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FluentFiction - Welsh

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
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  • Unveiling Snowdonia’s Secrets: A Hidden History Adventure
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unveiling Snowdonia’s Secrets: A Hidden History Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Cy: Gwyn carodd y mynyddoedd.En: Gwyn loved the mountains.Cy: Ar fore haf, roedd y tywydd yn berffaith.En: On a summer morning, the weather was perfect.Cy: Y tirweddau gwyrdd a'r llynnoedd tawel yn Snowdonia oedd ei baradwys.En: The green landscapes and tranquil lakes in Snowdonia were his paradise.Cy: Yn ei law roedd map hen a slei.En: In his hand was an old and sly map.Cy: Dywedodd wrth Eira, "Bydd y map hwn yn ein tywys i le cudd.En: He told Eira, "This map will lead us to a hidden place.Cy: Rhaid i ni ddod o hyd iddo.En: We must find it."Cy: "Eira oedd ei ffrind gorau.En: Eira was his best friend.Cy: Roedd hi'n hoffi antur, ond roedd hi'n amheus hefyd.En: She liked adventure but was also skeptical.Cy: "Ydych chi'n sicr, Gwyn?En: "Are you sure, Gwyn?Cy: Mae'r map yn edrych hen a cham.En: The map looks old and misleading."Cy: "Dafydd, y hanesydd lleol, ymunodd â nhw.En: Dafydd, the local historian, joined them.Cy: Roedd ganddo gyfrinach wrth y map.En: He had a secret involving the map.Cy: Roedd eisiau cyfiawnder ar gyfer gwall o’r gorffennol.En: He wanted justice for a past mistake.Cy: "Dilynaf chi," meddai Dafydd.En: "I will follow you," said Dafydd.Cy: "Mae hanes cudd yma.En: "There is hidden history here."Cy: "Roedd daith y dydd yn anodd.En: The day's journey was tough.Cy: Y tirwedd yn heriol a'r llwybrau yn serth.En: The terrain was challenging, and the paths were steep.Cy: Ond Gwyn yn dal ati.En: But Gwyn kept at it.Cy: "Rydyn ni'n agos," dywedodd yn hyderus.En: "We’re close," he said confidently.Cy: Cyrhaeddon nhw groesffordd.En: They reached a crossroads.Cy: "Pa ffordd nawr?En: "Which way now?"Cy: " gofynnodd Eira.En: asked Eira.Cy: Roedd dau lwybr - un i'r chwith ac un i'r dde.En: There were two paths - one to the left and one to the right.Cy: Gwyn edrychodd ar y map yn astud.En: Gwyn studied the map closely.Cy: "Fydd yn rhaid i ni fynd i'r chwith.En: "We need to go to the left.Cy: Mae'n edrych anoddach, ond rhaid cymryd risg.En: It looks harder, but we must take the risk."Cy: "Aethon nhw ymlaen.En: They moved on.Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn drafferthus a'r troedffyrdd yn gul.En: The path was troublesome and the footpaths narrow.Cy: Ond roedd y tirlun yn hudolus, cyfuniad o lystyfiant ac afonydd bychain.En: But the landscape was enchanting, a mix of vegetation and small rivers.Cy: Roeddent yn cadw hen ben y tir a’r map wrth eu dwylo.En: They kept the old map and the goal in their hands.Cy: Roedd y metel a’r cerrig yn eu harwain ymlaen o hyd.En: The metal and stones continued to guide them.Cy: Yn sydyn, clywon nhw dwr yn rhuo.En: Suddenly, they heard water roaring.Cy: Roedd nant fawr o'u blaenau.En: A large stream lay before them.Cy: Rhaid oedd croesi.En: They had to cross it.Cy: "Dwi ddim yn siwr, Gwyn," gwaeddodd Eira.En: "I'm not sure, Gwyn," shouted Eira.Cy: "Mae'n beryglus!En: "It’s dangerous!"Cy: ""Gallwn ni wneud hyn gyda'n gilydd.En: "We can do this together.Cy: Rydych chi'n gryf ac yn ddewr.En: You’re strong and brave.Cy: Rwy'n eich ymddiried," gwiriodd Gwyn.En: I trust you," assured Gwyn.Cy: Trwy lawer o ymdrech, cafodd y tri groesi'r nant yn ofalus.En: With much effort, the three carefully crossed the stream.Cy: Wedi hynny, cerddon nhw ychydig pellach nes gweld clogwyni cerrig hirion.En: After that, they walked a little further until they saw tall rock cliffs.Cy: "Mae yma!En: "It’s here!"Cy: " gweiddodd Gwyn.En: shouted Gwyn.Cy: "Mae'r fan yn union fel ar y map.En: "The spot is exactly like on the map."Cy: "Wedi crafu'r cerrig a symud rhai ohonynt, dadorchuddiwyd lle llawn arteffactau hanesyddol.En: After scraping the rocks and moving some of them, they uncovered a place full of historical artifacts.Cy: Roedd hen bapurau a gwrthrychau o'r gororau wedi'u gadael yno.En: Old papers and objects from the borders had been left there.Cy: Roeddent yn dystiolaeth o hanescolli'r ardal.En: They were evidence of the area's lost history.Cy: Mae penderfyniad Gwyn wedi talu'r pwyth.En: Gwyn's determination had paid off.Cy: Roedd e wedi dod o hyd i drysor hanesyddol oedd wedi mynd ar goll ers talwm.En: He had found a historical treasure that had been lost for a long time.Cy: Roedd Eira yn llawn balchder a Dafydd yn llawn tawelwch.En: Eira was filled with pride and Dafydd with a sense of closure.Cy: "Dewis dda," meddalodd Eira wrth Gwyn.En: "Good choice," Eira told Gwyn softly.Cy: "A cho downi'n y brwydro di-Dafydd.En: "And we wouldn’t have succeeded without you, Dafydd."Cy: "Gwyn roedd dal y map a chyfarch ei ffrindiau.En: Gwyn held onto the map and greeted his friends.Cy: Roedd pawb wedi dysgu rhywbeth am eu hunain.En: Everyone had learned something about themselves.Cy: "Meddyliau newydd, yn dawel," meddai Dafydd.En: "New thoughts, quietly," Dafydd said.Cy...
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    19 min
  • Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fer pistyll, roedd Carys yn archwilio hen adfeilion Cymru.En: Near a waterfall, Carys explored the ancient ruins of Wales.Cy: Yr haul yn cynhesu ei hwyneb, a’r gwynt ysgafn yn siglo’r blodau gwyllt.En: The sun warmed her face, and the gentle breeze swayed the wildflowers.Cy: Roedd hi’n chwilio am atebion, am arwydd i’w dyfodol.En: She was searching for answers, a sign for her future.Cy: Mae'r adfeilion hyn, wrth eu bodoli mor hen, wedi adfeddu rhinwedd o wybodaeth a straeon hen amser.En: These ruins, by their very old age, had reclaimed a virtue of knowledge and ancient stories.Cy: Cerddodd hi trwy'r glaswellt a’r cysgodion carreg.En: She walked through the grass and stone shadows.Cy: Roedd Carys yn fyfyrio.En: Carys was reflecting.Cy: Ai’r llwybr roedd hi arno yn y bywyd yn gywir i hi?En: Was the path she was on in life the right one for her?Cy: Ai arthog teimlo felly?En: Was it wrong to feel this way?Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.En: She was uncertain.Cy: Roedd y cerrig a'r wal yn siarad, fel pe bai ganddyn nhw gyfrinachau i rannu.En: The stones and the walls seemed to speak, as if they had secrets to share.Cy: Mae'r lle hwn yn aros gyda hanesion.En: This place held stories.Cy: Pob carreg, pob hollt yn dwyn i gof hanesion hen.En: Every stone, every crack, bore memories of the old times.Cy: Carys yn edrych dros y dyffryn tawel.En: Carys looked over the quiet valley.Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod yr ateb yma rywle.En: She knew the answer was here somewhere.Cy: Wrth iddi gerdded ymhellach i’r adfeilion, trodd y ffordd yn anoddach.En: As she walked further into the ruins, the path became more difficult.Cy: Roedd y tir yn anwastad, y drenau a’r mieri yn rhwystr iddi.En: The terrain was uneven, and the brambles and thorns were obstacles.Cy: Roedd gorgyffwrdd rhwng y bywyd modern ac yr hen adfeilion.En: There was an overlap between modern life and the old ruins.Cy: Ei feddyliau oedd her fwyaf iddi, yn troi ac yn tynnu.En: Her thoughts were her biggest challenge, swirling and pulling.Cy: A ddylai hi gadw i ddod o hyd i’r ateb, neu a ddylai hi droi nôl?En: Should she keep looking for the answer, or should she turn back?Cy: Roedd ei chorffynnau’n dechrau teimlo’r blinder.En: Her limbs began to feel the fatigue.Cy: Rhoes hi eistedd ar garreg fawr, wrth fwyngloddio ei meddyliau.En: She sat on a large stone, mining her thoughts.Cy: Feddyliai Carys a oedd hi'n gwneud gwaith cywir yno.En: Carys wondered if she was doing the right thing there.Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.En: She was uncertain.Cy: Yn y funud hon, daeth hi o hyd i rywbeth anarferol.En: In that moment, she found something unusual.Cy: Yng nghanol yr adfeilion, canfyddodd hen enaid carreg gyda hen ysgrifen arno.En: Amidst the ruins, she discovered an old stone soul with ancient writing on it.Cy: Agosodd at y carreg.En: She approached the stone.Cy: Yr arysgriff, er ei fod yn ddiffygiol ac yn amser-wedi darfod, yn crybwyllai “Calon gadarn, llwybr clir.”En: The inscription, though flawed and time-worn, mentioned “Steadfast heart, clear path.”Cy: Wrth ddarllen y geiriau hyn, teimlodd Carys yn gwahanol.En: Reading these words, Carys felt different.Cy: Roedd y geiriau'n berffaith i'w sefyllfa.En: The words were perfect for her situation.Cy: Canfuodd hi eglurder yn y neges hon.En: She found clarity in this message.Cy: Roedd hi’n teimlo cryfder o fewn, dewrder newydd i wynebu’r dyfodol.En: She felt an inner strength, a new courage to face the future.Cy: Cododd hi o’r garreg aeddfed.En: She rose from the stone, feeling more mature.Cy: Roedd ei blinder wedi magu cysur, roedd ei hysbryd yn ysgafnach.En: Her fatigue had turned into comfort, her spirit lighter.Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod nad oedd hi angen edrych yn bellach.En: She knew she didn’t need to look further.Cy: Roedd hi’n barod i gamu ymlaen.En: She was ready to move forward.Cy: It ddaeth hi oddi ar y llwybr â mwy o bwrpas a chred gyda hi.En: She left the path with more purpose and belief in herself.Cy: Roedd y proflith wedi ei llwyddo.En: The ordeal had succeeded.Cy: Gyda phob cam i lawr, teimlodd hi’n gryfach.En: With every step down, she felt stronger.Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod mai'r dyddiadur hwnnw yn ychwanegu cyffredin i'w chalon.En: She knew that diary had added significance to her heart.Cy: Roedd Carys wedi dod o hyd iddi: yr ateb mewn tafod o amser.En: Carys had found it: the answer in an ancient tongue.Cy: Roedd hi’n barod i wynebu’r bywyd a'i dyfodol gyda phenderfyniad newydd.En: She was ready to face life and her future with newfound determination.Cy: Roedd hi’n mwyfeddu ei bwriad a’i sawl iws.En: She embraced her purpose and sense of direction.Cy: Ei bywyd yn newid am y gorau, dewrder i wynebu beth bynnag a ddaw.En: Her life ...
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    17 min
  • The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Cy: Ar draethlin tawel, o dan leuad lwyd llydan, sefai Cerys.En: On a quiet shoreline, under a wide gray moon, stood Cerys.Cy: Roedd y noson yn dawel, a’r tonnau yn rholio’n gerddorol ar y traeth.En: The night was calm, and the waves rolled musically onto the beach.Cy: Roedd yma atgofion.En: There were memories here.Cy: Atgofion o cariad, chwerthin, a hapusrwydd.En: Memories of love, laughter, and happiness.Cy: Cerys a’i phriod, Dafydd, treuliodd bob haf yma.En: Cerys and her husband, Dafydd, had spent every summer here.Cy: Nawr, roedd hi yma ar ei phen ei hun.En: Now, she was here alone.Cy: Y golau lleuad yn castio cysgodion hir ar y tywod.En: The moonlight cast long shadows on the sand.Cy: Roedd y cwsg mor bell.En: Sleep was so far away.Cy: Roedd y dyddiau gyda Dafydd fel breuddwyd.En: The days with Dafydd seemed like a dream.Cy: Tynodd anadl ddofn a cherdded tuag at y don.En: She took a deep breath and walked towards the wave.Cy: “Wyt ti’n cofio?” dywedodd hi'n feddal, fel pe bai Dafydd yn dal i wrando.En: “Do you remember?” she said softly, as if Dafydd were still listening.Cy: Eisteddodd ar y tywod, y tu allan i hen le cudd.En: She sat on the sand, outside their old hiding spot.Cy: Roedd y llanw ar ei ffordd i mewn, gan adael cragen haul newydd sbon ger ei throed.En: The tide was coming in, leaving a brand-new seashell near her foot.Cy: Cymerodd hi’r gragen a dal at ei chalon.En: She picked up the shell and held it to her heart.Cy: Nofiodd cofion melys trwy ei meddwl.En: Sweet memories floated through her mind.Cy: “Rydw i’n dy golli,” whispered hi'n dawel, gan wylio’r tonnau’n rholio.En: “I miss you,” she whispered quietly, watching the waves roll.Cy: Roedd y tonnau yn ffrwydro ar y lan, megis ei theimladau ei hun yn ffrwydro yn ei chalon.En: The waves crashed onto the shore, mirroring her feelings crashing in her heart.Cy: Roedd aros yn mynd yn anodd.En: Staying was becoming difficult.Cy: Tynnodd ei hun i fyny, a cherdded i’w hoff le gyda Dafydd.En: She pulled herself up and walked to her favorite spot with Dafydd.Cy: Roedd hi’n ei wybod ymlaen llaw.En: She knew it by heart.Cy: Bob tro roedd Dafydd yn codi pabell fach, a gwylio’r ser gyda’i gilydd.En: Every time, Dafydd would pitch a small tent, and they would watch the stars together.Cy: Yn y fan honno, symudodd y tywod a darganfod hen bapur, wedi hir amser ei gladdu.En: In that very spot, she moved the sand and found an old paper, long buried.Cy: Roedd y galon yn curo wrth weld ei ysgrifen.En: Her heart raced upon seeing his handwriting.Cy: "Cerys, cariad fy mywyd, pan fyddi di’n darllen hwn, byddaf efallai wedi mynd. Ond cofia byw bywyd llawn a hapus. Cariad, Dafydd.”En: “Cerys, love of my life, when you read this, I may be gone. But remember to live a full and happy life. Love, Dafydd.”Cy: Y llanw yn dod yn nes, a’r dagrau’n llifo.En: The tide was coming closer, and the tears were flowing.Cy: Teimlai llaw Dafydd fel pe bai’n dal ei dwylo eto, megis gynt.En: She felt Dafydd’s hand as if he were holding hers again, like before.Cy: Llwyddodd i wenu trwy'r dagrau.En: She managed to smile through the tears.Cy: Efallai roedd hi’n amser symud ymlaen.En: Maybe it was time to move on.Cy: Roedd ei gariad wedi gadael canllaw.En: Her love had left a guide.Cy: Nawr roedd angen i’w urddo.En: Now she needed to honor it.Cy: Penderfynodd dŵad i’r mor fel yr arferent wneud.En: She decided to head to the sea as they used to.Cy: Roedd hi’n nofio i’r dŵr a theimlai llonyddwch yn pen draw.En: She swam into the water and felt peace at last.Cy: Cofiwyd ei hoiad.En: She remembered his embrace.Cy: A newid weddill o’i straeon cynt.En: And shifted the remaining pages of their old stories.Cy: Roedd y tonnau’n synfyfyrio.En: The waves were reflective.Cy: Roedd ei chalon lled-friwio, ond roedd hi’n barod i feiddio’r dyfodol.En: Her heart, half-broken, but she was ready to dare the future.Cy: Roedd angof Dafydd mor amlwg.En: Dafydd’s absence was so clear.Cy: Roedd ei choedan yn llonnau seren wedi gloywi.En: His tree lit up like a freshly polished star.Cy: Y bore wedyn, sefai Cerys ar gragen haul newydd yn cynnig cofleidiau newydd.En: The next morning, Cerys stood on a new seashell offering fresh hugs.Cy: Roedd y diwrnod cyntaf o’i bywyd newydd wedi cychwyn.En: The first day of her new life had begun.Cy: Roedd Dafydd yn rwystro hen holiadau.En: Dafydd prevented old questions.Cy: Ac felly, roedd Cerys yn canfod ei llwybr.En: And so, Cerys found her path.Cy: Roedd hi’n gwybod na fyddai byth ar ei phen ei hun; roedd atgofion ei serch tragwyddol yn byw gyda hi bob cam.En: She knew she would never be truly alone; the memories of their eternal love lived with her ...
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    18 min

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