
  • God Saves, Heals, Delivers and Makes us Whole!
    May 4 2023

    Let’s see what the Bible says about how we can receive healing and deliverance and wholeness from God.

    Gal. 3:13-14
    Deut. 28
    Matt. 7:7-11

    The Greek word for good is ṭôb - good in the widest sense; (well): - beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease,  fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad, graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best), loving, merry, most, pleasant, pleaseth, pleasure, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well (favoured]).
    This word tob is used 554 times in the OT alone.

    Jn. 10:10
    Rom. 8:11
    Rom. 8:31-32

    The Hebrew word for Heal is râphâ' - to mend (by stitching), - cure, (cause to) heal, physician, repair, thoroughly, make whole.

    Jn. 8:32
    Prov. 4:20-23

    The word healing in Hebrew it is marpê'- literally (concretely) a medicine, or (abstractly) a cure; figuratively (concretely) deliverance , healing (-lth), remedy, sound, wholesome.

    Is. 53:4-5

    The word ‘grief’ in Hebrew is chŏlı̂y- malady, anxiety, calamity: - disease, grief, sick (-ness).
    The word  ‘Sorrow’ in Hebrew is mak'ôb - anguish or affliction: - grief, pain.

    Matt. 8:16-17
    1 Pet. 2:24
    Is. 61:1

    The word we use for’ saved’ in the Greek is sōzō -safe; to save, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal, preserve, do well, be (make) whole.

    Matt. 1:21
    Rom. 10:9
    Matt. 9:21
    Mark 5:23
    Mark 6:56
    Luke 8:36
    Acts 4:9
    Acts 14:9
    James 5:15
    1 Tim. 2:4

    The word Desire in Greek is thelō - wants, wills, chooses, prefers, delights in.

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    30 min
  • The Armor of God- part 2
    May 1 2023

    There are more pieces to put on for our armor!

    Eph. 6:16

    One of the Greek root words for take is ana - used severallyrepetition, intensity

    1 Pet. 5:8-9

    Fiery in Greek is puroō - to be ignited , to be inflamed (with anger, grief, lust): - burn, be on fire, try.

    Darts in Greek is belos- a missile, spear or arrow:

    Ps. 127:3-5
    Is. 49:2
    Deut. 33:29
    2 Sam. 22:31
    Ps. 3:3
    Ps. 5:12
    Ps. 7:10
    Ps. 18:2;35
    Ps. 28:7
    Ps. 84:11
    Ps. 91:4
    Prov. 30:5
    1 Jn. 5:4
    Rom. 3:22
    Gal. 3:26
    1 Cor. 16:13
    2 Cor. 1:24
    Col. 2:7
    1 Tim. 1:14;19
    1 Tim. 6:12
    Heb. 12:2
    1 Pet. 5:9
    Is. 59:17

    Hebrew word for salvation is yeshû‛âh - something saved, that is deliverance; aid, victory, prosperity: -health, help (-ing), welfare.

    1 Thess. 5:8
    Ps. 27:1
    Ps. 37:39
    Ps. 62:2
    Luke 1:77
    Acts 4:12
    1 Thess. 5:9
    James 4:7
    Jn. 1:1-2;14
    Heb. 4:12
    Is. 49:2
    Rev. 1:16
    Rev. 19:15;21
    Rev. 12:11
    Rom. 3:4
    Eph. 6:18a
    Jn. 10:10-11
    2 Cor. 2:14
    1 Cor. 15:57
    Zech. 4:6
    Phil. 1:27

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    21 min
  • The Armor of God- Part 1
    May 1 2023

    Let’s find out Who God is all around us.

    Col. 1:16
    1 Pet. 5:8-9
    2 Cor. 10:3-5
    1 Tim. 6:12
    2 Thess. 3:3
    Luke 10:18-19
    Matt. 16:18
    Rom. 8:31-37
    Rom. 13:12
    1 Thess. 5:8
    2 Cor. 6:7
    Is. 59:17
    Ps. 91:4
    Eph. 6:11-17

    Withstand in Greek is anthistēmi -to stand against, that is, oppose: - resist
    Stand in Greek is histēmi- abide, continue, covenant, establish, hold up, set (up), stand (by, forth, still, up)

