
  • How To Get Clarity and Confidence Without Overwhelm
    Sep 9 2019

    Travis Baird is a mindful business coach, speaker, and founder of Mindful Productive where he helps ambitious professionals to get the clarity, confidence, and control they need to do their best work without burnout or overwhelm. If you're ready for clarity, confidence, and control without burnout, then you're going to love what Travis shares!

    Travis started his career as an accomplished musician who suffered from stage fright. His mentor at the time suggested maybe he should try yoga as a way to lower his stress and anxiety. Travis took one class and decided it was way too hard! But, he did not give up and is now a yoga instructor as well as a business coach!

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    38 min
  • Get Over Your Food Issues, Get On With Your Life!
    Aug 27 2019

    Mindful eating and food issues are a hot topic today and Brooke Nicole Smith is an expert in this area.

    Brooke is a mindfulness expert, yoga instructor, and life coach! She helps women quit oppressive diets, end emotional eating,  and break free from the endless cycle of binging so you can get over obsessing about food and get on with creating a life you love.

     Listen as Brooke explains in detail how to make peace with food once and for all. The tips and strategies shared are powerful and life-changing.  And she teaches how to achieve this with no food restrictions!

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    26 min
  • Be Done With Midlife Symptoms Once and For All!
    Aug 13 2019
    Tania Elfersy is one amazing woman. She is an award-winning author and publisher who has spent countless years researching midlife symptoms relating to perimenopause and menopause. If you want to know about the causes and cures related to the emotional and physical symptoms of midlife, then you going to want to listen to this podcast!     Tania has a beautiful ability to weave her knowledge of midlife women's health with the principles of innate health. Truthfully, listen has Tania shares how she cured her range of symptoms, 100% naturally!   Tonia guides women to natural and simple cures for both perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Treatments that are available to us all!   You're done with the midlife menopause symptoms!
    • Mood swings,
    • night sweats,
    • hot flashes,
    • insomnia,
    • frequent migraines,
    • back pain,
    • skin outbreaks,
    • changes in your libido,
    • weight gain,
    • brain fog.

    And other symptoms of midlife you might be suffering from, which are often associated with perimenopause and menopause.

    Tania created THE WISER WOMAN project to help women
    journey through perimenopause and menopause with fewer symptoms and more joy. It's here where she shares a revolutionary understanding of midlife women's health.

    Find out how you can work together to uncover the fastest way to perimenopause and menopause symptoms, and midlife symptom relief,  100% naturally, with zero side-effects. 

    Or start here by reading this post: 
    40-Something Women, The Rise of Perimenopause
    and Why You Should Stop Blaming Your Hormones.

      Find out more about Tania and her services at https://www.thewiserwoman.com
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    40 min
  • Jenny Carr Inflammation Expert Extraordinaire
    Jul 30 2019

    Jenny specializes in removing inflammation from the body through clean eating, movement & elegant thinking. Fiercely committed to helping people of ALL ages gain health and vibrancy, Jenny has created a number of options under the parent company Jenny Carr Health to help you live life to its fullest! 

    By removing inflammation from the body, Jenny guides her clients into new levels of self-care where they discover joy and well-being. A certified personal trainer, health coach, fitness nutrition coach, and Deeksha Giver, Jenny uses many tools to help her clients meet their individualized goals. AND if that’s not enough…

    Jenny is an international best-selling author of  Peace of Cake. and expert in the area of inflammation. Once you listen to her story you will be amazed at her fortitude and strength. Not long after the birth of her second child, she found herself bedridden, literally fighting for her life. Jenny was often at death's door fighting chronic Lyme disease, international parasites that were eating her organs and extreme inflammation. At times she could not speak and suffered paralysis. 

    Jenny’s understanding of the drastic impact inflammation has on the body and mind helped her heal both mind, body, and soul!

    Listen as Jenny shares how chronic inflammation shows up in our body as extreme fatigue, depression, aches, and pains and even bloating. It’s a fact that over 40% of the U.S. population is diagnosed with chronic inflammation. Can you imagine how many are suffering and don’t even know it?

    It’s maddening when you hear others claim their aches and pains are due to “just aging” and settle with a life of pain and discomfort. There is a very vicious cycle that happens when stress, anxiety or depression enters the picture. Any of these will increase inflammation and this inflammation increases your stress!

    Listen as Jenny shares steps and strategies we can do today to support our bodies while we are fighting any type of chronic disease. 

