
  • Winter Fair Fumbles: A Comedy of Cold Weather Blunders
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Winter Fair Fumbles: A Comedy of Cold Weather Blunders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-09-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Obala Blejskega jezera je bila prekrita s svežo snežno odejo.En: The shore of Blejski jezero was covered with a fresh blanket of snow.Sl: Poti so bile zaledenele, a čudovite stojnice z zimskega sejma so bleščale v sončnem jutru.En: The paths were icy, but the beautiful stalls of the winter fair were glistening in the morning sun.Sl: Matej je z nosom rdečim od mraza nosil škatle z dekoracijo proti stojnici.En: Matej, his nose red from the cold, was carrying boxes of decorations toward the stall.Sl: "Pozdravljena, Anja," je veselo zaklical, ko je videl, da Anja že zlagoma ureja stvari.En: "Hello, Anja," he called cheerfully when he saw that Anja was already leisurely arranging things.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!Sl: Zamikamo!En: We're moving along!"Sl: " Anja je popravila šal okoli vratu.En: Anja adjusted her scarf around her neck.Sl: Njena velika skrb so bili jasne in lepo urejene stojnica.En: Her great concern was having the stalls clear and nicely arranged.Sl: Matej je oboževal njeno zagnanost, čeprav ga je velikokrat prestrašilo, da ne bi vse izpadlo popolno.En: Matej loved her enthusiasm, though he was often afraid that everything might not turn out perfect.Sl: Matej je takoj začel montirati lučke.En: Matej immediately started setting up the lights.Sl: Roke so mu drhtele od mraza in malce od živčnosti.En: His hands trembled from the cold and a bit from nervousness.Sl: Želel je narediti dober vtis.En: He wanted to make a good impression.Sl: A že se je prvič zaletel v mizo, na kateri so ležali skrbno urejeni izdelki.En: But he already bumped into the table where the carefully arranged products laid.Sl: "Ops, Anja, oprosti," se je nasmehnil, ko je pobiral raztresene sveče.En: "Oops, Anja, sorry," he grinned as he picked up the scattered candles.Sl: "V redu je, Matej.En: "It's okay, Matej.Sl: Več previdnosti," je rekla Anja s kančkom smeha.En: More caution," said Anja with a hint of laughter.Sl: Ko je vzdignil polico s čokoladnimi izdelki, mu je spolzela iz rok.En: When he lifted the shelf with chocolate products, it slipped from his hands.Sl: Anja je sunkovito obrnila glavo.En: Anja sharply turned her head.Sl: "Nič hujšega," se je Matej trudil, da bi situacijo obrnil na šalo: "Zdaj imamo sladke tla.En: "No big deal," Matej tried to turn the situation into a joke: "Now we have sweet floors."Sl: "Anja je vzdihnila, vendar je bila Matejeva zabavna narava tisto, kar ji je bilo pravzaprav všeč.En: Anja sighed, but it was Matej's playful nature that she actually liked.Sl: Čeprav se vedno spraševala, ali bi mu morala oporekati, je nekako šlo.En: Even though she always wondered if she should oppose him, somehow it worked out.Sl: Nenačrtovana avantura se je zgodila, ko je poskušal razvozlati novo škatlo z lučkami.En: An unplanned adventure happened when he tried to untangle a new box of lights.Sl: Malo po malo, namesto da bi razvozlaval, je Matej začel vezati lučke okoli sebe.En: Bit by bit, instead of untangling, Matej began wrapping the lights around himself.Sl: Kmalu je bil privezan ob velike snežaka.En: Soon he was tied to a large snowman.Sl: Poskušal se je izviti in ob tem skoraj povlekel celotno stojnico za seboj.En: He tried to free himself and in doing so almost pulled the entire stall along with him.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!"Sl: " Anja je presenečeno vzkliknila, a se nato, ob njegovem klovnovskem obrazu, najprej nasmehnila, potem pa začela glasno smejati.En: Anja exclaimed in surprise, but then, seeing his clownish expression, first smiled, then began to laugh loudly.Sl: Matej si je premislil.En: Matej reconsidered.Sl: "Nič hudega, lep snežakova kapica samo!En: "No worries, just a nice snowman hat!"Sl: " Poln pozitivne energije, je z obema rokama teatralično dvignil še preostali del dekoracije.En: Full of positive energy, he theatrically lifted the remaining decorations with both hands.Sl: Anja se je smejala in ji ni ostalo drugega, kot da se zmehča.En: Anja laughed and had no choice but to soften.Sl: "Veš kaj?En: "You know what?Sl: Mogoče pa lahko gremo kar s tokom.En: Maybe we can just go with the flow.Sl: Mraz je, smeh naj nas ogreje.En: It's cold; laughter should warm us up."Sl: "Matej, še vedno nekoliko zavozlan v lučke, je pokimal zadovoljno.En: Matej, still somewhat tangled in lights, nodded contentedly.Sl: Ta dan nista dosegla popolnosti, kakršno si je zamislila Anja, toda njuna sposobnost za humor in improvizacijo je osnovala novo prijateljstvo - in morda kaj več.En: That day they did not achieve the perfection that Anja had imagined, but their ability for humor and improvisation laid the foundation for a new friendship—and perhaps something more.Sl: Z mrzlim vetrom, ki je pelu mimo, sta nadaljevala delo, vendar z drugim pogledom na ...
