FluentFiction - Indonesian

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Healing Brushstrokes: A Sibling's Journey Through Art and Memory
    Mar 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Healing Brushstrokes: A Sibling's Journey Through Art and Memory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-00-id Story Transcript:Id: Hujan turun deras di Jakarta, membasahi jalan-jalan dan membuat suara seperti simfoni lembut di atas jendela-jendela besar.En: The rain poured heavily in Jakarta, drenching the streets and creating a sound like a gentle symphony on the large windows.Id: Di dalam Galeri Nasional Indonesia, suasana terasa damai dengan aroma cat minyak dan kayu mengisi udara.En: Inside the Galeri Nasional Indonesia, the atmosphere felt peaceful with the scent of oil paint and wood filling the air.Id: Adi dan Rini, kakak beradik, berjalan perlahan di antara dinding-dinding penuh lukisan.En: Adi and Rini, siblings, walked slowly among walls full of paintings.Id: Rini, dengan mata berbinar, melihat setiap karya seni dengan antusiasme.En: Rini, her eyes sparkling, looked at each artwork with enthusiasm.Id: "Kak, lihat lukisan ini!" serunya, menunjuk ke arah lukisan lanskap dengan pegunungan dan sawah.En: "Brother, look at this painting!" she exclaimed, pointing to a landscape painting with mountains and rice fields.Id: Ingatan tentang ibu mereka langsung muncul, yang selalu mengajak mereka berjalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat indah seperti itu.En: Memories of their mother immediately surfaced, who always took them on walks to such beautiful places.Id: Rini ingin membuat lukisan untuk mengenang ibu mereka yang sudah tiada, sebagai cara mencari ketenangan.En: Rini wanted to create a painting to remember their mother, who had passed away, as a way to find peace.Id: Adi berjalan di samping Rini, berusaha tegar meski hatinya juga tertekan.En: Adi walked beside Rini, trying to stay strong even though his heart was also heavy.Id: Ia tahu betapa pentingnya proyek ini bagi adiknya, tetapi ia khawatir Rini belum siap menghadapi emosi yang mungkin muncul.En: He knew how important this project was for his sister, but he worried that Rini wasn't ready to face the emotions that might arise.Id: "Hati-hati memilih, jangan memaksakan diri," kata Adi pelan, suaranya serak.En: "Be careful in choosing, don't push yourself," Adi said softly, his voice hoarse.Id: Nyepi semakin dekat—hari dimana semua diam di Bali, tidak ada aktivitas, mengingatkan mereka untuk refleksi dan kedamaian.En: Nyepi was approaching—a day when everything goes silent in Bali, no activities, reminding them of reflection and peace.Id: Meski mereka tak merayakannya secara langsung, semangatnya menyentuh hati mereka berdua.En: Even though they didn't celebrate it directly, its spirit touched both their hearts.Id: Mereka tiba di ruangan favorit mereka di galeri, tempat lukisan-lukisan abstrak yang penuh warna.En: They arrived at their favorite room in the gallery, the place with vibrant abstract paintings.Id: Rini diam, terpesona oleh permainan warna dan bentuk yang dinamis.En: Rini stood quietly, captivated by the play of color and dynamic shapes.Id: "Disini, Kak. Disini aku ingin mencari inspirasi," bisiknya.En: "Here, Brother. Here is where I want to find inspiration," she whispered.Id: Melihat adiknya begitu bersemangat, Adi menarik napas dalam.En: Seeing his sister so enthusiastic, Adi took a deep breath.Id: Ia ingin mendukung Rini, namun juga terus berhati-hati agar tidak melukai perasaannya.En: He wanted to support Rini but also remained cautious not to hurt her feelings.Id: "Rini, aku mengerti kamu rindu Ibu. Aku juga," ujarnya akhirnya, jujur.En: "Rini, I understand you miss Mom. I do too," he finally said, honestly.Id: "Tapi aku takut kamu akan terluka lebih dalam."En: "But I'm afraid