
  • Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/marek-and-zuzanas-summer-heat-strategy-triumph Story Transcript:Sk: Leto v tréningovom tábore bolo horúce.En: The summer in the training camp was hot.Sk: Marek a Zuzana trénovali každý deň.En: Marek and Zuzana trained every day.Sk: Stúpenci bežeckých pretekov sa zhromaždili v lese plnom zelene, kde slnko spalovalo zem a prach sa víril pri každom kroku.En: Running enthusiasts gathered in the forest full of greenery, where the sun scorched the ground, and dust swirled with every step.Sk: Marek bol odhodlaný vyhrať.En: Marek was determined to win.Sk: Cítil, že je najlepší.En: He felt he was the best.Sk: Mal rýchle nohy a silnú vôľu.En: He had quick legs and strong willpower.Sk: Zuzana bola strategická.En: Zuzana was strategic.Sk: Túžila preteky dokončiť úspešne.En: She longed to finish the race successfully.Sk: Často sa však cítila v tieni Marekového sebavedomia.En: However, she often felt overshadowed by Marek’s confidence.Sk: "Musíme trénovať tvrdšie," povedal Marek.En: "We need to train harder," said Marek.Sk: Bežal s dychtivosťou a rýchlosťou.En: He ran with eagerness and speed.Sk: Zuzana súhlasila, aj keď sa cítila neistá.En: Zuzana agreed, even though she felt uncertain.Sk: “Áno, ale musíme byť múdri,” odpovedala.En: “Yes, but we need to be smart,” she responded.Sk: Vedela, že ich čaká tvrdá konkurencia.En: She knew they faced tough competition.Sk: Lesné cesty boli náročné.En: The forest paths were challenging.Sk: Bežať stúpaniami a dolu kopcami nebolo ľahké.En: Running uphill and downhill was not easy.Sk: Marek tlačil na maximum.En: Marek pushed to the maximum.Sk: Boli dni, keď Zuzana sotva stíhala.En: There were days when Zuzana could scarcely keep up.Sk: "Musíme víťaziť," vravel si Marek.En: "We must win," Marek kept telling himself.Sk: Dával zo seba všetko.En: He gave everything he had.Sk: Jedného dňa prišlo napätie.En: One day, tension arose.Sk: Marek bežal rýchlejšie než kedykoľvek predtým.En: Marek ran faster than ever before.Sk: Cítil, že je neporaziteľný.En: He felt invincible.Sk: Lenže potom prišla chyba.En: But then, a mistake happened.Sk: Marek si zvrtol členok.En: Marek twisted his ankle.Sk: Pád bol rýchly a bolestivý.En: The fall was quick and painful.Sk: Zuzana bežala tesne za ním.En: Zuzana was running right behind him.Sk: Videla jeho pád.En: She saw his fall.Sk: Musela sa rozhodnúť.En: She had to decide.Sk: Zastaviť a pomôcť mu, alebo pokračovať?En: Stop and help him, or keep going?Sk: Rozhodnutie prišlo rýchlo.En: The decision came quickly.Sk: Zuzana pokračovala.En: Zuzana continued.Sk: "Marek je silný, zvládne to," pomyslela si.En: "Marek is strong, he can handle it," she thought.Sk: Bežala ďalej.En: She kept running.Sk: Neklesala na mysli.En: She didn't lose heart.Sk: Tímy sem tam predbiehali, ale ona pokračovala v rovnom tempe, sústredená na cieľ.En: Teams occasionally overtook her, but she continued at a steady pace, focused on the goal.Sk: Cítila sa silnejšia s každým krokom.En: She felt stronger with every step.Sk: Na konci pretekov sa Zuzana umiestnila na úctyhodnom mieste.En: At the end of the race, Zuzana placed respectably.Sk: Bola unavená, ale šťastná.En: She was tired but happy.Sk: Dokázala to.En: She had made it.Sk: Marek nakoniec dobehol, aj keď s bolesťou.En: Eventually, Marek finished as well, albeit in pain.Sk: Uvedomil si, že sebavedomie ho síce hnalo dopredu, ale musel sa naučiť byť pokorný a pripravený.En: He realized that confidence had driven him forward, but he needed to learn to be humble and prepared.Sk: "Gratulujem, Zuzana," povedal úprimne.En: "Congratulations, Zuzana," he said sincerely.Sk: Videla v jeho očiach novú pokoru.En: She saw a new humility in his eyes.Sk: "Ďakujem," odpovedala s úsmevom.En: "Thank you," she replied with a smile.Sk: Cítila sa sebavedomejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým.En: She felt more confident than ever.Sk: Preteky neboli len o víťazstve, ale hlavne o prekonaní vlastných hraníc.En: The race was not just about winning, but about overcoming personal limits.Sk: Zuzana a Marek sa naučili dôležité lekcie na ceste k dosiahnutiu svojich cieľov.En: Zuzana and Marek learned important lessons on their journey to achieving their goals. Vocabulary Words:determined: odhodlanýstrategic: strategickáscorched: spalovalogathered: zhromaždiliwillpower: vôľuovershadowed: v tienieagerness: dychtivosťoucompetition: konkurenciachallenging: náročnéscarcely: sotvatension: napätieinvincible: neporaziteľnýtwisted: zvrtolankle: členokdecision: rozhodnutieovertook: predbiehalipace: temposteady: rovnomrespectably: úctyhodnomhumble: pokornýsincerely: úprimnelimits: hranícovercoming: prekonanílonged: túžilatough: tvrdádownhill: ...
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    16 min
  • Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-friendship-and-choices-a-summer-at-spis-castle Story Transcript:Sk: Spišský hrad stojí vznešene proti letnej oblohe.En: Spiš Castle stands majestic against the summer sky.Sk: Jeho staré kamene šepkajú príbehy histórie a romantiky.En: Its old stones whisper tales of history and romance.Sk: Okolo hradu sa rozprestierajú zelené kopce a kľukaté chodníky.En: Around the castle, green hills and winding paths stretch out.Sk: Tatiana a Marek chodia po úzkych cestičkách. Sú zahĺbení do plánovania.En: Tatiana and Marek walk along the narrow trails, engrossed in their planning.Sk: Tatiana je odhodlaná a srdce jej bije láskou.En: Tatiana is determined, her heart beating with love.Sk: Chce utiecť s Marekom a začať nový život.En: She wants to run away with Marek and start a new life.Sk: Marek je sebavedomý, no obáva sa neznáma.En: Marek is confident, but fears the unknown.Sk: Zrazu zbadali Zuzanu.En: Suddenly, they see Zuzana.Sk: Zuzana je Tatianina najlepšia priateľka.En: Zuzana is Tatiana's best friend.Sk: Miluje Tatianu a chce ju chrániť.En: She loves Tatiana and wants to protect her.Sk: „Tatiana, čo robíš?“ pýta sa Zuzana.En: "Tatiana, what are you doing?" Zuzana asks.Sk: „Chcem utiecť s Marekom,“ odpovedá Tatiana.En: "I want to run away with Marek," Tatiana replies.Sk: „To je nebezpečné a unáhlené,“ hovorí Zuzana.En: "That is dangerous and rash," Zuzana says.Sk: „Láska nie je vždy ľahká.“En: "Love is not always easy."Sk: Tatiana cíti vnútorný boj.En: Tatiana feels an internal struggle.Sk: Miluje Mareka, ale chápe aj Zuzaninu obavu.En: She loves Marek, but understands Zuzana's concern.Sk: Marek sa tiež zamyslí nad budúcnosťou.En: Marek also reflects on the future.Sk: Majú pochybnosti a cítia neistotu.En: They are filled with doubts and uncertainty.Sk: Na krásnom mieste, kde hrad vrhá dlhý tieň, sa traja priatelia stretnú na vyhranenom mieste.En: At a beautiful place where the castle casts a long shadow, the three friends meet at a decisive spot.Sk: „Prosím, pochopte,“ hovorí Zuzana.En: "Please, understand," Zuzana says.Sk: „Nemyslím si, že ste pripravení. Láska potrebuje čas a porozumenie.“En: "I don't think you are ready. Love requires time and understanding."Sk: Tatiana sa pozrie na Mareka.En: Tatiana looks at Marek.Sk: On jej pevne stisne ruku.En: He firmly squeezes her hand.Sk: „Zuzana má pravdu,“ povie Marek.En: "Zuzana is right," Marek says.Sk: „Možno by sme mali počkať.“En: "Maybe we should wait."Sk: Tatiana cíti zmiešané emócie.En: Tatiana feels mixed emotions.Sk: Vie, že rozhodnutie utiecť bolo rýchle.En: She knows the decision to run away was hasty.Sk: Chce byť s Marekom, ale nechce stratiť Zuzanu.En: She wants to be with Marek but doesn't want to lose Zuzana.Sk: „Dobre,“ povie Tatiana.En: "Okay," Tatiana says.Sk: „Počkáme. Chceme byť spolu, ale teraz si dáme čas.“En: "We'll wait. We want to be together, but for now, we'll take our time."Sk: Zuzana sa usmeje.En: Zuzana smiles.Sk: „Ďakujem, Tatiana. Verím, že budeš šťastná.“En: "Thank you, Tatiana. I believe you'll be happy."Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana sa obijmú pri Spišskom hrade.En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana embrace by Spiš Castle.Sk: Rozumejú si a vážia si jeden druhého.En: They understand and value each other.Sk: Tatiana teraz rozumie Zuzaninej perspektíve.En: Tatiana now sees Zuzana's perspective.Sk: Vie, že láska je o trpezlivosti a záväzku.En: She knows that love is about patience and commitment.Sk: Leto pokračuje, slnko svieti nad hradom a priateľstvo kvitne.En: Summer continues, the sun shines above the castle, and friendship flourishes.Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana kráčajú spolu, pripravení čeliť budúcnosti.En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana walk together, ready to face the future.Sk: Láska a priateľstvo sú pre nich to najcennejšie.En: Love and friendship are the most precious things to them. Vocabulary Words:majestic: vznešenéwhisper: šepkajúwinding: kľukatétrails: cestičkáchengrossed: zahĺbenídetermined: odhodlanáconfident: sebavedomýunknown: neznámarash: unáhlenéinternal: vnútornýreflection: zamyslíbeautiful: krásnomshadow: tieňdecisive: vyhranenomstruggle: bojuperspective: perspektívepatience: trpezlivosticommitment: záväzkusummer: letoflourishes: kvitneunknown: neznámamix emotions: zmiešané emóciehasty: rýchleprotect: chrániťconflict: bojobligation: záväzokunderstanding: rozumenieprecious: cennéplan: plánovanieembrace: objímať
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    15 min
  • Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heroic-rescue-amid-ruins-courage-in-the-heart-of-devin-castle Story Transcript:Sk: Lukáš, Petra a Jozef stáli na kamennom nádvoria Devínskeho hradu.En: Lukáš, Petra, and Jozef stood in the stone courtyard of Devín Castle.Sk: Bola horúca letná sobota.En: It was a hot summer Saturday.Sk: Slnko sa vysoko blýskalo a ich tiene boli krátke a tmavé.En: The sun was shining brightly, casting short and dark shadows.Sk: Ruiny hradu boli majestátne.En: The castle ruins were majestic.Sk: Staré hradby poskytovali nádherný výhľad na sútok riek Dunaj a Morava.En: The old walls offered a stunning view of the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers.Sk: Lukáš miloval takéto miesta.En: Lukáš loved places like this.Sk: Dnes chcel ukázať svoje vedomosti a zanechať dojem.En: Today, he wanted to show off his knowledge and make an impression.Sk: "Kedysi tu stál mocný hrad," začal Lukáš, "a postavili ho v deviatom storočí.En: "Once, there stood a mighty castle here," Lukáš began, "and it was built in the ninth century."Sk: " Petra s nadšením počúvala a Jozef prikyvoval, no ich pohľady rýchlo upierali na sokola, ktorý lietal nad hradbami.En: Petra listened with enthusiasm, and Jozef nodded, but their gazes quickly turned to a hawk flying over the walls.Sk: Zrazu Petra padla na kolená a začala sa škrtiť.En: Suddenly, Petra fell to her knees and began to choke.Sk: Oči mala červené a opuchnuté.En: Her eyes were red and swollen.Sk: Lukáš okamžite vedel, že to je vážne.En: Lukáš immediately knew it was serious.Sk: "Allergická reakcia," zavrčal Jozef a kľakol si k Petre.En: "Allergic reaction," Jozef growled and knelt beside Petra.Sk: Petra sa chvela a prudko dýchala.En: Petra was shaking and breathing heavily.Sk: Bohužiaľ, mobilný signál v ruinách bol nestály.En: Unfortunately, the mobile signal in the ruins was unstable.Sk: Lukáš cítil paniku.En: Lukáš felt panic rising.Sk: Musel rýchlo rozhodnúť.En: He had to decide quickly.Sk: Ísť po pomoc alebo zostať s Petrou a Jozefom?En: Go for help or stay with Petra and Jozef?Sk: Čas bežal.En: Time was running out.Sk: "Musím nám nájsť pomoc," povedal rozhodne Lukáš.En: "I have to find us help," Lukáš said decisively.Sk: "Jozef, drž ju stabilnú!En: "Jozef, keep her stable!"Sk: "Lukáš sa rozbehol cez rozpadnuté nádvoria a tmavé chodby hradu.En: Lukáš sprinted through the crumbling courtyard and dark corridors of the castle.Sk: Srdce mu búchalo ako nikdy predtým.En: His heart pounded like never before.Sk: Stále bežal rýchlejšie.En: He ran faster and faster.Sk: Narazil na schody vedúce von a dúfal, že nájde niekoho, kto by mohol pomôcť.En: He came upon stairs leading outside and hoped to find someone who could help.Sk: Ale nikde nikoho.En: But there was no one.Sk: Ruiny boli skoro prázdne.En: The ruins were almost empty.Sk: Lukáš sa nevzdal.En: Lukáš did not give up.Sk: Mal strach, no ten strach teraz použil ako palivo.En: He was scared, but he used that fear as fuel.Sk: V spomienkach myslel na Petru.En: In his thoughts, he focused on Petra.Sk: Vedel, že musí byť statočný a rýchly.En: He knew he had to be brave and quick.Sk: Našťastie, po niekoľkých minútach bežal na turistov na nižšej terase.En: Luckily, after a few minutes, he came upon some tourists on a lower terrace.Sk: "Prosím vás," kričal zadýchane, "moja priateľka potrebuje pomoc!En: "Please," he shouted breathlessly, "my friend needs help!Sk: Má vážnu alergickú reakciu!En: She’s having a severe allergic reaction!"Sk: "Jedna z turistiek, mladá žena, vytiahla z batohu Adrenalinový perok.En: One of the tourists, a young woman, pulled an epinephrine pen out of her backpack.Sk: "Mám ju!En: "I've got it!"Sk: " zvolala.En: she exclaimed.Sk: Spolu bežali späť za Petrou.En: Together, they ran back to Petra.Sk: Keď sa dostali na miesto, Petra už bola veľmi slabá.En: When they arrived, Petra was very weak.Sk: Turistka bez váhania aplikovala Adrenalin.En: Without hesitation, the tourist administered the epinephrine.Sk: Petra začala pomaly ožívať.En: Petra began to gradually revive.Sk: Lukáš si kľakol vedľa nej a Jozefa.En: Lukáš knelt beside her and Jozef.Sk: Bol vyčerpaný, ale šťastný.En: He was exhausted but relieved.Sk: Petra sa začala normálne dýchať.En: Petra started breathing normally.Sk: Všetci si hlboko vydýchli.En: Everyone let out a deep sigh of relief.Sk: Petra sa jemne usmiala na Lukáša.En: Petra gently smiled at Lukáš.Sk: "Ďakujem ti," zašepkala.En: "Thank you," she whispered.Sk: Lukáš ju vzal za ruku.En: Lukáš took her hand.Sk: Vedel, že urobil správne rozhodnutie.En: He knew he had made the right decision.Sk: Cestou späť premýšľal o tom, čo sa stalo.En: On the way back, he ...
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    19 min
  • Finding Peace on the Moonlit Beach: Marek's Serene Epiphany
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Peace on the Moonlit Beach: Marek's Serene Epiphany
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: Bola teplá letná noc.
    En: It was a warm summer night.

