
  • Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey
    Mar 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ob sončnem pomladnem jutru se je skupina mladih učencev iz Ljubljane zbrala pred Narodno galerijo Slovenije.En: On a sunny spring morning, a group of young students from Ljubljana gathered in front of the National Gallery of Slovenia.Sl: Narodno galerijo, obdano z zelenjem in cvetovi, je že dolgo krasil vonj po sveže cvetočih rožah, ki so sramežljivo kukale skozi okna.En: The National Gallery, surrounded by greenery and blossoms, had long been graced with the scent of freshly blooming flowers, which shyly peeked through the windows.Sl: Med temi učenci so bili tudi Izidor, Katja in Maja.En: Among these students were Izidor, Katja, and Maja.Sl: Izidor je sanjal o umetnosti.En: Izidor dreamed of art.Sl: Želel je, da bi nekoč njegovo delo viselo v tej čudoviti galeriji.En: He wished that one day his work would hang in this beautiful gallery.Sl: Vedel je, da bo danes priložnost, da pokaže svoj talent.En: He knew that today would be an opportunity to showcase his talent.Sl: "Moraš ustvariti nekaj posebnega," si je šepnil, a dvomi so ga začeli obdajati kot oblaki neba.En: "You have to create something special," he whispered to himself, but doubts began to surround him like clouds in the sky.Sl: "Kaj, če se mi posmehujejo?En: "What if they laugh at me?"Sl: " se je spraševal.En: he wondered.Sl: Katja, vestna in organizirana, je držala v rokah seznam.En: Katja, diligent and organized, held a schedule in her hands.Sl: "Moramo ostati na urniku," je opozarjala, ko so stopali v prvo dvorano.En: "We must stay on schedule," she warned as they stepped into the first hall.Sl: Maja se je navdušeno ozrla po umetninah.En: Maja eagerly looked at the works of art.Sl: Oboževala je umetnost, vendar se je redko počutila dovolj samozavestno, da bi ustvarjala sama.En: She adored art, but she rarely felt confident enough to create herself.Sl: "Ti si res dober, Izidor," je rekla.En: "You're really good, Izidor," she said.Sl: Ko so vstopili v galerijo, so jih obkrožili veličastni portreti in slike.En: As they entered the gallery, they were surrounded by magnificent portraits and paintings.Sl: Izidor je bil kot prikovan.En: Izidor was transfixed.Sl: Njegovo srce je začelo hitreje biti, ko je zagledal sliko Ljubljanskega barja.En: His heart began to beat faster when he saw the painting of the Ljubljansko barje.Sl: V istem trenutku je Katja razglasila, da imajo še pol ure, preden nadaljujejo.En: At the same moment, Katja announced that they had half an hour before continuing.Sl: Tako je Izidor sklenil, da mora najti miren kotiček.En: So Izidor decided he needed to find a quiet corner.Sl: "Bom se ločil malo, da se bolje osredotočim," je rekel bolj sebi kot ostalima.En: "I'll separate a little to focus better," he said more to himself than to the others.Sl: S skicirko v roki je sedel na udobno klop in pričel s skico.En: With a sketchbook in hand, he sat on a comfortable bench and started with a sketch.Sl: Trudil se je ujeti svetlobo in senco, toda čas je hitro mineval.En: He tried to capture the light and shadow, but time quickly passed.Sl: Ko se je čas iztekel, je bila slika še nepopolna.En: When the time was up, the drawing was still incomplete.Sl: Izidor je okleval.En: Izidor hesitated.Sl: "Naj pokažem?En: "Should I show it?"Sl: " vprašal se je.En: he asked himself.Sl: Konec koncev, odločil se je zbrati pogum.En: In the end, he decided to gather courage.Sl: Stopil je do Katje in Maje ter razgrnil svojo skico pred njima.En: He walked over to Katja and Maja and unfolded his sketch in front of them.Sl: "O moj bog, Izidor!En: "Oh my god, Izidor!Sl: To je čudovito!En: It's wonderful!"Sl: " je vzkliknila Maja.En: Maja exclaimed.Sl: Katja je prikimala in dodala: "Res si nadarjen.En: Katja nodded and added, "You really are talented.Sl: Pokaži to učiteljici.En: Show this to the teacher."Sl: ""Misliš?En: "Do you think so?"Sl: " je vprašal z skeptičnosjo.En: he asked with skepticism.Sl: A njune besede so ga pomirile.En: But their words reassured him.Sl: Prvič je Izidor začutil, da ga ni strah deliti svoje strasti.En: For the first time, Izidor felt he wasn't afraid to share his passion.Sl: Razumel je, da umetnost ni le v popolnosti, temveč v izražanju svojih čustev.En: He understood that art is not only about perfection but about expressing one's feelings.Sl: Na koncu dneva je Izidor zapustil galerijo z novo zaupanostjo.En: By the end of the day, Izidor left the gallery with newfound confidence.Sl: Vedel je, da je naredil prvi korak k svojemu umetniškemu sanjam.En: He knew he had taken the first step towards his artistic dreams.Sl: Prostor kolem njega je bil isti, a svetloba je bila nekako drugačna.En: The space around him was the same, yet the light was somehow different.Sl: ...