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    17 min
  • Snowflakes of Memory: A Heartwarming Visit with Grandpa
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowflakes of Memory: A Heartwarming Visit with Grandpa Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je hodila po ozkih hodnikih bolnišnice.En: Mateja was walking through the narrow corridors of the hospital.Sl: Zunaj so snežinke počasi padale na zemljo, tihi opomin na zimsko idilo kraja, kjer je preživela toliko lepih trenutkov z dedkom.En: Outside, snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground, a silent reminder of the winter idyll of the place where she had spent so many lovely moments with her grandfather.Sl: Na poti do njegove sobe je Mateja v rokah stiskala album fotografij.En: On her way to his room, Mateja clutched a photo album in her hands.Sl: Srce ji je bilo tesno, vendar je bil njen obraz odločen in nasmejan.En: Her heart felt tight, but her face was determined and smiling.Sl: Ko je vstopila v sobo, je njen dedek, star in utrujen, dvignil glavo in ji namenil šibek nasmeh.En: When she entered the room, her grandfather, old and tired, lifted his head and gave her a weak smile.Sl: "Živjo, Mateja," je rekel s hripavim glasom.En: "Hello, Mateja," he said with a hoarse voice.Sl: "Živjo, dedi," je odgovorila Mateja, skušajoč obdržati svoj glas jasen in vesel.En: "Hello, grandpa," Mateja replied, trying to keep her voice clear and cheerful.Sl: Sedla je na stol ob njegovi postelji, odprla album in začela listati po spominih.En: She sat on the chair by his bed, opened the album, and began leafing through the memories.Sl: "Veš, dedi, danes sem našla nekaj posebnega.En: "You know, grandpa, today I found something special.Sl: Se spomniš, ko sva šla z mamo in Zoranom na Bled?En: Do you remember when we went to Bled with mom and Zoran?Sl: Bil je tako lep zimski dan, kot je danes.En: It was such a beautiful winter day, like today."Sl: " Mateja je pokazala na fotografijo, na kateri so z dedkom in bratom Zoranom stali ob obali Blejskega jezera.En: Mateja pointed at a photograph where she was standing with her grandfather and brother Zoran by the shore of Bled Lake.Sl: V ozadju se je zrcalil grad, obdani z zasneženimi gorami.En: In the background, the castle was mirrored, surrounded by snowy mountains.Sl: Ata je pozorno pogledal sliko, nato pa njegove oči zasijale s toplim spominom.En: Her grandfather looked at the picture intently, and then his eyes sparkled with a warm memory.Sl: "O, seveda, se spomnim.En: "Oh, of course, I remember.Sl: Takrat smo gradili snežaka," je odgovoril in Mateja videla iskrico, ki mu je po dolgem času spet osvetlila oči.En: We built a snowman then," he replied, and Mateja saw a twinkle that had illuminated his eyes again after a long time.Sl: "Da, in sneženi človek je bil skoraj tako velik kot ti, hihi.En: "Yes, and the snowman was almost as big as you, hehe.Sl: Vedno sem mislila, da si ti najboljši arhitekt," se je zasmejala Mateja.En: I always thought you were the best architect," Mateja laughed.Sl: Njena notranja napetost je popuščala ob vsakem njegovem nasmehu.En: Her inner tension eased with each of his smiles.Sl: Renata, Matejina mama, je kmalu prisedla in skupaj so obujali spomine na tiste dni.En: Renata, Mateja's mom, soon joined them, and together they reminisced about those days.Sl: Mateja je pripovedovala zgodbe o zimskih sprehodih okoli jezera, o vroči čokoladi, ki so jo srkali v majhni kavarni ob obali, in o ladjici, ki jih je peljala do otoka.En: Mateja recounted stories about winter walks around the lake, about the hot chocolate they sipped in a small café by the shore, and about the boat that took them to the island.Sl: Ob koncu dneva, ko je Mateja morala zapustiti bolnišnico, je njen dedek izgugal: "Hvala, Mateja.En: By the end of the day, when Mateja had to leave the hospital, her grandfather murmured: "Thank you, Mateja.Sl: Danes si mi polepšala dan.En: You've brightened my day."Sl: "Odhajajoč iz sobe je Mateja vedela, da je naredila nekaj pomembnega.En: As she left the room, Mateja knew she had done something important.Sl: V sebi je premagala strah in negotovost, saj je videla, da ga lahko skozi ljubezen in spomine napolni z upanjem.En: She had overcome fear and uncertainty within herself because she saw that she could fill him with hope through love and memories.Sl: Počutila se je hvaležna za trenutek sreče, ki sta ga delila, kar ji je dalo novo moč za prihodnje dni.En: She felt grateful for the moment of happiness they shared, which gave her new strength for the coming days.Sl: Snežinke so še naprej nežno padale, a zdaj so se zdele toplejše, kot bi Ledenka objela Bled z mehkim, belem objemom spominov in ljubezni.En: The snowflakes continued to fall gently, but now they seemed warmer, as if the frost embraced Bled with a soft, white embrace of memories and love. Vocabulary Words:corridors: hodnikisnowflakes: snežinkeidyll: idiloclutched: stiskaladetermined: odločenhoarse: hripavimcheerful: ...
