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FluentFiction - Indonesian

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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  • Rising Above: Dewi's Journey to Self-Confidence and Success
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rising Above: Dewi's Journey to Self-Confidence and Success Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah perbukitan hijau di Bogor, lanjut kamp pelatihan terletak dengan megah.En: Amid the green hills of Bogor, a grand training camp stood tall.Id: Suasana hening dan tenang, hanya suara jangkrik yang menggaung di malam hari.En: The atmosphere was serene and quiet, with only the sound of crickets echoing at night.Id: Udara kering dan sejuk, khas musim kemarau di Indonesia.En: The air was dry and cool, typical of the dry season in Indonesia.Id: Di salah satu ruang kelas, Dewi duduk dengan penuh fokus.En: In one of the classrooms, Dewi sat with full concentration.Id: Buku-buku tebal terbuka di depannya.En: Thick books lay open in front of her.Id: Dewi adalah seorang murid yang rajin dan tekun.En: Dewi was a diligent and hardworking student.Id: Namun, dia sering merasa tertinggal oleh teman-temannya yang lebih ekstrover.En: However, she often felt left behind by her more extroverted friends.Id: Meski terlihat tenang di luar, Dewi menyimpan keraguan pada dirinya sendiri.En: Though she appeared calm on the outside, Dewi harbored self-doubt.Id: Dia ingin sekali membuktikan bahwa dia mampu berprestasi di kompetisi akademik yang akan datang.En: She desperately wanted to prove that she could excel in the upcoming academic competition.Id: Setiap pagi, Dewi bangun lebih awal dari teman-temannya.En: Every morning, Dewi woke up earlier than her friends.Id: Dia mengambil waktu lebih banyak untuk belajar.En: She took extra time to study.Id: Tetapi, ada satu murid yang selalu membuatnya merasa kecil, yaitu Andi.En: However, there was one student who always made her feel small, and that was Andi.Id: Andi cerdas, namun suka meremehkan Dewi.En: Andi was smart, but he liked to belittle Dewi.Id: “Apakah kamu yakin bisa jawab soal ini?” tanya Andi dengan nada merendahkan.En: “Are you sure you can answer this question?” Andi asked condescendingly.Id: Dewi merasakan sesak di dadanya.En: Dewi felt a tightness in her chest.Id: Namun, dia bertekad.En: However, she was determined.Id: Dia menulis catatan tambahan dan bahkan bertanya pada seorang mentor yang dia kagumi, Pak Ahmad.En: She wrote additional notes and even asked for guidance from a mentor she admired, Mr. Ahmad.Id: Pak Ahmad selalu memberikan dukungan dan petunjuk yang jelas.En: Mr. Ahmad always provided support and clear guidance.Id: “Percaya diri adalah kunci,” ujar Pak Ahmad sambil tersenyum.En: “Confidence is key,” Mr. Ahmad said with a smile.Id: Hari-hari berlalu dengan cepat.En: The days passed quickly.Id: Suatu malam, saat sesi persiapan terakhir, Dewi berdiri di depan kelas.En: One night, during the final preparation session, Dewi stood in front of the class.Id: Andi dan murid lain menatapnya.En: Andi and the other students stared at her.Id: Pertanyaan sulit dilemparkan.En: A difficult question was thrown at her.Id: Dewi menarik napas panjang.En: Dewi took a deep breath.Id: Dengan tenang, dia mulai menjelaskan jawabannya.En: Calmly, she began to explain her answer.Id: Suasana hening.En: The atmosphere was silent.Id: Semua murid terdiam.En: All the students were speechless.Id: Setelah Dewi selesai menjawab, kelas meledak dengan tepuk tangan.En: After Dewi finished answering, the class erupted in applause.Id: Dewi terkejut, namun tersenyum lebar.En: Dewi was surprised but smiled broadly.Id: Untuk pertama kalinya, dia merasakan kepercayaan diri yang meluap.En: For the first