FluentFiction - Slovenian

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey
    Mar 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ob sončnem pomladnem jutru se je skupina mladih učencev iz Ljubljane zbrala pred Narodno galerijo Slovenije.En: On a sunny spring morning, a group of young students from Ljubljana gathered in front of the National Gallery of Slovenia.Sl: Narodno galerijo, obdano z zelenjem in cvetovi, je že dolgo krasil vonj po sveže cvetočih rožah, ki so sramežljivo kukale skozi okna.En: The National Gallery, surrounded by greenery and blossoms, had long been graced with the scent of freshly blooming flowers, which shyly peeked through the windows.Sl: Med temi učenci so bili tudi Izidor, Katja in Maja.En: Among these students were Izidor, Katja, and Maja.Sl: Izidor je sanjal o umetnosti.En: Izidor dreamed of art.Sl: Želel je, da bi nekoč njegovo delo viselo v tej čudoviti galeriji.En: He wished that one day his work would hang in this beautiful gallery.Sl: Vedel je, da bo danes priložnost, da pokaže svoj talent.En: He knew that today would be an opportunity to showcase his talent.Sl: "Moraš ustvariti nekaj posebnega," si je šepnil, a dvomi so ga začeli obdajati kot oblaki neba.En: "You have to create something special," he whispered to himself, but doubts began to surround him like clouds in the sky.Sl: "Kaj, če se mi posmehujejo?En: "What if they laugh at me?"Sl: " se je spraševal.En: he wondered.Sl: Katja, vestna in organizirana, je držala v rokah seznam.En: Katja, diligent and organized, held a schedule in her hands.Sl: "Moramo ostati na urniku," je opozarjala, ko so stopali v prvo dvorano.En: "We must stay on schedule," she warned as they stepped into the first hall.Sl: Maja se je navdušeno ozrla po umetninah.En: Maja eagerly looked at the works of art.Sl: Oboževala je umetnost, vendar se je redko počutila dovolj samozavestno, da bi ustvarjala sama.En: She adored art, but she rarely felt confident enough to create herself.Sl: "Ti si res dober, Izidor," je rekla.En: "You're really good, Izidor," she said.Sl: Ko so vstopili v galerijo, so jih obkrožili veličastni portreti in slike.En: As they entered the gallery, they were surrounded by magnificent portraits and paintings.Sl: Izidor je bil kot prikovan.En: Izidor was transfixed.Sl: Njegovo srce je začelo hitreje biti, ko je zagledal sliko Ljubljanskega barja.En: His heart began to beat faster when he saw the painting of the Ljubljansko barje.Sl: V istem trenutku je Katja razglasila, da imajo še pol ure, preden nadaljujejo.En: At the same moment, Katja announced that they had half an hour before continuing.Sl: Tako je Izidor sklenil, da mora najti miren kotiček.En: So Izidor decided he needed to find a quiet corner.Sl: "Bom se ločil malo, da se bolje osredotočim," je rekel bolj sebi kot ostalima.En: "I'll separate a little to focus better," he said more to himself than to the others.Sl: S skicirko v roki je sedel na udobno klop in pričel s skico.En: With a sketchbook in hand, he sat on a comfortable bench and started with a sketch.Sl: Trudil se je ujeti svetlobo in senco, toda čas je hitro mineval.En: He tried to capture the light and shadow, but time quickly passed.Sl: Ko se je čas iztekel, je bila slika še nepopolna.En: When the time was up, the drawing was still incomplete.Sl: Izidor je okleval.En: Izidor hesitated.Sl: "Naj pokažem?En: "Should I show it?"Sl: " vprašal se je.En: he asked himself.Sl: Konec koncev, odločil se je zbrati pogum.En: In the end, he decided to gather courage.Sl: Stopil je do Katje in Maje ter razgrnil svojo skico pred njima.En: He walked over to Katja and Maja and unfolded his sketch in front of them.Sl: "O moj bog, Izidor!En: "Oh my