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FluentFiction - Slovak

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
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  • Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Leto v tréningovom tábore bolo horúce.En: The summer in the training camp was hot.Sk: Marek a Zuzana trénovali každý deň.En: Marek and Zuzana trained every day.Sk: Stúpenci bežeckých pretekov sa zhromaždili v lese plnom zelene, kde slnko spalovalo zem a prach sa víril pri každom kroku.En: Running enthusiasts gathered in the forest full of greenery, where the sun scorched the ground, and dust swirled with every step.Sk: Marek bol odhodlaný vyhrať.En: Marek was determined to win.Sk: Cítil, že je najlepší.En: He felt he was the best.Sk: Mal rýchle nohy a silnú vôľu.En: He had quick legs and strong willpower.Sk: Zuzana bola strategická.En: Zuzana was strategic.Sk: Túžila preteky dokončiť úspešne.En: She longed to finish the race successfully.Sk: Často sa však cítila v tieni Marekového sebavedomia.En: However, she often felt overshadowed by Marek’s confidence.Sk: "Musíme trénovať tvrdšie," povedal Marek.En: "We need to train harder," said Marek.Sk: Bežal s dychtivosťou a rýchlosťou.En: He ran with eagerness and speed.Sk: Zuzana súhlasila, aj keď sa cítila neistá.En: Zuzana agreed, even though she felt uncertain.Sk: “Áno, ale musíme byť múdri,” odpovedala.En: “Yes, but we need to be smart,” she responded.Sk: Vedela, že ich čaká tvrdá konkurencia.En: She knew they faced tough competition.Sk: Lesné cesty boli náročné.En: The forest paths were challenging.Sk: Bežať stúpaniami a dolu kopcami nebolo ľahké.En: Running uphill and downhill was not easy.Sk: Marek tlačil na maximum.En: Marek pushed to the maximum.Sk: Boli dni, keď Zuzana sotva stíhala.En: There were days when Zuzana could scarcely keep up.Sk: "Musíme víťaziť," vravel si Marek.En: "We must win," Marek kept telling himself.Sk: Dával zo seba všetko.En: He gave everything he had.Sk: Jedného dňa prišlo napätie.En: One day, tension arose.Sk: Marek bežal rýchlejšie než kedykoľvek predtým.En: Marek ran faster than ever before.Sk: Cítil, že je neporaziteľný.En: He felt invincible.Sk: Lenže potom prišla chyba.En: But then, a mistake happened.Sk: Marek si zvrtol členok.En: Marek twisted his ankle.Sk: Pád bol rýchly a bolestivý.En: The fall was quick and painful.Sk: Zuzana bežala tesne za ním.En: Zuzana was running right behind him.Sk: Videla jeho pád.En: She saw his fall.Sk: Musela sa rozhodnúť.En: She had to decide.Sk: Zastaviť a pomôcť mu, alebo pokračovať?En: Stop and help him, or keep going?Sk: Rozhodnutie prišlo rýchlo.En: The decision came quickly.Sk: Zuzana pokračovala.En: Zuzana continued.Sk: "Marek je silný, zvládne to," pomyslela si.En: "Marek is strong, he can handle it," she thought.Sk: Bežala ďalej.En: She kept running.Sk: Neklesala na mysli.En: She didn't lose heart.Sk: Tímy sem tam predbiehali, ale ona pokračovala v rovnom tempe, sústredená na cieľ.En: Teams occasionally overtook her, but she continued at a steady pace, focused on the goal.Sk: Cítila sa silnejšia s každým krokom.En: She felt stronger with every step.Sk: Na konci pretekov sa Zuzana umiestnila na úctyhodnom mieste.En: At the end of the race, Zuzana placed respectably.Sk: Bola unavená, ale šťastná.En: She was tired but happy.Sk: Dokázala to.En: She had made it.Sk: Marek nakoniec dobehol, aj keď s bolesťou.En: Eventually, Marek finished as well, albeit in pain.Sk: Uvedomil si, že sebavedomie ho síce hnalo dopredu, ale musel sa