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FluentFiction - Estonian

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
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  • Lost and Found in Lahemaa: Jaanika's Forest Adventure
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Lost and Found in Lahemaa: Jaanika's Forest Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Et: Päike säras kõrgel taevas, kui Jaanika alustas oma matka Lahemaa rahvuspargis.En: The sun shone high in the sky as Jaanika began her hike in Lahemaa National Park.Et: Ta liikus koos oma grupiga läbi tihedate metsade, nautides looduse rahu.En: She moved with her group through dense forests, enjoying the peace of nature.Et: Jaanika tundis end kindlalt ja rahulikult, sest ta oli kogenud matkaja.En: Jaanika felt confident and calm because she was an experienced hiker.Et: Kuid äkki hakkas taevast kogunema musti pilvi.En: But suddenly, black clouds started gathering in the sky.Et: Alguses oli see vaid vaikne tuuleiil, kuid siis tõusis äge torm.En: At first, it was just a gentle breeze, but then a fierce storm rose.Et: Vihma hakkas sadama nagu oavarrest ja grupi liikmed hakkasid ruttama varju otsima.En: Rain began to fall heavily, and the group members started rushing to find shelter.Et: Jaanika eksis teistest eemale, astudes sügavamale metsa varju.En: Jaanika drifted away from the others, stepping deeper into the forest's cover.Et: Ometi ei leidnud ta puude alt piisavalt varju ja peagi leidis ta end täielikult üksinda.En: However, she couldn't find enough shelter under the trees and soon found herself completely alone.Et: Vihm voolas mööda tema nägu alla ja paks mets muutus kiiresti veelgi tihedamaks.En: Rain poured down her face, and the thick forest quickly became even denser.Et: Taile tundus, et iga suund oli sama, ja tema kompass hakkas imelikult käituma.En: It seemed to her that every direction looked the same, and her compass started acting strangely.Et: Süda lõi kiiresti ja ärevus hakkas sisse vajuma.En: Her heart beat fast, and anxiety began to set in.Et: „Mida ma teen?En: "What should I do?"Et: “ mõtles Jaanika, püüdes rahulikuks jääda.En: thought Jaanika, trying to stay calm.Et: Tal oli kaks valikut: jääda ootama või edasi minema.En: She had two choices: to wait or to keep moving.Et: Jaanika otsustas mitte lihtsalt seista ja oodata.En: Jaanika decided not to just stand and wait.Et: Ta teadis, et tema grupi liikmed kindlasti otsivad teda ja ta peaks liikuma.En: She knew her group members would surely be looking for her, and she needed to move.Et: Ta vaatas ringi, püüdes leida mingit viidet.En: She looked around, trying to find any clue.Et: Torm ei näidanud raugemistunnuseid, välgud sähvisid ja kõu kõmises.En: The storm showed no signs of abating, with lightning flashing and thunder roaring.Et: „Ma pean midagi tegema,“ mõtles Jaanika ja otsustas ronida kõrgele puule.En: "I have to do something," thought Jaanika, and decided to climb a tall tree.Et: Tal oli suur kõrgusekartus, aga ta teadis, et see võib olla ainus võimalus oma asukoha määramiseks.En: She had a great fear of heights but knew this might be her only chance to determine her location.Et: Ta ronis ettevaatlikult üles, iga sammuga ületades oma hirmu.En: She climbed carefully, overcoming her fear with each step.Et: Lõpuks jõudis Jaanika puu latva.En: Finally, Jaanika reached the top of the tree.Et: Ta tugevdas haaret oksast ja vaatas ümber.En: She tightened her grip on a branch and looked around.Et: Läbi vihma ja tumedate pilvede märkas ta kauget maastikutähistajat, mis oli tuttav.En: Through the rain and dark clouds, she noticed a distant landmark that was familiar.Et: See oli rada, kus nad varem olid matkanud.En: It was the path they had hiked earlier.Et: Jaanika rühkis alla ja hakkas kindlal sammul liikuma nähtud suunas.En: Jaanika climbed down and began moving confidently in the direction she had seen.Et: Tema kindlus kasvas iga sammuga.En: With every step, her confidence grew.Et: Läbi tiheda metsa ja raskete olude jõudis ta rajale tagasi, kus kohtas oma grupi liikmeid, kes olid teda otsinud.En: Through the dense forest and challenging conditions, she reached the trail where she met her group members who had been searching for her.Et: "Näed, et suutsid," ütles grupijuht naeratavalt, kui Jaanika tervelt tagasi jõudis.En: "See, you made it," said the group leader with a smile as Jaanika returned safely.Et: "Oleme nii rõõmsad, et sa oled turvaliselt tagasi.En: "We are so glad you are back safely."Et: "See kogemus muutis Jaanikast.En: This experience changed Jaanika.Et: Ta tundis end taas kindlalt ja taskus uue perspektiiviga oma elu valikute kohta.En: She felt confident again and had a new perspective on her life choices.Et: Ta mõistis, et ka kõige keerulisemates oludes leidub alati tee tagasi.En: She realized that even in the most challenging situations, there is always a way back.Et: Jaanika teadis nüüd, et eksinud tunne oli vaid hetkeline ja et ta suudab alati ennast uuesti leida.En: Jaanika now knew that the feeling of being lost was only ...