god, Izidor!Sl: To je čudovito!En: It's wonderful!"Sl: " je vzkliknila Maja.En: Maja exclaimed.Sl: Katja je prikimala in dodala: "Res si nadarjen.En: Katja nodded and added, "You really are talented.Sl: Pokaži to učiteljici.En: Show this to the teacher."Sl: ""Misliš?En: "Do you think so?"Sl: " je vprašal z skeptičnosjo.En: he asked with skepticism.Sl: A njune besede so ga pomirile.En: But their words reassured him.Sl: Prvič je Izidor začutil, da ga ni strah deliti svoje strasti.En: For the first time, Izidor felt he wasn't afraid to share his passion.Sl: Razumel je, da umetnost ni le v popolnosti, temveč v izražanju svojih čustev.En: He understood that art is not only about perfection but about expressing one's feelings.Sl: Na koncu dneva je Izidor zapustil galerijo z novo zaupanostjo.En: By the end of the day, Izidor left the gallery with newfound confidence.Sl: Vedel je, da je naredil prvi korak k svojemu umetniškemu sanjam.En: He knew he had taken the first step towards his artistic dreams.Sl: Prostor kolem njega je bil isti, a svetloba je bila nekako drugačna.En: The space around him was the same, yet the light was somehow different.Sl: ...
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    16 min
  • Finding Inspiration: A Serendipitous Encounter in Ljubljana
    Mar 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration: A Serendipitous Encounter in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Dež je nežno škrebljal po oknih Nebotičnika.En: The rain gently pattered against the windows of the Nebotičnik.Sl: Zunaj je bila Ljubljana ovita v mehko odejo sivih oblakov, medtem ko je bil zrak že dišeč od pomladi.En: Outside, Ljubljana was wrapped in a soft blanket of gray clouds, while the air was already fragrant with spring.Sl: Anže je sedel v kotu kavarne, ob oknu, kjer je imel pogled na mestne ulice.En: Anže sat in the corner of the café, by the window, where he had a view of the city's streets.Sl: Skrival se je pred dežjem in iskal navdih.En: He was hiding from the rain and seeking inspiration.Sl: Mlad arhitekt si je želel ustvariti nekaj nepozabnega, a skoraj neprebojni ustvarjalni blok je zastrupil njegovo misel.En: The young architect wished to create something unforgettable, but an almost impenetrable creative block poisoned his thoughts.Sl: Mateja je nedavno prišla v Ljubljano.En: Mateja had recently arrived in Ljubljana.Sl: V kavarni je poiskala zavetje, stran od deževnega vremena, a še bolj si je želela toplino družbe.En: She sought refuge in the café, away from the rainy weather, but more so craved the warmth of company.Sl: Sedla je ob drugem oknu, nekoliko oddaljena od Anžeta, in opazovala ljudi.En: She sat by another window, somewhat distant from Anže, and watched the people.Sl: Iskala je način, kako začeti na novo brez občutka izolacije.En: She was searching for a way to start anew without feeling isolated.Sl: Nenadoma si je Anže začel risati.En: Suddenly, Anže started to draw.Sl: Njegovo pero je elegantno drselo po papirju, risalo linije in oblike.En: His pen glided elegantly over the paper, drawing lines and shapes.Sl: Mateja ga je opazila.En: Mateja noticed him.Sl: Njene oči so zazrle v risbo, ki je počasi dobivala obliko njene silhuete ob oknu.En: Her eyes locked onto the drawing, which was slowly taking shape as her silhouette by the window.Sl: Bila je prijetno presenečena.En: She was pleasantly surprised.Sl: Anže se je izgubil v svetu, ki ga je risal, dokler ni začutil Matejinega pogleda.En: Anže lost himself in the world he was drawing until he felt Mateja's gaze.Sl: Nenadoma je postal nervozen.En: Suddenly, he became nervous.Sl: Kaj bo rekla ona?En: What would she say?Sl: A Mateja se je nasmehnila.En: But Mateja smiled.Sl: "To je čudovito," je rekla, njen glas je prinesel toplino v hladen pomladni dan.En: "That's wonderful," she said, her voice bringing warmth to the cool spring day.Sl: Pogledala sta si v oči.En: They looked into each other's eyes.Sl: "Si arhitekt?" Mateja je vprašala z radovednostjo.En: "Are you an architect?" Mateja asked with curiosity.Sl: Anže je rahlo prikimal.En: Anže nodded slightly.Sl: "Mene zanimajo stavbe," je dodal.En: "I'm interested in buildings," he added.Sl: "Iščem nekaj novega za moje projekte, a ideje se ne želijo pokazati."En: "I'm looking for something new for my projects, but ideas don't want to reveal themselves."Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila in se nekoliko nagnila naprej.En: Mateja smiled and leaned forward slightly.Sl: "Sem grafična oblikovalka.En: "I'm a graphic designer.Sl: Pravkar sem prišla v Ljubljano in iščem, kam bi se vključila."En: I've just come to Ljubljana, and I'm looking for where to fit in."Sl: Pogovor se je razpletal kot nežna preja.En: Their conversation unfolded like a gentle thread.Sl: Ideje in sanje so se pletle skupaj kot tančica mavrice po intenzivnem dežju.En: Ideas and dreams wove together like a veil of a rainbow after an intense rain.Sl: Mateja je ponudila sveže poglede, Anže pa je začel čutiti, kako se pretrgati umetniški blok.En: Mateja offered fresh perspectives, and Anže began to feel his artistic block breaking.Sl: Njuna diskusija je bila napolnjena z možnostmi in ustvarjalnostjo.En: Their discussion was filled with possibilities and creativity.Sl: "Zakaj ne bi sodelovala na projektu?" je nenadoma predlagal Anže, na kar je Mateja navdušeno prikimala z očmi, ki so sijale.En: "Why don't we collaborate on a project?" Anže suddenly suggested, to which Mateja eagerly nodded, her eyes shining.Sl: Ko sta zapuščala kavarno, je dež že popuščal.En: As they left the café, the rain was already subsiding.Sl: Pod nebotičnikom je vlažno mesto oddajalo vonj obljube.En: Beneath the skyscraper, the damp city emitted a scent of promise.Sl: Anže je čutil nov zagon; ustvarjalnost je zopet tekla kot reka čez mostičke njegovih misli.En: Anže felt a new momentum; creativity flowed again like a river over the bridges of his thoughts.Sl: Mateja pa se je počutila, kot da je našla prvega prijatelja v mestu - nekoga, s katerim lahko deli tako ideje kot čas.En: Mateja felt as though she had found her first friend in the city—someone with ...
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    16 min
  • Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Krožišče pri Trnovski gimnaziji je bilo kot vedno polno študentov, ki so se prerivali mimo v lahkih jaknah.En: The roundabout near the Trnovska Gymnasium was, as always, full of students jostling past in light jackets.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, poln vonja spomladanskih cvetov.En: The air was fresh, filled with the scent of spring flowers.Sl: Matej je s torbo na rami hitel po hodniku, njegovo srce pa je divje utripalo.En: Matej, with his bag on his shoulder, hurried down the hallway, his heart beating wildly.Sl: Pomislel je na Ninino nasmejano obličje.En: He thought of Nina's smiling face.Sl: Danes je bil pomemben dan.En: Today was an important day.Sl: Šolsko tekmovanje se je bližalo in Matej je imel pomembno nalogo.En: The school competition was approaching, and Matej had an important task.Sl: Njegov prijatelj Luka, vedno poln energije, mu je pomahal.En: His friend Luka, always full of energy, waved at him.Sl: "Matej! Si že predal sporočilo učiteljem?" je vprašal Luka, mahedrajoč z ovojnico v roki.En: "Matej! Have you already handed the message to the teachers?" asked Luka, waving