    Sk: Pláž bola zahalená jemným, zlatistým svetlom zapadajúceho slnka.
    En: The beach was bathed in the gentle, golden light of the setting sun.

    Sk: Marek kráčal po piesku.
    En: Marek walked on the sand.

    Sk: Vlny jemne šumeli a vo vzduchu bol cítiť slaný morský vzduch.
    En: The waves softly murmured, and the salty ocean air was palpable.

    Sk: Pred ním sa rozprestierali stánky plné farebných suvenírov.
    En: Stalls full of colorful souvenirs spread out before him.

    Sk: Marek sa zastavil pri stánku, kde predávali ručne maľované mušle.
    En: Marek stopped at a stall selling hand-painted shells.

    Sk: Vždy miloval zbierať unikátne predmety, ktoré mu pripomínali špeciálne momenty.
    En: He always loved collecting unique items that reminded him of special moments.

    Sk: Skončil dlhodobý vzťah a teraz hľadal nový začiatok.
    En: He had just ended a long-term relationship and was now looking for a fresh start.

    Sk: Pozrel sa na množstvo krásnych mušlí, ale žiadna mu neprišla dokonalá.
    En: He looked at the many beautiful shells, but none seemed perfect to him.

    Sk: Ľudia okolo neho šumeli a tlačili sa.
    En: People around him were buzzing and crowding.

    Sk: Cítil sa nervózny, nevedel sa rozhodnúť.
    En: He felt nervous and couldn't make a decision.

    Sk: Vtedy si povedal, že počká, kým sa dav rozišli.
    En: Then he decided to wait until the crowd dispersed.

    Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol a začal sa sústrediť na svoje pocity, nie len na vzhľad mušlí.
    En: He took a deep breath and began to focus on his feelings, not just the appearance of the shells.

    Sk: Éterickej modrej mušle s drobnými zlatými bodkami si všimol až po chvíli.
    En: He noticed an ethereal blue shell with tiny golden dots after a while.

    Sk: Tá ho upútala.
    En: It caught his attention.

    Sk: V tej istej chvíli k mušle pribehol malý chlapec.
    En: At that same moment, a small boy ran up to the shell.

    Sk: Marek zaváhal.
    En: Marek hesitated.

    Sk: Myslel si, či by mal mušlu vziať pre seba, alebo ju nechať chlapcovi.
    En: He wondered if he should take the shell for himself or let the boy have it.

    Sk: Nakoniec sa usmial a podal mušlu chlapcovi.
    En: In the end, he smiled and handed the shell to the boy.

    Sk: V tom momente pocítil pokoj a pokojný úsmev sa rozžiaril na jeho tvári.
    En: In that moment, he felt at peace, and a serene smile spread across his face.

    Sk: Potom našiel jednoduchšiu mušlu, ktorá ho tiež oslovila, ale na hlbšej úrovni.
    En: He then found a simpler shell that also spoke to him, but on a deeper level.

    Sk: Marek sa naučil uvoľniť svoju túžbu po dokonalosti.
    En: Marek learned to let go of his desire for perfection.

    Sk: Uvedomil si, že skutočná hodnota môže prísť z nečakaných miest a momentov štedrosti.
    En: He realized that true value could come from unexpected places and moments of generosity.

    Sk: Vo svetle mesiacom osvetlenej pláže našiel svoj nový začiatok s jednoduchosťou a pokojom v srdci.
    En: In the moonlit beach, he found his new beginning with simplicity and peace in his heart.

