
  • Top 3 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt with Jackie Hermes
    Jan 17 2024

    Feeling stuck at start?


    In this session, transformation coach Alechia Reese sits with Jackie Hermes, founder + CEO of Accelity, who emphasized the importance of using personal boundaries to overcome the fear of getting started. Giving yourself leeway when you have valid reasons is understandable. Putting yourself on a time limit and holding yourself accountable is where you begin. And you keep yourself focused by reminding yourself not to get opinions from everyone before making decisions. Determine your process and limit it to a specific timeline. Remember, the cost of waiting is often so much more expensive than the cost of making mistakes during the process. Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways! 

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YtZm5-HFXf0

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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • The cost of waiting is often so much more expensive than the cost of making mistakes during the process. 

    • Give yourself a time limit and hold yourself accountable. And know it’s really hard to hold yourself accountable when you’re starting because it’s so easy to give yourself leeway. Placing boundaries helps to overcome this. 

    • You can’t get opinions from everyone before you make a decision. 

    • Determine what your process will be to start and ensure it is limited to a specific amount of time.


    Jackie Hermes   

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katrina-mcghee/ 

    Website: https://accelitymarketing.com/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Produced by Triggered Media Group.

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    30 min
  • How to Honor Your Boundaries to Reduce Burnout with Katrina McGhee
    May 31 2023

    S3 EP1 | Heart of the Matter with Katrina McGhee


    In this session, Transformation Coach Alechia Reese sits with Katrina McGhee of American Heart Association to discuss burnout, self-care, boundaries and the number one reason to consistently check in with yourself. Learning to listen to the messages we’re receiving and to courageously make decisions that are in our own best interest leads to more holistically healthy lives.  Listen in now for the tools, gems, and takeaways! 


    Sponsored by:

    The Evolve Experience


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • We judge others on their actions, but ourselves based on our intention and very often we fall short and diminish our self worth.

    • We all have divine gifts and talents.

    • If you want to be a whole and healthy person you have to courageously make those choices that say here is where I am in this season of my life and honor whether or not it’s right for you, right now.

    • We stay stuck in situations that are not good for our spirits, social connections, physical health and mental wellbeing because we don’t have the courage to say this is not for me.

    • You can’t pour out if you never effectively pour in.  

    • Take some time to just ‘be’ not ‘do’ but just to be.


    Katrina McGhee   

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katrina-mcghee/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katrinamcghee/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KDMcGhee

    Website: https://lovingonme.com/ 

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

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    47 min
  • How to Develop Careers That Help You Advance Professionally with Latesha Byrd
    May 24 2023

    S2 EP12 | Crafting Careers with Latesha Byrd


    In this session, Transformation Coach Alechia Reese sits with Latesha Byrd, career coach, talent developer, and lifelong advocate discussing the ways in which professionals can intentionally map out careers that best serve them. From handling bosses who take credit for your work to setting and understanding expectations in order to advance. Listen in now for the tools to craft your career, your way using practical tools to achieve what you desire. 


    Sponsored by:

    The Evolve Experience


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • Your productivity, confidence, and sense of worth can diminish when you remain in cultures that don’t align. 

    • Sometimes we hold onto things because it feels safe and comfortable.

    • Intentionality can show up in 3 ways: intentionality of time, intentionality of energy, and intentionality of money.

    • Think about your time as if it’s worth a million dollars.

    • Your time is worth money. How should you be spending it?

    • Give yourself permission to pass up on things that don’t align.


    Latesha Byrd   

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lateshabyrd

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latesha_byrd

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Latesha_Byrd

    Website: https://www.lateshabyrd.com 

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese


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    41 min
  • Creating a Life You Love with Rochelle Gapere
    May 17 2023

    How to Create Real Happiness in Your Life


    Episode Overview

    In this session, Transformation Coach Alechia Reese sits with Rochelle Gapere, author, attorney, and happiness expert to discover how we all can create happiness in our lives. You can't outsource your happiness. Get very clear about the specific things you’re doing on a day to day basis that are either adding to your happiness or taking away from it. Listen in now for the tools to begin your own happiness assessment to figure out where you stand and determine what you need to do to change things. 


    Sponsored by:

    The Evolve Experience


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • Be honest with yourself about where you stand and how happy you are. 

    • Be intentional about what happiness means to you. 

    • Comparison is the thief of joy. 

    • Create a list of when you feel happiness. Write it out so you’re clear.

    • You have to make room for growth. If you’re not dead, you’re growing.

    • Once you have pulse, you have purpose.

    • You cannot fix what you won’t confront.

    • You can only give what you have.

    • You can't outsource your happiness.


    Rochelle Gapere  

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rochellegapere/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rochelle.gapere/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rochellegapere

    Website: https://rochellegapere.com/ 


    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese


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    46 min
  • Top Ways to Build a Strong Tribe with Sherrell Dorsey
    Feb 15 2023

    S2 EP10: Got Value? Podcast | Building Community with Sherrell Dorsey 

    How to Use Your Community to Support Your Needs


    Episode Overview

    In this session, Transformation Coach, Alechia Reese explores a realistic conversation with data journalist, author, strategist, and entrepreneur Sherrell Dorsey around “Building Community.”  From leveraging all your experiences to solve problems and develop your strengths to managing the grief that comes from evolution. Listen in now for the tools to help you build community and honor your needs. 


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • Show up and take up space.

    • Invest in experiences that strengthen confidence. 

    • Managing the grief that comes with evolution. 

    • Remind yourself that you deserve more.  

