FluentFiction - Slovak

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Facing Heights: A Journey to Overcome Fear in the Tatras
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Facing Heights: A Journey to Overcome Fear in the Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Jarné slnko jemne svietilo na snežienky prebúdzajúce sa z dlhého zimného spánku na úpätí majestátnych Tatier.En: The spring sun gently shone on the snowdrops awakening from a long winter sleep at the foot of the majestic Tatry Mountains.Sk: Stredoškoláci zo Žiliny sa konečne dočkali výletu, ktorý im sľubovala škola už dlhé mesiace.En: The high school students from Žilina finally awaited the trip that the school had promised them for many months.Sk: Medzi nimi stál Jozef, nadšený z každej príležitosti tráviť čas v prírode, a jeho kamarát Ladislav, ktorý viac obľuboval knihy ako túry.En: Among them stood Jozef, excited at every opportunity to spend time in nature, and his friend Ladislav, who preferred books over hikes.Sk: „Ladislav, dnes máme šancu skúsiť tú novú trasu.En: "Ladislav, today we have the chance to try that new route.Sk: Hovorí sa, že výhľad z nej je úžasný,“ navrhol Jozef, keď stáli na vrchole kopca, odkiaľ začína stúpajúca trasa.En: They say the view from there is amazing," suggested Jozef as they stood on the hilltop where the ascending trail begins.Sk: Ladislavovi sa nepáčila tá predstava, lebo jeho strach z výšok ho sprevádzal od detstva.En: Ladislav did not like the idea, as his fear of heights had accompanied him since childhood.Sk: „Neviem, Jozef,“ odpovedal Ladislav so znepokojením v hlase.En: "I don't know, Jozef," replied Ladislav with concern in his voice.Sk: „Tá výška ma desí, a čo ak nestihnem tvoj rýchly krok?En: "The height scares me, and what if I can't keep up with your quick pace?"Sk: “„Neboj sa, pôjdeme pomaly.En: "Don't worry, we'll go slowly.Sk: Sľubujem, že ťa nenechám za sebou,“ snažil sa Jozef presvedčiť svojho kamaráta.En: I promise I won't leave you behind," Jozef tried to reassure his friend.Sk: Rozmýšľal, či má rešpektovať Ladislavov strach alebo ho povzbudiť, aby svoje obavy prekonal.En: He wondered if he should respect Ladislav's fear or encourage him to overcome his worries.Sk: Tatranský les zalialo slnko.En: The Tatra forest was flooded with sunlight.Sk: Vôňa čerstvého lístia zmiešaného s tlejúcim ihličím bola neodolateľná.En: The scent of fresh leaves mixed with decaying pine needles was irresistible.Sk: Pred nimi sa rozprestierala trasa, ktorú Jozef túžil preskúmať.En: In front of them stretched the trail that Jozef longed to explore.Sk: Nakoniec sa Ladislav rozhodol.En: Finally, Ladislav made his decision.Sk: „Dobre, skúsime to,“ povedal pomaly.En: "Alright, let's try it," he said slowly.Sk: Kráčali spolu po klzkých chodníkoch, ktoré sa pomaly zbierali z topiaceho sa snehu.En: They walked together along the slippery paths gradually clearing from the melting snow.Sk: Zo skál, vyššie v horách, tiekli potôčiky vody.En: Streams of water flowed from the rocks higher up in the mountains.Sk: Ladislav sa snažil chápať pohľad každým krokom.En: Ladislav tried to grasp the view with every step.Sk: Jozef opatrne vyberal trasu a občas sa zastavil, aby znova povzbudil