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    15 min
  • When Christmas Brings Courage in a Coastal Reunion
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: When Christmas Brings Courage in a Coastal Reunion Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-08-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski večer v Piranu je bil čaroben.En: The winter evening in Piran was magical.Sl: Hladno morje je šumela, medtem ko so se luči v stari hiši ob obali nežno bleščale.En: The cold sea was whispering, while the lights in the old house by the shore gently shimmered.Sl: To je bila hiša, kjer so se Anže, Nina in Matej vsako leto znova srečevali s svojo družino za božične praznike.En: This was the house where Anže, Nina, and Matej would reunite with their family every year for Christmas.Sl: A letos je bilo nekaj drugače.En: But this year, something was different.Sl: V zraku je viselo nekaj nerazrešenega.En: There was something unresolved hanging in the air.Sl: Anže, najstarejši brat, je stal ob oknu in opazoval valove.En: Anže, the eldest brother, stood by the window watching the waves.Sl: Kot vedno je čutil, da mora biti vez med brati in sestro.En: As always, he felt it was important to be the bond between the siblings.Sl: A hkrati si je želel nekaj več.En: Yet, at the same time, he wished for something more.Sl: "Zakaj me ne bi za spremembo kdo cenil?En: "Why can't someone appreciate me for a change?"Sl: " si je mislil.En: he thought.Sl: Pomislil je na bližajočo se večerjo.En: He pondered the upcoming dinner.Sl: Nina je bila polna energije.En: Nina was full of energy.Sl: V toplem puloverju je živahno hitela po kuhinji.En: In her warm sweater, she bustled around the kitchen.Sl: Njena glava je bila polna sanj o potovanjih.En: Her head was full of dreams about traveling.Sl: "Ena stvar, ki jo želim povedati danes," je premlevala, "je, da želim videti svet.En: "One thing I want to say today," she contemplated, "is that I want to see the world."Sl: " Ampak, bala se je, da bo družina razočarana zaradi njenih načrtov.En: But she was afraid her family would be disappointed by her plans.Sl: Matej je pakiral krožnike na mizo.En: Matej was setting the plates on the table.Sl: Bil je zelo praktičen, toda v sebi je skrival umetnika.En: He was very practical, but he hid an artist within.Sl: Njegove misli so bile dalj časa razpete med stabilno službo in željo po slikanju.En: His thoughts had long been pulled between a stable job and his desire to paint.Sl: "Moram jim povedati za svojo strast," je šepetal samemu sebi, a dvomil je v reakcije družine.En: "I must tell them about my passion," he whispered to himself, but he doubted the family's reactions.Sl: Ko je zbrano pridnih vonj po pečenkah in svežih poticah napolnil hišo, je bilo jasno, da je čas za večerjo.En: When the gathered aroma of roasts and fresh poticas filled the house, it was clear that it was time for dinner.Sl: Vsi so sedli za mizo, in pogovor se je razvil od običajnih tem prave piranovske družinske večerje do vprašanj, ki so že dolgo visela v zraku.En: Everyone sat around the table, and the conversation evolved from the usual topics of a classic Piran family dinner to questions that had long been in the air.Sl: Anže je vdihnil globoko, medtem ko je rezal potico.En: Anže took a deep breath while slicing the potica.Sl: Odločil se je, da ne bo več nosil samega bremena miru.En: He decided he would no longer bear the burden of peace alone.Sl: "Morda končno povejmo, kaj nas zares muči?En: "Maybe we should finally say what really bothers us?"Sl: " je predlagal.En: he suggested.Sl: Njegove besede so prerezale napetost kot nož.En: His words cut through the tension like a knife.Sl: Vsi so utihnili in prenehali žvečiti.En: Everyone fell silent and stopped chewing.Sl: Poglede je trajalo le trenutek, da so se pretvorili v pogum.En: It only took a moment for the glances to transform into courage.Sl: Nina je prvič spregovorila.En: Nina was the first to speak.Sl: "Želim potovati.En: "I want to travel.Sl: Želim videti svet," je rekla in opazovala starše.En: I want to see the world," she said, watching her parents.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so zrcalili šok, a počasi se je na njih prikradlo razumevanje.En: Their faces reflected shock, but slowly understanding crept over them.Sl: Matej je sledil njenemu zgledu.En: Matej followed her lead.Sl: "Želim ustvarjati.En: "I want to create.Sl: Slike, ne številke," je rekel resno.En: Paintings, not numbers," he said seriously.Sl: Njegove besede so prav tako tehtale.En: His words also held weight.Sl: Starši so si izmenjali poglede, in biglina šok popuščala.En: The parents exchanged glances, the shock slowly subsiding.Sl: To je bil trenutek razrešitve.En: This was a moment of resolution.Sl: Anže je končno zbral pogum in delil svojo željo po večjem priznanju.En: Anže finally gathered the courage and shared his wish for more recognition.Sl: Odpiranje src je zaznamovalo večer in družina se je počasi začela pogovarjati s spoštovanjem in razumevanjem.En: Opening ...