time, she felt a surge of confidence.Id: Dia menyadari bahwa dia bisa.En: She realized that she could do it.Id: Teman-temannya, termasuk Andi, menunjukkan rasa hormat dan kekaguman.En: Her friends, including Andi, showed respect and admiration.Id: Dengan hati yang penuh keyakinan, Dewi melangkah keluar dari ruangan.En: With a heart full of conviction, Dewi stepped out of the room.Id: Dia sudah tidak sabar menghadapi kompetisi yang sebenarnya.En: She couldn't wait to face the actual competition.Id: Berkat ketekunan dan dukungan dari Pak Ahmad, Dewi sudah siap.En: Thanks to her perseverance and Mr. Ahmad's support, Dewi was ready.Id: Dari malam itu, Dewi tidak lagi takut pada keraguannya.En: From that night on, Dewi was no longer afraid of her doubts.Id: Dia tahu dia mampu.En: She knew she was capable.Id: Dia belajar bahwa percaya pada diri sendiri lebih penting dari pengakuan orang lain.En: She learned that believing in oneself is more important than seeking recognition from others.Id: Dewi kini menjadi lebih percaya diri dan siap menghadapi masa depan dengan kepala tegak.En: Dewi now became more confident and ready to face the future with her head held high. Vocabulary Words:grand: megahserene: heningtypical: khasdiligent: rajinextroverted: ekstroverself-doubt: keraguan pada diri sendiridesperately: ingin sekaliprove: ...
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    17 min
  • Rediscovering Hope: Dewi's Journey Through Taman Sari's Memories
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rediscovering Hope: Dewi's Journey Through Taman Sari's Memories Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Id: Matahari bersinar cerah di langit Yogyakarta.En: The sun shone brightly in the sky of Yogyakarta.Id: Dewi berjalan perlahan di antara bangunan kuno Taman Sari.En: Dewi walked slowly among the ancient buildings of Taman Sari.Id: Tiket masuk sudah di tangan, dan hatinya berdebar-debar.En: With the entrance ticket in hand, her heart was pounding.Id: Dia merasa gugup, tapi juga semangat.En: She felt nervous but also excited.Id: Taman Sari adalah tempat kenangan.En: Taman Sari was a place of memories.Id: Di sini, dia bermain bersama teman-temannya dulu.En: Here, she used to play with her friends.Id: Tapi sekarang dia sendirian, tanpa mereka.En: But now she was alone, without them.Id: Suasana Taman Sari begitu indah.En: The atmosphere of Taman Sari was so beautiful.Id: Air jernih mengalir di kolam, dan bunga-bunga bermekaran di sekitar taman.En: Clear water flowed in the pond, and flowers bloomed around the garden.Id: Arsitektur bangunan terbuat dari batu yang dipahat dengan indah.En: The architecture was made of beautifully carved stone.Id: Dewi berkeliling, menikmati keindahan sekitarnya.En: Dewi walked around, enjoying the surrounding beauty.Id: Hatinya terbawa kembali pada masa kecil yang bahagia.En: Her heart was carried back to her happy childhood.Id: Namun, benaknya tak dapat menolak kenangan sedih yang datang bersamaan.En: However, her mind could not resist the sad memories that came along.Id: Musim kemarau membuat udara kering.En: The dry season made the air arid.Id: Saat itu, Dewi merasakan kerinduan mendalam akan orang-orang yang dia cintai.En: At that moment, Dewi felt a deep longing for the people she loved.Id: Eid al-Adha segera tiba, dan dia merasa ada sesuatu yang hilang.En: Eid al-Adha was approaching, and she felt something was missing.Id: Keluarga.En: Family.Id: Kebersamaan.En: Togetherness.Id: Tapi, dia tahu harus menghadapi perasaan ini.En: But, she knew she had to face these feelings.Id: Dewi duduk di dekat kolam dan menutup matanya.En: Dewi sat near the pond and closed her eyes.Id: Air yang tenang memberikan rasa tenteram.En: The calm water provided a sense of tranquility.Id: “Apakah