kamaráta.En: Jozef carefully chose the route and occasionally stopped to once again encourage his friend.Sk: Došli na vrchol.En: They reached the top.Sk: Ladislav žasol.En: Ladislav was in awe.Sk: Krásny výhľad odkryl široké doliny a voňajúce voňavé stromy okolo.En: The beautiful view revealed wide valleys and fragrant trees all around.Sk: Cítil, že sa jeho strach nemohol rovnať tejto kráse sveta.En: He felt that his fear could not compare to this beauty of the world.Sk: „To je nádhera,“ šepol so širokým úsmevom a v očiach mu iskryli nové odhodlanie.En: "It's magnificent," he whispered with a wide smile, new determination sparkling in his eyes.Sk: Jozef sa naňho usmieval.En: Jozef smiled at him.Sk: Bol hrdý na svojho kamaráta.En: He was proud of his friend.Sk: „Vidíš, povedal som ti, že to bude stáť za to,“ žartoval.En: "See, I told you it would be worth it," he joked.Sk: Spoločne sa posadili na kameň a vychutnávali krásny pohľad na jar rozvíjajúcu sa v horách.En: Together they sat on a rock and enjoyed the beautiful view of spring unfolding in the mountains.Sk: Ladislav sa vrátil domov iný.En: Ladislav returned home different.Sk: Už nebol len knižný červ.En: He was no longer just a bookworm.Sk: Objavil v sebe chuť na výlety, pričom sa naučil, že dokáže prekonávať svoje strachy.En: He discovered in himself a taste for trips, learning that he could overcome his fears.Sk: Tatranské hory mu ukázali, že skutočná odvaha je vyskúšať niečo nové.En: The Tatra mountains showed him that true courage is trying something new. Vocabulary Words:gently: jemnesnowdrops: snežienkymajestic: ...
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    15 min
  • Reuniting Through the Storm: A Family's Journey to Peace
    Mar 5 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Reuniting Through the Storm: A Family's Journey to Peace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vysoké Tatry sa vynímali v diaľke.En: The Vysoké Tatry mountains stood out in the distance.Sk: Sneh na vrcholkoch hôr bol ešte stále biely a chladný, ale dole sa už začínala prebúdzať jar.En: The snow on the mountain peaks was still white and cold, but down below, spring was beginning to awaken.Sk: Kúsok od lesa stála drevená chatka.En: A little away from the forest stood a wooden cabin.Sk: Bola to obľúbená rodinná chata Miloslava.En: It was the favorite family lodge of Miloslav.Sk: Miloslav kráčal po chodníku so srdcom plným očakávaní.En: Miloslav walked along the path with a heart full of expectations.Sk: Päť rokov pracoval v zahraničí a teraz sa konečne vracia domov.En: He had worked abroad for five years, and now he was finally returning home.Sk: Chcel opäť vidieť svoje dve dcéry, Evu a Janu.En: He wanted to see his two daughters, Eva and Jana, again.Sk: Eva bola staršia.En: Eva was the older one.Sk: Jej srdce bolo ťažké kvôli tomu, že otec bol tak dlho preč.En: Her heart was heavy because their father had been away for so long.Sk: Stále si pamätala, ako sa lúčili na letisku.En: She still remembered saying goodbye at the airport.Sk: Bola naštvaná a ubolená.En: She was angry and hurt.Sk: Jana, mladšia, bola naopak plná radosti.En: Jana, the younger one, was full of joy.Sk: Tešila sa na otca a verila v dobré veci.En: She was