Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Reviving Rijeka: Transforming a Warehouse into an Art Oasis Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zvuk kiše na hrđavom krovnom limu odjekivao je u staroj napuštenoj skladišnoj hale u Rijeci.En: The sound of rain on the rusty metal roof echoed in the old abandoned warehouse in Rijeka.Hr: Hladan vjetar uvlačio se kroz razbijene prozore.En: A cold wind crept through the broken windows.Hr: Unutra je bilo tamno, osim svjetla koje je dopiralo iz malenog prozora gore visoko na zidu.En: Inside, it was dark, except for the light coming from a small window high up on the wall.Hr: Troje ljudi, sami u tom ogromnom prostoru, unosili su život u taj zaboravljeni kutak.En: Three people, alone in that vast space, were bringing life into that forgotten corner.Hr: Matej, umjetnik s velikim snovima, stajao je u sredini.En: Matej, an artist with big dreams, stood in the middle.Hr: Njegove oči sjajile su od strasti.En: His eyes shone with passion.Hr: "Ovo je savršeno," rekao je, mašući rukama prema praznom prostoru.En: "This is perfect," he said, waving his hands toward the empty space.Hr: "Ovdje možemo napraviti nešto nevjerojatno.En: "Here we can create something incredible.Hr: Art kolektiv za sve kreativce u Rijeci.En: An art collective for all creatives in Rijeka."Hr: "Ana, izvršna i uvijek organizirana, stajala je uz Mateja.En: Ana, efficient and always organized, stood next to Matej.Hr: "Moramo provjeriti stanje strukture," rekla je, prakticirajući svoj profesionalni ton.En: "We need to check the state of the structure," she said, practicing her professional tone.Hr: "Trebat će nam dozvole i resursi.En: "We'll need permits and resources.Hr: Ali vjerujem da možemo.En: But I believe we can do it."Hr: "Dario je šutio, gledajući sumnjičavo oko sebe.En: Dario was silent, looking around skeptically.Hr: Bio je skeptičan.En: He was doubtful.Hr: "Matej, ovo je hrđavo, zima je, a mjesto je hladno.En: "Matej, this place is rusty, it's winter, and it's cold.Hr: Hoće li ljudi stvarno doći ovdje?En: Will people really come here?"Hr: "Matej se okrenuo prema Dariu s ozbiljnim izrazom lica.En: Matej turned to Dario with a serious expression.Hr: "Zamisli što možemo stvoriti.En: "Imagine what we can create.Hr: Pomoći lokalnim umjetnicima, potaknuti kreativnost u zajednici.En: Helping local artists, encouraging creativity in the community.Hr: To je vrijedno rizika.En: It's worth the risk."Hr: "Dario je slegnuo ramenima.En: Dario shrugged.Hr: "Moramo biti realni," uzdahnuo je.En: "We need to be realistic," he sighed.Hr: U tišini, kiša je nastavila padati, ali Matej nije odustajao.En: In the silence, the rain continued to fall, but Matej did not give up.Hr: "Dario," rekao je tiho, ali s mnogo osjećaja, "ovo nije samo za nas, nego za cijeli grad.En: "Dario," he said quietly but with great feeling, "this isn't just for us, but for the whole city.Hr: Rijeka treba mjesto poput ovog, a mi to možemo stvoriti.En: Rijeka needs a place like this, and we can create it."Hr: "Dario je ponovno pogledao oko sebe.En: Dario looked around again.Hr: Puno krhotina, ali vidio je i ono što je Matej vidio - potencijal.En: A lot of debris, but he also saw what Matej saw - potential.Hr: "Dobro," rekao je konačno, s bljeskom inspiracije u očima.En: "Alright," he finally said, with a spark of inspiration in his eyes.Hr: "Ali trebamo plan.En: "But we need a plan.Hr: Precizan plan.En: A precise plan."Hr: "Ana se osmjehnula, olakšanje joj je preplavilo lice.En: Ana smiled, relief washing over her face.Hr: "U redu.En: "Okay.Hr: Prvi korak je osigurati ovo mjesto.En: The first step is to secure this place.Hr: Redefinirat ćemo ga.En: We'll redefine it."Hr: ""Drugi korak," dodao je Matej, "je okupiti ljude.En: "The second step," added Matej, "is to gather people.Hr: Razgovarat ćemo s lokalnim umjetnicima, zajednicom.En: We'll talk to local artists, the community.Hr: Bit će to zajednički projekt.En: It will be a joint project."Hr: "Treća osoba uz njih polako se otvorila prema toj viziji.En: The third person among them slowly opened up to that vision.Hr: Dario je klimnuo glavom, osjetivši toplinu zajedništva.En: Dario nodded, feeling the warmth of camaraderie.Hr: "Pronaći ćemo način, Matej.En: "We'll find a way, Matej.Hr: Uz malo napora, možemo ovo ostvariti.En: With a little effort, we can make this happen."Hr: "Unatoč hladi i izazovu, svi su se složili.En: Despite the cold and the challenge, they all agreed.Hr: Matej naučio važnost isprepletanja snova sa stvarnošću, dok je Dario osjetio uzbuđenje odvažnih ideja.En: Matej learned the importance of weaving dreams with reality, while Dario felt the excitement of bold ideas.Hr: Počeli su s maltreom škripom, spremni prihvatiti izazove i graditi svoje bolje sutra.En: They began with a creaky staircase, ready to embrace the challenges and build their ...
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