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    16 min
  • Finding Inspiration: A Serendipitous Encounter in Ljubljana
    Mar 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration: A Serendipitous Encounter in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Dež je nežno škrebljal po oknih Nebotičnika.En: The rain gently pattered against the windows of the Nebotičnik.Sl: Zunaj je bila Ljubljana ovita v mehko odejo sivih oblakov, medtem ko je bil zrak že dišeč od pomladi.En: Outside, Ljubljana was wrapped in a soft blanket of gray clouds, while the air was already fragrant with spring.Sl: Anže je sedel v kotu kavarne, ob oknu, kjer je imel pogled na mestne ulice.En: Anže sat in the corner of the café, by the window, where he had a view of the city's streets.Sl: Skrival se je pred dežjem in iskal navdih.En: He was hiding from the rain and seeking inspiration.Sl: Mlad arhitekt si je želel ustvariti nekaj nepozabnega, a skoraj neprebojni ustvarjalni blok je zastrupil njegovo misel.En: The young architect wished to create something unforgettable, but an almost impenetrable creative block poisoned his thoughts.Sl: Mateja je nedavno prišla v Ljubljano.En: Mateja had recently arrived in Ljubljana.Sl: V kavarni je poiskala zavetje, stran od deževnega vremena, a še bolj si je želela toplino družbe.En: She sought refuge in the café, away from the rainy weather, but more so craved the warmth of company.Sl: Sedla je ob drugem oknu, nekoliko oddaljena od Anžeta, in opazovala ljudi.En: She sat by another window, somewhat distant from Anže, and watched the people.Sl: Iskala je način, kako začeti na novo brez občutka izolacije.En: She was searching for a way to start anew without feeling isolated.Sl: Nenadoma si je Anže začel risati.En: Suddenly, Anže started to draw.Sl: Njegovo pero je elegantno drselo po papirju, risalo linije in oblike.En: His pen glided elegantly over the paper, drawing lines and shapes.Sl: Mateja ga je opazila.En: Mateja noticed him.Sl: Njene oči so zazrle v risbo, ki je počasi dobivala obliko njene silhuete ob oknu.En: Her eyes locked onto the drawing, which was slowly taking shape as her silhouette by the window.Sl: Bila je prijetno presenečena.En: She was pleasantly surprised.Sl: Anže se je izgubil v svetu, ki ga je risal, dokler ni začutil Matejinega pogleda.En: Anže lost himself in the world he was drawing until he felt Mateja's gaze.Sl: Nenadoma je postal nervozen.En: Suddenly, he became nervous.Sl: Kaj bo rekla ona?En: What would she say?Sl: A Mateja se je nasmehnila.En: But Mateja smiled.Sl: "To je čudovito," je rekla, njen glas je prinesel toplino v hladen pomladni dan.En: "That's wonderful," she said, her voice bringing warmth to the cool spring day.Sl: Pogledala sta si v oči.En: They looked into each other's eyes.Sl: "Si arhitekt?" Mateja je vprašala z radovednostjo.En: "Are you an architect?" Mateja asked with curiosity.Sl: Anže je rahlo prikimal.En: Anže nodded slightly.Sl: "Mene zanimajo stavbe," je dodal.En: "I'm interested in buildings," he added.Sl: "Iščem nekaj novega za moje projekte, a ideje se ne želijo pokazati."En: "I'm looking for something new for my projects, but ideas don't want to reveal themselves."Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila in se nekoliko nagnila naprej.En: Mateja smiled and leaned forward slightly.Sl: "Sem grafična oblikovalka.En: "I'm a graphic designer.Sl: Pravkar sem prišla v Ljubljano in iščem, kam bi se vključila."En: I've just come to Ljubljana, and I'm looking for where to fit in."Sl: Pogovor se je razpletal kot nežna preja.En: Their conversation unfolded like a gentle thread.Sl: Ideje in sanje so se pletle skupaj kot tančica mavrice po intenzivnem dežju.En: Ideas and dreams wove together like a veil of a rainbow after an intense rain.Sl: Mateja je ponudila sveže poglede, Anže pa je začel čutiti, kako se pretrgati umetniški blok.En: Mateja offered fresh perspectives, and Anže began to feel his artistic block breaking.Sl: Njuna diskusija je bila napolnjena z možnostmi in ustvarjalnostjo.En: Their discussion was filled with possibilities and creativity.Sl: "Zakaj ne bi sodelovala na projektu?" je nenadoma predlagal Anže, na kar je Mateja navdušeno prikimala z očmi, ki so sijale.En: "Why don't we collaborate on a project?" Anže suddenly suggested, to which Mateja eagerly nodded, her eyes shining.Sl: Ko sta zapuščala kavarno, je dež že popuščal.En: As they left the café, the rain was already subsiding.Sl: Pod nebotičnikom je vlažno mesto oddajalo vonj obljube.En: Beneath the skyscraper, the damp city emitted a scent of promise.Sl: Anže je čutil nov zagon; ustvarjalnost je zopet tekla kot reka čez mostičke njegovih misli.En: Anže felt a new momentum; creativity flowed again like a river over the bridges of his thoughts.Sl: Mateja pa se je počutila, kot da je našla prvega prijatelja v mestu - nekoga, s katerim lahko deli tako ideje kot čas.En: Mateja felt as though she had found her first friend in the city—someone with ...