excited to see her father and believed in good things.Sk: Cesta do hôr bola ťažká.En: The journey to the mountains was difficult.Sk: Počasie sa menilo, vietor silnel a oblaky nad horami boli tmavé.En: The weather changed; the wind grew stronger, and the clouds above the mountains were dark.Sk: Miloslav vedel, že sa blíži búrka, ale rozhodol sa pokračovať.En: Miloslav knew a storm was coming, but he decided to continue.Sk: Túžil po stretnutí so svojimi dcérami.En: He longed to reunite with his daughters.Sk: Chcel, aby bol tento čas výnimočný.En: He wanted this time to be special.Sk: Keď konečne dorazil k chate, počasie sa zhoršilo.En: When he finally arrived at the cabin, the weather had worsened.Sk: Búrka sa rozprúdila s plnou silou, vietor hnal dažďové kvapky proti oknám.En: The storm raged with full force, and the wind drove the raindrops against the windows.Sk: Rodina sa usadila pri krbe, chata bola teplá a útulná, aj keď vonku zúrila búrka.En: The family settled by the fireplace; the cabin was warm and cozy, even though a storm raged outside.Sk: Miloslav cítil, že je čas prehovoriť.En: Miloslav felt it was time to speak.Sk: „Prepáčte, že som bol tak dlho preč,“ začal Miloslav.En: "I'm sorry I was away for so long," Miloslav began.Sk: „Nie vždy je to jednoduché.En: "It's not always easy.Sk: Práca ma držala ďaleko, ale nechcem, aby ste si mysleli, že ste neboli dôležité.En: Work kept me far away, but I don't want you to think that you weren't important."Sk: “Eva hľadela na neho, mlčala.En: Eva looked at him, silent.Sk: Nakoniec prehovorila: „Otec, bolo to ťažké.En: Finally, she spoke: "Dad, it was hard.Sk: Ja.En: I...Sk: ja som ti nerozumela.En: I didn’t understand you.Sk: Prečo si musel ísť tak ďaleko?En: Why did you have to go so far?"Sk: “Miloslavov pohľad bol úprimný.En: Miloslav's gaze was sincere.Sk: „Chránil som vás.En: "I was protecting you.Sk: Chcel som, aby ste mohli mať lepšiu budúcnosť.En: I wanted you to have a better future.Sk: Ale viem, že som vás sklamal.En: But I know I let you down.Sk: Som tu teraz a chcem to napraviť.En: I'm here now, and I want to make it right."Sk: “Jana sa rozplakala.En: Jana began to cry.Sk: „Ocko, chýbal si mi.En: "Daddy, I missed you.Sk: Som šťastná, že si späť.En: I'm happy you're back."Sk: “Búrka sa pomaly utišila a zašla za obzor.En: The storm slowly settled and went beyond the horizon.Sk: Oblaky sa rozplynuli a začalo svietiť slnko.En: The clouds dispersed, and the sun began to shine.Sk: Rozhodli sa spolu vystúpiť na blízky kopec.En: They decided to climb a nearby hill together.Sk: Cestou hore našli porozumenie.En: On the way up, they found understanding.Sk: Miloslav pochopil, že potrebuje byť trpezlivý.En: Miloslav realized he needed to be patient.Sk: Eva začala odpúšťať.En: Eva began to forgive.Sk: Videla otcovu skutočnú snahu a ochotu zmeniť veci.En: She saw her father's genuine effort and willingness to change things.Sk: Na vrchole kopca sa trojica pozrela dolu na údolie.En: At the top of the hill, the trio looked down at the valley.Sk: Svet sa zdal jasnejší.En: The world seemed brighter.Sk: Jana sa usmiala.En: Jana smiled.Sk: „Rodina je zase spolu,“ povedala veselým hlasom.En: "The family is together again," she said cheerfully.Sk: ...
