Par minuta prolazi kao vječnost.En: A few minutes pass like eternity.Hr: Matej počinje polako disati.En: Matej begins to breathe slowly.Hr: Ivana zove hitnu pomoć.En: Ivana calls for an ambulance.Hr: "Moramo mirovati dok ne dođu," kaže.En: "We need to stay put until they arrive," she says.Hr: Zvuk sirena dolazi kroz drveće.En: The sound of sirens comes through the trees.Hr: Ambulanata stiže.En: The ambulance arrives.Hr: Paramedici podržavaju Mateja i stavljaju ga na nosila.En: The paramedics support Matej and place him on a stretcher.Hr: "Dobro si prošao.En: "You did well.Hr: Idemo u bolnicu," kaže jedan od njih.En: We're going to the hospital," one of them says.Hr: Ivana ga podržava.En: Ivana supports him.Hr: "Sve će biti uredu, Matej.En: "Everything will be fine, Matej."Hr: "U bolnici, Matej nasloni glavu na jastuk.En: In the hospital, Matej rests his head on a pillow.Hr: Osjeća se sigurno.En: He feels safe.Hr: "Hvala vam," kaže Matej.En: "Thank you," says Matej.Hr: "Niste me napustili.En: "You didn't abandon me."Hr: "Ivana mu se smiješi.En: Ivana smiles at him.Hr: "Uvijek ću biti tu za tebe," obeća.En: "I will always be here for you," she promises.Hr: Luka, još uvijek šokiran, klimne glavom.En: Luka, still shocked, nods his head.Hr: "I ja isto.En: "Me too."Hr: "Matej nauči važnu lekciju.En: Matej learns an important lesson.Hr: Postane oprezniji.En: He becomes more cautious.Hr: Više obraća pažnju na svoju okolinu.En: He pays more attention to his surroundings.Hr: I više cijeni brigu svoje sestre i prijatelja.En: And he appreciates his sister's and friend's care even more.Hr: Na kraju dana, Maksimir park i dalje cvjeta.En: At the end of the day, Maksimir park is still blooming.Hr: Matej, Ivana i Luka sjede zajedno.En: Matej, Ivana, and Luka sit together.Hr: Ova pustolovina ih je još više povezala.En: This adventure has brought them even closer.Hr: Dan državnosti je završio, ali ovo prijateljstvo tek počinje.En: Statehood Day has ended, but this friendship is ...
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    17 min
  • Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko's Historic Adventure
    Jun 28 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko's Historic Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-the-hidden-bunker-ivana-and-markos-historic-adventure Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana i Marko stajali su ispred srednjovjekovne tvrđave.En: Ivana and Marko stood in front of the medieval fortress.Hr: Bilo je ljeto, sunce je zalazilo.En: It was summer, and the sun was setting.Hr: Ivana je držala svoj bilježnicu i olovku.En: Ivana held her notebook and pencil.Hr: Marko je bio skeptičan, ali je podržavao svoju najbolju prijateljicu.En: Marko was skeptical but supported his best friend.Hr: „Znaš, Ivana, mislim da je ova legenda samo priča,“ rekao je Marko.En: “You know, Ivana, I think this legend is just a story,” Marko said.Hr: „Možda je, ali ja želim saznati istinu,“ odgovorila je Ivana.En: “Maybe, but I want to find out the truth,” Ivana replied.Hr: “Moramo pronaći tajni bunker.”En: “We need to find the hidden bunker.”Hr: Jedna od najvećih legendi u njihovom gradu bila je o tajnom bunkeru ispod tvrđave.En: One of the biggest legends in their town was about a hidden bunker beneath the fortress.Hr: Priče su govorile o skrivenom blagu.En: Stories spoke of hidden treasure.Hr: No, svi ulazi su bili zapečaćeni i stražari su čuvali tvrđavu.En: However, all entrances were sealed, and guards watched over the fortress.Hr: Ivana je imala plan.En: Ivana had a plan.Hr: "Ući ćemo noću," rekla je odlučno.En: "We’ll go in at night," she said determinedly.Hr: Marko je uzdahnuo, ali je znao da mora pomoći Ivani.En: Marko sighed but knew he had to help Ivana.Hr: „Dobro, idemo.