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    16 min
  • Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Krožišče pri Trnovski gimnaziji je bilo kot vedno polno študentov, ki so se prerivali mimo v lahkih jaknah.En: The roundabout near the Trnovska Gymnasium was, as always, full of students jostling past in light jackets.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, poln vonja spomladanskih cvetov.En: The air was fresh, filled with the scent of spring flowers.Sl: Matej je s torbo na rami hitel po hodniku, njegovo srce pa je divje utripalo.En: Matej, with his bag on his shoulder, hurried down the hallway, his heart beating wildly.Sl: Pomislel je na Ninino nasmejano obličje.En: He thought of Nina's smiling face.Sl: Danes je bil pomemben dan.En: Today was an important day.Sl: Šolsko tekmovanje se je bližalo in Matej je imel pomembno nalogo.En: The school competition was approaching, and Matej had an important task.Sl: Njegov prijatelj Luka, vedno poln energije, mu je pomahal.En: His friend Luka, always full of energy, waved at him.Sl: "Matej! Si že predal sporočilo učiteljem?" je vprašal Luka, mahedrajoč z ovojnico v roki.En: "Matej! Have you already handed the message to the teachers?" asked Luka, waving an envelope in his hand.Sl: "Šele grem," je rekel Matej.En: "I'm just going," said Matej.Sl: "Prepričan sem, da je vse pravilno pripravljeno."En: "I'm sure everything is prepared correctly."Sl: Luka je radovedno pogledal v ovojnico.En: Luka looked curiously at the envelope.Sl: "Daj no, pokaži!"En: "Come on, show me!"Sl: Matej se je zasmejal.En: Matej laughed.Sl: "Ne, to je zaupno," se je pošalil, a Luka je že potegnil ovojnico iz Matejevih rok.En: "No, it's confidential," he joked, but Luka had already pulled the envelope from Matej's hands.Sl: "Resno, Luka, daj mi to nazaj!" Toda Luka se je že smejal in odpiral sporočilo.En: "Seriously, Luka, give that back to me!" But Luka was already laughing and opening the message.Sl: "Oh, Tale šala bo kar spodletela," je zavzdihnil, toda že je prepisoval podatke na hitro pišeč listič, brez da bi se zavedal svoje nepazljivosti.En: "Oh, this prank will surely fail," he sighed, but he was already copying the data onto a hastily written note, unaware of his carelessness.Sl: Ko je imel Matej končno nazaj svojo ovojnico, ni opazil Luka, kako mu je pomahal v pozdrav in hitro izginil med razredne klopi.En: When Matej finally got back his envelope, he didn't notice Luka waving goodbye to him and quickly disappearing among the classroom benches.Sl: Na dan tekmovanja so se učitelji in učenci zbrali v telovadnici.En: On the day of the competition, teachers and students gathered in the gymnasium.Sl: Vsi so bili polni pričakovanj.En: Everyone was full of anticipation.Sl: Matej je stal ob strani, ko je učiteljica Marija stopila pred mikrofon.En: Matej stood aside as Professor Marija stepped up to the microphone.Sl: "Dragi učenci, danes bomo videli, kako ste se pripravili na temo... hm, ure tveganja?"En: "Dear students, today we will see how you've prepared on the topic... um, risk management?"Sl: Matej je otrpnil.En: Matej froze.Sl: "To ni prav!" je pomislil.En: "That's not right!" he thought.Sl: Načrtovali so povsem drugo temo.En: They had planned an entirely different topic.Sl: Kdor koli, ki je pisal drugače, je moral biti Luka.En: Whoever wrote it differently had to be Luka.Sl: "Kaj naj naredim?"En: "What should I do?"Sl: Hitro se je postavil v kot in pomislil.En: He quickly stepped into a corner and thought.Sl: Nato je pogumno stopil naprej.En: Then he bravely stepped forward.Sl: "Profesorica Marija, žal tu je napaka," je začel in hitro pojasnil situacijo.En: "Professor Marija, sorry, there's a mistake here," he began, quickly explaining the situation.Sl: Marija ga je poslušala in se nasmehnila.En: Marija listened to him and smiled.Sl: "Nič skrbeti, so dnevi, ko se tehnične težave zgodijo," je rekla.En: "No need to worry, there are days when technical issues occur," she said.Sl: "Kaj predlagaš, Matej?"En: "What do you propose, Matej?"Sl: "Dodajmo kreativni izziv," je rekel.En: "Let's add a creative challenge," he said.Sl: "Pripravimo hitro nekaj inovativnega glede na trenutno temo, vsi bodo sodelovali.En: "Let's quickly come up with something innovative on the current topic, everyone will participate.Sl: Uporabimo to kot prednost."En: We'll use it to our advantage."Sl: Ko se je tekmovanje nadaljevalo, so učenci pokazali svojo ustvarjalnost.En: As the competition continued, the students demonstrated their creativity.Sl: Tekmovali so s srčno vnemo in zagnanostjo, ki je očarala vse prisotne.En: They competed with heartfelt zeal and enthusiasm, captivating everyone present.Sl: Na koncu so osvojili častni naziv za najbolj iznajdljivo rešitev.En: In the end, they earned the honorary title for the most ingenious solution.Sl: Nina je stopila do Mateja in se ...
