FluentFiction - Welsh

Auteur(s): FluentFiction.org
  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Aled's Quest: Friendship and Folklore Under Frosty Skies
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Aled's Quest: Friendship and Folklore Under Frosty Skies Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-09-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar ddiwrnod glawog cyntaf yr ysgol ar ôl y gwyliau gaeaf, taflwyd Aled allan o'i gartref gwladaidd ac i'r awyr o'r bwlch o dymheredd.En: On the first rainy school day after the winter holidays, Aled was thrown out of his rural home and into the air from the temperature gap.Cy: Gyda'r bag ar ei gefn, roedd ei galon yn curo'n gyflym wrth feddwl am ei gynllun newydd.En: With a bag on his back, his heart was beating quickly at the thought of his new plan.Cy: Roedd angen iddo wneud ffrindiau newydd ac ymchwilio i draddodiadau ei gymuned.En: He needed to make new friends and explore the traditions of his community.Cy: Aled oedd un bachgen deg mlwydd oed, bachgen sydd bob amser wedi bod yn swil, ond yn frwd am natur.En: Aled was a ten-year-old boy, always shy but passionate about nature.Cy: Roedd ei gariad at yr adar a'r anifeiliaid o'i gwmpas wedi'i wneud yn ofalgar, ond roedd ganddo ofn sgwrsio.En: His love for the birds and animals around him had made him caring, but he was afraid to converse.Cy: Mae'r ysgol yn sefyll rhwng bryniau gwyrddlas a choedwigoedd dyrchafol a choediog sy'n glecian o dan y rhew.En: The school stood between lush green hills and towering wooded forests that crunched under the frost.Cy: Wrth i Aled gerdded, roedd sŵn y tân mawn o dai cyfagos yn llenwi'r awyr, rhoddodd iddo deimlad o gysur.En: As Aled walked, the sound of the peat fire from nearby houses filled the air, giving him a feeling of comfort.Cy: Daeth Aled i'r dosbarth, y lluniau o dai cerrig ar hyd y waliau yn adlewyrchu hanes y fro.En: Aled entered the classroom, the pictures of stone houses along the walls reflecting the area's history.Cy: Eisteddodd mewn cornel ac agorodd ei lyfr bach nodiadau.En: He sat in a corner and opened his little notebook.Cy: Yn ofalus, dechreuodd ysgrifennu cwestiynau yr oedd wedi ystyried eu defnyddio fel dechreuwyr sgwrs.En: Carefully, he began writing questions he had considered using as conversation starters.Cy: Roedd Carys, y ferch gyda'i hegni bywiog a'i straeon lliwgar, eisoes â chylch o ffrindiau o'i chwmpas.En: Carys, the girl with her lively energy and colorful stories, already had a circle of friends around her.Cy: Roedd hi’n eistedd ar flaen y dosbarth, llygaid mawr fel dŵr yn glosio pan oedd yn siarad am straeon am berthnasedd y gymuned a'r byd naturiol.En: She sat at the front of the class, big eyes like water sparkling when she talked about stories of community relevance and the natural world.Cy: Wrth i'r cloch gyfrannu, cymerodd Aled amser i anadlu'n ddwfn a pharatoi am y seibiant.En: As the bell rang, Aled took a moment to breathe deeply and prepare for the break.Cy: Ar ôl dosbarth cyntaf y dydd, roedd y disgyblion yn rhuthro allan i'r iard chwarae, ac roedd yn aros.En: After the first class of the day, the students rushed out to the playground, and he waited.Cy: Gwelodd Carys ar wahân, yn darlunio aderyn lleol yn ei llyfr braslunio.En: He saw Carys apart, sketching a local bird in her sketchbook.Cy: Dewisodd Aled gerdded ati'n araf.En: Aled chose to walk slowly towards her.Cy: Roedd y pryder yn nythu yn ei fenthyg, ond cafodd rywfaint o sicrwydd trwy agor y llyfr nodiadau a gweld un o'r meysydd trafod ymarferol.En: Anxiety nested within him, but he found some reassurance by opening his notebook and seeing one of the practical discussion topics.Cy: "Hei, Carys," meddai Aled, gwenu'n gywir.En: "Hey, Carys," Aled said, smiling sincerely.Cy: "Dwi'n hoffi adar hefyd.En: "I like birds too.Cy: Wyt ti'n gwybod