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    18 min
  • Crafting Adventure: A Festive Dream in Piran Seaside Café
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Crafting Adventure: A Festive Dream in Piran Seaside Café Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-08-08-38-18-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Pirančani so vedno vedeli, kako ustvariti vzdušje.En: The people of Piran have always known how to create an atmosphere.Sl: Piran Seaside Café je bil središče dogajanja.En: Piran Seaside Café was the center of the action.Sl: Medtem ko so na ulicah hodili turisti, znotraj kavarnice je dišalo po sveže pečenem kruhu.En: While tourists strolled the streets, inside the café, there was the aroma of freshly baked bread.Sl: Pomarančna in rdeča blaga so krasila stene, lučke so nežno utripale.En: Orange and red fabrics adorned the walls, and lights twinkled gently.Sl: Ob steni je sedel Tadej, pred sabo je imel prenosnik in debelo beležko.En: Tadej sat by the wall, with a laptop and a thick notebook in front of him.Sl: Zavzeto je nekaj pisal.En: He was writing something intently.Sl: Poleg njega je sedela Špela, z velikim kozarcem pomarančnega soka.En: Beside him sat Špela, with a large glass of orange juice.Sl: Prsti so se ji igrali s slamo, misli pa so ji pohajale.En: Her fingers played with the straw as her thoughts wandered.Sl: "Ali veš, Tadej, kaj sem pomislila?En: "Do you know, Tadej, what I was thinking?"Sl: " Špela je prelomila tišino.En: Špela broke the silence.Sl: "Kaj pa, če bi imeli bazar s starodavnimi obrti?En: "What if we had a bazaar with ancient crafts?Sl: Tako kot so jih imeli naši predniki?En: Just like our ancestors did?"Sl: "Tadej se je nasmehnil in nekaj zapisal.En: Tadej smiled and jotted something down.Sl: "Lepa ideja.En: "Beautiful idea.Sl: A pazi pretiranost," je rekel.En: But be cautious of excess," he said.Sl: "Prireditve morajo imeti rdečo nit," je dodal in pokazal na svoj seznam.En: "Events need a central theme," he added, pointing to his list.Sl: "Potrebujemo načrt.En: "We need a plan.Sl: Tako naju ne bodo motili mimoidoči.En: That way, passersby won't distract us."Sl: "Kavarna je bila polna zaradi pravoslavnega božiča.En: The café was full because of the Orthodox Christmas.Sl: Ljudje so poplesavali ob njih, otroci so se smejali.En: People danced around them, children laughed.Sl: Slišali so se zvoki mandolin in pesmi ob morju.En: The sounds of mandolins and sea songs could be heard.Sl: Kako lep čas za praznovanje, a za načrtovanje – to je bil izziv.En: What a beautiful time for celebration, but planning – that was the challenge.Sl: "Se lahko kje usedemo bolj na miru?En: "Can we find a quieter place to sit?"Sl: " Špela je predlagala.En: Špela suggested.Sl: "Seveda, na terasi je manj ljudi.En: "Of course, it's quieter on the terrace.Sl: Malo hladneje, a mirneje," ji je Tadej odgovoril.En: A bit colder, but more peaceful," Tadej replied.Sl: Premaknila sta se na teraso, kjer je veter pihal rahlo, morje pa je mrmralo svojo melodijo.En: They moved to the terrace, where the wind blew gently and the sea murmured its melody.Sl: Vsedla sta se in Tadej je ponovno odprl beležko.En: They sat down, and Tadej opened the notebook again.Sl: "Špela, tvoje ideje so kreativne.En: "Špela, your ideas are creative.Sl: Zato bova za začetek s tabo vodila brainstorming.En: So we'll start with a brainstorming session with you.Sl: Jaz bom zapisoval in vodil,” je rekel Tadej mirno.En: I'll take notes and lead," said Tadej calmly.Sl: Špela se je nasmehnila.En: Špela smiled.Sl: Razpoznavala je resničen interes v Tadejevih očeh.En: She recognized genuine interest in Tadej's eyes.Sl: "Dobro, potem recimo: gostinci bi lahko pripravili jedi iz različnih slovenskih pokrajin.En: "Alright, then how about this: food vendors could prepare dishes from different Slovenian regions."Sl: "Ure so minevale, zrak se je ohlajal, a ideje so se razplamtele na papirju, elegantno prepletene med seboj.En: Hours went by, the air cooled, but the ideas flared up on the paper, elegantly intertwined.Sl: Na koncu plana je bil povzetek poln svežine in potenciala.En: At the end of the plan, there was a summary full of freshness and potential.Sl: Bilo je jasno, da se je spojilo Tadejevo metodično načrtovanje in Špelina divja ustvarjalnost.En: It was clear that Tadej's methodical planning and Špela's wild creativity had come together.Sl: Ko sta se vrnila noter, se je kavarna začela prazniti.En: When they returned inside, the café was beginning to empty out.Sl: Ljudi, polnih novoletne in božične vznesenosti, so rahljali sneg s svojih plaščev.En: People, full of New Year's and Christmas excitement, brushed snow off their coats.Sl: "Zelo sem hvaležen za tvoj doprinos," je rekel Tadej, ko sta se poslavljala.En: "I'm very grateful for your contribution," Tadej said as they were saying goodbye.Sl: "In jaz za tvoj red," se je zahihitala Špela.En: "And I for your order," Špela giggled.Sl: "Festivala ne bo nihče pozabil.En: "No one will forget the festival."Sl: "Veselje, ...