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    17 min
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Predjamski Grad
    Mar 5 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling the Mysteries of Predjamski Grad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu skale, kjer pozna pesem vetra pripoveduje zgodbe o preteklosti, stoji Predjamski grad.En: At the edge of the cliff, where the familiar song of the wind tells stories of the past, stands Predjamski grad.Sl: Ko se pomladna meglica počasi dviguje, razkriva mogočno strukturo gradu.En: As the spring mist slowly rises, it reveals the imposing structure of the castle.Sl: Luka, mladi zgodovinar, je prestopil skozi obokan vhod.En: Luka, a young historian, stepped through the arched entrance.Sl: Njegove oči so se iskrile ob želji raziskati zgodovinske skrivnosti.En: His eyes sparkled with the desire to explore historical secrets.Sl: Z njim je bila Maja, arheologinja, ki je vedno raje verjela v trde dokaze kot v stare legende.En: Accompanying him was Maja, an archaeologist who always preferred to believe in hard evidence rather than old legends.Sl: Njuna pozornost je bila usmerjena na skrivnostni artefakt, ki je nenadoma pojavil v eni izmed skritih sob.En: Their attention was focused on a mysterious artifact that suddenly appeared in one of the hidden rooms.Sl: Bil je tam, kjer ni nihče pričakoval.En: It was there, where no one expected.Sl: Aktivna domišljija je Luko pripeljala do misli na legendarnega viteza Erazma Predjamskega, ki naj bi nekoč naselil te poti.En: Luka's active imagination led him to thoughts of the legendary knight Erazem Predjamski, who was said to have once inhabited these paths.Sl: Prepričan je bil, da je artefakt povezan z njim.En: He was convinced that the artifact was connected to him.Sl: "Kaj, če je to dokaz, da je Erazem res nosil tak prstan?" je entuziastično nagovoril Majo, ki je že pregledovala predmet pod mikroskopom.En: "What if this is evidence that Erazem really wore such a ring?" he enthusiastically addressed Maja, who was already examining the object under the microscope.Sl: "Najprej potrebujemo dokaz," je resno rekla Maja, z očmi polnimi koncentracije.En: "First, we need evidence," Maja said seriously, her eyes full of concentration.Sl: "Moraš biti prizanesljiv do znanosti, Luko."En: "You have to be lenient with science, Luka."Sl: Medtem ko sta raziskovala, Luka je sledil črkam, vrezanim v staro kamenino.En: While they were exploring, Luka followed the letters engraved in the old stonework.Sl: Odkrižal je staro karto, ki je bila skoraj skrita pred očmi.En: He uncovered an old map that was almost hidden from view.Sl: Prepričan je, da bo to ključ do resnice.En: He was convinced it would be the key to the truth.Sl: Po drugi strani je Maja natančno analizirala vzorce z artefakta in jih primerjala z znanimi podatki.En: On the other hand, Maja meticulously analyzed the samples from the artifact and compared them with known data.Sl: Končno, nekega popoldneva, sta oba dosegla presenetljivo odkritje.En: Finally, one afternoon, they both made a surprising discovery.Sl: Lukove sledi so ga pripeljale do skritega vhoda v gradu, ki je povezan z življenjem Erazma.En: Luka's clues led him to a hidden entrance in the castle, connected to Erazem's life.Sl: Maja pa je analizirala prstne odtise in potrdila, da starost materiala ustreza Erazmovemu času.En: Maja analyzed the fingerprints and confirmed that the age of the material corresponded to Erazem's time.Sl: Dokazi in pripovedi so združili svoje moči.En: Evidence and narratives combined their strengths.Sl: Na koncu dneva sta stala skupaj, gledala sončni zahod nad gradom in se zavedala svoje zmage.En: At the end of the day, they stood together, gazing at the sunset over the castle, realizing their victory.Sl: Luka je spoznal, da so dejstva pomembna, a tudi pripovedi, ki navdihujejo dušo.En: Luka understood that facts are important, but also the narratives that inspire the soul.Sl: Maja pa je začutila, kako zgodbe lahko oživijo suhe podatke, jih napolnijo z življenjem.En: Maja, on the other hand, felt how stories can bring dry data to life, filling them with vitality.Sl: Tako sta Luka in Maja dosegla sporazum.En: Thus, Luka and Maja reached an agreement.Sl: V skrivnostih lahko sobivata dejstva in miti; in ob pomoči obeh, so se odprle nove poti v zgodovino Predjamskega gradu.En: In mysteries, facts and myths can coexist; and with the help of both, new paths into the history of Predjamski grad were opened. Vocabulary Words:cliff: skalemist: meglicasparkled: iskriledesire: željiartifact: artefaktengraved: vrezanimarchaeologist: arheologinjaevidence: dokaziimposing: mogočnoentrance: vhodconcentration: koncentracijemicroscope: mikroskopomfingerprints: prstne odtisenarratives: pripovedimeticulously: natančnoanalyzed: analiziralahidden: skritcorresponded: ustrezatruth: resnicepaths: potivictory: zmagestories: zgodbecoexist: sobivatahistorian: zgodovinarlenient: prizanesljivdiscoveries: odkritjesoul: ...