naučiť byť pokorný a pripravený.En: He realized that confidence had driven him forward, but he needed to learn to be humble and prepared.Sk: "Gratulujem, Zuzana," povedal úprimne.En: "Congratulations, Zuzana," he said sincerely.Sk: Videla v jeho očiach novú pokoru.En: She saw a new humility in his eyes.Sk: "Ďakujem," odpovedala s úsmevom.En: "Thank you," she replied with a smile.Sk: Cítila sa sebavedomejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým.En: She felt more confident than ever.Sk: Preteky neboli len o víťazstve, ale hlavne o prekonaní vlastných hraníc.En: The race was not just about winning, but about overcoming personal limits.Sk: Zuzana a Marek sa naučili dôležité lekcie na ceste k dosiahnutiu svojich cieľov.En: Zuzana and Marek learned important lessons on their journey to achieving their goals. Vocabulary Words:determined: odhodlanýstrategic: strategickáscorched: spalovalogathered: zhromaždiliwillpower: vôľuovershadowed: v tienieagerness: dychtivosťoucompetition: konkurenciachallenging: náročnéscarcely: sotvatension: napätieinvincible: neporaziteľnýtwisted: zvrtolankle: členokdecision: rozhodnutieovertook: predbiehalipace: temposteady: rovnomrespectably: úctyhodnomhumble: pokornýsincerely: úprimnelimits: hranícovercoming: prekonanílonged: túžilatough: tvrdádownhill: ...
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    16 min
  • Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Spišský hrad stojí vznešene proti letnej oblohe.En: Spiš Castle stands majestic against the summer sky.Sk: Jeho staré kamene šepkajú príbehy histórie a romantiky.En: Its old stones whisper tales of history and romance.Sk: Okolo hradu sa rozprestierajú zelené kopce a kľukaté chodníky.En: Around the castle, green hills and winding paths stretch out.Sk: Tatiana a Marek chodia po úzkych cestičkách. Sú zahĺbení do plánovania.En: Tatiana and Marek walk along the narrow trails, engrossed in their planning.Sk: Tatiana je odhodlaná a srdce jej bije láskou.En: Tatiana is determined, her heart beating with love.Sk: Chce utiecť s Marekom a začať nový život.En: She wants to run away with Marek and start a new life.Sk: Marek je sebavedomý, no obáva sa neznáma.En: Marek is confident, but fears the unknown.Sk: Zrazu zbadali Zuzanu.En: Suddenly, they see Zuzana.Sk: Zuzana je Tatianina najlepšia priateľka.En: Zuzana is Tatiana's best friend.Sk: Miluje Tatianu a chce ju chrániť.En: She loves Tatiana and wants to protect her.Sk: „Tatiana, čo robíš?“ pýta sa Zuzana.En: "Tatiana, what are you doing?" Zuzana asks.Sk: „Chcem utiecť s Marekom,“ odpovedá Tatiana.En: "I want to run away with Marek," Tatiana replies.Sk: „To je nebezpečné a unáhlené,“ hovorí Zuzana.En: "That is dangerous and rash," Zuzana says.Sk: „Láska nie je vždy ľahká.“En: "Love is not always easy."Sk: Tatiana cíti vnútorný boj.En: Tatiana feels an internal struggle.Sk: Miluje Mareka, ale chápe aj Zuzaninu obavu.En: She loves Marek, but understands Zuzana's concern.Sk: Marek sa tiež zamyslí nad budúcnosťou.En: Marek also reflects on the future.Sk: Majú pochybnosti a cítia neistotu.En: They are filled with doubts and uncertainty.Sk: Na krásnom mieste, kde hrad vrhá dlhý tieň, sa traja priatelia stretnú na vyhranenom mieste.En: At a beautiful place where the castle casts a long shadow, the three friends meet at a decisive spot.Sk: „Prosím, pochopte,“ hovorí Zuzana.En: "Please, understand," Zuzana says.Sk: „Nemyslím si, že ste pripravení. Láska potrebuje čas a porozumenie.