
  • Harnessing the Power of Resilience
    Oct 2 2024

    In the “Harnessing the Power of Resilience” session, Shirley King sat down to discuss just how important perspective, fulfillment, and achievement really are. Our life’s purpose may look different and although we can’t choose the cards we’re dealt, we do get to decide how we will play them. Be willing to see beyond what’s in front of you. Step back to get a different vantage point even when things are hard. Your life’s purpose is not solely what you do. Leading is not enough if you’re not also fulfilled in what you do.


    7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com


    • Anything you see wrong, you get wrong.

    • You are not just what you do.

    • It’s a different experience when your soul is fulfilled.


    “Fulfillment is the deepest level of satisfaction you will ever get.

    “Achievement ends, fulfillment doesn’t because fulfillment is aligned to your life’s purpose.”

    “What you do is not who you are.”


    Shirley King

    Website | https://calendly.com/shirleyking

    IG | https://www.instagram.com/_shirleyk_

    LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/shirleylking/


    Alechia Reese

    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluelive.com

    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Got Value? Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Using Self Love to Change Your Life
    Sep 5 2024

    Learning how to make love-led vs fear-based decisions transforms your entire experience. Teach yourself to love you enough that you no longer wait for life, but you actively explore it. Decide where you want to make change in your life and be intentional about your actions to do so. Self-love has to be the foundation of every decision. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways!

    Sponsored by:

    7 Agents of Change Leadership Development Program, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com


    • “Give yourself permission to stop waiting for your life.”
    • Not knowing what comes after and embracing simply knowing the next step is a muscle built over time.
    • You are absolutely worth it and you deserve everything in life.
    • If we spent more time focusing on how to truly love ourselves the world would be a better place.


    Yunice Emir

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuniceemir/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Got Value Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • Do This to Discover How to Leverage Your Personal Power
    Aug 30 2024

    In this intimate session, transformation coach Alechia Reese revealed the key tool to leverage your personal power – discover your value! The thing that makes you, you; the secret sauce, your essence is where your value lies.

    Every person has value. Hard stop. However, discovering what that value is and how it guides the fulfillment of your purpose can be the most challenging aspect of every person’s journey. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways!

    Sponsored by:

    7 Agents of Change Leadership Development Program, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • “Igniting your potential paves the way for a future aligned with your purpose, focused on fulfillment, and driven by impact.”

    • “When you’re clear on how who you are adds value you actualize your untapped potential and close the self worth gap.”

    • “Leverage your value for greater impact.”


    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Got Value Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

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    20 min
  • Key Tools to Move from Surviving to Thriving
    Aug 21 2024

    In this session, transformation coach Alechia Reese sat with Brittany N. Cole, founder of Career Thrivers. Sometimes you don’t know when you’re simply surviving and not thriving. What does it look like to thrive in your life?

    The goal is to operate from a place of courage and confidence and in authenticity. However, the beauty in disruption is that it jolts us back into alignment with who we are meant to be. Reflecting and evaluating to determine what’s best for you is pivotal. You have to be willing to make an adjustment and make a move in order to transition from surviving to thriving. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways!

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-UaiTNqEgKM

    Sponsored by:

    7 Agents of Change Leadership Development Program, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • “One of the most difficult and challenging forms of grief is the foreign sense of feeling you have when your life’s seasons change and you go through painful transitions.”

    • “Are you owning your power or waiting for someone to give you permission?”

    • “If you don’t deal then you won’t heal.”

    • “As you become aware of where you are, create a practice of ‘thought stopping’ which is being aware of not only what you think, but how you think.”


    Brittany N. Cole

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittanyncole/

    Website: https://www.careerthrivers.com/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Got Value Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Reclaim Your Life & Find Power in the Pivot
    Aug 7 2024

    Learning how to reclaim your life & find power in the pivot is possible. What’s most important is being in a place and a position that works best for you. Hello is on the other side of goodbye — even when it’s scary.

    Decide which way works best for you and know that you get to decide what type of change you want to have. Teach yourself to tune out the noise of your life so that you can hear yourself and make decisions for what feels right for you. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways!