    • It’s okay to change your mind and evolve.

    • Treat your life like it’s an experiment.

    • Letting go is hard, especially when things are comfortable. But remind yourself, I deserve more.

    • Sometimes you can be limited by your circumstances if you keep sticking it out. 

    • If you want to design an extraordinary life and you recognize your circumstances are out of alignment, then you have to allow yourself the process of letting go. 

    • Everything we’re doing and creating is an experiment.    

    • Perfection is not required, but action is. – Alechia Reese


    Sherrell Dorsey 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherrelldorsey/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sherrell_dorsey/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sherrell_dorsey


    Website: http://tpinsights.com/ 

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese


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    36 min
  • S2 EP9 | Leader Relationships with Sonia Jackson Myles
    Feb 2 2023

    S2 EP9 | Leader Relationships with Sonia Jackson Myles

    How to Leverage the Power of Your Relationships for Success


    Episode Overview

    In this session, Transformation Coach, Alechia Reese facilitates an exciting conversation with her real life mentor, Sonia Jackson Myles in Leader Relationships. From being coined as Essence’s $20 Billion Woman to founding the global movement, The Sister Accord. Sonia is on a mission to teach 1 billion girls and women how to love themselves and each other. This spirited discussion talked through the #heartwork required to heal and lead well and getting still to get to know yourself. deficient and struggles that come with living for others and so much more. The universe cooperates with a made up mind. Listen in now for the tools to help you make up your mind, find aligned mentors and sponsors, and lead with kindness. 


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • Doing the heart work is healing the stuff on the inside that allows you to show up to effectively lead. 
    • Don’t make excuses for bad behavior and when looking for mentors, pay attention to how they are too. 
    • We all have superpowers, but when you overuse your super powers they can become a liability. 
    • The process of getting to know who you are requires stillness.
    • Be intentional about doing the “heart work” and heal so that you can connect with like minded people. 

    • Heart work is the hard work so most people just blow by it. 
    • The universe cooperates with a made up mind.
    •  Leading with kindness is truly how you lead sustainably. 
    • The most important relationship leaders can cultivate is the ones with themselves. — Alechia Reese


    Sonia Jackson Myles 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonia-jackson-myles-00639b2/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesisteraccord/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesisteraccord


    Website: http://thesisteraccord.com 


    Use the following information to join Sonia on The Sister Accord’s 10 year anniversary celebration cruise:

    • Call AAA at 1-800-648-8272 say "I'm calling for the Sister Accord Cruise" on Freedom of the Seas 
    • If calling from Colorado, call AAA at 1-866-212-8639 
    • If calling from the Carolinas, call AAA at 1-877-912-8747


    Date: August 28-Sept 1, 2023  


    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

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    1 h et 4 min
  • S2 EP8 | The Way Up
    Jan 25 2023

    In this session, Transformation Coach, Alechia Reese explores The Way Up with the mission-driven health executive on the relentless pursuit of health equity, Errol L.Pierre. From retrofitting your job into your purpose and the paralyzing fear of not knowing enough, to boldly making mistakes and learning from them. This authentic and transformative discussion talked through the attention deficient and struggles that come with living for others and so much more. Listen in now. 


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • A lot of times we get frozen in being good at something and it prevents us from trying something new because we don’t want to make a mistake so it keeps us from future blessings, opportunities, and friendships  
    • Take the time, thoughtfully, to really understand and know your purpose.
    • Everything becomes easier when you know your purpose because you now know what to say ‘no’ to and what to say ‘yes’ to.
    • Even when things are not going well when you’re pursuing your passions you’re able to keep going because you’re inside your purpose.
    • People of color have more degrees than a thermometer - it’s not about skill. It’s about the systemic challenges inherent to the system.

    • Have the courage to make one million mistakes, but the wisdom to not make the same mistake one million times. 
    • If you learn a lesson from every mistake, imagine how smart you’re going to be if you’ve made a million mistakes but they’re all new mistakes and you’re learning from each one. 
    • For people of color, it’s not a corporate ladder. For many people of color it’s a corporate mountain and the experience is very different.
    • Wake up each day and advance your mission by at least one inch. 
    • Leadership and learning are the number 1 transferable skills.


    Errol L. Pierre 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/errollpierre/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/errollpierre/

    Website: https://www.errolpierre.com/

    Get Social with Your Host:

    Alechia Reese

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/alechiareese

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/alechiareese

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/alechiareese

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • S2 EP7 | Lessons in Trust
    Jan 20 2023

    In this session, Transformation Coach, Alechia Reese explores the lessons in trust with former White House Secretary and Founder & CEO of Hook & Fasten Consulting, Deesha Dyer. From developing pivotal leadership skills through trust to honoring your needs in the face of professional growth and opportunities. This open and honest discussion talked through the isolation of authenticity and so much more. Listen in now. 


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    Got Value Nation: http://gotvaluenation.com

    • Who I am today might not be who I am tomorrow and it’s okay to embrace and accept that.


    • When you must adjust how you get your voice heard; get creative and strategic and bring others to the table who can help you achieve your goal.


    • You can accept who you are and still be open to feedback. 


    • It can be very isolating to sometimes walk in truth and authenticity because we all want connection and community. So many do not walk in their truth because of that isolation.


    • Always look at the consequences of what happens when you don’t honor your needs. 
    • Embracing mistakes and failures, and taking accountability is one of the first steps to learning and accepting yourself.


    Deesha Dyer

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deeshadyer/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deedyer267/

    Website: http://hookandfasten.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeeshaDyer


    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min