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    15 min
  • Secrets in the Pines: A Hike to Strengthen Love and Trust
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Secrets in the Pines: A Hike to Strengthen Love and Trust Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Et: Maarja ja Jaan alustasid oma päikselist päeva Lahemaa rahvuspargis.En: Maarja and Jaan started their sunny day at Lahemaa National Park.Et: Oli suvi ja mets lõhnas värskelt männiokaste järele.En: It was summer, and the forest smelled fresh with pine needles.Et: Maarja tundis end hästi, kuigi teadis, et varjas oma astmat Jaanilt.En: Maarja felt good, although she knew she was hiding her asthma from Jaan.Et: "Mets on nii ilus," ütles Maarja, hing sisse ja välja, sügavalt sissehingates männilõhna.En: "The forest is so beautiful," said Maarja, breathing in and out, deeply inhaling the pine scent.Et: Nad alustasid oma matka, järgides väikest, looklevat rada, mis viis sügavamale metsa.En: They began their hike, following a small, winding trail that led deeper into the forest.Et: Jaan armastas väljas olemist ja plaanis rasket rada, sest arvas, et Maarja suudab sellega hakkama saada.En: Jaan loved being outdoors and planned a tough trail, thinking that Maarja could handle it.Et: Maarja ei öelnud midagi.En: Maarja said nothing.Et: Ta tahtis nautida matka ilma muret tekitamata.En: She wanted to enjoy the hike without causing any concern.Et: Alguses sujus kõik hästi.En: At first, everything went well.Et: Nad naersid, rääkisid ja imetlesid loodust.En: They laughed, talked, and admired nature.Et: Maarja tundis küll kergelt hingeldust, aga ignoreeris seda.En: Maarja felt slightly short of breath but ignored it.Et: Ei tahtnud, et Jaan muretseks.En: She didn't want Jaan to worry.Et: Aga sügaval metsas, kui rada muutus järsemaks ja kivisemaks, tundis Maarja, kuidas hingamine raskenemaks läks.En: But deep in the forest, when the path became steeper and rockier, Maarja began to feel her breathing become more difficult.Et: Maarja peatus ja toetus puule.En: Maarja stopped and leaned against a tree.Et: Jaan vaatas tema poole, murelikult.En: Jaan looked at her, concerned.Et: "Kõik korras?"En: "Are you okay?"Et: küsis ta.En: he asked.Et: "Noh, ma lihtsalt... vajan puhkust," vastas Maarja, püüdes hingata normaalselt.En: "Well, I just... need a break," Maarja replied, trying to breathe normally.Et: Ta nägu oli kergelt kahvatu ja ta otsaesine oli higine.En: Her face was slightly pale, and her forehead sweaty.Et: "Nõustu istuma korraks," ütles Jaan.En: "Agree to sit down for a bit," said Jaan.Et: Nad istusid suurele kivile.En: They sat on a large rock.Et: Jaan vaatas ringi.En: Jaan looked around.Et: "Kas tahad vett?"En: "Do you want some water?"Et: küsis ta, ulatades veepudeli.En: he asked, offering a water bottle.Et: Maarja võttis lonksu, aga ei suutnud ikka korralikult hingata.En: Maarja took a sip but still couldn't breathe properly.Et: Jaan märkas seda.En: Jaan noticed this.Et: "Maarja, oled sa kindel, et kõik on hästi?"En: "Maarja, are you sure everything is okay?"Et: küsis ta uuesti, nüüd juba tugevama häälega.En: he asked again, now more firmly.Et: Maarja noogutas, aga siis, tema hingamine muutus täiesti raskeks.En: Maarja nodded, but then, her breathing became extremely labored.Et: Ta vaevles hingata ja kukkus põlvili