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    17 min
  • Rekindling Friendship: A Winter's Tale at Blejsko Lake
    Jan 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Friendship: A Winter's Tale at Blejsko Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-07-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Maja je hodila po zasneženi poti ob Blejskem jezeru.En: Maja was walking along the snowy path by Blejsko jezero.Sl: Jezero je bilo delno zamrznjeno, okoli njega pa je ležala gosta megla.En: The lake was partially frozen, and a dense fog lay around it.Sl: Maja je čutila, kako jo veter zebe v lica.En: Maja could feel the wind biting her cheeks.Sl: A njen korak je bil odločen, morda celo hiter zaradi njene notranje napetosti.En: But her step was determined, perhaps even quick due to her inner tension.Sl: Komaj je čakala, da znova vidi Luka, svojega prijatelja iz otroštva.En: She could hardly wait to see Luka again, her childhood friend.Sl: Maja in Luka sta bila neločljiva kot otroka.En: Maja and Luka were inseparable as children.Sl: Njuno prijateljstvo je bilo polno smeha in dogodivščin okoli majhne vasi, kjer sta odraščala.En: Their friendship was full of laughter and adventures around the small village where they grew up.Sl: Vendar je življenje storilo svoje in Luka se je preselil v drugo mesto zaradi študija.En: However, life took its course, and Luka moved to another city for his studies.Sl: Sčasoma sta izgubila stik, a Maja je pogosto mislila nanj.En: Over time, they lost touch, but Maja often thought of him.Sl: Ko je izvedela, da Luka rad prihaja na Bled, se je odločila, da ga preseneti.En: When she learned that Luka liked to visit Bled, she decided to surprise him.Sl: Čeprav ni bilo posebnega praznika, je želela ponovno obuditi prijateljstvo in ugotoviti, če je Luka še vedno tisti Luka, ki ga je poznala.En: Although it wasn't a special holiday, she wanted to rekindle their friendship and see if Luka was still the Luka she knew.Sl: Maja je ujela vlak do Bleda.En: Maja caught the train to Bled.Sl: Potovanje je bilo dolgotrajno in zimski pogoji so zunaj okna vlaka ustvarili pravo belačino.En: The journey was long, and the winter conditions outside the train window created a true white-out.Sl: Sedela je, razmišljala in se spraševala, če Luka še vedno hodi k jezeru, ko potrebuje mir.En: She sat, thinking and wondering if Luka still went to the lake when he needed peace.Sl: Ko je prispela, se je gosta megla ovila okoli nje.En: When she arrived, the dense fog enveloped her.Sl: Izgledalo je, kot da jezera ni nikjer.En: It looked as if the lake was nowhere in sight.Sl: Vsakršna anonimna silhueta bi se lahko bila Luka, a je bilo vsajeno v meglo, kot neka skrivnostna dežela.En: Any anonymous silhouette could have been Luka, but it was embedded in the fog like some mysterious land.Sl: Maja se je morala zanašati na svoje srce in občutek, da bo našla svojega starega prijatelja.En: Maja had to rely on her heart and intuition to find her old friend.Sl: Obšla je obalo, pozorno opazovala vsak kotiček.En: She walked along the shore, carefully observing every corner.Sl: Slišala je le škripanje snega pod nogami in tihi zvok zamrznjenega jezera.En: She heard only the crunching of snow underfoot and the soft sound of the frozen lake.Sl: Nato, pod starodavnim drevesom, je opazila znano postavo.En: Then, under an ancient tree, she noticed a familiar figure.Sl: Luka je sedel na klopi, strmel v tiho površje jezera.En: Luka was sitting on a bench, staring at the silent surface of the lake.Sl: Maja je prišla bližje, srce ji je razbijalo.En: Maja approached closer, her heart pounding.Sl: Ko je Luka dvignil pogled in jo zagledal, se mu je obraz razsvetlil s toploto.En: When Luka looked up and saw her, his face lit up with warmth.Sl: Bil je to resnično trenutek, poln čustev.En: It was truly a moment full of emotion.Sl: »Maja!En: "Maja!"Sl: « je vzkliknil Luka, vstal in jo objel.En: Luka exclaimed, stood up, and hugged her.Sl: V tistem trenutku so se vse njene skrbi razblinile.En: In that moment, all her worries melted away.Sl: Njuno prijateljstvo je bilo resnično in močno, neomajano zaradi let ali razdalje.En: Their friendship was genuine and strong, undeterred by years or distance.Sl: Sedla sta skupaj, obujala spomine in planirala prihodnost.En: They sat together, reminiscing and planning for the future.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da se lahko zanese na moč pristnih povezav in da prijateljstvo ne potrebuje posebnega dne ali časa, da bi zacvetelo.En: Maja realized she could rely on the strength of genuine connections and that friendship doesn't need a special day or time to bloom.Sl: Danes je spoznala, da ni nikoli zares izgubila Luka.En: Today she realized that she had never really lost Luka.Sl: Končno je prišla domov, k svojemu prijatelju, ob jezeru fascinantnem v meglicah zimskega dne.En: She had finally come home, to her friend, by the lake, mesmerizing in the mists of a winter's day. Vocabulary Words:snowy: zasneženipartially: delnofog: meglabiting: zebedetermined: ...