    Vocabulary Words:
    • bathed: zahalil
    • gentle: jemný
    • golden: zlatistý
    • murmured: šumeli
    • palpable: cítiť
    • stalls: stánky
    • spread out: rozprestierali
    • hand-painted: ručne maľované
    • shells: mušle
    • collecting: zbierať
    • unique: unikátne
    • reminded: pripomínali
    • special moments: špeciálne momenty
    • relationship: vzťah
    • beautiful: krásnych
    • buzzing: šumeli
    • crowding: tlačili sa
    • nervous: nervózny
    • dispersed: rozišli
    • ethereal: éterickej
    • tiny: drobnými
    • golden dots: zlatými bodkami
    • hesitated: zaváhal
    • let go: uvoľniť
    • desire: túžbu
    • perfection: dokonalosť
    • realized: uvedomil si
    • unexpected: nečakaných
    • generosity: štedrosti
    • moonlit: mesiacom osvetlenej
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    12 min
  • Ancient Secrets: A Teen's Journey to Architectural Discovery
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Ancient Secrets: A Teen's Journey to Architectural Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ancient-secrets-a-teens-journey-to-architectural-discovery Story Transcript:Sk: V slnkom zaliatom letnom dni, skupina šestnásťročných študentov z Banskej Štiavnice sa zhromaždila pred starodávnym zámkom.En: On a sunlit summer day, a group of sixteen-year-old students from Banská Štiavnica gathered in front of an ancient castle.Sk: Medzi nimi bola aj Janka, tichá a nenápadná dievčina, ktorá mala veľkú vášeň pre historickú architektúru.En: Among them was Janka, a quiet and unassuming girl with a great passion for historical architecture.Sk: Hoci bola plachá a často prehliadaná svojimi spolužiakmi, mala v sebe hlboké nadšenie pre históriu a architektúru.En: Though she was shy and often overlooked by her classmates, she harbored a deep enthusiasm for history and architecture.Sk: Janka vedela, že tento výlet môže byť pre ňu veľmi dôležitý.En: Janka knew that this trip could be very important for her.Sk: Starodávny zámok mal tajomstvá, ktoré túžila odhaliť.En: The ancient castle held secrets she yearned to uncover.Sk: Chcela nájsť skrytý architektonický prvok, ktorý by jej mohol poskytnúť cenné nápady pre jej budúce návrhy.En: She wanted to find a hidden architectural element that could provide her with valuable ideas for her future designs.Sk: Ale jej spolužiaci mali iné plány.En: However, her classmates had different plans.Sk: "Pozri, Janka, poď sa s nami hrať," volal na ňu Tomáš, ale Janka už mala svoj plán.En: "Look, Janka, come play with us," called out Tomáš, but Janka already had her own plan.Sk: Medzi priateľmi nebola moc obľúbená, pretože sa často sústredila na svoje študijné záujmy.En: She wasn't very popular among her friends because she often focused on her academic interests.Sk: Keď ich učiteľ povedal, aby sa všetci držali spolu, Janka cítila, že musí využiť túto šancu.En: When their teacher instructed everyone to stay together, Janka felt she had to seize this opportunity.Sk: Cesta bola dlhá a zámok ponúkal mnoho zákutí a koridorov.En: The journey was long, and the castle offered many nooks and corridors.Sk: Keď sa skupina pohybovala po zámku, Janka sa potichu odtrhla a vydala sa do zakázaného priestoru.En: As the group moved through the castle, Janka quietly slipped away into a forbidden area.Sk: Jej srdce bilo, ale vedela, že si nesmie nechať ujsť túto príležitosť.En: Her heart was pounding, but she knew she couldn't let this chance pass her by.Sk: Kráčala starým kamenným chodbami a hľadala niečo výnimočné.En: She walked through the old stone hallways, searching for something special.Sk: Zrazu zbadala malý otvor v stene, ktorý vyzeral inak ako ostatné.En: Suddenly, she noticed a small opening in the wall that looked different from the others.Sk: Bez váhania vklzla dovnútra a ocitla sa v tajomnej chodbe, bohaté zdobené starými ornamentmi.En: Without hesitation, she slipped inside and found herself in a secret corridor richly adorned with old ornaments.Sk: Janka si vytiahla notebook a začala robiť poznámky a kresby.En: Janka took out her notebook and began making notes and sketches.Sk: Bola uprostred svojej práce, keď počula kroky.En: She was in the midst of her work when she heard footsteps.Sk: "Bola som chytená," pomyslela si.En: "I've been caught," she thought.Sk: Pred ňou stál strážnik s prísnym výrazom.En: Standing before her was a guard with a stern expression.Sk: "Čo tu robíš?En: "What are you doing here?Sk: Vieš, že toto miesto je zakázané?En: You know this place is off-limits?"Sk: "Janka cítila, že nemá na výber.En: Janka felt she had no choice.Sk: "Som študentka a zaujímam sa o architektúru.En: "I'm a student, and I'm interested in architecture.Sk: Toto miesto ma fascinuje.En: This place fascinates me.Sk: Prosím, dovoľte mi dokončiť moje poznámky.En: Please, let me finish my notes."Sk: " Skôr než mohol strážnik odpovedať, objavil sa ich učiteľ.En: Before the guard could respond, their teacher appeared.Sk: "Čo sa deje?En: "What's going on?"Sk: " opýtal sa napäto.En: he asked tensely.Sk: Janka vysvetlila svoju vášeň a túžbu po vedomostiach.En: Janka explained her passion and desire for knowledge.Sk: Učiteľ pohovoril so strážnikom a ten, po chvíli váhania, pohodil hlavou.En: The teacher spoke with the guard, who, after a moment of hesitation, nodded.Sk: "Nech si teda ponechá svoje poznámky, ale musíš sľúbiť, že sa už nebudeš túlať sama.En: "Let her keep her notes, but you must promise not to wander off alone again."Sk: "Janka súhlasila a od radosti jej srdce plesalo.En: Janka agreed, and her heart leaped with joy.Sk: Spolužiaci sa jej začali venovať s väčším záujmom.En: Her classmates began to treat her with more interest.Sk: ...