“En: "I don't think you are ready. Love requires time and understanding."Sk: Tatiana sa pozrie na Mareka.En: Tatiana looks at Marek.Sk: On jej pevne stisne ruku.En: He firmly squeezes her hand.Sk: „Zuzana má pravdu,“ povie Marek.En: "Zuzana is right," Marek says.Sk: „Možno by sme mali počkať.“En: "Maybe we should wait."Sk: Tatiana cíti zmiešané emócie.En: Tatiana feels mixed emotions.Sk: Vie, že rozhodnutie utiecť bolo rýchle.En: She knows the decision to run away was hasty.Sk: Chce byť s Marekom, ale nechce stratiť Zuzanu.En: She wants to be with Marek but doesn't want to lose Zuzana.Sk: „Dobre,“ povie Tatiana.En: "Okay," Tatiana says.Sk: „Počkáme. Chceme byť spolu, ale teraz si dáme čas.“En: "We'll wait. We want to be together, but for now, we'll take our time."Sk: Zuzana sa usmeje.En: Zuzana smiles.Sk: „Ďakujem, Tatiana. Verím, že budeš šťastná.“En: "Thank you, Tatiana. I believe you'll be happy."Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana sa obijmú pri Spišskom hrade.En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana embrace by Spiš Castle.Sk: Rozumejú si a vážia si jeden druhého.En: They understand and value each other.Sk: Tatiana teraz rozumie Zuzaninej perspektíve.En: Tatiana now sees Zuzana's perspective.Sk: Vie, že láska je o trpezlivosti a záväzku.En: She knows that love is about patience and commitment.Sk: Leto pokračuje, slnko svieti nad hradom a priateľstvo kvitne.En: Summer continues, the sun shines above the castle, and friendship flourishes.Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana kráčajú spolu, pripravení čeliť budúcnosti.En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana walk together, ready to face the future.Sk: Láska a priateľstvo sú pre nich to najcennejšie.En: Love and friendship are the most precious things to them. Vocabulary Words:majestic: vznešenéwhisper: šepkajúwinding: kľukatétrails: cestičkáchengrossed: zahĺbenídetermined: odhodlanáconfident: sebavedomýunknown: neznámarash: unáhlenéinternal: vnútornýreflection: zamyslíbeautiful: krásnomshadow: tieňdecisive: vyhranenomstruggle: bojuperspective: perspektívepatience: trpezlivosticommitment: záväzkusummer: letoflourishes: kvitneunknown: neznámamix emotions: zmiešané emóciehasty: rýchleprotect: chrániťconflict: bojobligation: záväzokunderstanding: rozumenieprecious: cennéplan: plánovanieembrace: objímať
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    15 min
  • Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Lukáš, Petra a Jozef stáli na kamennom nádvoria Devínskeho hradu.En: Lukáš, Petra, and Jozef stood in the stone courtyard of Devín Castle.Sk: Bola horúca letná sobota.En: It was a hot summer Saturday.Sk: Slnko sa vysoko blýskalo a ich tiene boli krátke a tmavé.En: The sun was shining brightly, casting short and dark shadows.Sk: Ruiny hradu boli majestátne.En: The castle ruins were majestic.Sk: Staré hradby poskytovali nádherný výhľad na sútok riek Dunaj a Morava.En: The old walls offered a stunning view of the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers.Sk: Lukáš miloval takéto miesta.En: Lukáš loved places like this.Sk: Dnes chcel ukázať svoje vedomosti a zanechať dojem.En: Today, he wanted to show off his knowledge and make an impression.Sk: "Kedysi tu stál mocný hrad," začal Lukáš, "a postavili ho v deviatom storočí.En: "Once, there stood a mighty castle here," Lukáš began, "and it was built in the ninth century."Sk: " Petra s nadšením počúvala a Jozef prikyvoval, no ich pohľady rýchlo upierali na sokola, ktorý lietal nad hradbami.En: Petra listened with enthusiasm, and Jozef nodded, but their gazes