
  • Crown your Creator Within
    Feb 18 2025

    Your crown chakra calls in the divinity from the out to the within. Having this center cleared and open allows for new ideas, inspiration, and divine connection. Are you feeling disconnected, isolated? Don't feel like you have much purpose? Listen to to the affirmations in this meditation for bringing back that bigger picture perspective and knowing.

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    15 min
  • Ignite Your Vision
    Feb 20 2024

    In this episode, we focus on the third eye or brow chakra. This chakra is located between the brows behind the eyes. It's no coincidence this center is linked with the physical mind. How often are you able to be in harmony with the physical mind and the spiritual mind? This ability requires daily practice. This meditation will help open your mind to possibilities you hadn't yet realized. Imagination is a tool that we under use as we become older. Take time now to breath and be with your dreams, envision the possibilities. Bring the two forces together to create the world you want to live in.

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    17 min
  • Express Yourself Freely
    Jan 27 2024

    In this episode, we focus on the Throat Chakra. How do you express yourself in the world? If you find it challenging to speak your truth or speaking up; you may have a throat chakra eager to be opened up. We invite you to close your eyes and listen to the affirmations. Your voice matters.

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    16 min
  • Lovely Heart
    Jan 11 2024

    In this episode, we will focus on the heart chakra which is found in the center of your chest. A balance heart chakra, can find the unconditional love and compassion wherever it looks. This knowing within that is complete and more than you can put  into words. This is the home of the soul. If you are feeling a bit heavy hearted, lonely, or not belonging tune in and listen so you can remember your truth. You are the love you seek. Lay down, relax, and listen with an open heart. 

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    16 min
  • Empower Your Solar
    Dec 7 2023

    In this episode, we focus on balancing the Solar Plexus. The Solar is your power center, this is where you pull up the "I am" energy from the Root, the "creative" energy from the Sacral, and "manifest in the physical" to will it into reality. A balanced Solar Plexus supports your confidence, it's supports your actions in your world. This is why when challenged or surprised you feel it in the gut. You feel the response to take some action or maybe take no action. Regardless, its a great indicator to help you realize where you place your personal power. Remember, we can have overworking solars which tend to be expressed in "controlling" or "aggressive" energy; or under-working solars which tend to be expressed in "lack" or "victim mentality" . We have access to both and can experience both quite often. Doing our part of recognizing and balancing between the two polarities is the goal and this meditation can bring you back to that balance. Relax and let go!

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    15 min
  • Sacred Sacral
    Nov 25 2023

    Thank you for tuning in. In this episode we will focus on the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral is the second energy center located in the pelvic region below the belly button. Here is where we kick start our emotions and creativity. Feeling like your in a rut, can't feel inspired? Your sacral might just need a little focused love sent its way to ignite the creative flow in which ever way you choose to express it.

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    15 min
  • Root Down Your Root Chakra
    Nov 17 2023
    In this episode, we will focus on the root chakra which is found at the base of your spine. When the root is balanced, you have a sense of security about your place in the world. The feeling of home in the physical body is embodied. An aligned root feels supported and has the strength to calm pains in the body, make you feel grounded, stress can melt away, and mental focus can sharpen.
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    15 min
  • Thank Thy Body
    Oct 28 2023

    Your physical body works non stop. Let's take a moment to send some gratitude for all it does!

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    25 min