
  • An insight into Engineering at Coventry University
    Feb 2 2023
    In this talk, we are joined by two of Coventry University's Engineering faculty. Dr. Zubairi is an academic who practices research-informed teaching and learning and is passionate about aerospace engineering. Dr. Zubairi graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in MEng Aerospace Engineering in 2010. He went on to do a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the same university. Upon completion of his PhD, he worked as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate. He joined Coventry University in 2015, where he is currently the Course Director of Aerospace Technology. Dr. Zubairi’s PhD researched entailed detailed comprehension of the engineering product design process, both traditional and novel, including development of a product from conceptualisation to manufacture and delivery. He is an expert in Computer-Aided Design, in particular in the Next Generation CAD systems and integration. At Coventry University, he manages a team of around 25 staff members who are involved in the planning and delivery of the modules on his course. He has experience of implementing innovative approaches to teaching and supporting students through the use of a wide range of learning resources and appropriate pedagogic practices. On an international level, he delivers guest lectures at Emirates Aviation University in Dubai.
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    51 min
    Jan 29 2023
    This is a recording of a LNAT preparation video by a student during her Upper 6th year and a few weeks after sitting the LNAT. They offer helpful advice to those considering applying to Law schools that require the test. Here is a link to the original YouTube video, so you can see the slides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sWqeEYHzSo. The LNAT is designed to test your intellectual abilities rather than your knowledge about a particular subject. However, students are strongly advised to practise and prepare for the test. There are no facts to learn in preparation for the test. However, we strongly recommend you make use of LNAT's preparation materials which will help you concentrate on exercising the relevant parts of your brain and on familiarising yourself with the test format. The LNAT is a 2¼ hour test in two sections. Section A consists of 42 multiple choice questions. The questions are based on 12 argumentative passages, with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions on each. You are given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions. For Section B, you have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on a range of subjects..
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    30 min
  • Are you on track to apply to your first choice university or degree apprenticeship?​
    Jan 29 2023
    It's February and the Lower 6th are busy researching university entry requirements and doing lots of extra stuff outside of the classroom to help them present competitive university applications. With personal statements and UCAS references becoming more important every year, lack of preparation is a factor linked to lower success rates. In this episode, we guide pupils through some things they should be considering. Here is the link to the YouTube video where you can see the slides referred to in this podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVShWGLsg-M
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    29 min