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    15 min
  • Whispers of Winter: Unveiling Bled's Mystical Secrets
    Jan 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Whispers of Winter: Unveiling Bled's Mystical Secrets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-07-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Snežinke so nežno padale na Bled in ustvarjale belo preprogo okoli jezera.En: Snowflakes gently fell on Bled, creating a white carpet around the lake.Sl: Matej je z upanjem opazoval snežno pokrajino.En: Matej watched the snowy landscape with hope.Sl: Danes je bil praznik svetih treh kraljev, dan, ko se po lokalnih legendah duhovi prikažejo ljudem.En: Today was the feast of the Three Wise Men, a day when, according to local legends, spirits reveal themselves to people.Sl: Matej je stopil iz svoje hiše, oblečen v topel plašč.En: Matej stepped out of his house wearing a warm coat.Sl: Snežne sledi so ga pritegnile.En: The snow trails intrigued him.Sl: Bile so nedoločljive oblike, a velike in skrivnostne.En: They were of an indeterminable shape, large and mysterious.Sl: Vodule so s severne strani jezera proti gozdu.En: They led from the northern side of the lake towards the forest.Sl: Pridružila sta se mu Ana in Bojan.En: He was joined by Ana and Bojan.Sl: Ana je bila na obisku.En: Ana was visiting, having come for the holiday.Sl: Njena ljubezen do krajevnih navad se je mešala s skepticizmom.En: Her love for local customs was mixed with skepticism.Sl: Bojan, krajevni gozdar, je tiho spremljal dogajanje.En: Bojan, the local forester, silently observed the scene.Sl: "Matej, misliš, da so te sledi povezane z legendami?" je vprašala Ana, ko so hodili po snegu.En: "Matej, do you think these tracks are connected to the legends?" asked Ana as they walked through the snow.Sl: "Vsekakor," je odgovoril Matej z žarom v očeh.En: "Certainly," replied Matej with a spark in his eyes.Sl: "Stare legende pravijo, da duhovni koraki ostajajo vidni le na ta dan."En: "Old legends say that spiritual footprints remain visible only on this day."Sl: Ana je zavzdihnila.En: Ana sighed.Sl: "Ampak, zakaj bi jih sledili v gozd? Še posebej ob tako mrzlem vremenu."En: "But why would we follow them into the forest? Especially in such cold weather."Sl: Bojan je bil ves čas tiho.En: Bojan remained silent all the time.Sl: Njegove oči so pozorno pogledovale proti gozdu.En: His eyes were vigilantly focused on the forest.Sl: Njegovo znanje območja je bilo neprecenljivo.En: His knowledge of the area was invaluable.Sl: Nenadoma se je ustavil.En: Suddenly, he stopped.Sl: "Ali veš kaj o tem?" je Matej vprašal Bojana.En: "Do you know anything about this?" Matej asked Bojan.Sl: Bojan je prikimal.En: Bojan nodded.Sl: "Družina mi je pripovedovala zgodbe. Govorijo o starodavnem obredu.En: "My family told me stories. They speak of an ancient ritual.Sl: Duhovi se pokažejo le nevednežem.En: Spirits appear only to the ignorant.Sl: A ti koraki so opozorilo.En: But these steps are a warning.Sl: Nevarnost je blizu."En: Danger is near."Sl: Kljub Aninim pomislekom sta Matej in Bojan začela slediti stopinjam.En: Despite Ana's concerns, Matej and Bojan began to follow the footprints.Sl: Ana je nerada sledila.En: Ana reluctantly followed.Sl: Snežna pot se je vije v gozd.En: The snowy path led into the forest.Sl: Snežna zavesa, ki je pokrivala drevesa, jim je zaslonila pogled.En: The snow curtain that covered the trees obstructed their view.Sl: Skupina je nadaljevala pot.En: The group continued on.Sl: V gozdu je bil zrak težji.En: In the forest, the air was heavier.Sl: V daljavi so slišali zvoke.En: In the distance, they heard sounds.Sl: Glasovi, kot šepet iz preteklosti.En: Voices, like whispers from the past.Sl: Mateju je srce hitreje bilo.En: Matej's heart beat faster.Sl: Naenkrat je Bojan ustavil in se obrnil proti njima.En: Suddenly, Bojan stopped and turned to them.Sl: "Tu se obred običajno konča," je rekel.En: "This is where the ritual usually ends," he said.Sl: "Starodavni duhovi se vrnejo v senčne dežele."En: "Ancient spirits return to the shadowy lands."Sl: Matej in Ana sta se ozrla okoli.En: Matej and Ana looked around.Sl: Velike sledi so nenadoma izginile.En: The large footprints suddenly disappeared.Sl: Tišina je bila blagodejna in čarobna.En: The silence was soothing and magical.Sl: "Možno je, da je legenda resnična," je rekel Matej, s spoštovanjem v glasu.En: "It’s possible that the legend is true," said Matej, with respect in his voice.Sl: Ana je bila tiha.En: Ana was silent.Sl: Globoko v sebi je začutila čar preteklosti.En: Deep inside, she felt the charm of the past.Sl: Iskanje odgovorov je pogosto samo začetek potovanja.En: Seeking answers is often just the beginning of the journey.Sl: Ko so zapuščali gozd, so se tračnice v preteklost in sedanjost zbližale.En: As they left the forest, the tracks between the past and the present drew closer.Sl: Morda skrivnosti res ostanejo nerazrešene, a njihova povezanost z duhom kraja je ostala.En: Perhaps mysteries indeed remain unresolved, but their ...