maha.En: She struggled to breathe and fell to her knees.Et: "Hingeldan," sosistas ta hirmunult.En: "I'm short of breath," she whispered fearfully.Et: Jaan oli väga mures ja hakkas tema kotti läbi vaatama.En: Jaan was very worried and started rummaging through her bag.Et: Seal leidis ta inhalaatori.En: There he found an inhaler.Et: "Kuidas ma seda ei teadnud?!"En: "How did I not know?!"Et: ütles ta enda ette, kiiresti inhalaatori Maarjale ulatades.En: he said to himself, quickly handing the inhaler to Maarja.Et: Maarja kasutas seda ja mõne aja pärast hakkas ta hingamine paranema.En: Maarja used it, and after a while, her breathing began to improve.Et: Pärast hingamise taastumist tõusis Maarja ettevaatlikult püsti.En: After recovering her breath, Maarja stood up carefully.Et: "Ma poleks pidanud seda varjama," ütles ta vaikselt, pisarad silmis.En: "I shouldn't have hidden it," she said quietly, tears in her eyes.Et: "Ma ei tahtnud, et sa muretseks."En: "I didn't want you to worry."Et: Jaan pani oma käe õrnalt tema õlale.En: Jaan gently placed his hand on her shoulder.Et: "Maarja, su tervis on väga tähtis.En: "Maarja, your health is very important.Et: Ma tahan, et sa oleksid turvaline.En: I want you to be safe.Et: Me peame tulevikus avameelsed olema."En: We need to be open with each other in the future."Et: Maarja noogutas ja hingas sügavalt.En: Maarja nodded and took a deep breath.Et: Jaan otsustas, et nad lähevad tagasi.En: Jaan decided they would turn back.Et: Ta hoidis Maarjat käest kinni ja nad pöördusid tagasi metsast välja, liikudes aeglaselt, et Maarjal oleks kergem.En: He held Maarja's hand and they ...
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    18 min
  • Unearthing Estonia: A Midsummer Quest for a Hidden Amulet
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Unearthing Estonia: A Midsummer Quest for a Hidden Amulet Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Et: Eero ja Kadi seisid tiheda metsa serval.En: Eero and Kadi stood at the edge of the dense forest.Et: Vanad kivimüürid laiusid nende ees, sammal hallitas igal nurgal.En: Old stone walls sprawled before them, moss growing on every corner.Et: Oli jaanipäev ja päike loojus aeglaselt Lõuna-Eesti kohal.En: It was Midsummer Day, and the sun was setting slowly over Southern Estonia.Et: Õhk lõhnas männi ja metsikute lillede järele.En: The air smelled of pine and wildflowers.Et: Eero vaatas suure põnevusega vanu kindluse varemeid.En: Eero gazed at the old castle ruins with great excitement.Et: Eero on ajalooentusiast.En: Eero is a history enthusiast.Et: Ta armastab Eesti minevikku.En: He loves Estonia's past.Et: Ta hoiab ema vanaema päevikut käes.En: He holds his mother's grandmother's diary in his hands.Et: Päevik räägib saladuslikust amuletist, mis on peidetud kindluses.En: The diary speaks of a mysterious amulet hidden in the castle.Et: Eero tunneb, et see amulett on pere saladuse võti.En: Eero feels that this amulet is the key to the family's secret.Et: „Me peame seda leidma,“ ütles Eero otsustavalt.En: "We have to find it," Eero said determinedly.Et: „Aga osad alad on piiratud.En: "But some areas are restricted.Et: Me ei tohi seal olla.En: We're not supposed to be there."Et: “Kadi on kohalik ajaloolane.En: Kadi is a local historian.Et: Ta teab varemetest palju.En: She knows a lot about the ruins.Et: „See on