beth yw'r mwyaf arbennig am y gigfran du?En: Do you know what's most special about the black raven?"Cy: "Cododd llygad Carys, yn disgleirio â'r diddordeb.En: Carys's eyes lit up with interest.Cy: "Ydy, dwi wedi clywed straeon am gigfran du.En: "Yes, I've heard stories about the black raven.Cy: Maen nhw'n cael eu hystyried yn ddoeth yma, yn rhan o draddodiadau.En: They're considered wise here, part of traditions."Cy: "Wrth drafod, roedd awyr o agosatrwydd a chysur yn tyfu rhyngddynt.En: As they talked, an air of closeness and comfort grew between them.Cy: Rhannodd Carys ei straeon am y cymuned leol a'u perthynas ag anifeiliaid, tra gwnaeth Aled ddarganfod mwy am y bobl o'i gwmpas.En: Carys shared her stories about the local community and their relationship with animals, while Aled discovered more about the people around him.Cy: Wrth iddi droi'n prynhawn, roedd Aled yn teimlo’n fwy cymdeithasol a chorfforaethol yn yr amgylchedd.En: As the afternoon approached, Aled felt more social and integrated into the environment.Cy: Datganodd iddo fynd ymlaen i ddod o hyd i’r traddodiadau hynol sy’n rhan annatod o’i gymuned.En: He declared his intention to continue discovering ancient traditions that are an integral part of his community.Cy: Drwy'r diwrnod hwnnw, ...
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    17 min
  • A Journey Through the Heart of an Australian Market
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Journey Through the Heart of an Australian Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-19-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r haul Awstralaidd yn tywynnu'n llachar uwchben y farchnad leol.En: The Australian sun shone brightly above the local market.Cy: Lle i'w gadw’n brysur, gyda sefyllfa gythryblus a sŵn sibrwd o siarad a chwerthin.En: It was a place buzzing with activity, with the chaotic sound of chatter and laughter.Cy: Roedd yna emwaith, cerfluniau, a blodau lliwgar, oll yn disgleirio yn erbyn yr awyr glir.En: There were jewelry, sculptures, and colorful flowers, all shining against the clear sky.Cy: Aneira oedd yno, ymhlith yr holl brysurdeb, gyda golwg chwilfrydig yn ei llygaid.En: Aneira was there, amidst all the bustle, with a curious look in her eyes.Cy: Wrth gerdded drwy stondinau'r farchnad, clywodd deledu'r siopwr drws nesaf yn darlledu caneuon traddodiadol.En: As she walked through the market stalls, she heard the shopkeeper's TV next door broadcasting traditional songs.Cy: Roedd crochlef y cerddoriaeth yn atseinio rhwng stondinau, gan ymgorffori hanfod y gymuned i'w phrofiad.En: The piercing music echoed between stalls, embodying the essence of the community in her experience.Cy: Roedd Aneira yno am reswm penodol.En: Aneira was there for a specific reason.Cy: Roedd hi eisiau cael darn unigryw, arfefiad traddodiadol oedd yn meddu ar ystad persol aruthrol.En: She wanted to find a unique piece, a traditional artifact with immense personal significance.Cy: Roedd angen iddi dod o hyd i dechnegau gwreiddiol, nid rhywbeth torfol a sylfaenol.En: She needed to find original techniques, not something mass-produced and basic.Cy: Cychwynodd odysg gyntaf oedd, gwranda ar gynghorion y masnachwyr.En: Her first task was to listen to the advice of the merchants.Cy: Wrth ddefnyddio’r farchnad, yn ceisio gwahaniaethu rhwng y gwir ac ailadroddion, roedd Aneira weithiau'n falch ond hefyd yn ofni camgymryd.En: Navigating the market, trying to differentiate between the genuine articles and reproductions, Aneira was sometimes pleased but also feared making a mistake.Cy: Doedd hi ddim yn siŵr sut mae gwahaniaethu rhwng y gwir arteffactau a chynhyrchiadau sy'n cynnal gwerth marchnadol.En: She wasn't sure how to tell the genuine artifacts from the items that just held market value.Cy: Mewn eiliad o amheuaeth, gwelodd y stondin lle roedd Gareth yn gwerthu ei waith