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    14 min
  • Tulips, Coffee, and Courage: A Spring Adventure to Amsterdam
    Mar 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Tulips, Coffee, and Courage: A Spring Adventure to Amsterdam Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-04-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V pomladnem jutru, sonce je nežno sijalo skozi okna priljubljene kavarne v stari Ljubljani.En: On a spring morning, the sun gently shone through the windows of a popular cafe in old Ljubljana.Sl: Mateja in Živa sta sedeli za lesenim mizo ob oknu.En: Mateja and Živa were sitting at a wooden table by the window.Sl: Pred njima je bil razgled na Ljubljanski grad in tlakovano ulico.En: In front of them was a view of the Ljubljana Castle and the cobblestone street.Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti vonj po sveže zmleti kavi, cela kavarna pa je bila okrašena s tulipani – rdeče, rumene, rožnate.En: The air was filled with the scent of freshly ground coffee, and the whole cafe was decorated with tulips—red, yellow, pink.Sl: Mateja je bila polna navdušenja.En: Mateja was full of excitement.Sl: "Živa, morava videti tulipane v Amsterdamu," je Mateja dejala.En: "Živa, we must see the tulips in Amsterdam," Mateja said.Sl: Njene oči so žarele, vendar je globoko v sebi bila zaskrbljena glede denarja.En: Her eyes were glowing, but deep down, she was worried about money.Sl: Živa je pogledala prijateljico in se nasmehnila, a njen nasmeh je bil nekoliko zadržan.En: Živa looked at her friend and smiled, but her smile was somewhat reserved.Sl: "Rada bi šla, ampak veš, da imam veliko dela v službi," je odgovorila in srknila kavo.En: "I'd love to go, but you know I have a lot of work at the office," she replied, taking a sip of her coffee.Sl: "Težko bi vzela prosto.En: "It would be hard to take time off."Sl: "Mateja je vedela, da je Živa vedno odgovorna.En: Mateja knew that Živa was always responsible.Sl: Rada je preživljala čas s prijatelji, a njene delovne obveznosti so ji bile vedno prioriteta.En: She loved spending time with friends, but her work commitments were always her priority.Sl: "Razumem te, ampak a ni škoda takšno priložnost zamuditi?En: "I understand you, but isn't it a shame to miss such an opportunity?Sl: Mislim, kaj če bi naredila načrt?En: I mean, what if we made a plan?"Sl: "Živa se je naslonila nazaj, razmišljala je.En: Živa leaned back, pondering.Sl: "Kaj pa glede tvojih stroškov?En: "What about your expenses?Sl: Vedno govoriš, kako moramo biti previdni z denarjem.En: You're always talking about how we need to be careful with money."Sl: "Mateja se je nasmejala in iz torbice vzela beležko.En: Mateja laughed and pulled a notebook from her bag.Sl: "Imam idejo.En: "I have an idea.Sl: Naredila bom proračun.En: I'll make a budget.Sl: Lahko najdeva poceni letalske karte in za nekaj dni rezervirava hostel.En: We could find cheap flight tickets and book a hostel for a few days.Sl: Če se držimo skromnega načrta, bi to zmogle.En: If we stick to a modest plan, we could manage."Sl: "Živa je opazovala Matejo, ki je matematično skicirala načrt.En: Živa watched Mateja mathematically sketching out a plan.Sl: Občudovala je njeno strast in željo po raziskovanju.En: She admired her passion and desire to explore.Sl: "Morda bi lahko prosila za nekaj prostih dni," je končno rekla, čeprav s kančkom dvoma.En: "Maybe I could ask for a few days off," she finally said, though with a hint of doubt.Sl: "Pomembno je, da delam na ravnovesju med delom in življenjem.En: "It's important that I work on a work-life balance."Sl: "Njuna razprava je bila topla in iskrena.En: Their discussion was warm and sincere.Sl: Pogovarjali sta se o svojih odgovornostih, željah, in potrebah.En: They talked about their responsibilities, desires, and needs.Sl: Končno je Živa zavzdihnila, vendar zdaj z nasmehom.En: Finally, Živa sighed, but now with a smile.Sl: "Veš, prav imaš.En: "You know, you're right.Sl: Treba je izkoristiti čas za takšne trenutke.En: It's important to take time for such moments.Sl: Gremo.En: Let's go."Sl: "Obe sta se nasmejali in kliknili s skodelicama kave.En: They both laughed and clinked their coffee cups.Sl: Dogovorili sta se, da bosta skupaj oblikovali proračun.En: They agreed to create a budget together.Sl: Mateja se je počutila ponosni, da se bo naučila bolje upravljati denar, Živa pa je našla pogum, da prioriteto da tudi sebi.En: Mateja felt proud that she would learn to manage money better, and Živa found the courage to prioritize herself as well.Sl: S tulipani okrog njiju in pomladjo v zraku sta načrtovali svoj vznemirljiv izlet.En: With tulips around them and spring in the air, they planned their exciting trip.Sl: Njuna spontana odločitev je združila njuna srca ter združila željo po avanturah s premišljenim načrtovanjem.En: Their spontaneous decision brought their hearts together and combined a desire for adventure with thoughtful planning.Sl: Ljubljana je tisto pomladno jutro opazovala s svojim starodavnim čarom, kot da podpira njuno novo ...