    Jn. 14:6
    Jn. 17:17
    Ps. 119:160
    1 Tim. 3:15
    2 Jn. 1:2
    Eph. 4:14;21
    2 Tim. 4:3-4
    2 Pet. 2:2-3
    2 Pet. 1:12
    2 Tim. 2:19
    2 Tim. 1:14
    Is. 54:17
    Jer. 23:6
    2 Cor. 5:21
    Ex. 28:29-30
    Is. 59:17
    Rom. 10:4
    Rom. 5:17-18
    1 Thess. 5:8
    Rom. 3:22
    2 Cor. 6:7
    Rev. 19:11
    Judges 6:24

    Peace in Hebrew is Shâlôm- safe,well, happy, friendly; welfare, health, prosperity, familiar, fare, favour, friend, greet, (good) health,  perfect, such as be at) peace (-able, -ably), prosper (-ity, -ous), rest, safe (-ly), salute,  (all is, be) well, whole.

    Is. 52:7
    Is. 9:6
    Micah 5:5
    Eph. 2:14
    Col. 1:20
    Rom. 5:1
    Luke 1:79
    Rom. 1:16
    Rom. 16:20
    Ps. 8:6
    Ps. 47:3
    Eph. 1:22
    Ps. 119:59;101;105
    Heb. 12:13
    Prov. 4:26
    Rom. 10:15
    Rom. 13:14

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    23 min
  • Wrapping up with Faithfulness
    Apr 18 2023

    We end our study on the fruit of the Spirit

    Prov. 20:6

    Faithful in Hebrew is 'âman- to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse;  (or be) firm, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain; assurance, establish, (of long continuance, stedfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified)

    Deut. 7:9
    Is. 54:10
    Ps. 89:8
    Ps. 91:4
    Ps. 71:22
    Ps. 109:21
    Ps. 115:1

    Truth in Hebrew is 'emeth- stabilitycertainty trustworthiness: - assured (-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure.

    Deut. 32:4
    Lam. 3:22-23

     The word ‘mercy’ in Hebrew is chêsêd and some of the meanings are kindness, good deed, beauty, and favor. 

    Ps. 89:2
    Ps. 119:90
    1 Thess. 5:23-24
    Rev. 19:11
    1 Cor. 10:13
    2 Tim. 2:13
    2 Thess. 3:3
    1 Jn. 1:9
    Ps. 89:1
    Ps. 92:2
    Ps. 40:10
    Is. 38:19
    Luke 16:10;12

    This word faithful in Greek is pistos- trustworthytrustful: - believe (-ing, -r), sure, true.

    1 Cor. 4:2
    Dan. 6:4
    Jn. 8:31
    Ps. 119:30
    2 Tim. 3:14
    James 4:5
    2 Sam. 22:26
    Ps. 138:8
    Ps. 143:1
    Ps. 149:5
    Prov. 2:8
    Is. 26:2
    2 Thess. 1:4
    Rev. 2:10
    Acts 20:26-27
    2 Tim. 4:7
    1 Cor. 1:8
    1 Jn. 2:24
    1 Cor. 1:9
    Heb. 3:14
    Heb. 10:39
    Matt. 25:23
    Ps. 72:16
    Mark 4:14-20
    Gal. 5:16-18;22-25
    Heb. 13:21

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    35 min
  • Goodness, Kindness and Gentleness
    Apr 14 2023

    This is the true nature and character of our God!

    The word good in Hebrew is ṭôb -good in the widest sense; (well): - beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, fair, (be in) favour, fine, glad, good (deed, graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, like (best), loving, merry, most, pleasant,  pleaseth, pleasure, precious, prosperity, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([favoured]).

    Eph. 1:7
    Luke 2:14

    ‘goodwill’ in Greek is eudokia -satisfaction, that is, delight, or kindness, wish, purpose: - desire, good pleasure.

    Jer. 29:11
    Acts 14:16-17
    Hos. 11:4
    Joel 2:13
    Ps. 23:6

    The word follow in Hebrew is râdaph- to run after - chase, follow (after,), hunt, pursue

    Rom. 2:4
    1 Cor. 4:21
    Ps. 25:7
    Ps. 27:13
    Ps. 34:8-10

    The word taste  in Hebrew is ṭâ‛am - to perceive: - taste.