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    17 min
  • Seeds of Change: Summer Dreams on the Slovak Farm
    Jun 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Seeds of Change: Summer Dreams on the Slovak Farm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/seeds-of-change-summer-dreams-on-the-slovak-farm Story Transcript:Sk: Na farme na slovenskom vidieku bol nádherný letný deň.En: On a farm in the Slovak countryside, it was a beautiful summer day.Sk: Slnečné lúče zalievali polia, ktoré siahali až k obzoru.En: Sun rays bathed the fields that stretched to the horizon.Sk: Farma bola plná života.En: The farm was full of life.Sk: Kvety slnečníc sa hrdili vo vetre a v záhradách rástli rôzne zeleniny.En: Sunflowers proudly swayed in the wind, and various vegetables grew in the gardens.Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana pracovali usilovne, zbierali čerstvú úrodu pre miestny farmársky trh.En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana worked diligently, gathering fresh produce for the local farmer's market.Sk: Jana bola šikovná a starostlivá mladá žena. Vždy myslela na budúcnosť.En: Jana was a skilled and caring young woman, always thinking about the future.Sk: V duchu túžila opustiť farmu a presťahovať sa do mesta.En: She secretly longed to leave the farm and move to the city.Sk: Marek, jej starší brat, bol pevne zakorenený v tradíciách farmy.En: Marek, her older brother, was deeply rooted in the farm’s traditions.Sk: Nechcel zmenu, aj keď to nikdy nepriznal.En: He didn't want change, though he never admitted it.Sk: Zuzana, ich detská priateľka, prišla na návštevu na leto.En: Zuzana, their childhood friend, had come to visit for the summer.Sk: Snívala o tom, že si založí malý podnik s mestskou záhradkou.En: She dreamed of starting a small urban gardening business.Sk: Jana sa rozhodla, že dnes, počas zbierania úrody, musí Marekovi povedať o svojich snoch.En: Jana decided that today, while harvesting, she must tell Marek about her dreams.Sk: Mala z toho obavy.En: She was anxious.Sk: Vedela, že Marek je veľmi oddaný farmárskej tradícii.En: She knew Marek was very dedicated to the farming tradition.Sk: "Marek," začala opatrne, keď stáli v poli paradajok, "chcem ti niečo povedať."En: "Marek," she began cautiously as they stood in the tomato field, "I want to tell you something."Sk: Marek sa k nej otočil, utierajúc pot z čela.En: Marek turned to her, wiping sweat from his forehead.Sk: "Čo sa deje, Jana?"En: "What's going on, Jana?"Sk: Jana sa zhlboka nadýchla.En: Jana took a deep breath.Sk: "Chcem ísť do mesta. Chcem skúsiť nové veci, nájsť si prácu, ktorú milujem."En: "I want to go to the city. I want to try new things, find a job I love."Sk: Marek stuhol.En: Marek stiffened.Sk: "Prečo by si chcela opustiť farmu? Toto je náš domov, naša dedičstvo."En: "Why would you want to leave the farm? This is our home, our heritage."Sk: "Bojím sa, že ak zostanem, nikdy nebudem môcť plniť svoje sny," odpovedala Jana úprimne.En: "I'm afraid that if I stay, I'll never be able to fulfill my dreams," Jana replied honestly.Sk: "Potrebujem tvoju podporu."En: "I need your support."Sk: Zuzana, ktorá ticho počúvala, sa teraz pridala.En: Zuzana, who had been listening quietly, now joined in.Sk: "Marek, aj ja som mala obavy zmeny, ale teraz viem, že musím nasledovať svoje srdce. A Jana tiež."En: "Marek, I was also afraid of change, but now I know I have to follow my heart. And Jana does too."Sk: Marek uprel oči na obe ženy.En: Marek gazed at both women.Sk: Hlboko vo vnútri cítil zmes emócií.En: Deep inside, he felt a mix of emotions.Sk: Nakoniec, po dlhom mlčaní, kývol hlavou.En: Eventually, after a long silence, he nodded.Sk: "Ak je toto, čo naozaj chceš, Jana, budem ťa podporovať.En: "If this is really what you want, Jana, I will support you.Sk: Nájdeme spôsob, ako udržať farmu a zároveň prijať trochu modernizácie."En: We will find a way to maintain the farm and also embrace a bit of modernization."Sk: Jana sa usmiala a objala svojho brata.En: Jana smiled and hugged her brother.Sk: Cítila sa oslobodená.En: She felt liberated.Sk: Marek povedal: "Sľubujem, že nájdem cestu, ako udržať farmu fungujúcu, aj keď sa veci zmenia."En: Marek said, "I promise I will find a way to keep the farm running, even as things change."Sk: Letný deň sa chýlil k večeru, farma žiarila v zlatom svetle zapadajúceho slnka.En: As the summer day drew to a close, the farm glowed in the golden light of the setting sun.Sk: Jana a Marek zaznamenali vnútornú premenu.En: Jana and Marek experienced an inner transformation.Sk: Jana našla odvahu sledovať svoje sny, zatiaľ čo Marek pochopil, že zmena môže priniesť aj nové príležitosti.En: Jana found the courage to pursue her dreams, while Marek understood that change could also bring new opportunities.Sk: Na konci toho dňa, všetci traja, Jana, Marek a Zuzana, pocítili jemnú radosť z prichádzajúceho nového začiatku.En: At the end of that day, all three, Jana, Marek, and Zuzana, felt a gentle joy ...