ohtlik,“ hoiatas ta.En: "It's dangerous," she warned.Et: „Aga ma aitan sind.En: "But I'll help you."Et: “Kui pimedus laskus, hiilisid nad müüride vahele.En: As darkness fell, they sneaked between the walls.Et: Eero ja Kadi roomasid läbi kitsaste koridoride.En: Eero and Kadi crawled through narrow corridors.Et: Kohati oli pimedus nii sügav, et nad nägid vaevu midagi.En: At times, the darkness was so deep that they could barely see anything.Et: Mõned müürid olid nii murenenud, et iga samm tundus hirmutav.En: Some walls were so crumbled that each step felt frightening.Et: Järsku leidis Eero ühe salakäigu.En: Suddenly, Eero found a hidden passage.Et: „Siin see peab olema,“ sosistas ta erutunult.En: "It must be here," he whispered excitedly.Et: Nad astusid sisse ja leidsid end suures, vanas kambris.En: They stepped in and found themselves in a large, old chamber.Et: Lagi oli osaliselt sisse varisenud, kuid ruum oli täis vanu aardeid ja kivikilde.En: The ceiling had partially collapsed, but the room was full of old treasures and stone fragments.Et: Eero hakkas otsima.En: Eero began searching.Et: „Siin!En: "Here!"Et: “ hüüdis ta lõpuks.En: he finally shouted.Et: Ta leidis vana kirstu.En: He found an old chest.Et: Kirst oli täis tolmu.En: The chest was covered in dust.Et: Eero avas selle aeglaselt.En: Eero opened it slowly.Et: Seal sees oli amulett, täpselt nagu päevikus kirjeldatud.En: Inside was the amulet, just as described in the diary.Et: Kuid just siis, kui Eero haaras amuletist, hakkasid kivid tema ümber kõvasti kukkuma.En: But just as Eero grabbed the amulet, stones around him began to fall heavily.Et: Tal oli ainult hetk aega mõelda—läbi kitsas ukseava tuiskas valgus.En: He had only a moment to think—light streamed through a narrow doorway.Et: „Eero, kiirusta!En: "Eero, hurry!"Et: “ hüüdis Kadi.En: shouted Kadi.Et: Eero jooksis, hoides amuletist kõvasti kinni.En: Eero ran, holding the amulet tightly.Et: Kivide mürin kostis ta selja taga.En: The sound of falling stones echoed behind him.Et: Kadi tiris teda käest, ja nad põgenesid viimasel hetkel kitsast käigust välja.En: Kadi pulled him by the hand, and they escaped through the narrow passage just in time.Et: Nad istusid metsasel pinnal hingeldades, kuid naeratades.En: They sat on the forest floor, panting but smiling.Et: „Sellel amuletil on müsteerium,“ ütles Kadi aeglaselt.En: "This amulet holds a mystery," Kadi said slowly.Et: Ta silmad särasid.En: Her eyes sparkled.Et: „See räägib unustatud legendist.En: "It tells of a forgotten legend."Et: “Eero vaatas amuletti.En: Eero looked at the amulet.Et: Ta tundis, et on saavutanud midagi olulist.En: He felt he had achieved something significant.Et: Ta vaatas Kadi poole ja naeratas.En: He looked at Kadi and smiled.Et: Endisest üksildasest mehe on saanud keegi, kes on ajalooga seotud ja hindab uusi sõpru.En: The once lonely man had become someone connected to history and appreciated new friends.Et: Eero tundis end kindlamalt.En: Eero felt more confident.Et: Ta oli valmis jagama oma sügavaimat saladust ja avama ukse uutele seiklustele.En: He was ready to share his deepest secret and open the door to new adventures.Et: Jaanipäeva tähed valgustasid nende teed tagasi koju, ja Eero ...
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    16 min

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