an envelope in his hand.Sl: "Šele grem," je rekel Matej.En: "I'm just going," said Matej.Sl: "Prepričan sem, da je vse pravilno pripravljeno."En: "I'm sure everything is prepared correctly."Sl: Luka je radovedno pogledal v ovojnico.En: Luka looked curiously at the envelope.Sl: "Daj no, pokaži!"En: "Come on, show me!"Sl: Matej se je zasmejal.En: Matej laughed.Sl: "Ne, to je zaupno," se je pošalil, a Luka je že potegnil ovojnico iz Matejevih rok.En: "No, it's confidential," he joked, but Luka had already pulled the envelope from Matej's hands.Sl: "Resno, Luka, daj mi to nazaj!" Toda Luka se je že smejal in odpiral sporočilo.En: "Seriously, Luka, give that back to me!" But Luka was already laughing and opening the message.Sl: "Oh, Tale šala bo kar spodletela," je zavzdihnil, toda že je prepisoval podatke na hitro pišeč listič, brez da bi se zavedal svoje nepazljivosti.En: "Oh, this prank will surely fail," he sighed, but he was already copying the data onto a hastily written note, unaware of his carelessness.Sl: Ko je imel Matej končno nazaj svojo ovojnico, ni opazil Luka, kako mu je pomahal v pozdrav in hitro izginil med razredne klopi.En: When Matej finally got back his envelope, he didn't notice Luka waving goodbye to him and quickly disappearing among the classroom benches.Sl: Na dan tekmovanja so se učitelji in učenci zbrali v telovadnici.En: On the day of the competition, teachers and students gathered in the gymnasium.Sl: Vsi so bili polni pričakovanj.En: Everyone was full of anticipation.Sl: Matej je stal ob strani, ko je učiteljica Marija stopila pred mikrofon.En: Matej stood aside as Professor Marija stepped up to the microphone.Sl: "Dragi učenci, danes bomo videli, kako ste se pripravili na temo... hm, ure tveganja?"En: "Dear students, today we will see how you've prepared on the topic... um, risk management?"Sl: Matej je otrpnil.En: Matej froze.Sl: "To ni prav!" je pomislil.En: "That's not right!" he thought.Sl: Načrtovali so povsem drugo temo.En: They had planned an entirely different topic.Sl: Kdor koli, ki je pisal drugače, je moral biti Luka.En: Whoever wrote it differently had to be Luka.Sl: "Kaj naj naredim?"En: "What should I do?"Sl: Hitro se je postavil v kot in pomislil.En: He quickly stepped into a corner and thought.Sl: Nato je pogumno stopil naprej.En: Then he bravely stepped forward.Sl: "Profesorica Marija, žal tu je napaka," je začel in hitro pojasnil situacijo.En: "Professor Marija, sorry, there's a mistake here," he began, quickly explaining the situation.Sl: Marija ga je poslušala in se nasmehnila.En: Marija listened to him and smiled.Sl: "Nič skrbeti, so dnevi, ko se tehnične težave zgodijo," je rekla.En: "No need to worry, there are days when technical issues occur," she said.Sl: "Kaj predlagaš, Matej?"En: "What do you propose, Matej?"Sl: "Dodajmo kreativni izziv," je rekel.En: "Let's add a creative challenge," he said.Sl: "Pripravimo hitro nekaj inovativnega glede na trenutno temo, vsi bodo sodelovali.En: "Let's quickly come up with something innovative on the current topic, everyone will participate.Sl: Uporabimo to kot prednost."En: We'll use it to our advantage."Sl: Ko se je tekmovanje nadaljevalo, so učenci pokazali svojo ustvarjalnost.En: As the competition continued, the students demonstrated their creativity.Sl: Tekmovali so s srčno vnemo in zagnanostjo, ki je očarala vse prisotne.En: They competed with heartfelt zeal and enthusiasm, captivating everyone present.Sl: Na koncu so osvojili častni naziv za najbolj iznajdljivo rešitev.En: In the end, they earned the honorary title for the most ingenious solution.Sl: Nina je stopila do Mateja in se ...
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