aku harus melepaskan semua ini?En: "Do I have to let go of all this?"Id: ” pikirnya.En: she thought.Id: Dia pun ingat, ini adalah waktu untuk memaafkan.En: She then remembered, this was a time for forgiveness.Id: Memaafkan dirinya sendiri, juga masa lalunya.En: Forgiving herself, as well as her past.Id: Esok paginya, Dewi memutuskan untuk ikut serta dalam kegiatan Eid al-Adha di masjid terdekat.En: The next morning, Dewi decided to participate in the Eid al-Adha activities at the nearby mosque.Id: Dia berharap mungkin, melalui partisipasi ini, dia akan menemukan jalan menuju penyembuhan.En: She hoped that maybe, through this participation, she would find a path towards healing.Id: Di tengah keramaian, suara takbir yang bergema menguatkan hatinya.En: Amidst the crowd, the echoing sound of takbir strengthened her heart.Id: Dewi berdiri di antara orang-orang yang tidak dia kenal, tapi merasakan kebersamaan mereka.En: Dewi stood among people she didn't know, but she felt their togetherness.Id: Saat prosesi qurban dimulai, Dewi terkejut melihat seseorang yang sangat dia kenal dari jauh.En: As the qurban ceremony began, Dewi was surprised to see someone she knew very well from afar.Id: Itu Rahmat, teman lama keluarganya.En: It was Rahmat, an old family friend.Id: Mereka pernah dekat, keluarganya sering mengundang Rahmat dan keluarganya untuk makan bersama.En: They had once been close, her family often invited Rahmat and his family to dinner.Id: Rahmat melihat Dewi dan tersenyum.En: Rahmat saw Dewi and smiled.Id: Mereka mendekat dan saling menyapa.En: They approached and greeted each other.Id: "Saya tidak menyangka akan bertemu kamu di sini," kata Rahmat.En: "I didn't expect to see you here," said Rahmat.Id: Dewi tersenyum kecil.En: Dewi gave a small smile.Id: "Aku juga tidak menyangka," jawabnya.En: "Neither did I," she replied.Id: Mereka berbicara panjang lebar tentang masa lalu.En: They spoke at length about the past.Id: Rahmat dengan bijaksana membantu Dewi melihat kenangan dengan cara yang baru.En: With wisdom, Rahmat helped Dewi see her memories in a new way.Id: Dia menekankan pentingnya setiap momen, bahwa kenangan itu bukan beban, tapi kekayaan.En: He emphasized the importance of every moment, that memories are not burdens but riches.Id: Dewi merasa hatinya mulai terang.En: Dewi felt her heart begin to brighten.Id: Melalui kata-kata dan kehadiran Rahmat, perlahan rasa sakit itu berkurang.En: Through Rahmat's words and presence, the pain slowly diminished.Id: Setelah semuanya usai, Dewi dan Rahmat berjalan bersama ke luar.En: After everything was over...
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    20 min
  • Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Id: Pasar Baru pagi itu ramai sekali.En: Pasar Baru was extremely busy that morning.Id: Matahari sudah tinggi, membuat pasar terasa hangat.En: The sun was already high, making the market feel warm.Id: Rara berjalan cepat di antara deretan kios, mata mencari bahan-bahan untuk kue istimewa.En: Rara walked quickly between rows of stalls, her eyes searching for ingredients for her special cake.Id: Ia ingin mengikuti lomba kue Hari Kemerdekaan.En: She wanted to participate in the Independence Day cake competition.Id: Ingatannya berputar tentang resep yang ia pelajari semalam.En: Her mind was whirling with the recipe she had studied last night.Id: Gula, tepung, telur, mentega, dan buah-buahan segar.En: Sugar, flour, eggs, butter, and fresh fruits.Id: Semua harus sempurna.En: Everything had to be perfect.Id: Kios Lila selalu jadi tujuan utama.En: Lila's stall was always the main destination.Id: Lila dikenal dengan buah-buah eksotisnya.En: Lila was known for her exotic fruits.Id: Buah naga, manggis, dan rambutan tersusun rapi.En: Dragon fruits, mangosteens, and