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    18 min
  • Bled's Winter Bliss: A Tale of Healing and New Beginnings
    Jan 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Bled's Winter Bliss: A Tale of Healing and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Miha je stal na vrhu bele strmine na smučišču pri Bledu.En: Miha stood at the top of the white slope at the ski resort near Bled.Sl: Svež zrak ga je pozdravil, medtem ko je snežilo.En: The fresh air greeted him as it snowed.Sl: Prišel je iz Ljubljane, da bi našel mir in jasnost.En: He had come from Ljubljana to find peace and clarity.Sl: Po nedavnem razhodu se je želel osredotočiti na nekaj, kar mu je bilo ljubo – smučanje.En: After a recent breakup, he wanted to focus on something he cherished—skiing.Sl: Medtem, na drugi strani, je Nina, novinarka iz Maribora, pridno hodila po poteh okoli jezera, zvezek in kamera v roki.En: Meanwhile, on the other side, Nina, a journalist from Maribor, was diligently walking the paths around the lake, notebook and camera in hand.Sl: Njen cilj je bil ujeti zimsko čarobnost Bleda za članek o sezonskih tradicijah.En: Her goal was to capture the winter magic of Bled for an article on seasonal traditions.Sl: Toda skrivala je notranji pritisk – rok trajanja je grozil, ona pa še vedno ni našla srčne zgodbe.En: But she was hiding inner pressure—a deadline loomed, yet she hadn't found the heartfelt story.Sl: Jure, Mihov prijatelj iz otroštva, je delal na smučišču kot vodja.En: Jure, Miha's childhood friend, worked at the ski resort as a manager.Sl: Z veseljem je pozdravil Miha: "Prijatelj, to je pravo mesto za začetek znova.En: He cheerfully greeted Miha, "Friend, this is the right place to start over.Sl: Pozabi težave in uživaj!"En: Forget your troubles and enjoy!"Sl: Nagovoril ga je, naj se udeleži krajevnega praznovanja pravoslavnega božiča, ki se je bližalo.En: He encouraged him to attend the local celebration of Orthodox Christmas, which was approaching.Sl: Morda bi družba pomagala zdraviti rane.En: Perhaps the company would help heal wounds.Sl: Nina je opazovala lesketanje ledvene gladine z otoka, cerkev je stala na sredini kot iz pravljice.En: Nina watched the shimmering surface of the lake from the island, the church standing in the middle like something out of a fairy tale.Sl: Srečala je Jureta, ki jo je povabil na praznovanje.En: She met Jure, who invited her to the celebration.Sl: "Blažene trenutke najdeš v ljudeh," je rekel, in Nina se je odločila, da si vzame čas zase.En: "You find blessed moments with people," he said, and Nina decided to take time for herself.Sl: Na večeru praznovanja je bilo toplo, polno smeha in toplih luči.En: The evening of the celebration was warm, full of laughter and warm lights.Sl: Miha in Nina sta se po naključju srečala.En: Miha and Nina met by chance.Sl: Njuni pogledi so se ujeli, in po prijazni izmenjavi sta se zapletla v pogovor.En: Their eyes met, and after a friendly exchange, they became engaged in conversation.Sl: Miha je delil svojo zgodbo, kako ga smučanje pomirja, in Nina je spregovorila o ljubezni do pripovedovanja zgodb in izzivih njenega dela.En: Miha shared his story of how skiing calms him, and Nina spoke about her love for storytelling and the challenges of her work.Sl: Pogovor je zahajal globlje, kot sta pričakovala.En: The conversation went deeper than they expected.Sl: Miha je spoznal, da je lahko srečen z nekom, ki deli njegovo strast za pustolovščino.En: Miha realized he could be happy with someone who shares his passion for adventure.Sl: Nina se je zavedla, da je ravnotežje med delom in osebno izkušnjo nujno za obogatitev obojega.En: Nina understood that balance between work and personal experience is essential for enriching both.Sl: Ko je dan minil, sta se sklenila, da skupaj raziščeta čudovit zimski Bled.En: As the day passed, they decided to explore the beautiful winter Bled together.Sl: Drsnila sta po zamrznjenem jezeru in občudovala bele pokrajine.En: They skated on the frozen lake and admired the white landscapes.Sl: Miha je spet našel smisel življenja in odprtost; strahovi so počasi usihali.En: Miha rediscovered the meaning of life and openness; his fears slowly faded.Sl: Nina je svoj članek videla v drugačni luči – poln resničnih doživetij in iskrene sreče, ki ju je doživela.En: Nina saw her article in a different light—full of real experiences and genuine happiness she had encountered.Sl: Bled je postal njun začetek.En: Bled became their beginning.Sl: Kazal je čarobnost trenutkov, ki niso bili le delo ali beg, ampak srčna povezanost in odkritje.En: It showcased the magic of moments that were not just about work or escape but about heartfelt connection and discovery. Vocabulary Words:slope: strminacherished: ljubodiligently: pridnonotebook: zvezekinner: notranjideadline: rok trajanjaloomed: grozilheartfelt: srčnamanager: vodjaheal: zdravitiwounds: raneshimmering: lesketanjesurface: gladinablessed: blaženeexchange: ...