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    17 min
  • Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park
    Jun 29 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/viktors-leap-overcoming-fear-in-bratislavas-eco-park Story Transcript:Sk: Mesto bolo plné života.En: The city was bustling with life.Sk: Viktor prechádzal Urban Jungle eco-parkom v Bratislave.En: Viktor was walking through the Urban Jungle Eco-Park in Bratislava.Sk: Bolo skoro leto a príroda rozkvitala.En: It was early summer, and nature was in full bloom.Sk: Vzduch bol plný vône kvetov a čerstvého ovocia.En: The air was filled with the scent of flowers and fresh fruit.Sk: Viktor bol mestským plánovačom.En: Viktor was an urban planner.Sk: Mal rád trvalo udržateľný život a prírodu.En: He loved sustainable living and nature.Sk: Ale mal aj veľký strach z neúspechu.En: But he also had a great fear of failure.Sk: Viktor chcel kúpiť darček pre svojho mentora.En: Viktor wanted to buy a gift for his mentor.Sk: Jeho mentor mu veľmi pomohol s projektom.En: His mentor had greatly helped him with a project.Sk: Chcel mu poďakovať a požiadať ho o radu.En: He wanted to thank him and ask for advice.Sk: Ale mal obavy.En: But he was worried.Sk: Bál sa, že nenájde správny darček.En: He feared he wouldn't find the right gift.Sk: Mal strach, že ho jeho mentor odmietne.En: He was afraid that his mentor would reject him.Sk: Prechádzal sa trhom v eco-parku.En: He walked around the market in the eco-park.Sk: Vidí mnoho stánkov plných krásnych vecí.En: He sees many stalls filled with beautiful things.Sk: Farebné ovocie, čerstvá zelenina, ručne vyrobené výrobky.En: Colorful fruits, fresh vegetables, handmade goods.Sk: Zrazu uvidí stánok mladého remeselníka.En: Suddenly, he spots a stall belonging to a young craftsman.Sk: Na stole boli nádherné drevené sochy a dekoračné predmety.En: On the table were beautiful wooden sculptures and decorative items.Sk: Viktor sa zastavil a začal sa pozerať.En: Viktor stopped and began to look.Sk: „Dobrý deň,“ povedal remeselník.En: “Good day,” said the craftsman.Sk: „Môžem vám pomôcť?“En: “Can I help you?”Sk: „Hľadám darček pre svojho mentora,“ vysvetlil Viktor.En: “I’m looking for a gift for my mentor,” Viktor explained.Sk: „Niečo jedinečné.“En: “Something unique.”Sk: Remeselník ukázal na krásnu drevenú sochu.En: The craftsman pointed to a beautiful wooden sculpture.Sk: „Táto socha je ručne vyrobená z recyklovaného dreva.En: “This sculpture is handmade from recycled wood.Sk: Je to symbol trvalej udržateľnosti.“En: It’s a symbol of sustainability.”Sk: Viktor váhal.En: Viktor hesitated.Sk: Mal chuť kúpiť radšej niečo bezpečnejšie, niečo masovo vyrábané.En: He was tempted to buy something safer, something mass-produced.Sk: Ale cítil, že toto je správne.En: But he felt that this was the right choice.Sk: Rozhodol sa riskovať.En: He decided to take the risk.Sk: „Vezmem ju,“ povedal rozhodne.En: "I'll take it," he said decisively.Sk: Nasledujúci deň, Viktor nervózne čakal v centrálnom pavilóne eco-parku.En: The next day, Viktor nervously waited in the central pavilion of the eco-park.Sk: Jeho mentor prišiel a Viktor mu odovzdal darček.En: His mentor arrived and Viktor handed over the gift.Sk: Pozrel sa na sochu a usmial sa.En: He looked at the sculpture and smiled.Sk: „To je krásne, Viktor.En: “This is beautiful, Viktor.Sk: Je to jedinečné a osobné.En: It’s unique and personal.Sk: Veľmi ti ďakujem.“En: Thank you very much.”Sk: „Potrebujem tvoju radu na projekte,“ priznal Viktor.En: “I need your advice on the project,” Viktor admitted.Sk: „Bojujem s niektorými rozhodnutiami.“En: “I'm struggling with some decisions.”Sk: „Rád ti pomôžem,“ uistil ho mentor a začal dávať rady.En: “I’d be happy to help,” his mentor assured him and began giving advice.Sk: Viktor cítil, ako mu klesá kameň zo srdca.En: Viktor felt a weight lifted from his shoulders.Sk: Bol rád, že riskoval a vybral jedinečný darček.En: He was glad he took the risk and chose a unique gift.Sk: Jeho mentor bol spokojný a on získal potrebné rady a podporu.En: His mentor was pleased, and he gained the necessary advice and support.Sk: Viktor mal novú dôveru v seba.En: Viktor had newfound confidence in himself.Sk: Uvedomil si, že strach zo zlyhania mu bráni.En: He realized that his fear of failure was holding him back.Sk: Od tej chvíle sa rozhodol veriť svojim rozhodnutiam.En: From that moment on, he decided to trust his decisions.Sk: Vedel, že je to cesta k úspechu.En: He knew this was the path to success.Sk: A tak Viktor pokračoval vo svojej práci s novým zanietením a istotou.En: And so Viktor continued his work with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.Sk: Urban Jungle eco-park bol pre neho teraz nielen miestom oddychu, ale aj miestom, kde našiel svoju silu.En: The Urban ...
