
  • 037: Life Lately, Lizzo, and More!
    Apr 3 2024

    Hello Helloooo

    Welcome back, baddies! This week I am diving into all things balance, Lizzo, life updates galore and more! This season of life is equal parts exciting, lovely, streessful, AND ALSO manageable. Everything is figureoutable right?!

    If you have anything you're trying to navigate for would like third party advice on please email me GoBeGreatPod@gmail.com

    Mercury is full ass in retrograde so buckel up buttercups, we got this!

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • 036: Let's Have a Kiki
    Feb 28 2024

    Hello Hellooooo!!

    Guess who's back back back back again! I wanted to catch up with you all and shed some light on what I've been feeling and navigating lately. This week I really wanted to talk about how important it is to give ourselves permission to pause certain paths when others require and deserve more of our attention and energy.

    More than one thing can be true at the same time and finding the balance and truth in all of it is how we learn to give ourselves grace. I hope this episode helps you do exactly that!

    I'm so grateful and happy you're here

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • 035: Bodies Are Not A Trend
    Jan 31 2024


    Welcome back baddies. Truthfully this may be one of my favorite episodes yet. We've seen it all over our feeds and if you're like me you may be feeling like you're in a bit of a time warp if going back to those middle school and high school feelings about yourself and your body because diet culture is running rampid right now.

    This episode was highly requested and so many of you mentioned your struggle with seeing all these magical powders and teas and how you're feeling the need to succum to the diet culture temptations, well, hold my hoops and my chicken nuggets bitch because I'm here to hopefully give your head a shake and shed some light on all these health and wellness and what it REALLY looks like and how we can pivot from feeling like we need to give into 'legging legs' and all the empty promises a lot of these companies are pushing our way recently.

    I hope this episode brings you comfort and reminds you how worthy and enough you are right NOW not at the bottom of a powder container or number on scale or pant size.

    I'm rooting for you and I'm here for you!

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • 034: Healing From Friendship Breakups
    Jan 17 2024

    Hello Helloooo!

    You have requested the topic of friendship breakups the most over the last few months and I am here to bring it to your earholes!

    Breaking up with a friend is so difficult and for a lot of different reasons!

    I hope you give yourself permission to heal and know when to let go. After listening this week I hope you find the questions to ask yourself helpful for your healing journey or maybe give you different perspectives that will give you an opportunity to know how to move forward.

    If there's anything else you're struggling with specifically in regard to friendship break ups my email and DM is always open for you, besties!

    You deserve friendships that fill your soul and where you fnd safety in beng vulnerable.

    Be kind to yourself while your mourn and grieve.

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • 033: New Year Pep Talk
    Jan 3 2024

    Hello Helloooo!

    Happy New Year, fam! I hope in this new year you're met with a new zest for life and leaning into the exciting newness that January brings. I also hope this week's pep talk reminds you that you don't need to change everything in life all at once in the this first month of two of the year.

    Go easy on yourslf as you explore what change, growth, and healing are going to look like for you in this next year. Hared truth, change doesn't come from motivation, it comes from consistency, radical self awareness, and GOING FOR IT!

    Do it for the plot

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • 032: Open The Door to 2024
    Dec 29 2023

    Hello Hellooooo

    I hope everyone has been enjoying their holiday season especially this weird time between christmas and new year where time doesn't make sense (hense why this episode is coming out on a Friday hahaha)

    I wanted to take this week to share my perspectives on New Years Resolutions vs intentions or what your leaving out of 2024 and what you're bringing in!

    I hope you hear something this week that brings you peace for end of one chapter and hope for the beginning of the next.

    shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • 031: Holiday Season Vibe Check
    Dec 13 2023


    Welcome back boo thangs!! I dedicated this episode to my dear friend Katie and her dog, Lincoln. If you've seen my stories recently you may have seen I shared a Go Fund Me to help raise money for the escalated vet bills that have come along as my dear friend did everything she could to help heal her good boy, unfortuntely that has meant making the difficult decision to put him to rest but those bills are still there so if you have any spare few dollars every little bit helps the link to that GoFundMe is below!

    The holiday season can be a time for such a huge amount of joy and can also be met with a lot of hard feelings. I hope you find this episode as a vibe check to honor whatever version of this holiday seaon you're experiencing even if its a mix of it all!

    Comparison and stress this time of year for everything to be perfect feels heightened in the world of social media but just know people are living lives behind these screens that aren't always jolly and it's ok to hold space in your life for the beauty of this time of year and the grief that may accompany.

    Be kind to yourself, shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Lincoln's Go Fund Me

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • 030: Self Worth In and Out of Your Work
    Nov 29 2023

    Hello Helloooo

    This week I talk about separating self worth in and out of the work place. Its difficult to separate our whole selves from our work or to not anchor our identity in out work. We are multifacitated humans and have different parts of ourselves that we can find worth.

    Tune in this week for thoughts on how to find this balance and communicate it with loved ones!

    Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min