you'll be hurt even more deeply."Id: Rini menoleh, menatap mata kakaknya yang penuh perhatian.En: Rini turned, looking into her brother's caring eyes.Id: "Aku tahu, Kak. Tapi aku butuh melakukan ini. Untuk kita, untuk Ibu," katanya dengan keteguhan.En: "I know, Brother. But I need to do this. For us, for Mom," she said with determination.Id: "Aku kuat. Ibu akan bangga, kan?"En: "I'm strong. Mom would be proud, right?"Id: Adi terdiam sejenak, memikirkan kata-kata adiknya.En: Adi was silent for a moment, pondering his sister's words.Id: Suara hujan semakin deras.En: The sound of rain grew heavier.Id: "Baiklah. Kita lakukan ini bersama. Tapi kita juga tambahkan kenangan kita berdua, agar lebih berarti," Adi tersenyum tipis.En: "Alright. We'll do this together. But let's also add our memories, to make it more meaningful," Adi smiled faintly.Id: Mereka menatap satu sama lain, mengerti bahwa ini adalah langkah maju.En: They looked at each other, understanding that this was a step forward.Id: Rini akan fokus pada cinta dan kenangan dari ibu mereka, sedangkan Adi akan menambahkan sentuhan kenangan saat mereka bertiga bersama.En: Rini would focus on the love and memories of their mother, while Adi would add the touches of memories when the three of them were together.Id: ...
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    18 min
  • Finding Inner Peace: Ayu's Nyepi Celebration in Jakarta
    Mar 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Inner Peace: Ayu's Nyepi Celebration in Jakarta Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-01-id Story Transcript:Id: Di pagi hari yang sejuk, Ayu duduk santai di balkon apartemennya.En: On a cool morning, Ayu sat relaxing on the balcony of her apartment.Id: Pemandangan gedung pencakar langit di Sudirman Central Business District tampak megah.En: The view of the skyscrapers in the Sudirman Central Business District looked magnificent.Id: Tapi, di tengah hiruk pikuk kota Jakarta, Ayu merasa sebuah kerinduan mendalam akan ketenangan Bali di hari Nyepi.En: But, amidst the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, Ayu felt a deep longing for the tranquility of Bali during Nyepi.Id: Nyepi, hari raya umat Hindu di Bali, adalah hari penuh makna.En: Nyepi, a holy day for the Hindus in Bali, is a day full of meaning.Id: Seolah menjadi satu hari di tahun dimana seluruh kebisingan mereda dan memberi ruang untuk refleksi batiniah.En: It seems to be the one day of the year where all noise subsides and makes room for inner reflection.Id: Ayu, seorang profesional muda yang sibuk, ingin merayakan Nyepi meskipun jauh dari kampung halaman.En: Ayu, a busy young professional, wanted to celebrate Nyepi even though she was far from her hometown.Id: Jadwal kerjanya yang padat seringkali membuatnya tertekan.En: Her busy work schedule often stressed her out.Id: Namun, hari ini berbeda.En: However, today was different.Id: Ayu telah memutuskan untuk mengambil cuti pribadi.En: Ayu had decided to take personal leave.Id: Dia ingin menghormati tradisi Nyepi meskipun jauh dari Bali.En: She wanted to honor the Nyepi tradition even if she was far from Bali.Id: Berlatar pemandangan Jakarta yang ramai, Ayu siap menciptakan ruang damai bagi dirinya sendiri.En: Against the backdrop of busy Jakarta, Ayu was ready to create a peaceful space for herself.Id: Di apartemen, Ayu mulai menyiapkan suasana yang tenang.En: In her apartment, Ayu began to set a calm atmosphere.Id: Dia menyalakan dupa dan menyusun foto-foto keluarga di altar kecil.En: She lit some incense and arranged family photos on a small altar.Id: Aroma dupa memenuhi ruangan, mengingatkannya pada Bali, meskipun dia berada ratusan kilometer jauhnya.En: The fragrance of the incense filled the room, reminding her of Bali, even though she was hundreds of kilometers away.Id: Sambil duduk bersila, Ayu