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    17 min
  • Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains
    Jun 28 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/secrets-and-friendship-in-the-tatra-mountains Story Transcript:Sk: Marek stál pred vchodom do tajného bunkra v Tatrách.En: Marek stood at the entrance to a secret bunker in the Tatra Mountains.Sk: Lesy boli husté a zelený porast ho dokonale ukrýval.En: The forests were dense, and the green foliage concealed him perfectly.Sk: Bolo leto a vtáky spievali.En: It was summer, and the birds were singing.Sk: Ale Marek bol ticho napätý.En: But Marek was silently tense.Sk: Pri ušiach držal vysielačku.En: He held a radio to his ear.Sk: „Jozef, poď sem.En: "Jozef, come here.Sk: Musíme sa skryť.En: We have to hide.Sk: Invázná armáda prichádza!En: The invading army is approaching!"Sk: “Jozef, jeho priateľ, sa zasmial.En: Jozef, his friend, laughed.Sk: „Marek, nemaj strach.En: "Marek, don't worry.Sk: Nikto tu neprichádza.En: No one is coming here."Sk: “Marek sa však nenechal odradiť.En: But Marek remained undeterred.Sk: „Nie, Jozef.En: "No, Jozef.Sk: Musíš mi veriť.En: You have to believe me.Sk: Príď sem, rýchlo.En: Come here, quickly."Sk: “Jozef bol skeptický, ale išiel za Marekom.En: Jozef was skeptical but followed Marek.Sk: Našiel ho, ako odomyká zámok na vchode do bunkra.En: He found him unlocking the door to the bunker.Sk: „Čo tam máte, Marek?En: "What do you have in there, Marek?"Sk: “„Len poď dovnútra,“ trval na svojom Marek.En: "Just come inside," Marek insisted.Sk: „Ukážem ti, aké je to vážne.En: "I'll show you how serious it is."Sk: “Vstúpili do bunkra.En: They entered the bunker.Sk: Bol v ňom chladnejší vzduch a mal úhľadné regály plné konzerv, vody a domácich vynálezov.En: The air inside was cooler, and it had neat shelves filled with canned goods, water, and homemade inventions.Sk: „Pozri sa,“ ukázal Marek pyšne na svoje zásoby.En: "Look," Marek proudly showed his supplies.Sk: „Som pripravený.En: "I’m prepared."Sk: “Jozef si prezeral bunkr a posledne sa usmial.En: Jozef looked around the bunker and finally smiled.Sk: „Marek, to je vážne pekné, ale si si istý, že je to nutné?En: "Marek, this is really nice, but are you sure it's necessary?"Sk: “Marek sa na neho zamračil.En: Marek frowned at him.Sk: „Áno, Jozef.En: "Yes, Jozef.Sk: Musíš byť pripravený.En: You have to be prepared.Sk: Čo ak naozaj prídu?En: What if they actually come?"Sk: “Jozef prešiel bunkrom a našiel malý denníček.En: Jozef walked around the bunker and found a small diary.Sk: „Čo to je?En: "What's this?"Sk: “ opýtal sa Jozef a začal listovať.En: he asked, starting to flip through it.Sk: V denníčku boli Marekové plány a scenáre.En: The diary contained Marek's plans and scenarios.Sk: „Tu píšeš o vymyslenej invázii, Marek.En: "Here, you write about an imagined invasion, Marek.Sk: To nie je reálne.En: It's not real."Sk: “Marek klesol.En: Marek slumped.Sk: „Myslel som, že bude lepšie, ak budeme pripravení…“Jozef sa usmial a zavrel denníček.En: "I thought it would be better if we were prepared..." Jozef smiled and closed the diary.Sk: „Marek, nie je tu žiadna hrozba.En: "Marek, there's no threat here.Sk: Len si sa nechal uniesť.En: You just got carried away."Sk: “Marek sa zasmial.En: Marek laughed.Sk: „Možno máš pravdu.En: "Maybe you're right.Sk: Odpusť mi.En: Forgive me."Sk: “Obaja sa posadili do kresiel a smiali sa.En: They both sat in chairs and laughed.Sk: „Však vieš čo?En: "You know what?"Sk: “ povedal Jozef.En: Jozef said.Sk: „Poďme sa prejsť po lesoch.En: "Let's go for a walk in the woods.Sk: Je nádherné leto.En: It's a beautiful summer.Sk: Nepotrebujeme bunkr.En: We don't need the bunker."Sk: “Marek súhlasil.En: Marek agreed.Sk: „Máš pravdu.En: "You're right.Sk: Pôjdeme na túru a užijeme si deň.En: Let's go for a hike and enjoy the day."Sk: “Vyšli z bunkra na slnečné lúče a vzali s sebou len mapu a vodu.En: They left the bunker to the sunny rays, taking only a map and water.Sk: Marekovi prišlo na smiech, keď si uvedomil, ako vážne to celé bral.En: Marek found it amusing when he realized how seriously he had taken everything.Sk: Jozef sa na neho otočil s úsmevom.En: Jozef turned to him with a smile.Sk: „Tak čo, pripravený na dobrodružstvo?En: "So, are you ready for an adventure?"Sk: “Marek prikývol.En: Marek nodded.Sk: „Áno.En: "Yes.Sk: Ale tentokrát bez invázie!En: But this time without any invasion!"Sk: “ Spoločne šli po úzkych cestičkách Tatranských lesov, a Marek pochopil, že jeho predstavivosť môže byť výhodou, ak bude mať aj dávku reality a dôveru v priateľov.En: Together they walked along the narrow paths of the Tatra forests, and Marek understood that his imagination could be an asset if coupled with a dose of reality and trust in friends.Sk: Prešli ...
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    17 min