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    15 min
  • Crafting Joy: Mateja's Magical River Snow Day
    Jan 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Crafting Joy: Mateja's Magical River Snow Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-06-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sprehod podnevi ob reki, Ljubljanica je potekal pravljično.En: A walk by the river during the day, the Ljubljanica, was magical.Sl: Zima je risala bele slike čez ulice Ljubljane.En: Winter painted white pictures over the streets of Ljubljana.Sl: Počasi se je bližal praznik, ki ga je Mateja tako težko pričakovala - praznik Gospodovega razglašenja.En: Slowly approaching was the holiday that Mateja had been eagerly waiting for - the Feast of the Lord's Epiphany.Sl: Ob rečni promenadi se je vrvenje mestnega življenja prepletalo z vonjem po zimskih dobrotah.En: Along the river promenade, the bustling city life intertwined with the scent of winter delicacies.Sl: Sneg je nežno padal, pokrivajoč vse kotičke.En: Snow fell gently, covering every corner.Sl: Mateja je stala ob reki, obdana z smehom in prazničnim vrvežem.En: Mateja stood by the river, surrounded by laughter and festive hustle and bustle.Sl: Pozorno je gledala na svežo snežno podlago.En: She was attentively watching the fresh snow cover.Sl: Bor in Nika sta ji pomahali iz bližnje kavarne, kjer sta srkala vročo čokolado.En: Bor and Nika waved at her from a nearby café, where they were sipping hot chocolate.Sl: Koračajoč po mehkem snegu, je Mateja doživela občutek odločnosti.En: Walking through the soft snow, Mateja felt a sense of determination.Sl: Danes je njen dan.En: Today was her day.Sl: Dan, ko bo končno pokazala svoje snežene spretnosti.En: The day when she would finally showcase her snow skills.Sl: "Hej, poglej!En: "Hey, look!Sl: Snemamo jo!En: We're filming it!"Sl: " je zavpila Nika, smejoč se ob pogledu na Matejo, ki se je začela boriti s svežim snegom.En: called out Nika, laughing at the sight of Mateja struggling with the fresh snow.Sl: A nekaj je bilo narobe.En: But something was wrong.Sl: Sneg je bil preveč puhast, nikakor ne tisti pravi, ki ga je potrebovala za trden snežak.En: The snow was too fluffy, not the right type she needed for a sturdy snowman.Sl: Mateja je trmasto poskusila znova.En: Mateja stubbornly tried again.Sl: ZAGNANO je kotalila snežene kepe, a na koncu je pred njo stala velikanska, bela gmota, brez obrazne oblike.En: Determined, she rolled snowballs, but in the end, in front of her stood a giant, white mass, without a facial shape.Sl: "Videti je kot marshmallow," je hinavsko pripomnil Bor.En: "Looks like a marshmallow," Bor slyly remarked.Sl: Vsi trije so se skupaj zasmejali.En: The three of them laughed together.Sl: "To ni to!En: "This isn't it!"Sl: " je vzkliknila Mateja, toda njen smeh je razkrival, da je to povedala v šali.En: exclaimed Mateja, though her laughter revealed she was joking.Sl: Ideja se ji je zdela kar naenkrat zanimiva.En: The idea suddenly seemed interesting to her.Sl: Pomislila je na vse predmete, ki so bili raztreseni ob promenadi.En: She thought of all the objects scattered along the promenade.Sl: Uporabila je veje kot roke, palčke za nos in veliko oranžno kapo zimske trgovinice za klobuk.En: She used branches for arms, sticks for the nose, and a large orange hat from a winter shop for a cap.Sl: Okoli snežne gmote je navezala šal.En: Around the snow mass, she tied a scarf.Sl: Ko sta Nika in Bor zagledala "marshmallow moža," nista mogla zadržati smeha.En: When Nika and Bor saw the "marshmallow man," they couldn't hold back their laughter.Sl: Bil je skrajno nenavaden, a hkrati tako edinstven.En: He was extremely unusual but at the same time so unique.Sl: Na njunih obrazih je bila očarana mešanica začudenja in smeha.En: On their faces was an enchanting mix of amazement and laughter.Sl: "Mateja, to pa je nekaj posebnega!En: "Mateja, this is something special!"Sl: " je pohvalil Bor.En: praised Bor.Sl: Medtem ko so se razposajeno fotografirali s tem novodobjnim snežakom, je Mateja občutila nekaj posebnega.En: While they cheerfully took photos with this modern-day snowman, Mateja felt something special.Sl: Ne gre za popolnost, gre za smeh, ustvarjalnost in zabavo.En: It wasn't about perfection; it was about laughter, creativity, and fun.Sl: "Lepo je biti nekaj posebnega," si je mislila.En: "It's nice to be something special," she thought.Sl: Praznične luči Ljubljane so zasijale še posebej močno, ko se je Mateja naslonila na svoji prijatelji, vesela in zadovoljna, da je tisti dan lahko bila točno taka, kot je želela biti.En: The festive lights of Ljubljana shone especially brightly as Mateja leaned on her friends, happy and content to have been exactly who she wanted to be that day. Vocabulary Words:magical: pravljičnopainted: risalaeagerly: težkointertwined: prepletalodelicacies: dobrotahhustle: vrvežattentively: pozornodetermination: odločnostishowcase: pokazalafluffy: puhaststubbornly: trmastosturdy: trdenmass: gmotamarshmallow: ...
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    15 min