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    16 min
  • Serendipity at the Market: A Culinary Encounter in Ljubljana
    Mar 3 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Serendipity at the Market: A Culinary Encounter in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-03-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je to zimsko jutro dišala po svežini in novih začetkih.En: Ljubljana smelled of freshness and new beginnings this winter morning.Sl: Centralna tržnica je bila polna ljudi, ki so v svojih toplih plaščih raziskovali pestre stojnice.En: The central market was full of people, who, in their warm coats, explored the colorful stalls.Sl: Starejši gospodje so kupovali lokalni sir, mlade družine so otrokom kazale sveže zelene solate, cvetličarji pa so ponujali prve znanilce pomladi – zvončke, ki so se sramežljivo smehljali izza papirnatih vrečk.En: Older gentlemen were buying local cheese, young families showed fresh green salads to their children, and florists offered the first heralds of spring—snowdrops, shyly smiling from behind paper bags.Sl: Mateja je mehkobrazno stopala med pisane stojnice.En: Mateja walked softly among the colorful stalls.Sl: Njena šefla za rdečo kapo in šal je razkrivala le iskrive oči, ki so pozorno spremljale vsak kos sveže zelenjave.En: Her chefla for a red hat and scarf revealed only her sparkling eyes, which attentively observed every piece of fresh vegetable.Sl: Iskala je nekaj posebnega za večerjo, nekaj, kar bi njeno domišljijo razplamtelo v kuhinji.En: She was searching for something special for dinner, something that would ignite her imagination in the kitchen.Sl: Prišla je do stojnico, ki je ponujala velike, rdeče jabolke.En: She arrived at a stall offering large, red apples.Sl: Poleg nje je stal mladenič z zamišljenim obrazom, prebiral je med rdečimi in zelenimi sortami.En: Next to her stood a young man with a pensive expression, sifting through the red and green varieties.Sl: Niko je iskal popolno jabolko za sladico, ki jo je načrtoval za svoj bodoči meni v novem restoranu.En: Niko was searching for the perfect apple for a dessert he planned for his future menu in the new restaurant.Sl: Našel se je z izgubljenim pogledom, ko je Mateja ob njem rekla: "Ti dve sorti sta odlični, a če me vprašaš, imajo ta rdeča več okusa."En: He found himself with a lost look when Mateja beside him said, "These two varieties are excellent, but if you ask me, these red ones have more flavor."Sl: Niko se je obrnil in srečal njene oči; prvi stik je bil presenetljiv, toda prijeten.En: Niko turned and met her eyes; the first contact was surprising but pleasant.Sl: "Poznaš jabolka?" je z nasmeškom vprašal Niko.En: "Do you know apples?" he asked with a smile.Sl: Mateja je skomignila, še vedno zadržano. "Rada kuham," je preprosto pojasnila.En: Mateja shrugged, still reserved. "I like to cook," she simply explained.Sl: Medtem, ko sta si izmenjevala misli o različnih sortah sadja, sta se začela zavedati skupne strasti – ljubezni do kuhanja.En: As they exchanged thoughts about different fruit varieties, they began to realize a shared passion—a love for cooking.Sl: Niko je pogovor popeljal do zamisli, ki jo je imel za svoj restavraciji: "Želim uporabljati lokalne sestavine, da ustvarim nekaj posebnega."En: Niko steered the conversation towards an idea he had for his restaurant: "I want to use local ingredients to create something special."Sl: Mateja ni mogla skriti navdušenja. "Tudi jaz iščem navdih danes," je rekla in pogledala proti stojnicam, ki so bile polne življenja.En: Mateja couldn't hide her excitement. "I'm also looking for inspiration today," she said, glancing at the stalls that were full of life.Sl: Odločila sta se, da bosta skupaj ustvarila nekaj iz svežih sestavin tržnice.En: They decided to create something together from the fresh market ingredients.Sl: Po nekaj hitrih izmenjavah sta se odločila za filirano jabolko z medom in orehi.En: After a few quick exchanges, they decided on a dish of filleted apple with honey and nuts.Sl: Niko je dodal še sveži rožmarin iz ene od stojnic.En: Niko added fresh rosemary from one of the stalls.Sl: Skupaj sta prepletla svoje ideje in nadarjenost v hipni trenutek ustvarjalnosti.En: Together, they wove their ideas and talents into a spontaneous moment of creativity.Sl: Ko sta zaključila, je Mateja začutila sproščeno toplino, nekaj, kar redko deli z neznanci.En: When they finished, Mateja felt a warm sense of ease, something she rarely shares with strangers.Sl: Niko je bil navdušen nad njeno odprtostjo za nove okuse.En: Niko was thrilled with her openness to new flavors.Sl: "Lepo je spoznati nekoga, ki deli tvojo strast," je rekel.En: "It's nice to meet someone who shares your passion," he said.Sl: Svoje številke sta si izmenjala ob obljubi, da se znova srečata v kuhinji.En: They exchanged their numbers with a promise to meet again in the kitchen.Sl: Mateja je odšla z vetrom svežine v koraku, bolj odprta za nova prijateljstva.En: Mateja left with a breeze of ...