quickly turned to a hawk flying over the walls.Sk: Zrazu Petra padla na kolená a začala sa škrtiť.En: Suddenly, Petra fell to her knees and began to choke.Sk: Oči mala červené a opuchnuté.En: Her eyes were red and swollen.Sk: Lukáš okamžite vedel, že to je vážne.En: Lukáš immediately knew it was serious.Sk: "Allergická reakcia," zavrčal Jozef a kľakol si k Petre.En: "Allergic reaction," Jozef growled and knelt beside Petra.Sk: Petra sa chvela a prudko dýchala.En: Petra was shaking and breathing heavily.Sk: Bohužiaľ, mobilný signál v ruinách bol nestály.En: Unfortunately, the mobile signal in the ruins was unstable.Sk: Lukáš cítil paniku.En: Lukáš felt panic rising.Sk: Musel rýchlo rozhodnúť.En: He had to decide quickly.Sk: Ísť po pomoc alebo zostať s Petrou a Jozefom?En: Go for help or stay with Petra and Jozef?Sk: Čas bežal.En: Time was running out.Sk: "Musím nám nájsť pomoc," povedal rozhodne Lukáš.En: "I have to find us help," Lukáš said decisively.Sk: "Jozef, drž ju stabilnú!En: "Jozef, keep her stable!"Sk: "Lukáš sa rozbehol cez rozpadnuté nádvoria a tmavé chodby hradu.En: Lukáš sprinted through the crumbling courtyard and dark corridors of the castle.Sk: Srdce mu búchalo ako nikdy predtým.En: His heart pounded like never before.Sk: Stále bežal rýchlejšie.En: He ran faster and faster.Sk: Narazil na schody vedúce von a dúfal, že nájde niekoho, kto by mohol pomôcť.En: He came upon stairs leading outside and hoped to find someone who could help.Sk: Ale nikde nikoho.En: But there was no one.Sk: Ruiny boli skoro prázdne.En: The ruins were almost empty.Sk: Lukáš sa nevzdal.En: Lukáš did not give up.Sk: Mal strach, no ten strach teraz použil ako palivo.En: He was scared, but he used that fear as fuel.Sk: V spomienkach myslel na Petru.En: In his thoughts, he focused on Petra.Sk: Vedel, že musí byť statočný a rýchly.En: He knew he had to be brave and quick.Sk: Našťastie, po niekoľkých minútach bežal na turistov na nižšej terase.En: Luckily, after a few minutes, he came upon some tourists on a lower terrace.Sk: "Prosím vás," kričal zadýchane, "moja priateľka potrebuje pomoc!En: "Please," he shouted breathlessly, "my friend needs help!Sk: Má vážnu alergickú reakciu!En: She’s having a severe allergic reaction!"Sk: "Jedna z turistiek, mladá žena, vytiahla z batohu Adrenalinový perok.En: One of the tourists, a young woman, pulled an epinephrine pen out of her backpack.Sk: "Mám ju!En: "I've got it!"Sk: " zvolala.En: she exclaimed.Sk: Spolu bežali späť za Petrou.En: Together, they ran back to Petra.Sk: Keď sa dostali na miesto, Petra už bola veľmi slabá.En: When they arrived, Petra was very weak.Sk: Turistka bez váhania aplikovala Adrenalin.En: Without hesitation, the tourist administered the epinephrine.Sk: Petra začala pomaly ožívať.En: Petra began to gradually revive.Sk: Lukáš si kľakol vedľa nej a Jozefa.En: Lukáš knelt beside her and Jozef.Sk: Bol vyčerpaný, ale šťastný.En: He was exhausted but relieved.Sk: Petra sa začala normálne dýchať.En: Petra started breathing normally.Sk: Všetci si hlboko vydýchli.En: Everyone let out a deep sigh of relief.Sk: Petra sa jemne usmiala na Lukáša.En: Petra gently smiled at Lukáš.Sk: "Ďakujem ti," zašepkala.En: "Thank you," she whispered.Sk: Lukáš ju vzal za ruku.En: Lukáš took her hand.Sk: Vedel, že urobil správne rozhodnutie.En: He knew he had made the right decision.Sk: Cestou späť premýšľal o tom, čo sa stalo.En: On the way back, he ...
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    19 min

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