rambutans were neatly arranged.Id: "Rara!En: "Rara!Id: Sudah lama tidak kelihatan," sapa Lila dengan senyum lebar.En: It’s been a while," greeted Lila with a broad smile.Id: Rara membalas dengan senyum sambil memilih buah.En: Rara responded with a smile while picking out fruits.Id: Lila bercerita banyak hal, dari harga buah hingga kejadian lucu di rumah.En: Lila chatted about various things, from fruit prices to funny incidents at home.Id: Selesai belanja, Rara memeriksa tas belanjaannya.En: After shopping, Rara checked her shopping bag.Id: Ternyata bukan miliknya!En: It wasn't hers!Id: Dia melihat ke sekeliling, mencari tanda siapa yang mungkin tertukar dengan tasnya.En: She looked around, trying to spot who might have their bag swapped with hers.Id: "Ah, mungkin Lila tahu," pikirnya.En: "Ah, maybe Lila knows," she thought.Id: Saat dia kembali ke kios Lila, Rara berpapasan dengan Tama.En: As she headed back to Lila's stall, Rara bumped into Tama.Id: Tama tampak sibuk, tapi raut wajahnya berubah ketika melihat Rara.En: Tama looked busy, but his expression changed when he saw Rara.Id: "Rara, ada apa?En: "Rara, what's wrong?Id: Kamu kelihatan bingung," tanya Tama dengan lembut.En: You seem confused," asked Tama gently.Id: Rara menjelaskan situasinya.En: Rara explained her situation.Id: Tama, dengan senyum, menawarkan bantuan.En: Tama, with a smile, offered to help.Id: "Mari kita cari sama-sama," katanya.En: "Let's look for it together," he said.Id: Rara ragu-ragu, tapi akhirnya setuju.En: Rara hesitated but eventually agreed.Id: Mereka berkeliling pasar, bertanya pada pedagang lain jika ada yang melihat tas Lila.En: They roamed around the market, asking other vendors if they had seen Lila’s bag.Id: Ternyata, beberapa buah dari tas Lila sudah dibeli oleh pelanggan lain.En: As it turned out, some of Lila’s fruits had already been bought by other customers.Id: Rara harus menawar dan membujuk untuk mendapatkan kembali semua bahan yang ia butuhkan.En: Rara had to negotiate and persuade to get all the ingredients she needed back.Id: Setiap kali mereka menemukan buah yang hilang, pasti ada saja halangan.En: Every time they found a missing fruit, there was always an obstacle.Id: Sebuah lomba makan kerupuk menarik perhatian.En: A cracker-eating contest caught their attention.Id: Pawai anak-anak dengan seragam berwarna-warni memukau mereka.En: A parade of children in colorful uniforms mesmerized them.Id: Rara terus diingatkan oleh Tama, "Jangan lupa tujuan kita.En: Rara kept being reminded by Tama, "Don’t forget our goal."Id: " Satu per satu, bahan-bahan yang diperlukan Rara kembali.En: One by one, Rara’s needed ingredients were recovered.Id: Kadang dengan imbalan berdansa dengan penjual atau bahkan mendengarkan gosip terbaru.En: Sometimes it required dancing with a vendor or even listening to the latest gossip.Id: Semua ini membuat Rara menyadari betapa penuh warna hidup di Pasar Baru.En: All of this made Rara realize how vibrant life at Pasar Baru was.Id: Saat semua bahan berhasil dikumpulkan, sore mulai datang.En: By the time all the ingredients were gathered, evening had begun to set in.Id: Rara dan Tama duduk sejenak di bawah pohon besar.En: Rara and Tama sat for a moment under a big tree.Id: "Terima kasih, Tama.En: "Thank you, Tama.Id: Tanpa kamu, mungkin aku tidak akan berhasil," ucap Rara tulus.En: Without you, I might not have succeeded," Rara said sincerely.Id: Mereka saling tersenyum, kehangatan yang dulu samar makin terasa.En: They exchanged smiles, a warmth that had previously been faint now more apparent.Id: Hari perlombaan tiba, Rara menaruh kue hasil kerjanya di meja penilaian.En: The day of the ...
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    20 min

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