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    16 min
  • From Market to Magic: Miha's Carnival Culinary Journey
    Mar 2 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Market to Magic: Miha's Carnival Culinary Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-02-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sonce je komaj prilezlo izza hladnih oblakov v Trnovem, prijetni soseski Ljubljane, ko se je Miha odpravil na lokalno tržnico.En: The sun had barely crept out from behind the cold clouds in Trnovo, a pleasant neighborhood in Ljubljana, when Miha set off for the local market.Sl: Trženje se je prebudilo v živo igrišče, v utripajočem ritmu obarvanih stojnic, napolnjenih z zelenjavo, kruhom in aromatičnimi zelišči.En: The marketplace had awakened into a lively playground, in the pulsating rhythm of colorful stalls filled with vegetables, bread, and aromatic herbs.Sl: Miha je imel v mislih eno nalogo.En: Miha had one task in mind.Sl: Najti je moral popolne sestavine za pripravo tradicionalne pustne jedi, da bi navdušil prijatelja Tadeja in novo znanko Ano na prihajajočem praznovanju.En: He needed to find the perfect ingredients to prepare a traditional Carnival dish to impress his friend Tadej and new acquaintance Ana at the upcoming celebration.Sl: Pust je bil le nekaj dni oddaljen in z njim priložnost, da se Miha poveže z dragocenejšimi spomini iz otroštva.En: Carnival was just a few days away, and with it came the opportunity for Miha to connect with cherished childhood memories.Sl: Toda iskanje ni bilo lahko.En: But the search wasn't easy.Sl: Tržnica je bila polna ljudi, in marsikaj je bilo zaradi pozne zime težko dobiti.En: The market was full of people, and many things were hard to find due to the late winter.Sl: Miha je počasi prečesaval stojnice.En: Miha slowly combed through the stalls.Sl: Znotraj se je boril s svojimi dvomi.En: Inside, he battled with his doubts.Sl: "Bo dovolj?En: "Will it be enough?"Sl: " se je spraševal.En: he wondered.Sl: "Bom razočaral prijatelje, ker ne znam pripraviti tega, kar si želijo?En: "Will I disappoint my friends because I can't prepare what they want?"Sl: "V trenutku je opazil Ane, mlado žensko z nakupovalno torbo polno okusne zelenjave.En: In a moment, he noticed Ana, a young woman with a shopping bag full of tasty vegetables.Sl: Miha se je ustavil.En: Miha stopped.Sl: V notranjosti ga je grizlo nekaj skrbi, vendar je vedel, da mora narediti korak naprej, če želi uspeti.En: Something inside worried him, but he knew he had to take a step forward if he wanted to succeed.Sl: Odkimaval je z glavo, vendar se je le odločno obrnil k njej: "Oprostite, ali imate kakšen nasvet za to tržnico?En: He shook his head, but then decisively turned to her: "Excuse me, do you have any tips for this market?"Sl: "Ana se je široko nasmehnila, in takoj je bilo jasno, da deli ljubezen do tradicionalne kuhinje.En: Ana smiled broadly, and it was immediately clear that she shared a love for traditional cuisine.Sl: "Pozdravljen!En: "Hello!Sl: Moj nasvet?En: My advice?Sl: Iščite tisto, kar je lokalno in sezonsko," je rekla, preden je navrgla: "Kaj natančno iščete?En: Look for what's local and seasonal," she said before adding, "What exactly are you looking for?"Sl: "Miha se je počutil lažje, saj se je začel pogovor.En: Miha felt lighter as the conversation started.Sl: "Razmišljam o jedi za Pust.En: "I'm thinking about a dish for Carnival.Sl: Nisem prepričan, kaj tepka v tej sezoni.En: I'm not sure what works in this season."Sl: "Ana je razumela.En: Ana understood.Sl: "Veliko stvari manjka, ampak mogoče lahko uporabimo nekaj enostavnejšega.En: "A lot is missing, but maybe we can use something simpler.Sl: Kot bučna juha z malo domišljije.En: Like pumpkin soup with a bit of imagination."Sl: "Svetloba v Aninih očeh in toplina njenega glasu sta Miha pomirili.En: The light in Ana's eyes and the warmth of her voice calmed Miha.Sl: Kmalu sta si skupaj ogledovala stojnico in nabirala sestavine za nov, prilagojen recept.En: Soon they were perusing a stall together, gathering ingredients for a new, adapted recipe.Sl: "Tako, to bo zagotovo uspelo," je rekla Ana, medtem ko sta s polno roko sestavin odkorakala proti izhodu tržnice.En: "There, this will surely work," Ana said, as they walked with their arms full of ingredients toward the market exit.Sl: Med potjo je Miha delil nekaj spominov na otroštvo, na večere preživete ob pustnih norčijah.En: Along the way, Miha shared some childhood memories, of evenings spent in Carnival revelry.Sl: Ana je odgovorila s svojo različico bučne juhe, ki je vsebovala poseben, skrivni začimbo.En: Ana responded with her version of pumpkin soup, which included a special, secret spice.Sl: Ko se je večer Pusta približal, je bila Miha poln adrenalina, a tudi nenavadno miren.En: As Carnival evening approached, Miha was full of adrenaline, yet strangely calm.Sl: Kuhinja se je napolnila z vonjavami, kombinacija Mihovih in Aninih predstavitev se je zdela kot popolna simfonija.En: The kitchen filled with aromas, the ...