    Sponsored by:

    7 Agents of Change Leadership Development Program, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com


    Dr. Roshawnna Novellus

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roshawnna/


    • “We can choose to have fear, or have courage.”
    • “You have a choice and you are in control of your life.”
    • “You can’t get upset when you give up your power to make a decision. Not making a decision is a decision.”
    • “Stop going to people who have never done what you desire to do to ask for advice.”

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Got Value Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

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    26 min
  • Busyness is Ruining Your Life
    Jul 31 2024

    In this session, transformation coach Alechia Reese sits with Hannah Austin, founder of SheShatters. Since the pandemic there has been a very focus on burnout, but what we’re missing is a key driver — our feelings. The culture of busyness deflects from what we’re actually feeling. Sussing out the root cause of exactly what’s going on helps you to answer “How did we get here?” and “Where do we go from here?” You harness the power of now by getting very honest.

    Healing from the inside out is the work that Hannah Austin does providing the tools to reignite leaders from the inside out. Listen in now to learn how to stop busyness from ruining your life.

    Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways!

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/y15irjwhcEM

    Sponsored by:

    7 Agents of Change Leadership Development Program, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • There’s true power in starting where you are and figuring out what you actually want.

    • Start where you are right now in the present moment. So many of us are afraid of addressing the present moment because we’re afraid of what we’re going to undercover.

    • Coming back from burnout takes courage.

    • Being ashamed covers our courage.


    Hannah Austin

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-austin-sheshatters/

    Website: http://sheshatters.com/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Got Value Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Top 3 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt with Jackie Hermes
    Jan 17 2024

    Feeling stuck at start?


    In this session, transformation coach Alechia Reese sits with Jackie Hermes, founder + CEO of Accelity, who emphasized the importance of using personal boundaries to overcome the fear of getting started. Giving yourself leeway when you have valid reasons is understandable. Putting yourself on a time limit and holding yourself accountable is where you begin. And you keep yourself focused by reminding yourself not to get opinions from everyone before making decisions. Determine your process and limit it to a specific timeline. Remember, the cost of waiting is often so much more expensive than the cost of making mistakes during the process. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways! 

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YtZm5-HFXf0

    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • The cost of waiting is often so much more expensive than the cost of making mistakes during the process. 

    • Give yourself a time limit and hold yourself accountable. And know it’s really hard to hold yourself accountable when you’re starting because it’s so easy to give yourself leeway. Placing boundaries helps to overcome this. 

    • You can’t get opinions from everyone before you make a decision. 

    • Determine what your process will be to start and ensure it is limited to a specific amount of time.


    Jackie Hermes   

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katrina-mcghee/ 

    Website: https://accelitymarketing.com/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Produced by Triggered Media Group.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • How to Honor Your Boundaries to Reduce Burnout with Katrina McGhee
    May 31 2023

    S3 EP1 | Heart of the Matter with Katrina McGhee


    In this session, Transformation Coach Alechia Reese sits with Katrina McGhee of American Heart Association to discuss burnout, self-care, boundaries and the number one reason to consistently check in with yourself. Learning to listen to the messages we’re receiving and to courageously make decisions that are in our own best interest leads to more holistically healthy lives.  Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways! 


    Sponsored by:

    The Evolve Experience


    Watch on YouTube:


    Join our Community:

    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • We judge others on their actions, but ourselves based on our intention and very often we fall short and diminish our self worth.

    • We all have divine gifts and talents.

    • If you want to be a whole and healthy person you have to courageously make those choices that say here is where I am in this season of my life and honor whether or not it’s right for you, right now.

    • We stay stuck in situations that are not good for our spirits, social connections, physical health and mental wellbeing because we don’t have the courage to say this is not for me.

    • You can’t pour out if you never effectively pour in.  

    • Take some time to just ‘be’ not ‘do’ but just to be.


    Katrina McGhee   

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katrina-mcghee/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katrinamcghee/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KDMcGhee

    Website: https://lovingonme.com/ 

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min