    Jn. 10:10

    The word Abundantly in Greek is perissos- beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); excessive; - exceeding abundantly above, advantage, beyond measure, more, superfluous.
    The root Greek word for life is zaō- quick lifetime

    Ps. 34:10b
    1 Jn. 5:14-15
    Ps. 33:5
    Ps. 107:8-9
    Ps. 145:17
    Rom. 11:22
    Gal. 6:5-9
    Eph. 6:8
    Rom. 2:10
    Rom. 15:14
    Philemon 1:7
    Rom. 14:15-17
    James 3:17
    Heb. 6:4-6
    2 Cor. 6:1
    1 Pet. 2:2-3;9
    Col. 3:12
    Matt. 11:29

    Gentle in Greek is praos - meek and humble

    Eph. 4:2
    Luke 6:27;33;35
    Matt. 5:47
    Eph. 4:32
    Ps. 73:17-19
    1 Pet. 2:21
    Matt. 7:11
    James 1:17
    Eph. 2:10
    2 Thess. 1:11

    Calling in Greek is klēsis - an invitation

    2 Tim. 3:16-17
    Phil. 1:6
    Philemon 1:6

    Effective in Greek is energēs -active, operative: powerful.

    1 Tim. 6:18
    Titus 3:14
    Heb. 13:16
    Titus 3:1
    1 Pet. 3:11;15-16
    Gal. 6:10
    Rom. 12:9
    1 Tim. 6:11
    3 Jn. 1:11
    Phil. 4:5
    Prov. 19:21
    Prov. 18:35
    Prov. 16:18-20
    1 Pet. 3:4

    Quiet in Greek is hēsuchios -still (undisturbed): - peaceable,
    The Greek root word comes from hedraios- immovable: - settled, stedfast.

    2 Cor. 6:6
    Col. 1:10
    Prov. 16:24
    Prov. 31:26
    Prov. 15:1
    Prov. 25:15b
    Prov. 15:4
    Prov. 18:21
    Deut. 32:2
    1 Kings 19:12
    Job 15:11

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    41 min
  • Patience and Self Control!
    Apr 5 2023

    Let’s find out how we can live and operate in more patience and self control in our lives.

    2 Pet. 3:9
    2 Pet. 3:15a

    Patience in Greek is makrothumia- to suffer long

    2 Thess. 3:5

     A different word for patience in the Greek is hupomonē - cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy: - enduring, (waiting).

    2 Cor. 6:4-6
    Phil. 4:13
    James 5:7-8

    Establish in Greek is stērizō- to set fast, to turn resolutely in a certain direction, to confirm: stedfastly set, strengthen.

    Luke 8:15
    Col. 1:9-11
    James 5:7
    Rom. 15:4
    1 Thess. 1:3
    Rom. 12:12
    Gal. 6:7-9
    Heb. 6:12
    Heb. 10:36
    Rom. 8:24-25
    2 Tim. 2:24
    Rom. 15:5
    1 Thess. 5:14b
    Eph. 4:2
    James 1:2-4
    Ps. 138:8
    Heb. 12:2

    Endured in Greek is hupomenō one of the definitions is he remained in patient perseverence.

    Prov. 16:32
    2 Pet. 1:5-6;8
    Luke 21:19

    Possess in Hebrew is ktaomai - to get, that is, acquire (own): - obtain.

    Prov. 25:28
    1 Pet. 1:13

    One of the root words in Greek for gird is zōnnumi - to bind about (especially with a belt):

    Heb. 12:1
    1 Cor. 9:24-25

    Temporate in Greek is egkrateuomai- to exercise self restraint (in diet and chastity): - (chastity means sexual purity.)

    1 Thess. 4:3-5

    Stay away in Greek is the word abstain - apechomai- to hold oneself off, that is, refrain:

    1 Cor. 9:26-27

    Subjection in Greek is doulagōgeō -to enslave (subdue)
    Subdue means to rule.

    Gen. 4:7
    Acts 20:28

    Heed in Greek is prosechō- to hold the mind, pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to: - attend, beware, be given to, have regard.

    Ps. 32:8-9
    Rom. 8:3
    Rom. 6:12;16-22
    Gal. 5:7-9
    Prov. 16:17

    Preserve in Hebrew is shâmar -to hedge about (as with thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to, - beware, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, reserve, save (self), wait (for), watch (-man).

    Rom. 8:6
    Rom. 8:5-6;8
    Prov. 5:22-23
    Heb. 12:11
    2 Tim. 3:1-3

    The Greek word for church is  ekklēsia - called out.