“En: “Alright, let's go.”Hr: Te noći, mjesec je bio visok na nebu.En: That night, the moon was high in the sky.Hr: Ivana i Marko su se uvukli kroz stari vrt iza tvrđave.En: Ivana and Marko sneaked through the old garden behind the fortress.Hr: Koristili su svjetiljke.En: They used flashlights.Hr: Sve je bilo tiho.En: Everything was quiet.Hr: „Evo, ovdje je ulaz,“ šapnula je Ivana, pokazujući na kamene stepenice koje su vodile dolje.En: “Here, this is the entrance,” Ivana whispered, pointing to the stone steps leading down.Hr: Spustili su se pažljivo.En: They carefully descended.Hr: Prostorija je bila tamna i prašnjava, puna starina i prekrivena paučinom.En: The room was dark and dusty, full of antiques and covered in cobwebs.Hr: Ivana je osjetila uzbuđenje.En: Ivana felt excitement.Hr: Ovo je bilo više od školskog projekta.En: This was more than a school project.Hr: Ovo je bila avantura!En: This was an adventure!Hr: Odjednom su čuli zvukove.En: Suddenly, they heard noises.Hr: Neki nepoznati glasovi.En: Some unknown voices.Hr: Ivana i Marko su se sakrili iza starog stola.En: Ivana and Marko hid behind an old table.Hr: Bili su to stražari!En: It was the guards!Hr: „Brzo, ovamo!“ šapnuo je Marko.En: “Quick, this way!” Marko whispered.Hr: Pronašli su maleni prolaz iza polica s knjigama.En: They found a small passage behind the bookshelves.Hr: Prošli su kroz njega i našli se u drugoj sobi.En: They went through it and found themselves in another room.Hr: Tu su bile stare mape i artefakti.En: There were old maps and artifacts.Hr: U kutu su vidjeli nešto što izgleda kao stara kutija.En: In the corner, they saw something that looked like an old box.Hr: „Tu!“ pokazala je Ivana.En: “There!” Ivana pointed.Hr: Otvore kutiju i nađu stari dnevnik.En: They opened the box and found an old journal.Hr: Pisalo je o blagu, ali i o lokalnoj povijesti koja je bila mnogo bogatija nego što su znali.En: It spoke of the treasure but also of local history, which was much richer than they knew.Hr: Ali, trebali su brzo izaći prije nego što ih stražari otkriju.En: But they needed to leave quickly before the guards discovered them.Hr: „Idemo!“ rekao je Marko.En: “Let's go!” Marko said.Hr: Uspjeli su izaći iz tvrđave neprimijećeni.En: They managed to exit the fortress unnoticed.Hr: Ispred ulaza, pogledali su jedan drugog i nasmijali se.En: Outside the entrance, they looked at each other and laughed.Hr: Ivana je osjećala kako je konačno dokazala svoju hipotezu.En: Ivana felt she had finally proven her hypothesis.Hr: „Napravili smo to,“ rekla je Ivana zadovoljno.En: “We did it,” Ivana said, satisfied.Hr: „Da, i otkrili smo nešto što će promijeniti povijest našeg grada,“ odgovorio je Marko.En: “Yes, and we discovered something that will change the history of our town,” replied Marko.Hr: Sljedeći dan, prezentirali su svoje otkriće u školi.En: The next day, they presented their findings at school.Hr: Cijela zajednica je bila šokirana.En: The whole community was shocked.Hr: Svi su se divili hrabrosti i upornosti Ivane i Marka.En: Everyone admired Ivana and Marko’s courage and persistence.Hr: Ivana je postala sigurnija u svoje istraživanje.En: Ivana became more confident in ...
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    18 min