    • The causes of inflammation (and there are many) and symptoms of chronic inflammation. As a former teacher, Jenny explains in laymen’s terms what’s happening in the body and why.
    • How do you honestly recognize inflammation and respond to chronic inflammation when you suspect you might be suffering?
    • Tips and strategies that worked for Jenny while she was healing. Some might surprise you! 
    • There are many emotional responses that occur along with the physical healing process.
    • Jenny shares two tips that will change the trajectory of your health if you were to implement even one of them today! 
    • Don’t forget about all the food items that exacerbate our symptoms...and foods that help us heal!
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    43 min
  • Barbara Condron, The Dream Expert
    Jul 23 2019

    The Dream Expert 

    Barbara Condron began 


    ⠈⠈ Studying dreams in the 1960s, 


    ⠈⠈ Teaching in the 1970s, 


    ⠈⠈ Researching in the 1980s, 


    ⠈⠈ Organizing data in the 1990s, and


    ⠈⠈ Tracking global trends in the 2000s.   


    For her, dreaming is an advanced form of communication accessible while awake and asleep.   


    An author, teacher, and internationally-known speaker, Barbara has interpreted over 10,000 dreams for people from all walks of life and at all ages.  


    “Walking between the worlds as my dad departed his life with Lewy Body Dementia, made me a shaman,” she says.  


    Her rich background is bringing clear light to our human journey to understand life, death, and our continuing existence beyond.


    This episode of Graceful Healing is full of information and insight into your mind, body, and spirit. 

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    39 min
  • Why Is It So Hard To Ask For Help?
    Jul 16 2019

    Today Michele and I have a heart to heart discussion about why it's so darn hard to ask for help. Why is that?

    Is this a fairly new phenomenon or something that's been around for a long time but we're just now talking about it?

    Could it be cultural?

    No matter what the reasons there seem to be many reasons why it's so hard to ask for help!!!

    Clinical psychologist, Dr. Ellen Hendriksen states that "Asking for help can turn the most self-assured, square-shouldered among us into a nail-biting mess.  We may cast about vague wishes to no one in particular, blame others for our woes, or procrastinate until our problem has become an emergency.  You’d think asking for help would be preferable to all this misery, but taking action is tough for almost everyone."

    Why is that?

    Some of the things we discussed are: 

    • People love to help others!
    • We fear to admit that we're out of control.
    • Maybe you'll fear of being indebted or owing a favor?
    • Do you fear to look weak?
    • Maybe you are afraid of rejection...

    We have such an interesting discussion for you today!!!




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    35 min
  • EMOTIONAL RESOLUTION with Cedric Bertelli
    Jul 9 2019

    Cedric Bertelli is the founder and director of the Emotional Health Institute. 

    He began his training in Emotional Resolution in 2009 in France. Cedric grew up in a tiny village in France with a population of 80 and always suffered from anxiety. Later he became a well known culinary expert for the Ritz Carlton Hotels. Currently, he is an expert in emotional health using the Emotional Resolution method. 

    I'm in awe of what he's been able to accomplish in 10 short years!

    At the core of Emotional Resolution is the belief that we are all born with the physiological ability to resolve our own emotions permanently. 

    Most of us go through life, knowing we have difficulties and try various ways to meet them head-on. We all have tried many forms such as self-help techniques, professional help, or even self-medication. These may help for a time but only until there is another trigger to set the pattern back into motion. Triggers lead to disruptive emotional patterns: anger, stress, jealousy, phobias, anxiety, shame, avoidance, only to name a few.

    According to Bertelli, "Neuroscientists are beginning to understand that the body is wired to permanently resolve dysfunctional and negative emotional patterns... if we only allow it to do its natural job!"


    This is a fascinating discussion I know you don’t want to miss!

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    36 min
  • 36 - Rachel O'Rourke On How She Manifested Her Current Life
    Jun 3 2019

    Rachel O’Rourke is an inspiration for all. Her story is powerful!


    If you’ve ever wanted to redesign your life by reprogramming your thoughts and emotions, then you do not want to miss this episode.


    Listen as Rachel shares her unique history as a single parent with three small children and how she reset her mindset and achieved precisely what she wanted.


    Rachel creates her life! AND she shares exactly how to create your new life too.


    Using a combination of Visualization, Meditation AND Affirmations Rachel weaves a morning routine that is certain to change your life -FOREVER!


    Here are just some of the fantastic things you will hear from Rachel:


    • How she quit her job and launched her biz
    • How she has multiple businesses all making multi-six figures
    • How she began SPARK events
    • How she retired her husband
    • How she launched a podcast and started writing a book
    • How she finally found true happiness.


    Rachel believes you will get in life what you think is possible. You will undoubtedly hear that there is no stopping this incredible force of nature!



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    43 min