    1 Pet. 2:9-11
    1 Pet. 3:10
    Prov. 13:3
    Prov. 10:19
    Ps. 141:3
    James 1:26
    James 3:2-5a
    Luke 6:43-45

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    48 min
  • Peace Part 2
    Mar 23 2023

    There is more to Peace as a fruit that is also a promise!

    Luke 17:21
    Ps. 18:2
    Ps. 62:6-8
    Ps. 56:3-4
    Ps. 46:1-7;10
    Heb. 12:27-28
    Ps. 55:4-5;16-18;22
    Ps. 91
    Jer. 1:12

    One of the definitions of the Hebrew for that verse says, "I am watching over my Word to do it and accomplish it."

    Ps. 85:8
    Jn. 10:27-28
    Prov. 1:33
    1 Jn. 4:5-6
    Dan. 10:19
    Ps. 107:28-31
    Ps. 4:8
    Lev. 26:6
    Ezekiel 34:15
    Ps. 127:2
    Ps. 16:7-9
    Ps. 37:7-8;11
    Is. 26:12
    Ps. 23:1-4
    Matt. 11:28-30
    Heb. 4:9-12

    Greek word for sluggish is nōthros - lazy, or stupid: - dull, slothful.

    2 Cor. 2:14
    Is. 55:11-12
    Col. 3:15
    Ps. 34:14

    Pursue in Hebrew is râdaph -to run after - chase, follow, hunt.

    Prov. 12:20

    Counselor in Hebrew is yâ‛ats- to advise; to deliberate, take advice, advise (well), consult, (give take) counsel, determine, guide.

    1 Pet. 3:11

    Seek in Greek is zēteō- to worship (God),  be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire

    Matt. 5:9

    The root Greek word for peacemaker is poieō - abide, + agree, appoint, be, bear, + bring (forth), cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, keep, make, none of these things move me, perform, provide,  purpose,  secure, shew, spend, take, tarry, work, yield.

    Ps. 120:6-7
    Jn. 15:18-19
    Matt. 5:44
    Heb. 12:14
    Eph. 4:3

    Keep in Greek is tēreō -to (a watch; to guard (from loss or injury, by keeping the eye upon; to prevent escaping;  implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus), to fulfil a command); to maintain); hold fast, (ob-, pre-, re) serve,

    Matt. 16:18
    Luke 19:42
    James 3:17

    The Greek root word for peaceable is eirēnē - ( to join); prosperity: - at one, quietness, rest.

    1 Thess. 5:23

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    35 min
  • Peace Part 1
    Mar 23 2023

    Peace is a fruit that is also a promise full of protection and safety.

    Peace in Hebrew is shâlôm- safe, that is, well, happy, friendly; also welfare, that is, health, prosperity, familiar, fare, favour, friend, greet, (good) health, ( perfect, such as be at) peace, salute,  ( all is, be) well,  whole.

    Judges 6:24
    Is. 9:6-7
    Micah 5:5
    Luke 2:14
    Eph. 2:14
    Col. 1:20
    Acts 10:36
    Rom. 5:1
    1 Pet. 5:7
    Prov. 14:30

    Sound in Hebrew is marpê'- literally (concretely) a medicine, a cure; deliverance, healing (-lth), remedy, sound, wholesome.

    Jn. 14:27
    Jn. 16:33
    2 Pet. 1:2
    Heb. 2:14-15
    Jn. 8:32
    Ps. 119:45
    2 Cor. 3:17
    1 Jn. 4:4
    1 Jn. 4:18
    2 Cor. 5:7
    Is. 26:3
    Rom. 8:5-6

    In the greek Carnal is sarx means flesh or external

    Rom. 3:4
    2 Tim. 1:7
    Phil. 4:6-7
    Ps. 37:23
    Ps. 111:10
    1 Cor. 14:14
    Jude 1:20
    Phil. 4:8
    Heb. 4:2
    Rom. 10:17
    Prov. 4:20-23

    The Hebrew word for health is marpê'- literally (concretely) a medicine, a cure; deliverance, remedy, sound, wholesome.

    Rom. 16:20
    Eph. 6:13;15
    Ps. 18:37-40
    Ps. 47:3
    Ps. 91:13
    Eph. 6:14;16
    1 Pet. 5:8-9
    2 Cor. 1:20
    Rom. 4:20-22
    Ps. 106:24
    James 4:7
    Prov. 29:17
    Is. 54:13
    Prov. 18:20-21
    2 Thess. 3:16

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min