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    16 min
  • Crafting Harmony: Collaborative Creativity at Café Slávia
    Mar 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Crafting Harmony: Collaborative Creativity at Café Slávia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-03-04-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, v útulnej kaviarni Slávia, svetlo prenikalo cez veľké okná.En: In Bratislava, in the cozy café Slávia, light penetrated through the large windows.Sk: Vôňa kávy a tiché rozhovory návštevníkov napĺňali miestnosť.En: The aroma of coffee and the quiet conversations of the patrons filled the room.Sk: Marek, Janka a Zuzana sedeli pri drevenom stole, obklopení náznakmi prichádzajúcej Veľkej noci - farebné vajíčka a drobné zajačiky zdobili poličky.En: Marek, Janka, and Zuzana sat at a wooden table, surrounded by hints of the approaching Easter - colorful eggs and small bunnies adorned the shelves.Sk: Marek rozprával o veľkých myšlienkach pre ich univerzitný projekt.En: Marek was talking about big ideas for their university project.Sk: "Musíme to urobiť kreatívne, s výraznými obrázkami a grafikou!En: "We have to do it creatively, with bold images and graphics!Sk: Chcem, aby náš projekt zaujal.En: I want our project to stand out."Sk: "Janka pokrčila nosom.En: Janka wrinkled her nose.Sk: "Musíme to urobiť logicky a presne.En: "We need to do it logically and precisely.Sk: Dôležité sú fakty a čísla.En: Facts and numbers are important.Sk: Profesor bude chcieť vidieť výskum, nie len obrázky.En: The professor will want to see research, not just pictures."Sk: "Zuzana, idúc po zlatej strednej ceste, navrhla: "A čo keby sme spojili vaše nápady?En: Zuzana, taking the middle ground, suggested: "What if we combine your ideas?Sk: Mohli by sme využiť silu príbehu a vyrozprávať naše fakty prostredníctvom vizuálnej prezentácie.En: We could use the power of storytelling to convey our facts through a visual presentation."Sk: " Zuzana vedela, že takýto kompromis ich najlepšie posunie vpred.En: Zuzana felt that such a compromise would best move them forward.Sk: Janka zastavila na chvíľku a pozrela na Mareka.En: Janka paused for a moment and looked at Marek.Sk: "Možno by to mohlo fungovať.En: "Maybe it could work.Sk: Mohli by sme mať jasné, štruktúrované slidy s niektorými z tvojich umeleckých prvkov.En: We could have clear, structured slides with some of your artistic elements."Sk: "Marek kývol hlavou.En: Marek nodded.Sk: "Áno, môžeme to spraviť pútavo a zároveň detailne.En: "Yes, we can make it engaging and detailed at the same time.Sk: Rád by som pridal niekoľko kreatívnych vizuálov.En: I would love to add some creative visuals."Sk: "Po niekoľkých hodinách plánovania a rozdeľovania úloh vznikla konečná verzia prezentácie.En: After a few hours of planning and dividing tasks, the final version of the presentation emerged.Sk: Pracovali na tom tvrdo, kombinujúc Marekovu kreativitu s Jankinou štruktúrou, všetko s taktovkou Zuzaninej diplomacie.En: They worked hard on it, combining Marek's creativity with Janka's structure, all with Zuzana's diplomatic touch guiding them.Sk: Keď o týždeň na to prezentovali profesorovi vo Slávii, každý sa usmial, keď videl Marekove obrázky v jasnej súhre s Jankinými fakty.En: When they presented it to the professor a week later at Slávia, everyone smiled when they saw Marek's images in clear harmony with Janka's facts.Sk: Profesor uznanlivo prikývol.En: The professor nodded approvingly.Sk: "Veľmi pôsobivá práca," povedal.En: "Very impressive work," he said.Sk: "Dokázali ste pridať kreativitu a udržali pritom precíznosť.En: "You managed to add creativity while maintaining precision."Sk: "Marek pochopil hodnotu organizácie, Janka začala ceniť umelecký prístup a Zuzana získala sebavedomie, že vie nájsť cestu k rovnováhe.En: Marek understood the value of organization, Janka began to appreciate the artistic approach, and Zuzana gained the confidence that she could find the path to balance.Sk: Ich projekt bol úspech - a kaviareň Slávia zostala ich obľúbeným miestom, miestom, kde sa naučili spolupracovať a pochopiť jeden druhého.En: Their project was a success - and café Slávia remained their favorite place, a place where they learned to collaborate and understand each other. Vocabulary Words:cozy: útulnejpenetrated: prenikaloaroma: vôňapatrons: návštevníkovapproaching: prichádzajúcejadorned: zdobiliprecisely: presneresearch: výskumcompromise: kompromisengaging: pútavoharmony: súhreimpressive: pôsobiváorganization: organizáciecollaborate: spolupracovaťemerged: vznikladiplomatic: diplomacieappreciate: ceniťconfidence: sebavedomiebold: výraznýmiconvey: vyrozprávaťstructured: štruktúrovanéelements: prvkovvisuals: vizuálovguiding: taktovkoupause: zastavilafacts: faktypower: siluadding: pridaťprecious: dôležitéslides: slidy
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    14 min

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