celf.En: In a moment of doubt, she spotted the stall where Gareth was selling his artwork.Cy: Roedd ganddo lafnau enwau a phatrwm ar waith celf sy'n cyfuno â myfyrwyr lleol.En: He had name blades and pattern work that combined with local students.Cy: Gyda llaw, dywedodd, "Bore da, pwy fydda i'n gallu helpu gyda darnau arbennig?En: Casually, he said, "Good morning, how can I help with some special pieces?"Cy: "Gan ymddiried yn Gareth fel arbenigwr, mynegodd ei dymuno.En: Trusting Gareth as an expert, she expressed her wish.Cy: Amlinellodd Gareth stori un darn arbennig wedi'i wneud o bren lleol, gan ychwanegu teimlad dwfn bob tro mae'n siarad am yr arteffact.En: He outlined the story of one particular piece made from local wood, adding a deep feeling every time he spoke about the artifact.Cy: Fodd bynnag, mewn cornel arall, mae Carys yn gafael ac yn disgleirio mewn celf traddodiadol, pob pecyn llawn cariad a hanes.En: However, in another corner, Carys was clutching and shining in traditional art, each package full of love and history.Cy: Daeth i delerau â gwerth y trysor hwn.En: She came to terms with the value of this treasure.Cy: Dechreuodd Carys sôn am y defnydd pryd, yn nodi hanes y darn mewn cofio eu hanes cenedlaethol.En: Carys began to speak about the piece's usage, noting its history in remembering their national heritage.Cy: Gyda straeon Gareth a Carys yn cyd-fodoli yn eu hwyl, roedd Aneira'n symud mewn cyffes.En: With Gareth and Carys's stories coexisting in their enthusiasm, Aneira was moved during her confession.Cy: Er bod y darn yn ddrud, roedd ei calon yn poeni o deimlad cywirwch.En: Although the piece was expensive, her heart was filled with a sense of correctness.Cy: Teimlai fel pe bai wedi cael adrodd ei hunan a'i stori ei hun.En: She felt as if she had recounted herself and her own story.Cy: Roedd cyfrinach soeg a sŵn marchnad am funud, gan gyfleu ymdeimlad o le agos i'r tir.En: There was a secret hush and the sound of the market for a moment, conveying a sense of place close to the land.Cy: Roedd Aneira yn y diwedd yn teimlo mwy o ddealltwriaeth a sylwadau i'w gwneud.En: In the end, Aneira felt a greater understanding and had thoughts to share.Cy: Penderfynodd brynu'r arteffact arbennig, gan adael y farchnad wedi'i chyfoethogi, mewn llawen.En: She decided to buy the special artifact, leaving the market enriched, joyfully.Cy: Roedd Aneira wedi dysgu mwy am werth hanesyddol a diwylliannol y darn, a synnodd ei chalon drwy ddeall y bapur a oedd...
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    17 min
  • New Year's Awakenings: Love and Hope in Ardal Brycheiniog
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: New Year's Awakenings: Love and Hope in Ardal Brycheiniog Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-08-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yng nghanol rhew'r gaeaf yn Ardal Brycheiniog, roedd teulu mawr yn ymgasglu mewn tŷ moethus i ddathlu'r Flwyddyn Newydd.En: In the midst of the winter frost in Ardal Brycheiniog, a large family gathered in a luxurious house to celebrate the New Year.Cy: Roedd sŵn carolau Cymraeg yn llenwi'r aer, a gwârthyr gwrthgyferbyniadol y goleuadau Nadolig yn codi'n braf ar y wal.En: The sound of Welsh carols filled the air, and the contrasting glow of the Christmas lights warmed the wall beautifully.Cy: Ar un pen yr ystafell, roedd Cari yn tywys Gwilym tuag at ffrind newydd.En: At one end of the room, Cari was guiding Gwilym towards a new friend.Cy: "Gwilym, dyma Megan," roedd Cari yn dweud â gwên, gwirioneddol falch o'i gwaith cysylltiedig.En: "Gwilym, this is Megan," Cari said with a smile, genuinely proud of her matchmaking efforts.Cy: Roedd Megan yn sefyll nesaf i'r ffenestr fawr, gan fonitro'r eira sy'n gorwedd dros y tir.En: Megan stood next to the large window, watching the snow that lay across the land.Cy: Gwilym, dyn ifanc a myfyrgar, roedd yn wynebu ei ddryswch ei hun.En: Gwilym, a young and contemplative man, was facing his own confusion.Cy: Roedd profiadau blaenorol yn aml yn ei rwystro rhag agor ei galon i newyddbethau.En: Previous experiences often prevented him from opening his heart to new things.Cy: Roedd Megan, ar y llaw arall, yn llawn cyffro, ond roedd y teimlad o bwysau gan ei theulu i ddod o hyd i bartnerid oedd weithiau'n ormesol.En: Megan, on the other hand, was full of excitement, but the feeling of pressure from her family to find a partner was sometimes overwhelming.Cy: Fel roedd y noson yn datblygu, dechreuodd y ddau swgwrs bach.En: As the evening developed, the two began a small conversation.Cy: Roedd Cari wedi gwybod eu bod nhw'n addas i'w gilydd - ac roedd yn iawn.En: Cari had known they were suited for each other - and she was right.Cy: Roedd Megan yn rhannu ei cherddoriaeth hoff, a bu i Gwilym siarad am ei ddarllen a'i hoff lyfrau.En: Megan shared her favorite music, and Gwilym talked about his reading and favorite books.Cy: Yn fuan, roedd tensiwn yr argyhoeddiadau hen yn dechrau codi gan wneud lle i'w synnwyr o unrhyw reswm.En: Soon, the tension of old convictions began to lift, making way for a sense of reason.Cy: Wrth i'r awr ddynesu at hanner nos, penderfynodd Gwilym ei rhyddhau o'i amheuaeth gyson.En: As the hour approached midnight, Gwilym decided to free himself from his constant doubt.Cy: Trodd at Megan a dweud, "Gawn ni gerdded allan i'r llwyfan, Megan?"En: He turned to Megan and said, "Shall we walk out to the balcony, Megan?"Cy: Roedd y tirwedd o'r Balconi yn eu harwain i weld Tirywd y Bannau.En: The landscape from the balcony led them to see the Tirywd of the Bannau.Cy: Yno, gyda'r copaon eira rhewllyd yn rhan eu cyfweliad tawel, roeddent yn bresennol.En: There, with the icy snow-capped peaks as part of their quiet conversation, they were present.Cy: "Megan," roedd Gwilym yn dechrau'n gymeradwyo ond yn bwyllog, "rydw i wedi byw ymhell yn rhy hir yn nhawelwch fy meddwl.En: "Megan," Gwilym began approvingly but gently, "I've lived too long in the silence of my mind.Cy: Ond dw i'n gweld rhywbeth gwahanol yn eich synnwyr chi o fwyn."En: But I see something different in your sense of joy."Cy: "Gwilym," atebodd Megan yn dawel, "Dw i wedi bod yn ceisio bod yn gwneud y steil perffaith i eraill.En: "Gwilym," Megan replied quietly, "I've been trying to create the perfect image for others.Cy: Ond rwy'n teimlo... Wel, hoffwn i roi'r gorau iddi a mynd â phopeth un cam ar y tro."En: But I feel... Well, I'd like to stop and take everything one step at a time."Cy: Roedd yn gyfaint bach, y fflach o fonheddwr newydd yn yr flwyddyn fythgofiadwy.En: It was a small turn, the flash of a new nobility in an unforgettable year.Cy: Dechreuodd naddu'r dyffrdan yn haws.En: The ice began to carve the valley more easily.Cy: Roeddant yn cytuno – un cam ar y tro.En: They agreed – one step at a time.Cy: Wrth ysgrifennu'r flwyddyn newydd gyda'i llaw fras, gweithredai tuag at y datblygiad newydd â chyff .En: Writing the new year with his broad hand, moving towards the new development with excitement.Cy: Roedd y flwyddyn newydd yn datgelu ei ffydd â glendid, ei holl bwyslais yn llawn o obaith a gofyniad y ddau.En: The New Year revealed its faith with purity, its entire emphasis full of hope and the demand of the two.Cy: Yn y torch o eira, gyda sŵn gemrylen gan deulu yn y cefndir, roedd Llecupop Megan a Gwilym yn colli eu temp, yn dysgu gadael eu hatgofion tawel yn angof, a blaguro eu balchderau eu hunain mewn gwirionedd o oleuni cychwyn newydd.En: In the swirl of snow, with the sound of family chatter in the background, Megan and Gwilym lost their reserve, learning to let their ...
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    16 min

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