memejamkan mata.En: Sitting cross-legged, Ayu closed her eyes.Id: Dia berfokus pada pernapasan, mencoba menemukan kedamaian di tengah bisingnya Jakarta.En: She focused on her breathing, trying to find peace amidst the noise of Jakarta.Id: Sementara itu, sahabat Ayu, Budi dan Rina, mengirimkan pesan dukungan dari tempat kerja mereka.En: Meanwhile, Ayu's friends, Budi and Rina, sent messages of support from their workplace.Id: "Semoga hari Nyepi menjadi waktu yang penuh damai," tulis Budi.En: "May Nyepi be a peaceful time," wrote Budi.Id: "Kami mendukungmu!En: "We support you!"Id: " tambah Rina.En: added Rina.Id: Siang hari datang, matahari bersinar terik.En: Noon arrived, and the sun shone brightly.Id: Tapi Ayu tetap tenang.En: But Ayu remained calm.Id: Dari balik jendela apartemen, dia dapat melihat keramaian jalanan.En: From her apartment window, she could see the bustling street.Id: Namun, di dalam hatinya, sebuah kedamaian menjalar.En: However, inside her heart, a peace spread.Id: Dia sadar bahwa kedamaian bukanlah soal tempat, tetapi lebih kepada ruang yang diciptakannya dalam diri.En: She realized that peace was not about the place but rather about the space she created within herself.Id: Saat malam tiba, Ayu merasakan perubahan.En: As night fell, Ayu felt a change.Id: Meskipun jauh dari Bali, dia merasa telah kembali ke akar budayanya.En: Even far from Bali, she felt like she had reconnected with her cultural roots.Id: Hari itu, Ayu tidak hanya merayakan Nyepi, tetapi juga menemukan kedamaian di kotanya sendiri.En: That day, Ayu not only celebrated Nyepi but also found peace in her own city.Id: Dia menyadari, di tengah dua dunia yang berbeda—antara kebisingan kota dan tradisi Bali—dia bisa menemukan sebuah harmoni.En: She realized that amidst two different worlds—between the noise of the city and the traditions of Bali—she could find harmony.Id: Ketika Ayu beristirahat malam itu, dia tahu bahwa hal paling berharga yang didapatnya hari itu adalah penghargaan yang lebih dalam atas warisan budayanya.En: As Ayu rested that night, she knew that the most valuable thing she had gained that day was a deeper appreciation for her cultural heritage.Id: Di masa depan, Ayu yakin, dia akan selalu bisa menciptakan ruang untuk ketenangan, kapanpun, dimanapun.En: Going forward, Ayu was confident that she would always be able to create a space for tranquility, whenever, wherever.Id: Sebuah pelajaran yang ia bawa dalam setiap langkahnya ke depan.En: A lesson she'd carry with her in every step she took ...
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    16 min
  • Unmasking the Nyepi Scandal: Dewi's Bold Rainy Quest
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unmasking the Nyepi Scandal: Dewi's Bold Rainy Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah gemuruh hujan yang membasahi jalan-jalan Jakarta, SMA Pelita Jaya tetap sibuk.En: Amidst the roar of rain soaking the streets of Jakarta, SMA Pelita Jaya remains bustling.Id: Di dalam kelas, suara rintik hujan terdengar jelas, menambah suasana tegang di antara para siswa.En: Inside the classroom, the sound of rain droplets is clearly heard, adding tension among the students.Id: Di sekolah ini, Dewi adalah seorang pelajar yang sangat tertarik membuat film.En: At this school, Dewi is a student who is very interested in making films.Id: Baru-baru ini, dia mendengar rumor tentang skandal liburan Nyepi yang melibatkan kepala sekolah.En: Recently, she heard rumors about a Nyepi holiday scandal involving the principal.Id: "Skandal itu ada di mana-mana," bisik Dewi kepada Raka, sahabatnya, saat mereka duduk di kantin sekolah.En: "The scandal is everywhere," whispered Dewi to Raka, her best friend, as they sat in the school canteen.Id: "Aku harus membuat video tentang ini.En: "I have to make a video about this."Id: "Raka, yang bercita-cita