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    18 min
  • Blending Beats and Heritage: The Festival of Compromise
    Mar 1 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Blending Beats and Heritage: The Festival of Compromise Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-01-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zima je že skoraj minila, a zrak v Stari Ljubljani je ostajal hladen in svež.En: Winter was almost over, but the air in Stara Ljubljana remained cold and fresh.Sl: Ljudje so se zbirali ob praznovanju Prešernovega dneva.En: People gathered to celebrate Prešernov dan.Sl: Ozke ulice so bile polne glasov, smeha in vonja po kuhanem vinu.En: The narrow streets were filled with voices, laughter, and the scent of mulled wine.Sl: Mogočni grad je visok gledal dol na mesto, kjer je razburjenje počasi naraščalo.En: The mighty castle loomed high, looking down on the city where the excitement was slowly rising.Sl: Sredi tega prizorišča sta stala Nejc in Maja, vsak s svojo vizijo festivala.En: In the middle of this scene stood Nejc and Maja, each with their own vision for the festival.Sl: Njune oči so govorile vse – ponos, trma, pa tudi majhna sled frustracije.En: Their eyes said it all – pride, stubbornness, and also a small hint of frustration.Sl: Nejc je bil obrtniški mojster, ki si je srčno želel, da festival ostane zvest tradiciji.En: Nejc was a master craftsman who passionately wanted the festival to stay true to tradition.Sl: "Poglej te lesene skulpture," je rekel.En: "Look at these wooden sculptures," he said.Sl: "Te govorijo zgodbo naših prednikov."En: "They tell the story of our ancestors."Sl: "To je res," je Maja odgovorila z mirnim, a odločnim glasom.En: "That's true," Maja replied in a calm but determined voice.Sl: "Ampak moramo pritegniti tudi mlajše generacije.En: "But we need to attract the younger generations as well.Sl: Glasba, svetloba, interaktivni elementi... To jih bo zanimalo."En: Music, lighting, interactive elements... That's what will interest them."Sl: Nejc ni bil prepričan.En: Nejc was not convinced.Sl: "Tradicionalne pesmi in plesi... To je naša dediščina.En: "Traditional songs and dances... That is our heritage.Sl: Ne moremo je kar tako pozabiti zaradi nekaj novih luči."En: We can't just forget it for the sake of a few new lights."Sl: Spor se je razvijal.En: The argument developed.Sl: Maja je želela najeti moderno skupino za otvoritveno slovesnost.En: Maja wanted to hire a modern band for the opening ceremony.Sl: Nejc pa je vztrajal pri uporabi stare zasedbe harmonikarjev.En: Nejc insisted on using the old accordion ensemble.Sl: Zdelo se je, da se ne bosta uspela dogovoriti.En: It seemed they wouldn't be able to agree.Sl: Sreča se jima je posmehnila, ko sta izvedela, da Maja namerava spremeniti del zgodovinske razstave brez Nejcovega soglasja.En: Fortune smiled on them when they learned that Maja planned to change part of the historical exhibition without Nejc's consent.Sl: Razstava je bila jedro festivala, prikazovala je tradicionalna oblačila, orodja in zgodbo slovenskega naroda.En: The exhibition was the core of the festival, showcasing traditional clothing, tools, and the story of the Slovene people.Sl: "Teh stvari ne moreš kar umakniti!" je Nejc vzkliknil, v njegovem glasu je bila jeza.En: "You can't just remove these things!" Nejc exclaimed, anger in his voice.Sl: "Razumem tvojo skrb," je rekla Maja.En: "I understand your concern," Maja said.Sl: "Ampak, če razstavo digitaliziramo, jo lahko naredimo privlačno za vse starostne skupine."En: "But if we digitize the exhibition, we can make it appealing to all age groups."Sl: Razmišljanje je povzročilo trenutek tišine.En: The thought brought a moment of silence.Sl: Oba sta vedela, da morata najti kompromis.En: They both knew they needed to find a compromise.Sl: Na koncu dneva nista želela, da bi njun spor zasenčil praznovanje.En: At the end of the day, they didn't want their dispute to overshadow the celebration.Sl: Po dolgem pogovoru sta sklenila dogovor.En: After a long discussion, they came to an agreement.Sl: Tradiocionalne elemente bodo ohranili v razstavi, dodali pa bodo interaktivne zaslone, ki bodo ponujali več informacij in zgodb v digitalni obliki.En: They would keep the traditional elements in the exhibition but add interactive displays that would offer more information and stories in digital form.Sl: Koncert bo kombinacija stare in nove glasbe, kjer bodo harmonikarji skupaj nastopili z modernim bendom.En: The concert would be a mix of old and new music, where accordion players would perform together with a modern band.Sl: Festival je prišel in šel, pustil pa je trajen vtis.En: The festival came and went, leaving a lasting impression.Sl: Nejc je občutil ponos, ko je zaslišal tradicionalne melodije, ki so se pomešale z zvoki sodobnim ritmov.En: Nejc felt pride as he heard the traditional melodies blending with the sounds of contemporary rhythms.Sl: Maja je videla radost v očeh mladih in starih, ki so z zanimanjem raziskovali zgodovinsko razstavo.En: Maja saw the joy in ...
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    17 min