menjadi jurnalis, menatap Dewi skeptis.En: Raka, who aspires to be a journalist, looked at Dewi skeptically.Id: "Kau yakin?En: "Are you sure?Id: Bukti masih sedikit.En: There's little evidence.Id: Lagipula, kepala sekolah dan staf sekolah berusaha menutupinya.En: Besides, the principal and school staff are trying to cover it up."Id: "Namun, Dewi tidak goyah.En: However, Dewi was unwavering.Id: "Justru karena itu kita harus mengungkap kebenarannya.En: "Precisely because of that, we have to uncover the truth."Id: "Di sisi lain kantin, Sari memandang kedua sahabat itu dengan penuh minat.En: On the other side of the canteen, Sari watched the two friends with great interest.Id: Dia selalu menjadi pesaing Dewi dalam hal prestasi.En: She has always been Dewi's competitor in terms of achievements.Id: Namun, ada sesuatu yang Sari tahu tentang skandal ini yang membuatnya tertarik untuk ikut campur.En: However, there was something Sari knew about this scandal that intrigued her to get involved.Id: Dewi menghadapi dilema: harus percaya pada Raka, Sari, atau bekerja sendiri.En: Dewi faced a dilemma: should she trust Raka, Sari, or work alone?Id: Raka mungkin skeptis, tapi dia adalah teman yang setia.En: Raka might be skeptical, but he is a loyal friend.Id: Dan Sari, meskipun rival, sepertinya menyimpan informasi berharga.En: And Sari, although a rival, seemed to hold valuable information.Id: Dengan tekad, Dewi mendekati Sari.En: With determination, Dewi approached Sari.Id: "Aku tahu kau tahu lebih banyak tentang skandal ini.En: "I know you know more about this scandal.Id: Apa kau mau bekerja sama?En: Would you like to cooperate?"Id: "Sari tersenyum, "Mungkin kita bisa saling bantu.En: Sari smiled, "Maybe we can help each other.Id: Tapi, hati-hati.En: But, be careful.Id: Ada banyak yang dipertaruhkan.En: A lot is at stake."Id: "Bersama-sama, mereka mulai mengumpulkan bukti.En: Together, they began gathering evidence.Id: Berjalan dengan payung di bawah hujan, mereka mendatangi berbagai sumber.En: Walking with umbrellas under the rain, they approached various sources.Id: Hari demi hari mereka mencari jawaban di balik rumor tersebut.En: Day by day, they sought answers behind the rumors.Id: Namun, tantangan semakin besar saat ada ancaman dari pihak sekolah yang menuntut Dewi berhenti mencari-cari.En: However, the challenges grew as there were threats from the school demanding Dewi stop her investigations.Id: Puncaknya, Dewi menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan di laci meja kepala sekolah — sebuah dokumen.En: At the climax, Dewi discovered something shocking in the drawer of the principal's desk — a document.Id: Ini adalah bukti kuat yang bisa mengungkapkan kebenaran di balik skandal tersebut.En: This was strong evidence that could reveal the truth behind the scandal.Id: Tapi, jika dia mengungkapnya, dia akan berisiko dikeluarkan.En: But, if she exposed it, she might risk expulsion.Id: Di akhir pekan, ketika sekolah mengadakan acara Hari Media, Dewi sudah membuat keputusan.En: On the weekend, when the school hosted the Media Day event, Dewi had already made a decision.Id: Dia memutar video hasil kerjanya.En: She played the video of her work.Id: Video itu menggemparkan seluruh sekolah.En: The video rocked the entire school.Id: Kepala sekolah langsung ditempatkan di bawah penyelidikan.En: The principal was immediately placed under investigation.Id: Meskipun videonya mendapat reaksi campur aduk, Dewi tahu satu hal yang pasti.En: Although her video received mixed reactions, Dewi knew one thing for sure.Id: Dia telah belajar tentang kekuatan dan konsekuensi dari sebuah cerita.En: She had learned about the power and consequences of a story.Id: Ceritanya memang bisa mengubah ...
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    18 min

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